use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet in project cassandra by apache.
the class TypeTest method testDateCompatibility.
public void testDateCompatibility() throws Throwable {
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b timestamp, c bigint, d varint, PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c, d))");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (0, toUnixTimestamp(now()), toTimestamp(now()), toTimestamp(now()))");
UntypedResultSet results = execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a=0 AND b <= toUnixTimestamp(now())");
assertEquals(1, results.size());
execute("INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c, d) VALUES (1, unixTimestampOf(now()), dateOf(now()), dateOf(now()))");
results = execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE a=1 AND b <= toUnixTimestamp(now())");
assertEquals(1, results.size());
use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet in project cassandra by apache.
the class UFJavaTest method testJavaUserType.
public void testJavaUserType() throws Throwable {
String type = KEYSPACE + '.' + createType("CREATE TYPE %s (txt text, i int)");
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, udt frozen<" + type + ">)");
String fUdt0 = createFunction(KEYSPACE, type, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( udt " + type + " ) " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS " + type + " " + "LANGUAGE java " + "AS $$return " + " udt;$$;");
String fUdt1 = createFunction(KEYSPACE, type, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( udt " + type + ") " + "RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS text " + "LANGUAGE java " + "AS $$return " + " udt.getString(\"txt\");$$;");
String fUdt2 = createFunction(KEYSPACE, type, "CREATE FUNCTION %s( udt " + type + ") " + "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS int " + "LANGUAGE java " + "AS $$return " + " Integer.valueOf(udt.getInt(\"i\"));$$;");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, udt) VALUES (1, {txt: 'one', i:1})");
UntypedResultSet rows = execute("SELECT " + fUdt0 + "(udt) FROM %s WHERE key = 1");
Assert.assertEquals(1, rows.size());
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fUdt1 + "(udt) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row("one"));
assertRows(execute("SELECT " + fUdt2 + "(udt) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(1));
for (ProtocolVersion version : PROTOCOL_VERSIONS) {
List<Row> rowsNet = executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fUdt0 + "(udt) FROM %s WHERE key = 1").all();
Assert.assertEquals(1, rowsNet.size());
UDTValue udtVal = rowsNet.get(0).getUDTValue(0);
Assert.assertEquals("one", udtVal.getString("txt"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, udtVal.getInt("i"));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fUdt1 + "(udt) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row("one"));
assertRowsNet(version, executeNet(version, "SELECT " + fUdt2 + "(udt) FROM %s WHERE key = 1"), row(1));
use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet in project cassandra by apache.
the class UpdateTest method testUpdateWithDefaultTtl.
public void testUpdateWithDefaultTtl() throws Throwable {
final int secondsPerMinute = 60;
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int) WITH default_time_to_live = " + (10 * secondsPerMinute));
execute("UPDATE %s SET b = 1 WHERE a = 1");
UntypedResultSet resultSet = execute("SELECT ttl(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 1");
Assert.assertEquals(1, resultSet.size());
Row row =;
Assert.assertTrue(row.getInt("ttl(b)") >= (9 * secondsPerMinute));
execute("UPDATE %s USING TTL ? SET b = 3 WHERE a = 1", 0);
assertRows(execute("SELECT ttl(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 1"), row(new Object[] { null }));
execute("UPDATE %s SET b = 3 WHERE a = 1");
resultSet = execute("SELECT ttl(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 1");
Assert.assertEquals(1, resultSet.size());
row =;
Assert.assertTrue(row.getInt("ttl(b)") >= (9 * secondsPerMinute));
execute("UPDATE %s USING TTL ? SET b = 2 WHERE a = 2", unset());
resultSet = execute("SELECT ttl(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 2");
Assert.assertEquals(1, resultSet.size());
row =;
Assert.assertTrue(row.getInt("ttl(b)") >= (9 * secondsPerMinute));
execute("UPDATE %s USING TTL ? SET b = ? WHERE a = ?", null, 3, 3);
assertRows(execute("SELECT ttl(b) FROM %s WHERE a = 3"), row(new Object[] { null }));
use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet in project cassandra by apache.
the class RowCacheCQLTest method test7636.
public void test7636() throws Throwable {
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (p1 bigint, c1 int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p1, c1)) WITH caching = { 'keys': 'NONE', 'rows_per_partition': 'ALL' }");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (p1, c1, v) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 123L, 10, 12);
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE p1 = ? and c1 > ?", 123L, 1000));
UntypedResultSet res = execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE p1 = ? and c1 > ?", 123L, 0);
assertEquals(1, res.size());
assertEmpty(execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE p1 = ? and c1 > ?", 123L, 1000));
use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet in project cassandra by apache.
the class ScrubTest method testFilterOutDuplicates.
* Tests with invalid sstables (containing duplicate entries in 2.0 and 3.0 storage format),
* that were caused by upgrading from 2.x with duplicate range tombstones.
* See CASSANDRA-12144 for details.
public void testFilterOutDuplicates() throws Exception {
QueryProcessor.process(String.format("CREATE TABLE \"%s\".cf_with_duplicates_3_0 (a int, b int, c int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))", KEYSPACE), ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
Keyspace keyspace =;
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore("cf_with_duplicates_3_0");
Path legacySSTableRoot = Paths.get(System.getProperty(INVALID_LEGACY_SSTABLE_ROOT_PROP), "Keyspace1", "cf_with_duplicates_3_0");
for (String filename : new String[] { "mb-3-big-CompressionInfo.db", "mb-3-big-Digest.crc32", "mb-3-big-Index.db", "mb-3-big-Summary.db", "mb-3-big-Data.db", "mb-3-big-Filter.db", "mb-3-big-Statistics.db", "mb-3-big-TOC.txt" }) {
Files.copy(Paths.get(legacySSTableRoot.toString(), filename), cfs.getDirectories().getDirectoryForNewSSTables().toPath().resolve(filename));
cfs.scrub(true, true, true, 1);
UntypedResultSet rs = QueryProcessor.executeInternal(String.format("SELECT * FROM \"%s\".cf_with_duplicates_3_0", KEYSPACE));
assertEquals(1, rs.size());
QueryProcessor.executeInternal(String.format("DELETE FROM \"%s\".cf_with_duplicates_3_0 WHERE a=1 AND b =2", KEYSPACE));
rs = QueryProcessor.executeInternal(String.format("SELECT * FROM \"%s\".cf_with_duplicates_3_0", KEYSPACE));
assertEquals(0, rs.size());