use of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.SalesforceException in project camel by apache.
the class AbstractRestProcessor method processUpdateSobject.
private void processUpdateSobject(final Exchange exchange, final AsyncCallback callback) throws SalesforceException {
String sObjectName;
// determine parameters from input AbstractSObject
final AbstractSObjectBase sObjectBase = exchange.getIn().getBody(AbstractSObjectBase.class);
String sObjectId;
if (sObjectBase != null) {
sObjectName = sObjectBase.getClass().getSimpleName();
// remember the sObject Id
sObjectId = sObjectBase.getId();
// clear base object fields, which cannot be updated
} else {
sObjectName = getParameter(SOBJECT_NAME, exchange, IGNORE_BODY, NOT_OPTIONAL);
sObjectId = getParameter(SOBJECT_ID, exchange, IGNORE_BODY, NOT_OPTIONAL);
final String finalsObjectId = sObjectId;
restClient.updateSObject(sObjectName, sObjectId, getRequestStream(exchange), new RestClient.ResponseCallback() {
public void onResponse(InputStream response, SalesforceException exception) {
processResponse(exchange, response, exception, callback);
restoreFields(exchange, sObjectBase, finalsObjectId, null, null);
use of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.SalesforceException in project camel by apache.
the class AbstractRestProcessor method processApproval.
final void processApproval(final Exchange exchange, final AsyncCallback callback) throws SalesforceException {
final TypeConverter converter = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter();
final ApprovalRequest approvalRequestFromHeader = getParameter(SalesforceEndpointConfig.APPROVAL, exchange, IGNORE_BODY, IS_OPTIONAL, ApprovalRequest.class);
final boolean requestGivenInHeader = approvalRequestFromHeader != null;
// find if there is a ApprovalRequest as `approval` in the message header
final ApprovalRequest approvalHeader = Optional.ofNullable(approvalRequestFromHeader).orElse(new ApprovalRequest());
final Message incomingMessage = exchange.getIn();
final Map<String, Object> incomingHeaders = incomingMessage.getHeaders();
final boolean requestGivenInParametersInHeader = processApprovalHeaderValues(approvalHeader, incomingHeaders);
final boolean nothingInheader = !requestGivenInHeader && !requestGivenInParametersInHeader;
final Object approvalBody = incomingMessage.getBody();
final boolean bodyIsIterable = approvalBody instanceof Iterable;
final boolean bodyIsIterableButEmpty = bodyIsIterable && !((Iterable) approvalBody).iterator().hasNext();
// body contains nothing of interest if it's null, holds an empty iterable or cannot be converted to
// ApprovalRequest
final boolean nothingInBody = !(approvalBody != null && !bodyIsIterableButEmpty);
// we found nothing in the headers or the body
if (nothingInheader && nothingInBody) {
throw new SalesforceException("Missing " + SalesforceEndpointConfig.APPROVAL + " parameter in header or ApprovalRequest or List of ApprovalRequests body", 0);
// let's try to resolve the request body to send
final ApprovalRequests requestsBody;
if (nothingInBody) {
// nothing in body use the header values only
requestsBody = new ApprovalRequests(approvalHeader);
} else if (bodyIsIterable) {
// multiple ApprovalRequests are found
final Iterable<?> approvalRequests = (Iterable<?>) approvalBody;
// use header values as template and apply them to the body
final List<ApprovalRequest> requests =, false).map(value -> converter.convertTo(ApprovalRequest.class, value)).map(request -> request.applyTemplate(approvalHeader)).collect(Collectors.toList());
requestsBody = new ApprovalRequests(requests);
} else {
// we've looked at the body, and are expecting to see something resembling ApprovalRequest in there
// but lets see if that is so
final ApprovalRequest given = converter.tryConvertTo(ApprovalRequest.class, approvalBody);
final ApprovalRequest request = Optional.ofNullable(given).orElse(new ApprovalRequest()).applyTemplate(approvalHeader);
requestsBody = new ApprovalRequests(request);
final InputStream request = getRequestStream(requestsBody);
restClient.approval(request, (response, exception) -> processResponse(exchange, response, exception, callback));
use of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.SalesforceException in project camel by apache.
the class AbstractRestProcessor method setResponseClass.
private void setResponseClass(Exchange exchange, String sObjectName) throws SalesforceException {
Class<?> sObjectClass;
if (sObjectName != null) {
// lookup class from class map
sObjectClass = classMap.get(sObjectName);
if (null == sObjectClass) {
throw new SalesforceException(String.format("No class found for SObject %s", sObjectName), null);
} else {
// use custom response class property
final String className = getParameter(SOBJECT_CLASS, exchange, IGNORE_BODY, NOT_OPTIONAL);
try {
sObjectClass = endpoint.getComponent().getCamelContext().getClassResolver().resolveMandatoryClass(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new SalesforceException(String.format("SObject class not found %s, %s", className, e.getMessage()), e);
exchange.setProperty(RESPONSE_CLASS, sObjectClass);
use of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.SalesforceException in project camel by apache.
the class AbstractRestProcessor method processUpsertSobject.
private void processUpsertSobject(final Exchange exchange, final AsyncCallback callback) throws SalesforceException {
String sObjectName;
String sObjectExtIdValue;
final String sObjectExtIdName = getParameter(SOBJECT_EXT_ID_NAME, exchange, IGNORE_BODY, NOT_OPTIONAL);
// determine parameters from input AbstractSObject
Object oldValue = null;
final AbstractSObjectBase sObjectBase = exchange.getIn().getBody(AbstractSObjectBase.class);
if (sObjectBase != null) {
sObjectName = sObjectBase.getClass().getSimpleName();
oldValue = getAndClearPropertyValue(sObjectBase, sObjectExtIdName);
sObjectExtIdValue = oldValue.toString();
// clear base object fields, which cannot be updated
} else {
sObjectName = getParameter(SOBJECT_NAME, exchange, IGNORE_BODY, NOT_OPTIONAL);
sObjectExtIdValue = getParameter(SOBJECT_EXT_ID_VALUE, exchange, IGNORE_BODY, NOT_OPTIONAL);
final Object finalOldValue = oldValue;
restClient.upsertSObject(sObjectName, sObjectExtIdName, sObjectExtIdValue, getRequestStream(exchange), new RestClient.ResponseCallback() {
public void onResponse(InputStream response, SalesforceException exception) {
processResponse(exchange, response, exception, callback);
restoreFields(exchange, sObjectBase, null, sObjectExtIdName, finalOldValue);
use of org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.SalesforceException in project camel by apache.
the class BulkApiProcessor method processGetJob.
private void processGetJob(final Exchange exchange, final AsyncCallback callback) throws SalesforceException {
JobInfo jobBody;
jobBody = exchange.getIn().getBody(JobInfo.class);
String jobId;
if (jobBody != null) {
jobId = jobBody.getId();
} else {
jobId = getParameter(JOB_ID, exchange, USE_BODY, NOT_OPTIONAL);
bulkClient.getJob(jobId, new BulkApiClient.JobInfoResponseCallback() {
public void onResponse(JobInfo jobInfo, SalesforceException ex) {
processResponse(exchange, jobInfo, ex, callback);