use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexProgramBuilder in project apex-malhar by apache.
the class ExpressionCompiler method getExpression.
* Create quasi-Java expression from given {@link RexNode}
* @param node Expression in the form of {@link RexNode}
* @param inputRowType Input Data type to expression in the form of {@link RelDataType}
* @param outputRowType Output data type of expression in the form of {@link RelDataType}
* @return Returns quasi-Java expression
public String getExpression(RexNode node, RelDataType inputRowType, RelDataType outputRowType) {
final RexProgramBuilder programBuilder = new RexProgramBuilder(inputRowType, rexBuilder);
programBuilder.addProject(node, null);
final RexProgram program = programBuilder.getProgram();
final BlockBuilder builder = new BlockBuilder();
final JavaTypeFactory javaTypeFactory = (JavaTypeFactory) rexBuilder.getTypeFactory();
final RexToLixTranslator.InputGetter inputGetter = new RexToLixTranslator.InputGetterImpl(ImmutableList.of(Pair.<Expression, PhysType>of(Expressions.variable(Object[].class, "inputValues"), PhysTypeImpl.of(javaTypeFactory, inputRowType, JavaRowFormat.ARRAY, false))));
final Function1<String, RexToLixTranslator.InputGetter> correlates = new Function1<String, RexToLixTranslator.InputGetter>() {
public RexToLixTranslator.InputGetter apply(String a0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final List<Expression> list = RexToLixTranslator.translateProjects(program, javaTypeFactory, builder, PhysTypeImpl.of(javaTypeFactory, outputRowType, JavaRowFormat.ARRAY, false), null, inputGetter, correlates);
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Statement statement = Expressions.statement(list.get(i));
return finalizeExpression(builder.toBlock(), inputRowType);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexProgramBuilder in project calcite by apache.
the class EnumerableThetaJoin method predicate.
Expression predicate(EnumerableRelImplementor implementor, BlockBuilder builder, PhysType leftPhysType, PhysType rightPhysType, RexNode condition) {
final ParameterExpression left_ = Expressions.parameter(leftPhysType.getJavaRowType(), "left");
final ParameterExpression right_ = Expressions.parameter(rightPhysType.getJavaRowType(), "right");
final RexProgramBuilder program = new RexProgramBuilder(implementor.getTypeFactory().builder().addAll(left.getRowType().getFieldList()).addAll(right.getRowType().getFieldList()).build(), getCluster().getRexBuilder());
builder.add(Expressions.return_(null, RexToLixTranslator.translateCondition(program.getProgram(), implementor.getTypeFactory(), builder, new RexToLixTranslator.InputGetterImpl(ImmutableList.of(Pair.of((Expression) left_, leftPhysType), Pair.of((Expression) right_, rightPhysType))), implementor.allCorrelateVariables)));
return Expressions.lambda(Predicate2.class, builder.toBlock(), left_, right_);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexProgramBuilder in project calcite by apache.
the class EnumerableFilterToCalcRule method onMatch.
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final EnumerableFilter filter = call.rel(0);
final RelNode input = filter.getInput();
// Create a program containing a filter.
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = filter.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
final RelDataType inputRowType = input.getRowType();
final RexProgramBuilder programBuilder = new RexProgramBuilder(inputRowType, rexBuilder);
final RexProgram program = programBuilder.getProgram();
final EnumerableCalc calc = EnumerableCalc.create(input, program);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexProgramBuilder in project calcite by apache.
the class ProjectCalcMergeRule method onMatch.
// ~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final LogicalProject project = call.rel(0);
final LogicalCalc calc = call.rel(1);
// Don't merge a project which contains windowed aggregates onto a
// calc. That would effectively be pushing a windowed aggregate down
// through a filter. Transform the project into an identical calc,
// which we'll have chance to merge later, after the over is
// expanded.
final RelOptCluster cluster = project.getCluster();
RexProgram program = RexProgram.create(calc.getRowType(), project.getProjects(), null, project.getRowType(), cluster.getRexBuilder());
if (RexOver.containsOver(program)) {
LogicalCalc projectAsCalc = LogicalCalc.create(calc, program);
// Create a program containing the project node's expressions.
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();
final RexProgramBuilder progBuilder = new RexProgramBuilder(calc.getRowType(), rexBuilder);
for (Pair<RexNode, String> field : project.getNamedProjects()) {
progBuilder.addProject(field.left, field.right);
RexProgram topProgram = progBuilder.getProgram();
RexProgram bottomProgram = calc.getProgram();
// Merge the programs together.
RexProgram mergedProgram = RexProgramBuilder.mergePrograms(topProgram, bottomProgram, rexBuilder);
final LogicalCalc newCalc = LogicalCalc.create(calc.getInput(), mergedProgram);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexProgramBuilder in project calcite by apache.
the class SemiJoinProjectTransposeRule method adjustCondition.
* Pulls the project above the semijoin and returns the resulting semijoin
* condition. As a result, the semijoin condition should be modified such
* that references to the LHS of a semijoin should now reference the
* children of the project that's on the LHS.
* @param project LogicalProject on the LHS of the semijoin
* @param semiJoin the semijoin
* @return the modified semijoin condition
private RexNode adjustCondition(LogicalProject project, SemiJoin semiJoin) {
// create two RexPrograms -- the bottom one representing a
// concatenation of the project and the RHS of the semijoin and the
// top one representing the semijoin condition
RexBuilder rexBuilder = project.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = rexBuilder.getTypeFactory();
RelNode rightChild = semiJoin.getRight();
// for the bottom RexProgram, the input is a concatenation of the
// child of the project and the RHS of the semijoin
RelDataType bottomInputRowType = SqlValidatorUtil.deriveJoinRowType(project.getInput().getRowType(), rightChild.getRowType(), JoinRelType.INNER, typeFactory, null, semiJoin.getSystemFieldList());
RexProgramBuilder bottomProgramBuilder = new RexProgramBuilder(bottomInputRowType, rexBuilder);
// of the semijoin
for (Pair<RexNode, String> pair : project.getNamedProjects()) {
bottomProgramBuilder.addProject(pair.left, pair.right);
int nLeftFields = project.getInput().getRowType().getFieldCount();
List<RelDataTypeField> rightFields = rightChild.getRowType().getFieldList();
int nRightFields = rightFields.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nRightFields; i++) {
final RelDataTypeField field = rightFields.get(i);
RexNode inputRef = rexBuilder.makeInputRef(field.getType(), i + nLeftFields);
bottomProgramBuilder.addProject(inputRef, field.getName());
RexProgram bottomProgram = bottomProgramBuilder.getProgram();
// input rowtype into the top program is the concatenation of the
// project and the RHS of the semijoin
RelDataType topInputRowType = SqlValidatorUtil.deriveJoinRowType(project.getRowType(), rightChild.getRowType(), JoinRelType.INNER, typeFactory, null, semiJoin.getSystemFieldList());
RexProgramBuilder topProgramBuilder = new RexProgramBuilder(topInputRowType, rexBuilder);
RexProgram topProgram = topProgramBuilder.getProgram();
// merge the programs and expand out the local references to form
// the new semijoin condition; it now references a concatenation of
// the project's child and the RHS of the semijoin
RexProgram mergedProgram = RexProgramBuilder.mergePrograms(topProgram, bottomProgram, rexBuilder);
return mergedProgram.expandLocalRef(mergedProgram.getCondition());