use of org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header in project cloudstack by apache.
the class S3TemplateDownloader method download.
public long download(boolean resume, DownloadCompleteCallback callback) {
if (!status.equals(Status.NOT_STARTED)) {
// Only start downloading if we haven't started yet.
LOGGER.debug("Template download is already started, not starting again. Template: " + downloadUrl);
return 0;
int responseCode;
if ((responseCode = HTTPUtils.executeMethod(httpClient, getMethod)) == -1) {
errorString = "Exception while executing HttpMethod " + getMethod.getName() + " on URL " + downloadUrl;
return 0;
if (!HTTPUtils.verifyResponseCode(responseCode)) {
errorString = "Response code for GetMethod of " + downloadUrl + " is incorrect, responseCode: " + responseCode;
return 0;
// Headers
Header contentLengthHeader = getMethod.getResponseHeader("Content-Length");
Header contentTypeHeader = getMethod.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
// Check the contentLengthHeader and transferEncodingHeader.
if (contentLengthHeader == null) {
errorString = "The ContentLengthHeader of " + downloadUrl + " isn't supplied";
return 0;
} else {
// The ContentLengthHeader is supplied, parse it's value.
remoteSize = Long.parseLong(contentLengthHeader.getValue());
if (remoteSize > maxTemplateSizeInByte) {
errorString = "Remote size is too large for template " + downloadUrl + " remote size is " + remoteSize + " max allowed is " + maxTemplateSizeInByte;
return 0;
InputStream inputStream;
try {
inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(getMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream());
} catch (IOException e) {
errorString = "Exception occurred while opening InputStream for template " + downloadUrl;
return 0;
}"Starting download from " + downloadUrl + " to S3 bucket " + s3TO.getBucketName() + " and size " + remoteSize + " bytes");
// Time the upload starts.
final Date start = new Date();
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata();
if (contentTypeHeader.getValue() != null) {
// Create the PutObjectRequest.
PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(s3TO.getBucketName(), s3Key, inputStream, objectMetadata);
// If reduced redundancy is enabled, set it.
if (s3TO.getEnableRRS()) {
Upload upload = S3Utils.putObject(s3TO, putObjectRequest);
upload.addProgressListener(new ProgressListener() {
public void progressChanged(ProgressEvent progressEvent) {
// Record the amount of bytes transferred.
totalBytes += progressEvent.getBytesTransferred();
LOGGER.trace("Template download from " + downloadUrl + " to S3 bucket " + s3TO.getBucketName() + " transferred " + totalBytes + " in " + ((new Date().getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000) + " seconds");
if (progressEvent.getEventType() == ProgressEventType.TRANSFER_STARTED_EVENT) {
status = Status.IN_PROGRESS;
} else if (progressEvent.getEventType() == ProgressEventType.TRANSFER_COMPLETED_EVENT) {
status = Status.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED;
} else if (progressEvent.getEventType() == ProgressEventType.TRANSFER_CANCELED_EVENT) {
status = Status.ABORTED;
} else if (progressEvent.getEventType() == ProgressEventType.TRANSFER_FAILED_EVENT) {
try {
// Wait for the upload to complete.
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Interruption while waiting for the upload to complete.
LOGGER.warn("Interruption occurred while waiting for upload of " + downloadUrl + " to complete");
downloadTime = new Date().getTime() - start.getTime();
if (status == Status.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED) {"Template download from " + downloadUrl + " to S3 bucket " + s3TO.getBucketName() + " transferred " + totalBytes + " in " + (downloadTime / 1000) + " seconds, completed successfully!");
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Template download from " + downloadUrl + " to S3 bucket " + s3TO.getBucketName() + " transferred " + totalBytes + " in " + (downloadTime / 1000) + " seconds, completed with status " + status.toString());
// Close input stream
// Call the callback!
if (callback != null) {
return totalBytes;
use of org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header in project cloudstack by apache.
the class HttpTemplateDownloader method download.
public long download(boolean resume, DownloadCompleteCallback callback) {
switch(status) {
return 0;
int bytes = 0;
File file = new File(toFile);
try {
long localFileSize = 0;
if (file.exists() && resume) {
localFileSize = file.length();"Resuming download to file (current size)=" + localFileSize);
Date start = new Date();
int responseCode = 0;
if (localFileSize > 0) {
// require partial content support for resume
request.addRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + localFileSize + "-");
if (client.executeMethod(request) != HttpStatus.SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT) {
errorString = "HTTP Server does not support partial get";
status = TemplateDownloader.Status.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
return 0;
} else if ((responseCode = client.executeMethod(request)) != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
status = TemplateDownloader.Status.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
errorString = " HTTP Server returned " + responseCode + " (expected 200 OK) ";
//FIXME: retry?
return 0;
Header contentLengthHeader = request.getResponseHeader("Content-Length");
boolean chunked = false;
long remoteSize2 = 0;
if (contentLengthHeader == null) {
Header chunkedHeader = request.getResponseHeader("Transfer-Encoding");
if (chunkedHeader == null || !"chunked".equalsIgnoreCase(chunkedHeader.getValue())) {
status = TemplateDownloader.Status.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
errorString = " Failed to receive length of download ";
//FIXME: what status do we put here? Do we retry?
return 0;
} else if ("chunked".equalsIgnoreCase(chunkedHeader.getValue())) {
chunked = true;
} else {
remoteSize2 = Long.parseLong(contentLengthHeader.getValue());
if (remoteSize2 == 0) {
status = TemplateDownloader.Status.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED;
String downloaded = "(download complete remote=" + remoteSize + "bytes)";
errorString = "Downloaded " + totalBytes + " bytes " + downloaded;
downloadTime = 0;
return 0;
if (remoteSize == 0) {
remoteSize = remoteSize2;
if (remoteSize > maxTemplateSizeInBytes) {"Remote size is too large: " + remoteSize + " , max=" + maxTemplateSizeInBytes);
errorString = "Download file size is too large";
return 0;
if (remoteSize == 0) {
remoteSize = maxTemplateSizeInBytes;
InputStream in = request.getResponseBodyAsStream();
RandomAccessFile out = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");;"Starting download from " + getDownloadUrl() + " to " + toFile + " remoteSize=" + remoteSize + " , max size=" + maxTemplateSizeInBytes);
byte[] block = new byte[CHUNK_SIZE];
long offset = 0;
boolean done = false;
boolean verifiedFormat = false;
status = TemplateDownloader.Status.IN_PROGRESS;
while (!done && status != Status.ABORTED && offset <= remoteSize) {
if ((bytes =, 0, CHUNK_SIZE)) > -1) {
out.write(block, 0, bytes);
offset += bytes;;
totalBytes += bytes;
if (!verifiedFormat && (offset >= 1048576 || offset >= remoteSize)) {
//let's check format after we get 1MB or full file
String uripath = null;
try {
URI str = new URI(getDownloadUrl());
uripath = str.getPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
s_logger.warn("Invalid download url: " + getDownloadUrl() + ", This should not happen since we have validated the url before!!");
String unsupportedFormat = ImageStoreUtil.checkTemplateFormat(file.getAbsolutePath(), uripath);
if (unsupportedFormat == null || !unsupportedFormat.isEmpty()) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.debug("Error on http connection : " + ex.getMessage());
errorString = "Template content is unsupported, or mismatch between selected format and template content. Found : " + unsupportedFormat;
return 0;
s_logger.debug("Verified format of downloading file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " is supported");
verifiedFormat = true;
} else {
done = true;
Date finish = new Date();
String downloaded = "(incomplete download)";
if (totalBytes >= remoteSize) {
status = TemplateDownloader.Status.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED;
downloaded = "(download complete remote=" + remoteSize + "bytes)";
errorString = "Downloaded " + totalBytes + " bytes " + downloaded;
downloadTime += finish.getTime() - start.getTime();
return totalBytes;
} catch (HttpException hte) {
status = TemplateDownloader.Status.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
errorString = hte.getMessage();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
//probably a file write error?
status = TemplateDownloader.Status.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
errorString = ioe.getMessage();
} finally {
if (status == Status.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR && file.exists() && !file.isDirectory()) {
if (callback != null) {
return 0;
use of org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header in project sling by apache.
the class HttpTestBase method slingServerReady.
/** Return true if able to create and retrieve a node on server */
protected boolean slingServerReady() throws Exception {
// create a node on the server
final String time = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
final String url = HTTP_BASE_URL + "/WaitForSlingStartup/" + time;
// add some properties to the node
final Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
props.put("time", time);
// POST, get URL of created node and get content
String urlOfNewNode = null;
try {
urlOfNewNode = testClient.createNode(url, props, null, true);
final GetMethod get = new GetMethod(urlOfNewNode + readinessCheckExtension);
final int status = httpClient.executeMethod(get);
if (status != 200) {
throw new HttpStatusCodeException(200, status, "GET", urlOfNewNode);
final Header h = get.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
final String contentType = h == null ? "" : h.getValue();
if (!contentType.startsWith(readinessCheckContentTypePrefix)) {
throw new IOException("Expected Content-Type=" + readinessCheckContentTypePrefix + " but got '" + contentType + "' for URL=" + urlOfNewNode);
final String content = get.getResponseBodyAsString();
if (!content.contains(time)) {
throw new IOException("Content does not contain '" + time + "' (" + content + ") at URL=" + urlOfNewNode);
} finally {
if (urlOfNewNode != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
// Also check that the WebDAV root is ready
// need the trailing slash in case the base URL is the context root
final String webDavUrl = WEBDAV_BASE_URL + "/";
final HttpAnyMethod options = new HttpAnyMethod("OPTIONS", webDavUrl);
final int status = httpClient.executeMethod(options);
if (status != 200) {
throw new HttpStatusCodeException(200, status, "OPTIONS", webDavUrl);
// The Allow header tells us that we're talking to a WebDAV server
final Header h = options.getResponseHeader("Allow");
if (h == null) {
throw new IOException("Response does not contain Allow header, at URL=" + webDavUrl);
} else if (h.getValue() == null) {
throw new IOException("Allow header has null value at URL=" + webDavUrl);
} else if (!h.getValue().contains("PROPFIND")) {
throw new IOException("Allow header (" + h.getValue() + " does not contain PROPFIND, at URL=" + webDavUrl);
// And check optional additional URLs for readyness
// Defined by system properties like
// launchpad.ready.1 = GET:/tmp/someUrl:200:expectedRegexpInResponse
for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_READY_URL_INDEX; i++) {
final String propName = READY_URL_PROP_PREFIX + i;
final String readyDef = System.getProperty(propName, "");
final String[] parts = readyDef.split(":");
if (parts.length == 4) {
final String info = propName + "=" + readyDef;
final HttpAnyMethod m = new HttpAnyMethod(parts[0], HTTP_BASE_URL + parts[1]);
final int expectedStatus = Integer.valueOf(parts[2]);
final int status = httpClient.executeMethod(m);
if (expectedStatus != status) {
throw new IOException("Status " + status + " does not match expected value: " + info);
final String content = m.getResponseBodyAsString();
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?s).*" + parts[3] + ".*");
if (!p.matcher(content).matches()) {
throw new IOException("Content does not match expected regexp:" + info + ", content=" + content);
return true;
use of org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header in project sling by apache.
the class SelectorRedirectOnLoginErrorTest method testRedirectToSelectorLoginFormAfterLoginError.
* Test SLING-2165. Login Error should redirect back to the referrer
* login page.
* @throws Exception
public void testRedirectToSelectorLoginFormAfterLoginError() throws Exception {
//login failure
List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
params.add(new NameValuePair("j_username", "___bogus___"));
params.add(new NameValuePair("j_password", "not_a_real_user"));
final String loginPageUrl = String.format("%s/system/sling/selector/login", HTTP_BASE_URL);
PostMethod post = (PostMethod) assertPostStatus(HTTP_BASE_URL + "/j_security_check", HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, params, null, loginPageUrl);
final Header locationHeader = post.getResponseHeader("Location");
String location = locationHeader.getValue();
int queryStrStart = location.indexOf('?');
if (queryStrStart != -1) {
location = location.substring(0, queryStrStart);
assertEquals("Expected to remain on the selector/login page", loginPageUrl, location);
use of org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header in project sling by apache.
the class SelectorRedirectOnLoginErrorTest method testRedirectToOpenIDLoginFormAfterLoginError.
* Test SLING-2165. Login Error should redirect back to the referrer
* login page.
* @throws Exception
public void testRedirectToOpenIDLoginFormAfterLoginError() throws Exception {
//login failure
List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
params.add(new NameValuePair("openid_identifier", "___bogus___"));
final String loginPageUrl = String.format("%s/system/sling/openid/login", HTTP_BASE_URL);
PostMethod post = (PostMethod) assertPostStatus(HTTP_BASE_URL + "/j_security_check", HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, params, null, loginPageUrl);
final Header locationHeader = post.getResponseHeader("Location");
String location = locationHeader.getValue();
int queryStrStart = location.indexOf('?');
if (queryStrStart != -1) {
location = location.substring(0, queryStrStart);
assertEquals("Expected to remain on the openid/login page", loginPageUrl, location);