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Example 6 with ExchangeSendingEvent

use of in project camel by apache.

the class EventNotifierExchangeSentTest method testExchangeWireTap.

public void testExchangeWireTap() throws Exception {
    template.sendBody("direct:tap", "Hello World");
    // give it time to complete
    assertEquals(6, events.size());
    // we should find log:foo which we tapped
    // which runs async so they can be in random order
    boolean found = false;
    boolean found2 = false;
    for (EventObject event : events) {
        if (event instanceof ExchangeSendingEvent) {
            ExchangeSendingEvent sending = (ExchangeSendingEvent) event;
            String uri = sending.getEndpoint().getEndpointUri();
            if ("log://foo".equals(uri)) {
                found = true;
        } else if (event instanceof ExchangeSentEvent) {
            ExchangeSentEvent sent = (ExchangeSentEvent) event;
            String uri = sent.getEndpoint().getEndpointUri();
            if ("log://foo".equals(uri)) {
                found2 = true;
    assertTrue("We should find log:foo being wire tapped", found);
    assertTrue("We should find log:foo being wire tapped", found2);
Also used : ExchangeSentEvent( ExchangeSendingEvent( EventObject(java.util.EventObject)


ExchangeSendingEvent ( ExchangeSentEvent ( EventObject (java.util.EventObject)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Endpoint (org.apache.camel.Endpoint)1 DefaultCamelContext (org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext)1 ExchangeCreatedEvent ( RouteAddedEvent ( RouteRemovedEvent ( EventNotifierSupport (