use of org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle in project tomcat by apache.
the class StandardPipeline method addValve.
* <p>Add a new Valve to the end of the pipeline associated with this
* Container. Prior to adding the Valve, the Valve's
* <code>setContainer()</code> method will be called, if it implements
* <code>Contained</code>, with the owning Container as an argument.
* The method may throw an
* <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> if this Valve chooses not to
* be associated with this Container, or <code>IllegalStateException</code>
* if it is already associated with a different Container.</p>
* @param valve Valve to be added
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if this Container refused to
* accept the specified Valve
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified Valve refuses to be
* associated with this Container
* @exception IllegalStateException if the specified Valve is already
* associated with a different Container
public void addValve(Valve valve) {
// Validate that we can add this Valve
if (valve instanceof Contained)
((Contained) valve).setContainer(this.container);
// Start the new component if necessary
if (getState().isAvailable()) {
if (valve instanceof Lifecycle) {
try {
((Lifecycle) valve).start();
} catch (LifecycleException e) {
log.error("StandardPipeline.addValve: start: ", e);
// Add this Valve to the set associated with this Pipeline
if (first == null) {
first = valve;
} else {
Valve current = first;
while (current != null) {
if (current.getNext() == basic) {
current = current.getNext();
container.fireContainerEvent(Container.ADD_VALVE_EVENT, valve);
use of org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle in project tomcat by apache.
the class CombinedRealm method startInternal.
* Prepare for the beginning of active use of the public methods of this
* component and implement the requirements of
* {@link org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase#startInternal()}.
* @exception LifecycleException if this component detects a fatal error
* that prevents this component from being used
protected void startInternal() throws LifecycleException {
// Start 'sub-realms' then this one
Iterator<Realm> iter = realms.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Realm realm =;
if (realm instanceof Lifecycle) {
try {
((Lifecycle) realm).start();
} catch (LifecycleException e) {
// If realm doesn't start can't authenticate against it
log.error(sm.getString("combinedRealm.realmStartFail", realm.getClass().getName()), e);
use of org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle in project tomcat by apache.
the class StandardEngineSF method storeChildren.
* Store the specified Engine properties.
* @param aWriter
* PrintWriter to which we are storing
* @param indent
* Number of spaces to indent this element
* @param aEngine
* Object whose properties are being stored
* @exception Exception
* if an exception occurs while storing
public void storeChildren(PrintWriter aWriter, int indent, Object aEngine, StoreDescription parentDesc) throws Exception {
if (aEngine instanceof StandardEngine) {
StandardEngine engine = (StandardEngine) aEngine;
// Store nested <Listener> elements
LifecycleListener[] listeners = ((Lifecycle) engine).findLifecycleListeners();
storeElementArray(aWriter, indent, listeners);
// Store nested <Realm> element
Realm realm = engine.getRealm();
Realm parentRealm = null;
// TODO is this case possible? (see it a old Server 5.0 impl)
if (engine.getParent() != null) {
parentRealm = engine.getParent().getRealm();
if (realm != parentRealm) {
storeElement(aWriter, indent, realm);
// Store nested <Valve> elements
Valve[] valves = engine.getPipeline().getValves();
if (valves != null && valves.length > 0) {
List<Valve> engineValves = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < valves.length; i++) {
if (!(valves[i] instanceof ClusterValve))
storeElementArray(aWriter, indent, engineValves.toArray());
// store all <Cluster> elements
Cluster cluster = engine.getCluster();
if (cluster != null) {
storeElement(aWriter, indent, cluster);
// store all <Host> elements
Container[] children = engine.findChildren();
storeElementArray(aWriter, indent, children);
use of org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle in project tomcat by apache.
the class WebappLoader method startInternal.
* Start associated {@link ClassLoader} and implement the requirements
* of {@link org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase#startInternal()}.
* @exception LifecycleException if this component detects a fatal error
* that prevents this component from being used
protected void startInternal() throws LifecycleException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
if (context.getResources() == null) {"No resources for " + context);
// Construct a class loader based on our current repositories list
try {
classLoader = createClassLoader();
// Configure our repositories
((Lifecycle) classLoader).start();
String contextName = context.getName();
if (!contextName.startsWith("/")) {
contextName = "/" + contextName;
ObjectName cloname = new ObjectName(context.getDomain() + ":type=" + classLoader.getClass().getSimpleName() + ",host=" + context.getParent().getName() + ",context=" + contextName);
Registry.getRegistry(null, null).registerComponent(classLoader, cloname, null);
} catch (Throwable t) {
t = ExceptionUtils.unwrapInvocationTargetException(t);
log.error("LifecycleException ", t);
throw new LifecycleException("start: ", t);
use of org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle in project tomee by apache.
the class LazyRealm method instance.
private Realm instance() {
if (delegate == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (delegate == null) {
final Object instance;
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (container != null && container.getLoader() != null && container.getLoader().getClassLoader() != null) {
cl = container.getLoader().getClassLoader();
final Class<?> clazz;
try {
clazz = cl.loadClass(realmClass);
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new TomEERuntimeException(e);
if (!cdi) {
try {
final ObjectRecipe recipe = new ObjectRecipe(clazz);
if (properties != null) {
final Properties props = new PropertiesAdapter().unmarshal(properties.trim().replaceAll("\\p{Space}*(\\p{Alnum}*)=", "\n$1="));
instance = recipe.create();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new TomEERuntimeException(e);
} else {
final WebBeansContext webBeansContext;
try {
webBeansContext = WebBeansContext.currentInstance();
if (webBeansContext == null) {
return null;
} catch (final IllegalStateException ise) {
// too early to have a cdi bean, skip these methods - mainly init() but @PostConstruct works then
return null;
final BeanManager bm = webBeansContext.getBeanManagerImpl();
final Set<Bean<?>> beans = bm.getBeans(clazz);
final Bean<?> bean = bm.resolve(beans);
if (bean == null) {
return null;
creationalContext = bm.createCreationalContext(null);
instance = bm.getReference(bean, clazz, creationalContext);
if (instance == null) {
throw new TomEERuntimeException("realm can't be retrieved from cdi");
if (instance instanceof Realm) {
delegate = (Realm) instance;
if (Lifecycle.class.isInstance(delegate)) {
if (init) {
try {
final Lifecycle lifecycle = Lifecycle.class.cast(delegate);
if (start) {
} catch (final LifecycleException e) {
// no-op
} else {
delegate = new LowTypedRealm(instance);
for (final PropertyChangeListener listener : support.getPropertyChangeListeners()) {
return delegate;