use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexFieldAccess in project hive by apache.
the class HiveRelDecorrelator method checkCorVars.
* Checks whether the correlations in projRel and filter are related to
* the correlated variables provided by corRel.
* @param correlate Correlate
* @param project The original Project as the RHS input of the join
* @param filter Filter
* @param correlatedJoinKeys Correlated join keys
* @return true if filter and proj only references corVar provided by corRel
private boolean checkCorVars(LogicalCorrelate correlate, LogicalProject project, LogicalFilter filter, List<RexFieldAccess> correlatedJoinKeys) {
if (filter != null) {
assert correlatedJoinKeys != null;
// check that all correlated refs in the filter condition are
// used in the join(as field access).
Set<CorRef> corVarInFilter = Sets.newHashSet(cm.mapRefRelToCorRef.get(filter));
for (RexFieldAccess correlatedJoinKey : correlatedJoinKeys) {
if (!corVarInFilter.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// Check that the correlated variables referenced in these
// comparisons do come from the correlatorRel.
for (CorRef corVar : corVarInFilter) {
if (cm.mapCorToCorRel.get(corVar.corr) != correlate) {
return false;
// of the correlate.
if ((project != null) && cm.mapRefRelToCorRef.containsKey(project)) {
for (CorRef corVar : cm.mapRefRelToCorRef.get(project)) {
if (cm.mapCorToCorRel.get(corVar.corr) != correlate) {
return false;
return true;
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexFieldAccess in project hive by apache.
the class HiveRelDecorrelator method checkCorVars.
* Checks whether the correlations in projRel and filter are related to
* the correlated variables provided by corRel.
* @param correlate Correlate
* @param project The original Project as the RHS input of the join
* @param filter Filter
* @param correlatedJoinKeys Correlated join keys
* @return true if filter and proj only references corVar provided by corRel
private boolean checkCorVars(LogicalCorrelate correlate, Project project, Filter filter, List<RexFieldAccess> correlatedJoinKeys) {
if (filter != null) {
assert correlatedJoinKeys != null;
// check that all correlated refs in the filter condition are
// used in the join(as field access).
Set<CorRef> corVarInFilter = Sets.newHashSet(cm.mapRefRelToCorRef.get(filter));
for (RexFieldAccess correlatedJoinKey : correlatedJoinKeys) {
if (!corVarInFilter.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// Check that the correlated variables referenced in these
// comparisons do come from the correlatorRel.
for (CorRef corVar : corVarInFilter) {
if (cm.mapCorToCorRel.get(corVar.corr) != correlate) {
return false;
// of the correlate.
if ((project != null) && cm.mapRefRelToCorRef.containsKey(project)) {
for (CorRef corVar : cm.mapRefRelToCorRef.get(project)) {
if (cm.mapCorToCorRel.get(corVar.corr) != correlate) {
return false;
return true;
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexFieldAccess in project hive by apache.
the class CalcitePlanner method genAllRexNode.
* Generates all of the Calcite {@link RexNode}s for the expression and children of it
* passed in the arguments. This function uses the row resolver and the metadata information
* that are passed as arguments to resolve the column names to internal names.
* @param expr
* The expression
* @param input
* The row resolver
* @param tcCtx
* Customized type-checking context
* @return expression to exprNodeDesc mapping
* @throws SemanticException Failed to evaluate expression
Map<ASTNode, RexNode> genAllRexNode(ASTNode expr, RowResolver input, TypeCheckCtx tcCtx) throws SemanticException {
// Create the walker and the rules dispatcher.
Map<ASTNode, RexNode> nodeOutputs = RexNodeTypeCheck.genExprNode(expr, tcCtx);
RexNode desc = nodeOutputs.get(expr);
if (desc == null) {
String tableOrCol = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(0).getText());
ColumnInfo colInfo = input.get(null, tableOrCol);
String errMsg;
if (colInfo == null && input.getIsExprResolver()) {
errMsg = ASTErrorUtils.getMsg(ErrorMsg.NON_KEY_EXPR_IN_GROUPBY.getMsg(), expr);
} else {
errMsg = tcCtx.getError();
throw new SemanticException(Optional.ofNullable(errMsg).orElse("Error in parsing "));
if (desc instanceof HiveRexExprList) {
throw new SemanticException("TOK_ALLCOLREF is not supported in current context");
if (!unparseTranslator.isEnabled()) {
// Not creating a view, so no need to track view expansions.
return nodeOutputs;
List<ASTNode> fieldDescList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<ASTNode, RexNode> entry : nodeOutputs.entrySet()) {
if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof RexInputRef)) {
// struct<>.
if (entry.getValue() instanceof RexFieldAccess) {
ASTNode node = entry.getKey();
RexInputRef columnDesc = (RexInputRef) entry.getValue();
int index = columnDesc.getIndex();
String[] tmp;
if (index < input.getColumnInfos().size()) {
ColumnInfo columnInfo = input.getColumnInfos().get(index);
if (columnInfo.getTabAlias() == null || columnInfo.getTabAlias().length() == 0) {
// internal expressions used in the representation of aggregation.
tmp = input.reverseLookup(columnInfo.getInternalName());
} else {
// in subquery case, tmp may be from outside.
ColumnInfo columnInfo = tcCtx.getOuterRR().getColumnInfos().get(index - input.getColumnInfos().size());
if (columnInfo.getTabAlias() == null || columnInfo.getTabAlias().length() == 0) {
tmp = tcCtx.getOuterRR().reverseLookup(columnInfo.getInternalName());
StringBuilder replacementText = new StringBuilder();
replacementText.append(HiveUtils.unparseIdentifier(tmp[0], conf));
replacementText.append(HiveUtils.unparseIdentifier(tmp[1], conf));
unparseTranslator.addTranslation(node, replacementText.toString());
for (ASTNode node : fieldDescList) {
Map<ASTNode, String> map = translateFieldDesc(node);
for (Entry<ASTNode, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
unparseTranslator.addTranslation(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toLowerCase());
return nodeOutputs;
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexFieldAccess in project hive by apache.
the class CorrelateProjectExtractor method visit.
public RelNode visit(LogicalCorrelate correlate) {
RelNode left = correlate.getLeft().accept(this);
RelNode right = correlate.getRight().accept(this);
int oldLeft = left.getRowType().getFieldCount();
// Find the correlated expressions from the right side that can be moved to the left
Set<RexNode> callsWithCorrelationInRight = findCorrelationDependentCalls(correlate.getCorrelationId(), right);
boolean isTrivialCorrelation = -> exp instanceof RexFieldAccess);
// Early exit condition
if (isTrivialCorrelation) {
if (correlate.getLeft().equals(left) && correlate.getRight().equals(right)) {
return correlate;
} else {
return correlate.copy(correlate.getTraitSet(), left, right, correlate.getCorrelationId(), correlate.getRequiredColumns(), correlate.getJoinType());
RelBuilder builder = builderFactory.create(correlate.getCluster(), null);
// Transform the correlated expression from the right side to an expression over the left side
List<RexNode> callsWithCorrelationOverLeft = new ArrayList<>();
for (RexNode callInRight : callsWithCorrelationInRight) {
callsWithCorrelationOverLeft.add(replaceCorrelationsWithInputRef(callInRight, builder));
// Construct the mapping to transform the expressions in the right side based on the new
// projection in the left side.
Map<RexNode, RexNode> transformMapping = new HashMap<>();
for (RexNode callInRight : callsWithCorrelationInRight) {
RexBuilder xb = builder.getRexBuilder();
RexNode v = xb.makeCorrel(builder.peek().getRowType(), correlate.getCorrelationId());
RexNode flatCorrelationInRight = xb.makeFieldAccess(v, oldLeft + transformMapping.size());
transformMapping.put(callInRight, flatCorrelationInRight);
// Select the required fields/columns from the left side of the correlation. Based on the code
// above all these fields should be at the end of the left relational expression.
List<RexNode> requiredFields = builder.fields(ImmutableBitSet.range(oldLeft, oldLeft + callsWithCorrelationOverLeft.size()).asList());
final int newLeft = builder.fields().size();
// Transform the expressions in the right side using the mapping constructed earlier.
right = replaceExpressionsUsingMap(right, transformMapping);
builder.correlate(correlate.getJoinType(), correlate.getCorrelationId(), requiredFields);
// Remove the additional fields that were added for the needs of the correlation to keep the old
// and new plan equivalent.
List<Integer> retainFields;
switch(correlate.getJoinType()) {
case SEMI:
case ANTI:
retainFields = ImmutableBitSet.range(0, oldLeft).asList();
case LEFT:
case INNER:
retainFields = ImmutableBitSet.builder().set(0, oldLeft).set(newLeft, newLeft + right.getRowType().getFieldCount()).build().asList();
throw new AssertionError(correlate.getJoinType());
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexFieldAccess in project beam by apache.
the class BeamUnnestRule method onMatch.
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
LogicalCorrelate correlate = call.rel(0);
RelNode outer = call.rel(1);
RelNode uncollect = call.rel(2);
if (correlate.getCorrelationId().getId() != 0) {
// Only one level of correlation nesting is supported
if (correlate.getRequiredColumns().cardinality() != 1) {
// can only unnest a single column
if (correlate.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER) {
if (!(uncollect instanceof Uncollect)) {
// Drop projection
uncollect = ((SingleRel) uncollect).getInput();
if (uncollect instanceof RelSubset) {
uncollect = ((RelSubset) uncollect).getOriginal();
if (!(uncollect instanceof Uncollect)) {
RelNode project = ((Uncollect) uncollect).getInput();
if (project instanceof RelSubset) {
project = ((RelSubset) project).getOriginal();
if (!(project instanceof LogicalProject)) {
if (((LogicalProject) project).getProjects().size() != 1) {
// can only unnest a single column
RexNode exp = ((LogicalProject) project).getProjects().get(0);
if (!(exp instanceof RexFieldAccess)) {
RexFieldAccess fieldAccess = (RexFieldAccess) exp;
// Innermost field index comes first (e.g. struct.field1.field2 => [2, 1])
ImmutableList.Builder<Integer> fieldAccessIndices = ImmutableList.builder();
while (true) {
if (!(fieldAccess.getReferenceExpr() instanceof RexFieldAccess)) {
fieldAccess = (RexFieldAccess) fieldAccess.getReferenceExpr();
call.transformTo(new BeamUnnestRel(correlate.getCluster(), correlate.getTraitSet().replace(BeamLogicalConvention.INSTANCE), convert(outer, outer.getTraitSet().replace(BeamLogicalConvention.INSTANCE)), call.rel(2).getRowType(),;