use of org.apache.camel.language.simple.types.SimpleParserException in project camel by apache.
the class SimplePredicateParser method binaryOperator.
protected boolean binaryOperator() {
if (accept(TokenType.binaryOperator)) {
// remember the binary operator
BinaryOperatorType operatorType = BinaryOperatorType.asOperator(token.getText());
// there should be at least one whitespace after the operator
// okay a binary operator may not support all kind if preceding parameters, so we need to limit this
BinaryOperatorType.ParameterType[] types = BinaryOperatorType.supportedParameterTypes(operatorType);
// based on the parameter types the binary operator support, we need to set this state into
// the following booleans so we know how to proceed in the grammar
boolean literalWithFunctionsSupported = false;
boolean literalSupported = false;
boolean functionSupported = false;
boolean numericSupported = false;
boolean booleanSupported = false;
boolean nullSupported = false;
if (types == null || types.length == 0) {
literalWithFunctionsSupported = true;
// favor literal with functions over literals without functions
literalSupported = false;
functionSupported = true;
numericSupported = true;
booleanSupported = true;
nullSupported = true;
} else {
for (BinaryOperatorType.ParameterType parameterType : types) {
literalSupported |= parameterType.isLiteralSupported();
literalWithFunctionsSupported |= parameterType.isLiteralWithFunctionSupport();
functionSupported |= parameterType.isFunctionSupport();
nullSupported |= parameterType.isNumericValueSupported();
booleanSupported |= parameterType.isBooleanValueSupported();
nullSupported |= parameterType.isNullValueSupported();
if ((literalWithFunctionsSupported && singleQuotedLiteralWithFunctionsText()) || (literalWithFunctionsSupported && doubleQuotedLiteralWithFunctionsText()) || (literalSupported && singleQuotedLiteralText()) || (literalSupported && doubleQuotedLiteralText()) || (functionSupported && functionText()) || (numericSupported && numericValue()) || (booleanSupported && booleanValue()) || (nullSupported && nullValue())) {
// then after the right hand side value, there should be a whitespace if there is more tokens
if (!token.getType().isEol()) {
} else {
throw new SimpleParserException("Binary operator " + operatorType + " does not support token " + token, token.getIndex());
return true;
return false;
use of org.apache.camel.language.simple.types.SimpleParserException in project camel by apache.
the class UnaryExpression method createExpression.
public Expression createExpression(String expression) {
ObjectHelper.notNull(left, "left node", this);
final Expression leftExp = left.createExpression(expression);
if (operator == UnaryOperatorType.INC) {
return createIncExpression(leftExp);
} else if (operator == UnaryOperatorType.DEC) {
return createDecExpression(leftExp);
throw new SimpleParserException("Unknown unary operator " + operator, token.getIndex());
use of org.apache.camel.language.simple.types.SimpleParserException in project camel by apache.
the class SimplePredicateParser method logicalOperator.
protected boolean logicalOperator() {
if (accept(TokenType.logicalOperator)) {
// remember the logical operator
LogicalOperatorType operatorType = LogicalOperatorType.asOperator(token.getText());
// there should be at least one whitespace after the operator
// then we expect either some quoted text, another function, or a numeric, boolean or null value
if (singleQuotedLiteralWithFunctionsText() || doubleQuotedLiteralWithFunctionsText() || functionText() || numericValue() || booleanValue() || nullValue()) {
// then after the right hand side value, there should be a whitespace if there is more tokens
if (!token.getType().isEol()) {
} else {
throw new SimpleParserException("Logical operator " + operatorType + " does not support token " + token, token.getIndex());
return true;
return false;
use of org.apache.camel.language.simple.types.SimpleParserException in project camel by apache.
the class SimplePredicateParser method prepareBinaryExpressions.
* Prepares binary expressions.
* <p/>
* This process prepares the binary expressions in the AST. This is done
* by linking the binary operator with both the right and left hand side
* nodes, to have the AST graph updated and prepared properly.
* <p/>
* So when the AST node is later used to create the {@link Predicate}s
* to be used by Camel then the AST graph has a linked and prepared
* graph of nodes which represent the input expression.
private void prepareBinaryExpressions() {
Stack<SimpleNode> stack = new Stack<SimpleNode>();
SimpleNode left = null;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
if (left == null) {
left = i > 0 ? nodes.get(i - 1) : null;
SimpleNode token = nodes.get(i);
SimpleNode right = i < nodes.size() - 1 ? nodes.get(i + 1) : null;
if (token instanceof BinaryExpression) {
BinaryExpression binary = (BinaryExpression) token;
// remember the binary operator
String operator = binary.getOperator().toString();
if (left == null) {
throw new SimpleParserException("Binary operator " + operator + " has no left hand side token", token.getToken().getIndex());
if (!binary.acceptLeftNode(left)) {
throw new SimpleParserException("Binary operator " + operator + " does not support left hand side token " + left.getToken(), token.getToken().getIndex());
if (right == null) {
throw new SimpleParserException("Binary operator " + operator + " has no right hand side token", token.getToken().getIndex());
if (!binary.acceptRightNode(right)) {
throw new SimpleParserException("Binary operator " + operator + " does not support right hand side token " + right.getToken(), token.getToken().getIndex());
// pop previous as we need to replace it with this binary operator
// advantage after the right hand side
// this token is now the left for the next loop
left = token;
} else {
// clear left
left = null;
use of org.apache.camel.language.simple.types.SimpleParserException in project camel by apache.
the class BinaryExpression method createExpression.
public Expression createExpression(String expression) {
ObjectHelper.notNull(left, "left node", this);
ObjectHelper.notNull(right, "right node", this);
final Expression leftExp = left.createExpression(expression);
final Expression rightExp = right.createExpression(expression);
if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.EQ) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.isEqualTo(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.EQ_IGNORE) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.isEqualToIgnoreCase(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.GT) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.isGreaterThan(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.GTE) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.LT) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.isLessThan(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.LTE) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.isLessThanOrEqualTo(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.NOT_EQ) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.isNotEqualTo(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.CONTAINS) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.contains(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.NOT_CONTAINS) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.not(PredicateBuilder.contains(leftExp, rightExp)));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.IS || operator == BinaryOperatorType.NOT_IS) {
return createIsExpression(expression, leftExp, rightExp);
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.REGEX || operator == BinaryOperatorType.NOT_REGEX) {
return createRegexExpression(leftExp, rightExp);
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.IN || operator == BinaryOperatorType.NOT_IN) {
return createInExpression(leftExp, rightExp);
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.RANGE || operator == BinaryOperatorType.NOT_RANGE) {
return createRangeExpression(expression, leftExp, rightExp);
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.STARTS_WITH) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.startsWith(leftExp, rightExp));
} else if (operator == BinaryOperatorType.ENDS_WITH) {
return createExpression(leftExp, rightExp, PredicateBuilder.endsWith(leftExp, rightExp));
throw new SimpleParserException("Unknown binary operator " + operator, token.getIndex());