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Example 56 with SqlCall

use of org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall in project drill by axbaretto.

the class UnsupportedOperatorsVisitor method detectMultiplePartitions.

 * Disable multiple partitions in a SELECT-CLAUSE
 * If multiple partitions are defined in the query,
 * SqlUnsupportedException would be thrown to inform
 * @param sqlSelect SELECT-CLAUSE in the query
private void detectMultiplePartitions(SqlSelect sqlSelect) {
    for (SqlNode nodeInSelectList : sqlSelect.getSelectList()) {
        // enter the first operand of AS operator
        if (nodeInSelectList.getKind() == SqlKind.AS && (((SqlCall) nodeInSelectList).getOperandList().get(0).getKind() == SqlKind.OVER)) {
            nodeInSelectList = ((SqlCall) nodeInSelectList).getOperandList().get(0);
        if (nodeInSelectList.getKind() != SqlKind.OVER) {
        // This is used to keep track of the window function which has been defined
        SqlNode definedWindow = null;
        SqlNode window = ((SqlCall) nodeInSelectList).operand(1);
        // which is defined in the window list
        if (window instanceof SqlIdentifier) {
            // Expand the SqlIdentifier as the expression defined in the window list
            for (SqlNode sqlNode : sqlSelect.getWindowList()) {
                if (((SqlWindow) sqlNode).getDeclName().equalsDeep(window, false)) {
                    window = sqlNode;
            assert !(window instanceof SqlIdentifier) : "Identifier should have been expanded as a window defined in the window list";
        // In a SELECT-SCOPE, only a partition can be defined
        if (definedWindow == null) {
            definedWindow = window;
        } else {
            if (!definedWindow.equalsDeep(window, false)) {
                unsupportedOperatorCollector.setException(SqlUnsupportedException.ExceptionType.FUNCTION, "Multiple window definitions in a single SELECT list is not currently supported \n" + "See Apache Drill JIRA: DRILL-3196");
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Also used : SqlCall(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall) SqlIdentifier(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier) SqlNode(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode)

Example 57 with SqlCall

use of org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall in project calcite by apache.

the class SqlPrettyWriterTest method assertExprPrintsTo.

protected void assertExprPrintsTo(boolean newlines, final String sql, String expected) {
    final SqlCall valuesCall = (SqlCall) parseQuery("VALUES (" + sql + ")");
    final SqlCall rowCall = valuesCall.operand(0);
    final SqlNode node = rowCall.operand(0);
    final SqlPrettyWriter prettyWriter = new SqlPrettyWriter(AnsiSqlDialect.DEFAULT);
    if (newlines) {
    String actual = prettyWriter.format(node);
    getDiffRepos().assertEquals("formatted", expected, actual);
    // Now parse the result, and make sure it is structurally equivalent
    // to the original.
    final String actual2 = actual.replaceAll("`", "\"");
    final SqlNode valuesCall2 = parseQuery("VALUES (" + actual2 + ")");
    assertTrue(valuesCall.equalsDeep(valuesCall2, Litmus.THROW));
Also used : SqlCall(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall) SqlPrettyWriter(org.apache.calcite.sql.pretty.SqlPrettyWriter) SqlNode(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode)

Example 58 with SqlCall

use of org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall in project calcite by apache.

the class SqlTesterImpl method buildQuery2.

 * Builds a query that extracts all literals as columns in an underlying
 * select.
 * <p>For example,</p>
 * <blockquote>{@code 1 < 5}</blockquote>
 * <p>becomes</p>
 * <blockquote>{@code SELECT p0 < p1
 * FROM (VALUES (1, 5)) AS t(p0, p1)}</blockquote>
 * <p>Null literals don't have enough type information to be extracted.
 * We push down {@code CAST(NULL AS type)} but raw nulls such as
 * {@code CASE 1 WHEN 2 THEN 'a' ELSE NULL END} are left as is.</p>
 * @param expression Scalar expression
 * @return Query that evaluates a scalar expression
private String buildQuery2(String expression) {
    // "values (1 < 5)"
    // becomes
    // "select p0 < p1 from (values (1, 5)) as t(p0, p1)"
    SqlNode x;
    final String sql = "values (" + expression + ")";
    try {
        x = parseQuery(sql);
    } catch (SqlParseException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    final Collection<SqlNode> literalSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    x.accept(new SqlShuttle() {

        private final List<SqlOperator> ops = ImmutableList.of(SqlStdOperatorTable.LITERAL_CHAIN, SqlStdOperatorTable.LOCALTIME, SqlStdOperatorTable.LOCALTIMESTAMP, SqlStdOperatorTable.CURRENT_TIME, SqlStdOperatorTable.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);

        public SqlNode visit(SqlLiteral literal) {
            if (!isNull(literal) && literal.getTypeName() != SqlTypeName.SYMBOL) {
            return literal;

        public SqlNode visit(SqlCall call) {
            final SqlOperator operator = call.getOperator();
            if (operator == SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST && isNull(call.operand(0))) {
                return call;
            } else if (ops.contains(operator)) {
                // literal"
                return call;
            } else {
                return super.visit(call);

        private boolean isNull(SqlNode sqlNode) {
            return sqlNode instanceof SqlLiteral && ((SqlLiteral) sqlNode).getTypeName() == SqlTypeName.NULL;
    final List<SqlNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(literalSet);
    Collections.sort(nodes, new Comparator<SqlNode>() {

        public int compare(SqlNode o1, SqlNode o2) {
            final SqlParserPos pos0 = o1.getParserPosition();
            final SqlParserPos pos1 = o2.getParserPosition();
            int c =, pos1.getLineNum());
            if (c != 0) {
                return c;
            return, pos1.getColumnNum());
    String sql2 = sql;
    final List<Pair<String, String>> values = new ArrayList<>();
    int p = 0;
    for (SqlNode literal : nodes) {
        final SqlParserPos pos = literal.getParserPosition();
        final int start = SqlParserUtil.lineColToIndex(sql, pos.getLineNum(), pos.getColumnNum());
        final int end = SqlParserUtil.lineColToIndex(sql, pos.getEndLineNum(), pos.getEndColumnNum()) + 1;
        String param = "p" + (p++);
        values.add(Pair.of(sql2.substring(start, end), param));
        sql2 = sql2.substring(0, start) + param + sql2.substring(end);
    if (values.isEmpty()) {
        values.add(Pair.of("1", "p0"));
    return "select " + sql2.substring("values (".length(), sql2.length() - 1) + " from (values (" + Util.commaList(Pair.left(values)) + ")) as t(" + Util.commaList(Pair.right(values)) + ")";
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) SqlShuttle(org.apache.calcite.sql.util.SqlShuttle) SqlParseException(org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParseException) SqlParserPos(org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos) SqlOperator(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator) SqlCall(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SqlLiteral(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral) SqlNode(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode) Pair(org.apache.calcite.util.Pair)

Example 59 with SqlCall

use of org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall in project calcite by apache.

the class AggChecker method visit.

public Void visit(SqlCall call) {
    final SqlValidatorScope scope = scopes.peek();
    if (call.getOperator().isAggregator()) {
        if (distinct) {
            if (scope instanceof AggregatingSelectScope) {
                SqlNodeList selectList = ((SqlSelect) scope.getNode()).getSelectList();
                // Check if this aggregation function is just an element in the select
                for (SqlNode sqlNode : selectList) {
                    if (sqlNode.getKind() == SqlKind.AS) {
                        sqlNode = ((SqlCall) sqlNode).operand(0);
                    if (validator.expand(sqlNode, scope).equalsDeep(call, Litmus.IGNORE)) {
                        return null;
            // Cannot use agg fun in ORDER BY clause if have SELECT DISTINCT.
            SqlNode originalExpr = validator.getOriginal(call);
            final String exprString = originalExpr.toString();
            throw validator.newValidationError(call, RESOURCE.notSelectDistinctExpr(exprString));
        // BY deptno'
        return null;
    if (call.getKind() == SqlKind.FILTER) {
        return null;
    // Visit the operand in window function
    if (call.getKind() == SqlKind.OVER) {
        for (SqlNode operand : call.<SqlCall>operand(0).getOperandList()) {
        // Check the OVER clause
        final SqlNode over = call.operand(1);
        if (over instanceof SqlCall) {
        } else if (over instanceof SqlIdentifier) {
            // Check the corresponding SqlWindow in WINDOW clause
            final SqlWindow window = scope.lookupWindow(((SqlIdentifier) over).getSimple());
    if (isGroupExpr(call)) {
        // This call matches an expression in the GROUP BY clause.
        return null;
    final SqlCall groupCall = SqlStdOperatorTable.convertAuxiliaryToGroupCall(call);
    if (groupCall != null) {
        if (isGroupExpr(groupCall)) {
            // TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' HOUR')
            return null;
        throw validator.newValidationError(groupCall, RESOURCE.auxiliaryWithoutMatchingGroupCall(call.getOperator().getName(), groupCall.getOperator().getName()));
    if (call.isA(SqlKind.QUERY)) {
        // references to forbidden columns.
        return null;
    // Switch to new scope.
    SqlValidatorScope newScope = scope.getOperandScope(call);
    // Visit the operands (only expressions).
    call.getOperator().acceptCall(this, call, true, ArgHandlerImpl.<Void>instance());
    // Restore scope.
    return null;
Also used : SqlSelect(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlSelect) SqlCall(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall) SqlWindow(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlWindow) SqlNodeList(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNodeList) SqlIdentifier(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier) SqlNode(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode)

Example 60 with SqlCall

use of org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall in project calcite by apache.

the class PsTableFunction method eval.

public static ScannableTable eval(boolean b) {
    return new ScannableTable() {

        public Enumerable<Object[]> scan(DataContext root) {
            final RelDataType rowType = getRowType(root.getTypeFactory());
            final List<String> fieldNames = ImmutableList.copyOf(rowType.getFieldNames());
            final String[] args;
            final String osName = System.getProperty("");
            final String osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version");
            switch(osName) {
                case // tested on version 10.12.5
                "Mac OS X":
                    args = new String[] { "ps", "ax", "-o", "ppid=,pid=,pgid=,tpgid=,stat=," + "user=,pcpu=,pmem=,vsz=,rss=,tty=,start=,time=,uid=,ruid=," + "sess=,comm=" };
                    args = new String[] { "ps", "--no-headers", "axo", "ppid,pid,pgrp," + "tpgid,stat,user,pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,tty,start_time,time,euid," + "ruid,sess,comm" };
            return Processes.processLines(args).select(new Function1<String, Object[]>() {

                public Object[] apply(String line) {
                    final String[] fields = line.trim().split(" +");
                    final Object[] values = new Object[fieldNames.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                        try {
                            values[i] = field(fieldNames.get(i), fields[i]);
                        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("while parsing value [" + fields[i] + "] of field [" + fieldNames.get(i) + "] in line [" + line + "]");
                    return values;

                private Object field(String field, String value) {
                    switch(field) {
                        case "pid":
                        case "ppid":
                        // linux only; macOS equivalent is "pgid"
                        case "pgrp":
                        // see "pgrp"
                        case "pgid":
                        case "tpgid":
                            return Integer.valueOf(value);
                        case "pcpu":
                        case "pmem":
                            return (int) (Float.valueOf(value) * 10f);
                        case "time":
                            final Matcher m1 = MINUTE_SECOND_MILLIS_PATTERN.matcher(value);
                            if (m1.matches()) {
                                final long h = Long.parseLong(;
                                final long m = Long.parseLong(;
                                final long s = Long.parseLong(;
                                return h * 3600000L + m * 60000L + s * 1000L;
                            final Matcher m2 = HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND_PATTERN.matcher(value);
                            if (m2.matches()) {
                                final long m = Long.parseLong(;
                                final long s = Long.parseLong(;
                                String g3 =;
                                while (g3.length() < 3) {
                                    g3 = g3 + "0";
                                final long millis = Long.parseLong(g3);
                                return m * 60000L + s * 1000L + millis;
                            return 0L;
                        // linux only; macOS version is "lstart"
                        case "start_time":
                        // see "start_time"
                        case "lstart":
                        // linux only; macOS equivalent is "uid"
                        case "euid":
                        // see "euid"
                        case "uid":
                            return value;

        public RelDataType getRowType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
            return typeFactory.builder().add("pid", SqlTypeName.INTEGER).add("ppid", SqlTypeName.INTEGER).add("pgrp", SqlTypeName.INTEGER).add("tpgid", SqlTypeName.INTEGER).add("stat", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).add("user", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).add("pcpu", SqlTypeName.DECIMAL, 3, 1).add("pmem", SqlTypeName.DECIMAL, 3, 1).add("vsz", SqlTypeName.INTEGER).add("rss", SqlTypeName.INTEGER).add("tty", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).add("start_time", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).add("time", TimeUnit.HOUR, -1, TimeUnit.SECOND, 0).add("euid", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).add("ruid", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).add("sess", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).add("command", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).build();

        public Statistic getStatistic() {
            return Statistics.of(1000d, ImmutableList.of(ImmutableBitSet.of(1)));

        public Schema.TableType getJdbcTableType() {
            return Schema.TableType.TABLE;

        public boolean isRolledUp(String column) {
            return false;

        public boolean rolledUpColumnValidInsideAgg(String column, SqlCall call, SqlNode parent, CalciteConnectionConfig config) {
            return true;
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) SqlCall(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall) CalciteConnectionConfig(org.apache.calcite.config.CalciteConnectionConfig) Schema(org.apache.calcite.schema.Schema) RelDataType(org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType) DataContext(org.apache.calcite.DataContext) RelDataTypeFactory(org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFactory) ScannableTable(org.apache.calcite.schema.ScannableTable) SqlNode(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode)


SqlCall (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall)108 SqlNode (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode)81 SqlIdentifier (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier)32 SqlNodeList (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNodeList)32 RelDataType (org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType)30 SqlOperator (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator)26 BitString (org.apache.calcite.util.BitString)19 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)18 SqlSelect (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlSelect)17 RexNode (org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode)13 SqlBasicCall (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlBasicCall)12 RelDataTypeFactory (org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFactory)11 SqlLiteral (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral)11 RelDataTypeField (org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeField)9 SqlKind (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind)9 SqlParserPos (org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos)9 List (java.util.List)8 SqlCallBinding (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCallBinding)8 Pair (org.apache.calcite.util.Pair)8 RelNode (org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode)7