use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project hive by apache.
the class HiveCalciteUtil method getTypeSafePred.
public static RexNode getTypeSafePred(RelOptCluster cluster, RexNode rex, RelDataType rType) {
RexNode typeSafeRex = rex;
if ((typeSafeRex instanceof RexCall) && HiveCalciteUtil.isComparisonOp((RexCall) typeSafeRex)) {
RexBuilder rb = cluster.getRexBuilder();
List<RexNode> fixedPredElems = new ArrayList<RexNode>();
RelDataType commonType = cluster.getTypeFactory().leastRestrictive(RexUtil.types(((RexCall) rex).getOperands()));
for (RexNode rn : ((RexCall) rex).getOperands()) {
fixedPredElems.add(rb.ensureType(commonType, rn, true));
typeSafeRex = rb.makeCall(((RexCall) typeSafeRex).getOperator(), fixedPredElems);
return typeSafeRex;
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project hive by apache.
the class HiveCalciteUtil method getPredsNotPushedAlready.
* Given a list of predicates to push down, this methods returns the set of predicates
* that still need to be pushed. Predicates need to be pushed because 1) their String
* representation is not included in input set of predicates to exclude, or 2) they are
* already in the subtree rooted at the input node.
* This method updates the set of predicates to exclude with the String representation
* of the predicates in the output and in the subtree.
* @param predicatesToExclude String representation of predicates that should be excluded
* @param inp root of the subtree
* @param predsToPushDown candidate predicates to push down through the subtree
* @return list of predicates to push down
public static ImmutableList<RexNode> getPredsNotPushedAlready(Set<String> predicatesToExclude, RelNode inp, List<RexNode> predsToPushDown) {
// Bail out if there is nothing to push
if (predsToPushDown.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
// Build map to not convert multiple times, further remove already included predicates
Map<String, RexNode> stringToRexNode = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (RexNode r : predsToPushDown) {
String rexNodeString = r.toString();
if (predicatesToExclude.add(rexNodeString)) {
stringToRexNode.put(rexNodeString, r);
if (stringToRexNode.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
// Finally exclude preds that are already in the subtree as given by the metadata provider
// Note: this is the last step, trying to avoid the expensive call to the metadata provider
// if possible
Set<String> predicatesInSubtree = Sets.newHashSet();
for (RexNode pred : RelMetadataQuery.instance().getPulledUpPredicates(inp).pulledUpPredicates) {
predicatesInSubtree.addAll(Lists.transform(RelOptUtil.conjunctions(pred), REX_STR_FN));
final ImmutableList.Builder<RexNode> newConjuncts = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Entry<String, RexNode> e : stringToRexNode.entrySet()) {
if (predicatesInSubtree.add(e.getKey())) {
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project hive by apache.
the class HiveCalciteUtil method getExprNode.
public static ExprNodeDesc getExprNode(Integer inputRefIndx, RelNode inputRel, ExprNodeConverter exprConv) {
ExprNodeDesc exprNode = null;
RexNode rexInputRef = new RexInputRef(inputRefIndx, inputRel.getRowType().getFieldList().get(inputRefIndx).getType());
exprNode = rexInputRef.accept(exprConv);
return exprNode;
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project hive by apache.
the class HiveRexExecutorImpl method reduce.
public void reduce(RexBuilder rexBuilder, List<RexNode> constExps, List<RexNode> reducedValues) {
RexNodeConverter rexNodeConverter = new RexNodeConverter(cluster);
for (RexNode rexNode : constExps) {
// initialize the converter
ExprNodeConverter converter = new ExprNodeConverter("", null, null, null, new HashSet<Integer>(), cluster.getTypeFactory());
// convert RexNode to ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc
ExprNodeDesc expr = rexNode.accept(converter);
if (expr instanceof ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) {
// folding the constant
ExprNodeDesc constant = ConstantPropagateProcFactory.foldExpr((ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) expr);
if (constant != null) {
try {
// convert constant back to RexNode
reducedValues.add(rexNodeConverter.convert((ExprNodeConstantDesc) constant));
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
} else {
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode in project hive by apache.
the class PlanModifierForASTConv method replaceEmptyGroupAggr.
private static void replaceEmptyGroupAggr(final RelNode rel, RelNode parent) {
// If this function is called, the parent should only include constant
List<RexNode> exps = parent.getChildExps();
for (RexNode rexNode : exps) {
if (!rexNode.accept(new HiveCalciteUtil.ConstantFinder())) {
throw new RuntimeException("We expect " + parent.toString() + " to contain only constants. However, " + rexNode.toString() + " is " + rexNode.getKind());
HiveAggregate oldAggRel = (HiveAggregate) rel;
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = oldAggRel.getCluster().getTypeFactory();
RelDataType longType = TypeConverter.convert(TypeInfoFactory.longTypeInfo, typeFactory);
RelDataType intType = TypeConverter.convert(TypeInfoFactory.intTypeInfo, typeFactory);
// Create the dummy aggregation.
SqlAggFunction countFn = SqlFunctionConverter.getCalciteAggFn("count", false, ImmutableList.of(intType), longType);
// TODO: Using 0 might be wrong; might need to walk down to find the
// proper index of a dummy.
List<Integer> argList = ImmutableList.of(0);
AggregateCall dummyCall = new AggregateCall(countFn, false, argList, longType, null);
Aggregate newAggRel = oldAggRel.copy(oldAggRel.getTraitSet(), oldAggRel.getInput(), oldAggRel.indicator, oldAggRel.getGroupSet(), oldAggRel.getGroupSets(), ImmutableList.of(dummyCall));
RelNode select = introduceDerivedTable(newAggRel);
parent.replaceInput(0, select);