use of org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode in project drill by apache.
the class StreamAggPrule method createTransformRequest.
private void createTransformRequest(RelOptRuleCall call, DrillAggregateRel aggregate, RelNode input, RelTraitSet traits) throws InvalidRelException {
final RelNode convertedInput = convert(input, traits);
StreamAggPrel newAgg = new StreamAggPrel(aggregate.getCluster(), traits, convertedInput, aggregate.indicator, aggregate.getGroupSet(), aggregate.getGroupSets(), aggregate.getAggCallList(), OperatorPhase.PHASE_1of1);
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode in project drill by apache.
the class LimitUnionExchangeTransposeRule method onMatch.
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final LimitPrel limit = (LimitPrel) call.rel(0);
final UnionExchangePrel unionExchangePrel = (UnionExchangePrel) call.rel(1);
RelNode child = unionExchangePrel.getInput();
final int offset = limit.getOffset() != null ? Math.max(0, RexLiteral.intValue(limit.getOffset())) : 0;
final int fetch = Math.max(0, RexLiteral.intValue(limit.getFetch()));
// child Limit uses conservative approach: use offset 0 and fetch = parent limit offset + parent limit fetch.
final RexNode childFetch = limit.getCluster().getRexBuilder().makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(offset + fetch));
final RelNode limitUnderExchange = new LimitPrel(child.getCluster(), child.getTraitSet(), child, null, childFetch);
final RelNode newUnionExch = new UnionExchangePrel(unionExchangePrel.getCluster(), unionExchangePrel.getTraitSet(), limitUnderExchange);
final RelNode limitAboveExchange = new LimitPrel(limit.getCluster(), limit.getTraitSet(), newUnionExch, limit.getOffset(), limit.getFetch(), true);
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode in project drill by apache.
the class SqlConverter method toRel.
public RelNode toRel(final SqlNode validatedNode) {
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = new DrillRexBuilder(typeFactory);
if (planner == null) {
planner = new VolcanoPlanner(costFactory, settings);
planner.setExecutor(new DrillConstExecutor(functions, util, settings));
final RelOptCluster cluster = RelOptCluster.create(planner, rexBuilder);
final SqlToRelConverter sqlToRelConverter = new SqlToRelConverter(new Expander(), validator, catalog, cluster, DrillConvertletTable.INSTANCE, sqlToRelConverterConfig);
final RelNode rel = sqlToRelConverter.convertQuery(validatedNode, false, !isInnerQuery);
final RelNode rel2 = sqlToRelConverter.flattenTypes(rel, true);
final RelNode rel3 = RelDecorrelator.decorrelateQuery(rel2);
return rel3;
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode in project drill by apache.
the class DefaultSqlHandler method convertToDrel.
* Given a relNode tree for SELECT statement, convert to Drill Logical RelNode tree.
* @param relNode
* @return
* @throws SqlUnsupportedException
* @throws RelConversionException
protected DrillRel convertToDrel(final RelNode relNode) throws SqlUnsupportedException, RelConversionException {
if (context.getOptions().getOption(ExecConstants.EARLY_LIMIT0_OPT) && context.getPlannerSettings().isTypeInferenceEnabled() && FindLimit0Visitor.containsLimit0(relNode)) {
// if the schema is known, return the schema directly
final DrillRel shorterPlan;
if ((shorterPlan = FindLimit0Visitor.getDirectScanRelIfFullySchemaed(relNode)) != null) {
return shorterPlan;
if (FindHardDistributionScans.canForceSingleMode(relNode)) {
// disable distributed mode
try {
final RelNode convertedRelNode;
// HEP Directory pruning .
final RelNode pruned = transform(PlannerType.HEP_BOTTOM_UP, PlannerPhase.DIRECTORY_PRUNING, relNode);
final RelTraitSet logicalTraits = pruned.getTraitSet().plus(DrillRel.DRILL_LOGICAL);
if (!context.getPlannerSettings().isHepOptEnabled()) {
// hep is disabled, use volcano
convertedRelNode = transform(PlannerType.VOLCANO, PlannerPhase.LOGICAL_PRUNE_AND_JOIN, pruned, logicalTraits);
} else {
final RelNode intermediateNode2;
if (context.getPlannerSettings().isHepPartitionPruningEnabled()) {
// hep is enabled and hep pruning is enabled.
final RelNode intermediateNode = transform(PlannerType.VOLCANO, PlannerPhase.LOGICAL, pruned, logicalTraits);
intermediateNode2 = transform(PlannerType.HEP_BOTTOM_UP, PlannerPhase.PARTITION_PRUNING, intermediateNode);
} else {
// Only hep is enabled
intermediateNode2 = transform(PlannerType.VOLCANO, PlannerPhase.LOGICAL_PRUNE, pruned, logicalTraits);
// Do Join Planning.
convertedRelNode = transform(PlannerType.HEP_BOTTOM_UP, PlannerPhase.JOIN_PLANNING, intermediateNode2);
// Convert SUM to $SUM0
final RelNode convertedRelNodeWithSum0 = transform(PlannerType.HEP_BOTTOM_UP, PlannerPhase.SUM_CONVERSION, convertedRelNode);
final DrillRel drillRel = (DrillRel) convertedRelNodeWithSum0;
if (drillRel instanceof DrillStoreRel) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} else {
// If the query contains a limit 0 clause, disable distributed mode since it is overkill for determining schema.
if (FindLimit0Visitor.containsLimit0(convertedRelNodeWithSum0) && FindHardDistributionScans.canForceSingleMode(convertedRelNodeWithSum0)) {
return drillRel;
} catch (RelOptPlanner.CannotPlanException ex) {
if (JoinUtils.checkCartesianJoin(relNode, new ArrayList<Integer>(), new ArrayList<Integer>(), new ArrayList<Boolean>())) {
throw new UnsupportedRelOperatorException("This query cannot be planned possibly due to either a cartesian join or an inequality join");
} else {
throw ex;
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode in project drill by apache.
the class DefaultSqlHandler method convertToRel.
private RelNode convertToRel(SqlNode node) throws RelConversionException {
final RelNode convertedNode = config.getConverter().toRel(node);
log("INITIAL", convertedNode, logger, null);
return transform(PlannerType.HEP, PlannerPhase.WINDOW_REWRITE, convertedNode);