use of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisBaseException in project copper-cms by PogeyanOSS.
the class AbstractSessionTest method createType.
// --- type helpers ---
* Creates a new type.
protected ObjectType createType(Session session, TypeDefinition typeDef) {
NewTypeSettableAttributes settableAttributes = session.getRepositoryInfo().getCapabilities().getNewTypeSettableAttributes();
if (settableAttributes == null) {
addResult(createResult(WARNING, "Repository Info does not indicate, which type attributes can be set!"));
} else {
ObjectType newType = null;
try {
newType = session.createType(typeDef);
addResult(createInfoResult("Created type '" + typeDef.getId() + "'. Repository assigned the following type ID: " + newType.getId()));
} catch (CmisBaseException e) {
addResult(createResult(FAILURE, "Creating type '" + typeDef.getId() + "' failed: " + e.getMessage(), e, false));
return null;
addResult(checkTypeDefinition(session, newType, "Newly created type spec compliance."));
if (newType.getTypeMutability() == null) {
addResult(createResult(FAILURE, "Newly created type does not provide type mutability data! ID: " + newType.getId()));
return newType;
use of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisBaseException in project copper-cms by PogeyanOSS.
the class AbstractSessionTest method createPolicy.
* Creates a policy.
protected Policy createPolicy(Session session, Folder parent, String name, String policyText, String objectTypeId) {
if (parent == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parent is not set!");
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name is not set!");
if (objectTypeId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object Type ID is not set!");
// check type
ObjectType type;
try {
type = session.getTypeDefinition(objectTypeId);
} catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
addResult(createResult(UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, "Policy type '" + objectTypeId + "' is not available: " + e.getMessage(), e, true));
return null;
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(type.isCreatable())) {
addResult(createResult(SKIPPED, "Policy type '" + objectTypeId + "' is not creatable!", true));
return null;
boolean isFilable = Boolean.TRUE.equals(type.isFileable());
addResult(createResult(INFO, "Policy type '" + objectTypeId + "' is " + (isFilable ? "" : "not ") + "filable."));
// create
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put(PropertyIds.NAME, name);
properties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, objectTypeId);
if (policyText != null) {
properties.put(PropertyIds.POLICY_TEXT, policyText);
Policy result = null;
try {
// create the item
if (isFilable) {
result = parent.createPolicy(properties, null, null, null, SELECT_ALL_NO_CACHE_OC);
} else {
ObjectId policyId = session.createPolicy(properties, null, null, null, null);
result = (Policy) session.getObject(policyId, SELECT_ALL_NO_CACHE_OC);
} catch (CmisBaseException e) {
addResult(createResult(UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, "Policy could not be created! Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e, true));
return null;
CmisTestResult f;
try {
// check item name
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Policy name does not match!", false);
addResult(assertEquals(name, result.getName(), null, f));
addResult(checkObject(session, result, getAllProperties(result), "New policy object spec compliance"));
} catch (CmisBaseException e) {
addResult(createResult(UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, "Newly created policy is invalid! Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e, true));
// check parents
List<Folder> parents = result.getParents(SELECT_ALL_NO_CACHE_OC);
if (isFilable) {
boolean found = false;
for (Folder folder : parents) {
if (parent.getId().equals(folder.getId())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
addResult(createResult(FAILURE, "The folder the item has been created in is not in the list of the item parents!"));
} else {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Policy is not filable but has a parent!", false);
addResult(assertIsTrue(parents.isEmpty(), null, f));
return result;
use of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisBaseException in project copper-cms by PogeyanOSS.
the class AbstractSessionTest method createTestFolder.
// --- test folder methods ---
* Creates a test folder.
protected Folder createTestFolder(Session session) {
String testFolderParentPath = getParameters().get(TestParameters.DEFAULT_TEST_FOLDER_PARENT);
if (testFolderParentPath == null) {
testFolderParentPath = TestParameters.DEFAULT_TEST_FOLDER_PARENT_VALUE;
String name = "cmistck" + System.currentTimeMillis() + session.getRepositoryInfo().hashCode();
Folder parent = null;
try {
CmisObject parentObject = session.getObjectByPath(testFolderParentPath, SELECT_ALL_NO_CACHE_OC);
if (!(parentObject instanceof Folder)) {
addResult(createResult(FAILURE, "Parent folder of the test folder is actually not a folder! Path: " + testFolderParentPath, true));
parent = (Folder) parentObject;
} catch (CmisBaseException e) {
addResult(createResult(UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, "Test folder could not be created! Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e, true));
if (parent != null) {
testFolder = createFolder(session, parent, name);
return testFolder;
use of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisBaseException in project copper-cms by PogeyanOSS.
the class AbstractSessionTest method checkObject.
protected CmisTestResult checkObject(Session session, CmisObject object, String[] properties, String message) {
List<CmisTestResult> results = new ArrayList<CmisTestResult>();
CmisTestResult f;
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Object is null!", true);
addResult(results, assertNotNull(object, null, f));
if (object != null) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Object ID is not set!");
addResult(results, assertStringNotEmpty(object.getId(), null, f));
GregorianCalendar creationDate = null;
GregorianCalendar lastModificationDate = null;
// properties
for (String propId : properties) {
Property<?> prop = object.getProperty(propId);
// values of non-spec properties are not checked here
PropertyCheckEnum propertyCheck = PropertyCheckEnum.NO_VALUE_CHECK;
// known properties that are strings and must be set
if (PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID.equals(propId) || PropertyIds.BASE_TYPE_ID.equals(propId) || PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID.equals(propId) || PropertyIds.PATH.equals(propId) || PropertyIds.SOURCE_ID.equals(propId) || PropertyIds.TARGET_ID.equals(propId)) {
propertyCheck = PropertyCheckEnum.STRING_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY;
if (!(object instanceof Relationship)) {
if (PropertyIds.CREATED_BY.equals(propId) || PropertyIds.LAST_MODIFIED_BY.equals(propId)) {
propertyCheck = PropertyCheckEnum.STRING_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY;
// known properties that are strings and should be set
if (PropertyIds.NAME.equals(propId) || PropertyIds.POLICY_TEXT.equals(propId)) {
propertyCheck = PropertyCheckEnum.STRING_SHOULD_NOT_BE_EMPTY;
// known properties that are not strings and must be set
if (PropertyIds.IS_IMMUTABLE.equals(propId)) {
propertyCheck = PropertyCheckEnum.MUST_BE_SET;
if (!(object instanceof Relationship)) {
if (PropertyIds.CREATION_DATE.equals(propId) || PropertyIds.LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE.equals(propId)) {
propertyCheck = PropertyCheckEnum.MUST_BE_SET;
// special case: parent
if (PropertyIds.PARENT_ID.equals(propId)) {
if (object instanceof Folder) {
if (((Folder) object).isRootFolder()) {
propertyCheck = PropertyCheckEnum.MUST_NOT_BE_SET;
} else {
propertyCheck = PropertyCheckEnum.STRING_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY;
} else {
addResult(results, createResult(FAILURE, "Property " + PropertyIds.PARENT_ID + " is only defined for folders!"));
// special case: path
if (PropertyIds.PATH.equals(propId) && prop.getFirstValue() != null) {
Object path = prop.getFirstValue();
if (path instanceof String) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Path does not start with '/': " + path);
addResult(results, assertIsTrue(((String) path).length() > 0 && ((String) path).charAt(0) == '/', null, f));
} else {
addResult(results, createResult(FAILURE, "Property " + PropertyIds.PATH + " is not a string!"));
// check property
addResult(results, checkProperty(prop, "Property " + propId, propertyCheck));
// catch creationDate and lastModificationDate
if (PropertyIds.CREATION_DATE.equals(propId)) {
if (prop != null) {
creationDate = (GregorianCalendar) prop.getFirstValue();
} else if (PropertyIds.LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE.equals(propId)) {
if (prop != null) {
lastModificationDate = (GregorianCalendar) prop.getFirstValue();
// check creationDate <= lastModificationDate
if (creationDate != null && lastModificationDate != null) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Last modification date precedes creation date!");
addResult(results, assertIsTrue(creationDate.getTimeInMillis() <= lastModificationDate.getTimeInMillis(), null, f));
f = createResult(WARNING, "Creation date and last modification date have different timezones.");
addResult(assertIsTrue(creationDate.getTimeZone().hasSameRules(lastModificationDate.getTimeZone()), null, f));
// allowable actions
if ((object.getAllowableActions() == null) || (object.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions() == null)) {
addResult(results, createResult(FAILURE, "Object has no allowable actions!"));
} else {
Set<Action> actions = object.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions();
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Object has no CAN_GET_PROPERTIES allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_GET_PROPERTIES, null, f));
addResult(results, assertIsTrue(object.hasAllowableAction(Action.CAN_GET_PROPERTIES), null, f));
if (object instanceof Document) {
if (actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT) && actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_IN)) {
addResult(results, createResult(FAILURE, "Document object has CAN_CHECK_OUT and CAN_CHECK_IN allowable actions!"));
if (actions.contains(Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT) && actions.contains(Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT)) {
addResult(results, createResult(FAILURE, "Document object has CAN_CHECK_OUT and CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT allowable actions!"));
Document doc = (Document) object;
DocumentTypeDefinition docType = (DocumentTypeDefinition) doc.getType();
if (doc.isVersionSeriesCheckedOut() != null) {
if (doc.isVersionSeriesCheckedOut()) {
f = createResult(WARNING, "Document is checked out and has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT, null, f));
if (doc.getVersionSeriesCheckedOutId() == null) {
addResult(results, createResult(WARNING, "Document is checked out and but the property cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId is not set!"));
} else {
if (doc.getVersionSeriesCheckedOutId().equals(object.getId())) {
// object is PWC
f = createResult(FAILURE, "PWC doesn't have CAN_CHECK_IN allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CHECK_IN, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "PWC doesn't have CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT, null, f));
} else {
// object is not PWC
f = createResult(WARNING, "Non-PWC has CAN_CHECK_IN allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CHECK_IN, null, f));
f = createResult(WARNING, "Non-PWC has CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT, null, f));
} else {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Document is not checked out and has CAN_CHECK_IN allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CHECK_IN, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Document is not checked out and has CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT, null, f));
// versionable check
if (docType.isVersionable()) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(doc.isLatestVersion())) {
f = createResult(WARNING, "Document is versionable and not checked but has no CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT, null, f));
} else {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT, null, f));
} else {
addResult(results, createResult(WARNING, "Property cmis:isVersionSeriesCheckedOut is not set!"));
// immutable check
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(doc.isImmutable())) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Document is immutable and has CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Document is immutable and has CAN_DELETE_OBJECT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT, null, f));
} else {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Document object has CAN_CHECK_IN allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CHECK_IN, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Document object has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Document object has CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Document object has CAN_GET_CONTENT_STREAM allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_GET_CONTENT_STREAM, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Document object has CAN_DELETE_CONTENT_STREAM allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_DELETE_CONTENT_STREAM, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Document object has CAN_GET_ALL_VERSIONS allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_GET_ALL_VERSIONS, null, f));
if (object instanceof Folder) {
Folder folder = (Folder) object;
if (folder.isRootFolder()) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Root folder has CAN_DELETE_OBJECT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Root folder has CAN_GET_FOLDER_PARENT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_GET_FOLDER_PARENT, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Root folder has CAN_MOVE_OBJECT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_MOVE_OBJECT, null, f));
} else {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Folder object has CAN_GET_DESCENDANTS allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_GET_DESCENDANTS, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Folder object has CAN_GET_FOLDER_PARENT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_GET_FOLDER_PARENT, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Folder object has CAN_GET_CHILDREN allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_GET_CHILDREN, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Folder object has CAN_DELETE_TREE allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_DELETE_TREE, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Folder object has CAN_GET_FOLDER_PARENT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_GET_FOLDER_PARENT, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Folder object has CAN_CREATE_DOCUMENT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CREATE_DOCUMENT, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Folder object has CAN_CREATE_FOLDER allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER, null, f));
if (!(object instanceof FileableCmisObject) || (object instanceof Folder)) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Filable object or folder has CAN_ADD_OBJECT_TO_FOLDER allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_ADD_OBJECT_TO_FOLDER, null, f));
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Filable object or folder has CAN_REMOVE_OBJECT_FROM_FOLDER allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_REMOVE_OBJECT_FROM_FOLDER, null, f));
if (!(object instanceof FileableCmisObject)) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Non-Fileable object has CAN_MOVE_OBJECT allowable action!");
addResult(results, assertNotAllowableAction(object, Action.CAN_MOVE_OBJECT, null, f));
// get allowable actions again
AllowableActions allowableActions = session.getBinding().getObjectService().getAllowableActions(session.getRepositoryInfo().getId(), object.getId(), null);
if (allowableActions.getAllowableActions() == null) {
addResult(results, createResult(FAILURE, "getAllowableActions() didn't returned allowable actions!"));
} else {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Object allowable actions don't match the allowable actions returned by getAllowableActions()!");
addResult(results, assertEqualSet(object.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions(), allowableActions.getAllowableActions(), null, f));
// check ACL
if (object.getAcl() != null && object.getAcl().getAces() != null) {
addResult(results, checkACL(session, object.getAcl(), true, "ACL"));
// check policies
if (hasPolicies(session)) {
try {
List<ObjectData> appliedPolicies = session.getBinding().getPolicyService().getAppliedPolicies(session.getRepositoryInfo().getId(), object.getId(), "*", null);
if (appliedPolicies == null) {
appliedPolicies = Collections.emptyList();
List<Policy> objectPolicies = object.getPolicies();
if (objectPolicies == null) {
objectPolicies = Collections.emptyList();
f = createResult(FAILURE, "The number of policies returned by getAppliedPolicies() and the number of object policies don't match!");
addResult(results, assertEquals(appliedPolicies.size(), objectPolicies.size(), null, f));
} catch (CmisNotSupportedException e) {
addResult(results, createResult(WARNING, "getAppliedPolicies() not supported for object: " + object.getId()));
// check relationships
checkRelationships(session, results, object);
// check document content
checkDocumentContent(session, results, object);
// check renditions
if (object.getRenditions() != null) {
addResult(results, checkRenditions(session, object, "Rendition check"));
// check allowed child object type ids
if (object instanceof Folder) {
List<String> otids = object.getPropertyValue(PropertyIds.ALLOWED_CHILD_OBJECT_TYPE_IDS);
if (otids != null) {
for (String otid : otids) {
try {
} catch (CmisBaseException e) {
addResult(results, createResult(FAILURE, "The cmis:allowedChildObjectTypeIds property contains the type ID '" + otid + "' but the type doesn't exists. Folder ID: " + object.getId()));
// check path
if (object instanceof FileableCmisObject) {
List<String> paths = ((FileableCmisObject) object).getPaths();
if (object instanceof Folder) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Folder does not have excatly one path! This is an OpenCMIS bug!");
addResult(results, assertEquals(1, paths.size(), null, f));
} else {
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(session.getRepositoryInfo().getCapabilities().isMultifilingSupported())) {
f = createResult(FAILURE, "Repository does not support multi-filing, but the object has more than one parent!");
addResult(results, assertIsTrue(paths.size() < 2, null, f));
CmisTestResultImpl result = createResult(getWorst(results), message);
return result.getStatus().getLevel() <= OK.getLevel() ? null : result;
use of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisBaseException in project copper-cms by PogeyanOSS.
the class AbstractSessionTest method deleteType.
* Deletes a type.
protected void deleteType(Session session, String typeId) {
ObjectType type = session.getTypeDefinition(typeId);
if (type == null) {
addResult(createResult(FAILURE, "Type does not exist and therefore cannot be deleted! ID: " + typeId));
// check if type can be deleted
if (type.getTypeMutability() == null) {
addResult(createResult(FAILURE, "Type does not provide type mutability data! ID: " + typeId));
} else {
if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(type.getTypeMutability().canDelete())) {
addResult(createResult(WARNING, "Type indicates that it cannot be deleted. Trying it anyway. ID: " + typeId));
// delete it
try {
} catch (CmisBaseException e) {
addResult(createResult(FAILURE, "Deleting type '" + typeId + "' failed: " + e.getMessage(), e, false));
// check if the type still exists
try {
addResult(createResult(FAILURE, "Type should not exist anymore but it is still there! ID: " + typeId, true));
} catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
// expected result