use of org.apache.cassandra.db.LivenessInfo in project cassandra by apache.
the class BTreeRow method filter.
public Row filter(ColumnFilter filter, DeletionTime activeDeletion, boolean setActiveDeletionToRow, TableMetadata metadata) {
Map<ByteBuffer, DroppedColumn> droppedColumns = metadata.droppedColumns;
boolean mayFilterColumns = !filter.fetchesAllColumns(isStatic()) || !filter.allFetchedColumnsAreQueried();
// When merging sstable data in Row.Merger#merge(), rowDeletion is removed if it doesn't supersede activeDeletion.
boolean mayHaveShadowed = !activeDeletion.isLive() && !deletion.time().supersedes(activeDeletion);
if (!mayFilterColumns && !mayHaveShadowed && droppedColumns.isEmpty())
return this;
LivenessInfo newInfo = primaryKeyLivenessInfo;
Deletion newDeletion = deletion;
if (mayHaveShadowed) {
if (activeDeletion.deletes(newInfo.timestamp()))
newInfo = LivenessInfo.EMPTY;
// note that mayHaveShadowed means the activeDeletion shadows the row deletion. So if don't have setActiveDeletionToRow,
// the row deletion is shadowed and we shouldn't return it.
newDeletion = setActiveDeletionToRow ? Deletion.regular(activeDeletion) : Deletion.LIVE;
Columns columns = filter.fetchedColumns().columns(isStatic());
Predicate<ColumnMetadata> inclusionTester = columns.inOrderInclusionTester();
Predicate<ColumnMetadata> queriedByUserTester = filter.queriedColumns().columns(isStatic()).inOrderInclusionTester();
final LivenessInfo rowLiveness = newInfo;
return transformAndFilter(newInfo, newDeletion, (cd) -> {
ColumnMetadata column = cd.column();
if (!inclusionTester.test(column))
return null;
DroppedColumn dropped = droppedColumns.get(;
if (column.isComplex())
return ((ComplexColumnData) cd).filter(filter, mayHaveShadowed ? activeDeletion : DeletionTime.LIVE, dropped, rowLiveness);
Cell<?> cell = (Cell<?>) cd;
// We include the cell unless it is 1) shadowed, 2) for a dropped column or 3) skippable.
// And a cell is skippable if it is for a column that is not queried by the user and its timestamp
// is lower than the row timestamp (see #10657 or SerializationHelper.includes() for details).
boolean isForDropped = dropped != null && cell.timestamp() <= dropped.droppedTime;
boolean isShadowed = mayHaveShadowed && activeDeletion.deletes(cell);
boolean isSkippable = !queriedByUserTester.test(column);
if (isForDropped || isShadowed || (isSkippable && cell.timestamp() < rowLiveness.timestamp()))
return null;
// between sstables and memtables data, i.e resulting in a digest mismatch.
return isSkippable ? cell.withSkippedValue() : cell;
use of org.apache.cassandra.db.LivenessInfo in project cassandra by apache.
the class RowsTest method copy.
public void copy() {
int now = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds();
long ts = secondToTs(now);
Row.Builder originalBuilder = BTreeRow.unsortedBuilder();
LivenessInfo liveness = LivenessInfo.create(ts, now);
DeletionTime complexDeletion = new DeletionTime(ts - 1, now);
originalBuilder.addComplexDeletion(m, complexDeletion);
List<Cell<?>> expectedCells = Lists.newArrayList(, secondToTs(now), BB1),, secondToTs(now), BB1, CellPath.create(BB1)),, secondToTs(now), BB2, CellPath.create(BB2)));
// We need to use ts-1 so the deletion doesn't shadow what we've created
Row.Deletion rowDeletion = new Row.Deletion(new DeletionTime(ts - 1, now), false);
RowBuilder builder = new RowBuilder();
Rows.copy(, builder);
Assert.assertEquals(c1, builder.clustering);
Assert.assertEquals(liveness, builder.livenessInfo);
Assert.assertEquals(rowDeletion, builder.deletionTime);
Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList(Pair.create(m, complexDeletion)), builder.complexDeletions);
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(expectedCells), Sets.newHashSet(builder.cells));
use of org.apache.cassandra.db.LivenessInfo in project cassandra by apache.
the class RowsTest method collectStats.
public void collectStats() {
int now = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds();
long ts = secondToTs(now);
Row.Builder builder = BTreeRow.unsortedBuilder();
LivenessInfo liveness = LivenessInfo.create(ts, now);
DeletionTime complexDeletion = new DeletionTime(ts - 1, now);
builder.addComplexDeletion(m, complexDeletion);
List<Cell<?>> expectedCells = Lists.newArrayList(, ts, BB1),, ts, BB1, CellPath.create(BB1)),, ts, BB2, CellPath.create(BB2)));
// We need to use ts-1 so the deletion doesn't shadow what we've created
Row.Deletion rowDeletion = new Row.Deletion(new DeletionTime(ts - 1, now), false);
StatsCollector collector = new StatsCollector();
Rows.collectStats(, collector);
Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList(liveness), collector.liveness);
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(rowDeletion.time(), complexDeletion), Sets.newHashSet(collector.deletions));
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(expectedCells), Sets.newHashSet(collector.cells));
Assert.assertEquals(2, collector.columnCount);