use of org.apache.camel.NoFactoryAvailableException in project camel by apache.
the class DefaultProcessorFactory method createProcessor.
public Processor createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition) throws Exception {
String name = definition.getClass().getSimpleName();
FactoryFinder finder = routeContext.getCamelContext().getFactoryFinder(RESOURCE_PATH);
try {
if (finder != null) {
Object object = finder.newInstance(name);
if (object != null && object instanceof ProcessorFactory) {
ProcessorFactory pc = (ProcessorFactory) object;
return pc.createProcessor(routeContext, definition);
} catch (NoFactoryAvailableException e) {
// ignore there is no custom factory
return null;
use of org.apache.camel.NoFactoryAvailableException in project camel by apache.
the class ServiceCallServiceChooserConfiguration method newInstance.
// *************************************************************************
// Factory
// *************************************************************************
public ServiceChooser newInstance(CamelContext camelContext) throws Exception {
ObjectHelper.notNull(factoryKey, "ServiceChooser factoryKey");
ServiceChooser answer;
// First try to find the factory from the registry.
ServiceChooserFactory factory = CamelContextHelper.lookup(camelContext, factoryKey, ServiceChooserFactory.class);
if (factory != null) {
// If a factory is found in the registry do not re-configure it as
// it should be pre-configured.
answer = factory.newInstance(camelContext);
} else {
Class<?> type;
try {
// Then use Service factory.
type = camelContext.getFactoryFinder(RESOURCE_PATH).findClass(factoryKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NoFactoryAvailableException(RESOURCE_PATH + factoryKey, e);
if (type != null) {
if (ServiceChooserFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
factory = (ServiceChooserFactory) camelContext.getInjector().newInstance(type);
} else {
throw new NoFactoryAvailableException("Resolving ServiceChooser: " + factoryKey + " detected type conflict: Not a ServiceChooserFactory implementation. Found: " + type.getName());
try {
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
IntrospectionSupport.getProperties(this, parameters, null, false);
parameters.put("properties", getPropertiesAsMap(camelContext));
IntrospectionSupport.setProperties(factory, parameters);
answer = factory.newInstance(camelContext);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
return answer;
use of org.apache.camel.NoFactoryAvailableException in project camel by apache.
the class ServiceCallServiceDiscoveryConfiguration method newInstance.
// *************************************************************************
// Factory
// *************************************************************************
public ServiceDiscovery newInstance(CamelContext camelContext) throws Exception {
ObjectHelper.notNull(factoryKey, "ServiceDiscovery factoryKey");
ServiceDiscovery answer;
// First try to find the factory from the registry.
ServiceDiscoveryFactory factory = CamelContextHelper.lookup(camelContext, factoryKey, ServiceDiscoveryFactory.class);
if (factory != null) {
// If a factory is found in the registry do not re-configure it as
// it should be pre-configured.
answer = factory.newInstance(camelContext);
} else {
Class<?> type;
try {
// Then use Service factory.
type = camelContext.getFactoryFinder(RESOURCE_PATH).findClass(factoryKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NoFactoryAvailableException(RESOURCE_PATH + factoryKey, e);
if (type != null) {
if (ServiceDiscoveryFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
factory = (ServiceDiscoveryFactory) camelContext.getInjector().newInstance(type);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resolving ServiceDiscovery: " + factoryKey + " detected type conflict: Not a ServiceDiscoveryFactory implementation. Found: " + type.getName());
try {
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
IntrospectionSupport.getProperties(this, parameters, null, false);
parameters.put("properties", getPropertiesAsMap(camelContext));
postProcessFactoryParameters(camelContext, parameters);
IntrospectionSupport.setProperties(factory, parameters);
answer = factory.newInstance(camelContext);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
return answer;