use of org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException in project cassandra by apache.
the class CompositeTypeTest method testValidate.
public void testValidate() {
ByteBuffer key = createCompositeKey("test1", uuids[1], 42, false);
key = createCompositeKey("test1", null, -1, false);
key = createCompositeKey("test1", uuids[2], -1, true);
// make sure we're not aligned anymore
try {
fail("Should not validate");
} catch (MarshalException e) {
key = ByteBuffer.allocate(3 + "test1".length() + 3 + 14);
key.putShort((short) "test1".length());
key.put((byte) 0);
key.putShort((short) 14);
try {
fail("Should not validate");
} catch (MarshalException e) {
assert e.toString().contains("should be 16 or 0 bytes");
key = createCompositeKey("test1", UUID.randomUUID(), 42, false);
try {
fail("Should not validate");
} catch (MarshalException e) {
assert e.toString().contains("Invalid version for TimeUUID type");
use of org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException in project cassandra by apache.
the class FromJsonFct method execute.
public ByteBuffer execute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> parameters) {
assert parameters.size() == 1 : "Unexpectedly got " + parameters.size() + " arguments for fromJson()";
ByteBuffer argument = parameters.get(0);
if (argument == null)
return null;
String jsonArg = UTF8Type.instance.getSerializer().deserialize(argument);
try {
Object object = Json.JSON_OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(jsonArg, Object.class);
if (object == null)
return null;
return returnType.fromJSONObject(object).bindAndGet(QueryOptions.forProtocolVersion(protocolVersion));
} catch (IOException exc) {
throw FunctionExecutionException.create(NAME, Collections.singletonList("text"), String.format("Could not decode JSON string '%s': %s", jsonArg, exc.toString()));
} catch (MarshalException exc) {
throw FunctionExecutionException.create(this, exc);
use of org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException in project cassandra by apache.
the class CreateAggregateStatement method apply.
public Keyspaces apply(Keyspaces schema) {
if (ifNotExists && orReplace)
throw ire("Cannot use both 'OR REPLACE' and 'IF NOT EXISTS' directives"); -> !raw.isTuple() && raw.isFrozen()).findFirst().ifPresent(t -> {
throw ire("Argument '%s' cannot be frozen; remove frozen<> modifier from '%s'", t, t);
if (!rawStateType.isTuple() && rawStateType.isFrozen())
throw ire("State type '%s' cannot be frozen; remove frozen<> modifier from '%s'", rawStateType, rawStateType);
KeyspaceMetadata keyspace = schema.getNullable(keyspaceName);
if (null == keyspace)
throw ire("Keyspace '%s' doesn't exist", keyspaceName);
* Resolve the state function
List<AbstractType<?>> argumentTypes = -> t.prepare(keyspaceName, keyspace.types).getType()).collect(toList());
AbstractType<?> stateType = rawStateType.prepare(keyspaceName, keyspace.types).getType();
List<AbstractType<?>> stateFunctionArguments = Lists.newArrayList(concat(singleton(stateType), argumentTypes));
Function stateFunction = keyspace.functions.find(stateFunctionName, stateFunctionArguments).orElseThrow(() -> ire("State function %s doesn't exist", stateFunctionString()));
if (stateFunction.isAggregate())
throw ire("State function %s isn't a scalar function", stateFunctionString());
if (!stateFunction.returnType().equals(stateType)) {
throw ire("State function %s return type must be the same as the first argument type - check STYPE, argument and return types", stateFunctionString());
* Resolve the final function and return type
Function finalFunction = null;
AbstractType<?> returnType = stateFunction.returnType();
if (null != finalFunctionName) {
finalFunction = keyspace.functions.find(finalFunctionName, singletonList(stateType)).orElse(null);
if (null == finalFunction)
throw ire("Final function %s doesn't exist", finalFunctionString());
if (finalFunction.isAggregate())
throw ire("Final function %s isn't a scalar function", finalFunctionString());
// override return type with that of the final function
returnType = finalFunction.returnType();
* Validate initial condition
ByteBuffer initialValue = null;
if (null != rawInitialValue) {
initialValue = Terms.asBytes(keyspaceName, rawInitialValue.toString(), stateType);
if (null != initialValue) {
try {
} catch (MarshalException e) {
throw ire("Invalid value for INITCOND of type %s", stateType.asCQL3Type());
// Converts initcond to a CQL literal and parse it back to avoid another CASSANDRA-11064
String initialValueString = stateType.asCQL3Type().toCQLLiteral(initialValue, ProtocolVersion.CURRENT);
assert Objects.equal(initialValue, Terms.asBytes(keyspaceName, initialValueString, stateType));
if (Constants.NULL_LITERAL != rawInitialValue && UDHelper.isNullOrEmpty(stateType, initialValue))
throw ire("INITCOND must not be empty for all types except TEXT, ASCII, BLOB");
if (!((UDFunction) stateFunction).isCalledOnNullInput() && null == initialValue) {
throw ire("Cannot create aggregate '%s' without INITCOND because state function %s does not accept 'null' arguments", aggregateName, stateFunctionName);
* Create or replace
UDAggregate aggregate = new UDAggregate(new FunctionName(keyspaceName, aggregateName), argumentTypes, returnType, (ScalarFunction) stateFunction, (ScalarFunction) finalFunction, initialValue);
Function existingAggregate = keyspace.functions.find(, argumentTypes).orElse(null);
if (null != existingAggregate) {
if (!existingAggregate.isAggregate())
throw ire("Aggregate '%s' cannot replace a function", aggregateName);
if (ifNotExists)
return schema;
if (!orReplace)
throw ire("Aggregate '%s' already exists", aggregateName);
if (!returnType.isCompatibleWith(existingAggregate.returnType())) {
throw ire("Cannot replace aggregate '%s', the new return type %s isn't compatible with the return type %s of existing function", aggregateName, returnType.asCQL3Type(), existingAggregate.returnType().asCQL3Type());
return schema.withAddedOrUpdated(keyspace.withSwapped(keyspace.functions.withAddedOrUpdated(aggregate)));
use of org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException in project stargate-core by tuplejump.
the class RowIndexSupport method addField.
protected void addField(Type type, ColumnDefinition columnDefinition, String name, FieldType fieldType, ByteBuffer value, List<Field> fields) {
if (fieldType != null) {
try {
Field field = type.fieldCreator.field(name, columnDefinition.type, value, fieldType);
} catch (MarshalException e) {
fields.add(new Field(name, "_null_", Fields.STRING_FIELD_TYPE));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Could not index column {}{}", columnDefinition, name);
logger.warn("Exception while indexing column", e);