use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project drill by apache.
the class NumberingRelWriter method done.
public RelWriter done(RelNode node) {
int i = 0;
if (values.size() > 0 && values.get(0).left.equals("subset")) {
for (RelNode input : node.getInputs()) {
assert values.get(i).right == input;
for (RexNode expr : node.getChildExps()) {
assert values.get(i).right == expr;
final List<Pair<String, Object>> valuesCopy = ImmutableList.copyOf(values);
explain_(node, valuesCopy);
return this;
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project drill by apache.
the class DrillReduceAggregatesRule method reduceStddev.
private RexNode reduceStddev(Aggregate oldAggRel, AggregateCall oldCall, boolean biased, boolean sqrt, List<AggregateCall> newCalls, Map<AggregateCall, RexNode> aggCallMapping, List<RexNode> inputExprs) {
// stddev_pop(x) ==>
// power(
// (sum(x * x) - sum(x) * sum(x) / count(x))
// / count(x),
// .5)
// stddev_samp(x) ==>
// power(
// (sum(x * x) - sum(x) * sum(x) / count(x))
// / nullif(count(x) - 1, 0),
// .5)
final PlannerSettings plannerSettings = (PlannerSettings) oldAggRel.getCluster().getPlanner().getContext();
final boolean isInferenceEnabled = plannerSettings.isTypeInferenceEnabled();
final int nGroups = oldAggRel.getGroupCount();
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = oldAggRel.getCluster().getTypeFactory();
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = oldAggRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
assert oldCall.getArgList().size() == 1 : oldCall.getArgList();
final int argOrdinal = oldCall.getArgList().get(0);
final RelDataType argType = getFieldType(oldAggRel.getInput(), argOrdinal);
// final RexNode argRef = inputExprs.get(argOrdinal);
RexNode argRef = rexBuilder.makeCall(CastHighOp, inputExprs.get(argOrdinal));
inputExprs.set(argOrdinal, argRef);
final RexNode argSquared = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.MULTIPLY, argRef, argRef);
final int argSquaredOrdinal = lookupOrAdd(inputExprs, argSquared);
final RelDataType sumType = typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(argType, true);
final AggregateCall sumArgSquaredAggCall = AggregateCall.create(new SqlSumAggFunction(sumType), oldCall.isDistinct(), ImmutableIntList.of(argSquaredOrdinal), -1, sumType, null);
final RexNode sumArgSquared = rexBuilder.addAggCall(sumArgSquaredAggCall, nGroups, oldAggRel.indicator, newCalls, aggCallMapping, ImmutableList.of(argType));
final AggregateCall sumArgAggCall = AggregateCall.create(new SqlSumAggFunction(sumType), oldCall.isDistinct(), ImmutableIntList.of(argOrdinal), -1, sumType, null);
final RexNode sumArg = rexBuilder.addAggCall(sumArgAggCall, nGroups, oldAggRel.indicator, newCalls, aggCallMapping, ImmutableList.of(argType));
final RexNode sumSquaredArg = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.MULTIPLY, sumArg, sumArg);
final SqlCountAggFunction countAgg = (SqlCountAggFunction) SqlStdOperatorTable.COUNT;
final RelDataType countType = countAgg.getReturnType(typeFactory);
final AggregateCall countArgAggCall = AggregateCall.create(countAgg, oldCall.isDistinct(), oldCall.getArgList(), -1, countType, null);
final RexNode countArg = rexBuilder.addAggCall(countArgAggCall, nGroups, oldAggRel.indicator, newCalls, aggCallMapping, ImmutableList.of(argType));
final RexNode avgSumSquaredArg = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.DIVIDE, sumSquaredArg, countArg);
final RexNode diff = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.MINUS, sumArgSquared, avgSumSquaredArg);
final RexNode denominator;
if (biased) {
denominator = countArg;
} else {
final RexLiteral one = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.ONE);
final RexNode nul = rexBuilder.makeNullLiteral(countArg.getType().getSqlTypeName());
final RexNode countMinusOne = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.MINUS, countArg, one);
final RexNode countEqOne = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.EQUALS, countArg, one);
denominator = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.CASE, countEqOne, nul, countMinusOne);
final SqlOperator divide;
if (isInferenceEnabled) {
divide = new DrillSqlOperator("divide", 2, true, oldCall.getType(), false);
} else {
divide = SqlStdOperatorTable.DIVIDE;
final RexNode div = rexBuilder.makeCall(divide, diff, denominator);
RexNode result = div;
if (sqrt) {
final RexNode half = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(new BigDecimal("0.5"));
result = rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.POWER, div, half);
if (isInferenceEnabled) {
return result;
} else {
* Currently calcite's strategy to infer the return type of aggregate functions
* is wrong because it uses the first known argument to determine output type. For
* instance if we are performing stddev on an integer column then it interprets the
* output type to be integer which is incorrect as it should be double. So based on
* this if we add cast after rewriting the aggregate we add an additional cast which
* would cause wrong results. So we simply add a cast to ANY.
return rexBuilder.makeCast(typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.ANY), result);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project drill by apache.
the class DrillPushProjIntoScan method onMatch.
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final Project proj = (Project) call.rel(0);
final TableScan scan = (TableScan) call.rel(1);
try {
ProjectPushInfo columnInfo = PrelUtil.getColumns(scan.getRowType(), proj.getProjects());
// get DrillTable, either wrapped in RelOptTable, or DrillTranslatableTable.
DrillTable table = scan.getTable().unwrap(DrillTable.class);
if (table == null) {
table = scan.getTable().unwrap(DrillTranslatableTable.class).getDrillTable();
if (//
columnInfo == null || columnInfo.isStarQuery() || !//
table.getGroupScan().canPushdownProjects(columnInfo.columns)) {
final DrillScanRel newScan = new DrillScanRel(scan.getCluster(), scan.getTraitSet().plus(DrillRel.DRILL_LOGICAL), scan.getTable(), columnInfo.createNewRowType(proj.getInput().getCluster().getTypeFactory()), columnInfo.columns);
List<RexNode> newProjects = Lists.newArrayList();
for (RexNode n : proj.getChildExps()) {
final DrillProjectRel newProj = new DrillProjectRel(proj.getCluster(), proj.getTraitSet().plus(DrillRel.DRILL_LOGICAL), newScan, newProjects, proj.getRowType());
if (ProjectRemoveRule.isTrivial(newProj)) {
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DrillRuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project drill by apache.
the class DrillReduceAggregatesRule method reduceSum.
private RexNode reduceSum(Aggregate oldAggRel, AggregateCall oldCall, List<AggregateCall> newCalls, Map<AggregateCall, RexNode> aggCallMapping) {
final PlannerSettings plannerSettings = (PlannerSettings) oldAggRel.getCluster().getPlanner().getContext();
final boolean isInferenceEnabled = plannerSettings.isTypeInferenceEnabled();
final int nGroups = oldAggRel.getGroupCount();
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = oldAggRel.getCluster().getTypeFactory();
RexBuilder rexBuilder = oldAggRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
int arg = oldCall.getArgList().get(0);
RelDataType argType = getFieldType(oldAggRel.getInput(), arg);
final RelDataType sumType;
final SqlAggFunction sumZeroAgg;
if (isInferenceEnabled) {
sumType = oldCall.getType();
sumZeroAgg = new DrillCalciteSqlAggFunctionWrapper(new SqlSumEmptyIsZeroAggFunction(), sumType);
} else {
sumType = typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(argType, argType.isNullable());
sumZeroAgg = new SqlSumEmptyIsZeroAggFunction();
AggregateCall sumZeroCall = AggregateCall.create(sumZeroAgg, oldCall.isDistinct(), oldCall.getArgList(), -1, sumType, null);
final SqlCountAggFunction countAgg = (SqlCountAggFunction) SqlStdOperatorTable.COUNT;
final RelDataType countType = countAgg.getReturnType(typeFactory);
AggregateCall countCall = AggregateCall.create(countAgg, oldCall.isDistinct(), oldCall.getArgList(), -1, countType, null);
// NOTE: these references are with respect to the output
// of newAggRel
RexNode sumZeroRef = rexBuilder.addAggCall(sumZeroCall, nGroups, oldAggRel.indicator, newCalls, aggCallMapping, ImmutableList.of(argType));
if (!oldCall.getType().isNullable()) {
// null). Therefore we translate to SUM0(x).
return sumZeroRef;
RexNode countRef = rexBuilder.addAggCall(countCall, nGroups, oldAggRel.indicator, newCalls, aggCallMapping, ImmutableList.of(argType));
return rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.CASE, rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.EQUALS, countRef, rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.ZERO)), rexBuilder.constantNull(), sumZeroRef);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project drill by apache.
the class RewriteAsBinaryOperators method visitCall.
public RexNode visitCall(RexCall call) {
SqlOperator op = call.getOperator();
SqlKind kind = op.getKind();
RelDataType type = call.getType();
if (kind == SqlKind.OR || kind == SqlKind.AND) {
if (call.getOperands().size() > 2) {
List<RexNode> children = new ArrayList<>(call.getOperands());
RexNode left = children.remove(0).accept(this);
RexNode right = builder.makeCall(type, op, children).accept(this);
return builder.makeCall(type, op, ImmutableList.of(left, right));
return builder.makeCall(type, op, visitChildren(call));