use of org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepProgramBuilder in project calcite by apache.
the class RelOptRulesTest method testEmptySort.
public void testEmptySort() {
HepProgram program = new HepProgramBuilder().addRuleInstance(ReduceExpressionsRule.FILTER_INSTANCE).addRuleInstance(PruneEmptyRules.SORT_INSTANCE).build();
checkPlanning(program, "select * from emp where false order by deptno");
use of org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepProgramBuilder in project calcite by apache.
the class RelOptRulesTest method testIntersectToDistinct.
* Tests {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.IntersectToDistinctRule},
* which rewrites an {@link Intersect} operator with 3 inputs.
public void testIntersectToDistinct() throws Exception {
HepProgram program = new HepProgramBuilder().addRuleInstance(UnionMergeRule.INTERSECT_INSTANCE).addRuleInstance(IntersectToDistinctRule.INSTANCE).build();
final String sql = "select * from emp where deptno = 10\n" + "intersect\n" + "select * from emp where deptno = 20\n" + "intersect\n" + "select * from emp where deptno = 30\n";
use of org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepProgramBuilder in project calcite by apache.
the class RelOptRulesTest method testCustomColumnResolvingInNonCorrelatedSubQuery.
public void testCustomColumnResolvingInNonCorrelatedSubQuery() {
final String sql = "select *\n" + "from struct.t t1\n" + "where c0 in (\n" + " select f1.c0 from struct.t t2)";
final HepProgram program = new HepProgramBuilder().addRuleInstance(SubQueryRemoveRule.PROJECT).addRuleInstance(SubQueryRemoveRule.FILTER).addRuleInstance(SubQueryRemoveRule.JOIN).build();
use of org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepProgramBuilder in project calcite by apache.
the class RelOptRulesTest method testHeterogeneousConversion.
public void testHeterogeneousConversion() throws Exception {
// This one tests the planner's ability to correctly
// apply different converters on top of a common
// sub-expression. The common sub-expression is the
// reference to the table sales.emps. On top of that
// are two projections, unioned at the top. For one
// of the projections, we force a Fennel implementation.
// For the other, we force a Java implementation.
// Then, we request conversion from Fennel to Java,
// and verify that it only applies to one usage of the
// table, not both (which would be incorrect).
HepProgram program = new HepProgramBuilder().addRuleInstance(TableScanRule.INSTANCE).addRuleInstance(ProjectToCalcRule.INSTANCE).addMatchLimit(1).addMatchLimit(HepProgram.MATCH_UNTIL_FIXPOINT).build();
checkPlanning(program, "select upper(ename) from emp union all" + " select lower(ename) from emp");
use of org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepProgramBuilder in project drill by axbaretto.
the class DefaultSqlHandler method transform.
* Transform RelNode to a new RelNode, targeting the provided set of traits. Also will log the outcome if asked.
* @param plannerType
* The type of Planner to use.
* @param phase
* The transformation phase we're running.
* @param input
* The origianl RelNode
* @param targetTraits
* The traits we are targeting for output.
* @param log
* Whether to log the planning phase.
* @return The transformed relnode.
protected RelNode transform(PlannerType plannerType, PlannerPhase phase, RelNode input, RelTraitSet targetTraits, boolean log) {
final Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
final RuleSet rules = config.getRules(phase);
final RelTraitSet toTraits = targetTraits.simplify();
final RelNode output;
switch(plannerType) {
case HEP:
final HepProgramBuilder hepPgmBldr = new HepProgramBuilder();
if (plannerType == PlannerType.HEP_BOTTOM_UP) {
for (RelOptRule rule : rules) {
// Set noDAG = true to avoid caching problems which lead to incorrect Drill work.
final HepPlanner planner = new HepPlanner(, context.getPlannerSettings(), true, null, RelOptCostImpl.FACTORY);
JaninoRelMetadataProvider relMetadataProvider = JaninoRelMetadataProvider.of(DrillDefaultRelMetadataProvider.INSTANCE);
// Modify RelMetaProvider for every RelNode in the SQL operator Rel tree.
input.accept(new MetaDataProviderModifier(relMetadataProvider));
if (!input.getTraitSet().equals(targetTraits)) {
planner.changeTraits(input, toTraits);
output = planner.findBestExp();
// as weird as it seems, the cluster's only planner is the volcano planner.
final RelOptPlanner planner = input.getCluster().getPlanner();
final Program program = Programs.of(rules);
Preconditions.checkArgument(planner instanceof VolcanoPlanner, "Cluster is expected to be constructed using VolcanoPlanner. Was actually of type %s.", planner.getClass().getName());
output =, input, toTraits, ImmutableList.<RelOptMaterialization>of(), ImmutableList.<RelOptLattice>of());
if (log) {
log(plannerType, phase, output, logger, watch);
return output;