use of in project druid by apache.
the class DruidPlanner method plan.
* Plan an SQL query for execution, returning a {@link PlannerResult} which can be used to actually execute the query.
* Ideally, the query can be planned into a native Druid query, using {@link #planWithDruidConvention}, but will
* fall-back to {@link #planWithBindableConvention} if this is not possible.
* In some future this could perhaps re-use some of the work done by {@link #validate(boolean)}
* instead of repeating it, but that day is not today.
public PlannerResult plan() throws SqlParseException, ValidationException, RelConversionException {
final ParsedNodes parsed = ParsedNodes.create(planner.parse(plannerContext.getSql()), plannerContext.getTimeZone());
try {
if (parsed.getIngestionGranularity() != null) {
plannerContext.getQueryContext().addSystemParam(DruidSqlInsert.SQL_INSERT_SEGMENT_GRANULARITY, plannerContext.getJsonMapper().writeValueAsString(parsed.getIngestionGranularity()));
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new ValidationException("Unable to serialize partition granularity.");
if (parsed.getReplaceIntervals() != null) {
plannerContext.getQueryContext().addSystemParam(DruidSqlReplace.SQL_REPLACE_TIME_CHUNKS, String.join(",", parsed.getReplaceIntervals()));
// the planner's type factory is not available until after parsing
this.rexBuilder = new RexBuilder(planner.getTypeFactory());
final SqlNode parameterizedQueryNode = rewriteDynamicParameters(parsed.getQueryNode());
final SqlNode validatedQueryNode = planner.validate(parameterizedQueryNode);
final RelRoot rootQueryRel = planner.rel(validatedQueryNode);
try {
return planWithDruidConvention(rootQueryRel, parsed.getExplainNode(), parsed.getInsertOrReplace());
} catch (Exception e) {
Throwable cannotPlanException = Throwables.getCauseOfType(e, RelOptPlanner.CannotPlanException.class);
if (null == cannotPlanException) {
// Not a CannotPlanningException, rethrow without trying with bindable
throw e;
// any error, if it is plannable by the bindable convention
if (parsed.getInsertOrReplace() == null) {
// Try again with BINDABLE convention. Used for querying Values and metadata tables.
try {
return planWithBindableConvention(rootQueryRel, parsed.getExplainNode());
} catch (Exception e2) {
Logger logger = log;
if (!plannerContext.getQueryContext().isDebug()) {
logger = log.noStackTrace();
String errorMessage = buildSQLPlanningErrorMessage(cannotPlanException);
logger.warn(e, errorMessage);
throw new UnsupportedSQLQueryException(errorMessage);
use of in project druid by apache.
the class PlannerFactory method createPlannerForTesting.
* Not just visible for, but only for testing. Create a planner pre-loaded with an escalated authentication result
* and ready to go authorization result.
public DruidPlanner createPlannerForTesting(final Map<String, Object> queryContext, String query) {
final DruidPlanner thePlanner = createPlanner(query, new QueryContext(queryContext));
try {
} catch (SqlParseException | ValidationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return thePlanner;
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class DruidSqlParserUtils method validateQueryAndConvertToIntervals.
* This method validates and converts a {@link SqlNode} representing a query into an optmizied list of intervals to
* be used in creating an ingestion spec. If the sqlNode is an SqlLiteral of {@link #ALL}, returns a singleton list of
* "ALL". Otherwise, it converts and optimizes the query using {@link MoveTimeFiltersToIntervals} into a list of
* intervals which contain all valid values of time as per the query.
* The following validations are performed
* 1. Only __time column and timestamp literals are present in the query
* 2. The interval after optimization is not empty
* 3. The operands in the expression are supported
* 4. The intervals after adjusting for timezone are aligned with the granularity parameter
* @param replaceTimeQuery Sql node representing the query
* @param granularity granularity of the query for validation
* @param dateTimeZone timezone
* @return List of string representation of intervals
* @throws ValidationException if the SqlNode cannot be converted to a list of intervals
public static List<String> validateQueryAndConvertToIntervals(SqlNode replaceTimeQuery, Granularity granularity, DateTimeZone dateTimeZone) throws ValidationException {
if (replaceTimeQuery instanceof SqlLiteral && ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(((SqlLiteral) replaceTimeQuery).toValue())) {
return ImmutableList.of(ALL);
DimFilter dimFilter = convertQueryToDimFilter(replaceTimeQuery, dateTimeZone);
Filtration filtration = Filtration.create(dimFilter);
filtration = MoveTimeFiltersToIntervals.instance().apply(filtration);
List<Interval> intervals = filtration.getIntervals();
if (filtration.getDimFilter() != null) {
throw new ValidationException("Only " + ColumnHolder.TIME_COLUMN_NAME + " column is supported in OVERWRITE WHERE clause");
if (intervals.isEmpty()) {
throw new ValidationException("Intervals for replace are empty");
for (Interval interval : intervals) {
DateTime intervalStart = interval.getStart();
DateTime intervalEnd = interval.getEnd();
if (!granularity.bucketStart(intervalStart).equals(intervalStart) || !granularity.bucketStart(intervalEnd).equals(intervalEnd)) {
throw new ValidationException("OVERWRITE WHERE clause contains an interval " + intervals + " which is not aligned with PARTITIONED BY granularity " + granularity);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class DruidSqlParserUtils method convertQueryToDimFilter.
* This method is used to convert an {@link SqlNode} representing a query into a {@link DimFilter} for the same query.
* It takes the timezone as a separate parameter, as Sql timestamps don't contain that information. Supported functions
* are AND, OR, NOT, >, <, >=, <= and BETWEEN operators in the sql query.
* @param replaceTimeQuery Sql node representing the query
* @param dateTimeZone timezone
* @return Dimfilter for the query
* @throws ValidationException if the SqlNode cannot be converted a Dimfilter
public static DimFilter convertQueryToDimFilter(SqlNode replaceTimeQuery, DateTimeZone dateTimeZone) throws ValidationException {
if (!(replaceTimeQuery instanceof SqlBasicCall)) {
log.error("Expected SqlBasicCall during parsing, but found " + replaceTimeQuery.getClass().getName());
throw new ValidationException("Invalid OVERWRITE WHERE clause");
String columnName;
SqlBasicCall sqlBasicCall = (SqlBasicCall) replaceTimeQuery;
List<SqlNode> operandList = sqlBasicCall.getOperandList();
switch(sqlBasicCall.getOperator().getKind()) {
case AND:
List<DimFilter> dimFilters = new ArrayList<>();
for (SqlNode sqlNode : sqlBasicCall.getOperandList()) {
dimFilters.add(convertQueryToDimFilter(sqlNode, dateTimeZone));
return new AndDimFilter(dimFilters);
case OR:
dimFilters = new ArrayList<>();
for (SqlNode sqlNode : sqlBasicCall.getOperandList()) {
dimFilters.add(convertQueryToDimFilter(sqlNode, dateTimeZone));
return new OrDimFilter(dimFilters);
case NOT:
return new NotDimFilter(convertQueryToDimFilter(sqlBasicCall.getOperandList().get(0), dateTimeZone));
columnName = parseColumnName(operandList.get(0));
return new BoundDimFilter(columnName, parseTimeStampWithTimeZone(operandList.get(1), dateTimeZone), null, false, null, null, null, StringComparators.NUMERIC);
columnName = parseColumnName(operandList.get(0));
return new BoundDimFilter(columnName, null, parseTimeStampWithTimeZone(operandList.get(1), dateTimeZone), null, false, null, null, StringComparators.NUMERIC);
columnName = parseColumnName(operandList.get(0));
return new BoundDimFilter(columnName, parseTimeStampWithTimeZone(operandList.get(1), dateTimeZone), null, true, null, null, null, StringComparators.NUMERIC);
columnName = parseColumnName(operandList.get(0));
return new BoundDimFilter(columnName, null, parseTimeStampWithTimeZone(operandList.get(1), dateTimeZone), null, true, null, null, StringComparators.NUMERIC);
columnName = parseColumnName(operandList.get(0));
return new BoundDimFilter(columnName, parseTimeStampWithTimeZone(operandList.get(1), dateTimeZone), parseTimeStampWithTimeZone(operandList.get(2), dateTimeZone), false, false, null, null, StringComparators.NUMERIC);
throw new ValidationException("Unsupported operation in OVERWRITE WHERE clause: " + sqlBasicCall.getOperator().getName());
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class DruidSqlParserUtils method parseTimeStampWithTimeZone.
* Converts a {@link SqlNode} into a timestamp, taking into account the timezone
* @param sqlNode the sql node
* @param timeZone timezone
* @return the timestamp string as milliseconds from epoch
* @throws ValidationException if the sql node is not a SqlTimestampLiteral
public static String parseTimeStampWithTimeZone(SqlNode sqlNode, DateTimeZone timeZone) throws ValidationException {
if (!(sqlNode instanceof SqlTimestampLiteral)) {
throw new ValidationException("Expressions must be of the form __time <operator> TIMESTAMP");
Timestamp sqlTimestamp = Timestamp.valueOf(((SqlTimestampLiteral) sqlNode).toFormattedString());
ZonedDateTime zonedTimestamp = sqlTimestamp.toLocalDateTime().atZone(timeZone.toTimeZone().toZoneId());
return String.valueOf(zonedTimestamp.toInstant().toEpochMilli());