use of org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.LinearConstraint in project java by gunnarfloetteroed.
the class TestApacheLP method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rnd = new Random();
int decVarCnt = 10 * 1000;
int constrCnt = 1000;
double constrDensity = 0.01;
System.out.println("STARTED ...");
for (int _M = 1000; _M >= 1; _M--) {
double[] objFctCoeffs = new double[decVarCnt];
double[][] constrCoeffs = new double[constrCnt][decVarCnt];
for (int i = 0; i < decVarCnt; i++) {
objFctCoeffs[i] = -Math.log(Math.max(1e-8, rnd.nextDouble()));
for (int j = 0; j < constrCnt; j++) {
// if (j % 1000 == 0) {System.out.println(j);};
double[] array = constrCoeffs[j];
for (int i = 0; i < decVarCnt; i++) {
if (rnd.nextDouble() < constrDensity) {
array[i] = 1.0;
final LinearObjectiveFunction objFct = new LinearObjectiveFunction(objFctCoeffs, 0.0);
final List<LinearConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList<LinearConstraint>(decVarCnt + constrCnt);
for (int i = 0; i < decVarCnt; i++) {
double[] lhs = new double[decVarCnt];
lhs[i] = 1.0;
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(lhs, Relationship.LEQ, 1.0));
for (int j = 0; j < constrCnt; j++) {
final LinearConstraint constr = new LinearConstraint(constrCoeffs[j], Relationship.LEQ, _M);
final double[] result = (new SimplexSolver()).optimize(objFct, new LinearConstraintSet(constraints), new NonNegativeConstraint(true), GoalType.MAXIMIZE).getPoint();
double lambdaRealized =;
System.out.println(_M + "\t" + lambdaRealized);
System.out.println("... DONE");
use of org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.LinearConstraint in project java by gunnarfloetteroed.
the class LeBudgeteur method solve.
public void solve(double[] salaries, int firstYear) {
final int dim = (2 * _P() + 1) * _Y();
final double _M = 1000;
final LinearObjectiveFunction objFct;
final double[] coeffs = new double[dim];
for (int y = 0; y < this.duration; y++) {
double timeWeight = Math.exp(-y);
for (Project proj : this.label2proj.values()) {
coeffs[x_index(proj, y)] = 0;
coeffs[z_index(proj, y)] = timeWeight;
coeffs[d_index(y)] = _M;
prn("objFctCoeffs", coeffs);
objFct = new LinearObjectiveFunction(coeffs, 0);
final List<LinearConstraint> constraints;
constraints = new ArrayList<LinearConstraint>();
for (int y = 0; y < this.duration; y++) {
for (Project proj : this.label2proj.values()) {
// keep track of deferred funding
double[] coeffs = new double[dim];
coeffs[x_index(proj, y)] = 1.0;
coeffs[z_index(proj, y)] = 1.0;
if (y > 0) {
coeffs[z_index(proj, y - 1)] = -1.0;
prn("defer(p=" + proj.getIndex() + ",y=" + y + ")", coeffs);
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeffs, Relationship.EQ, proj.getAvailableFunding(y)));
// constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeffs, Relationship.EQ,
// proj.getTargetFunding(y)));
// min-consumptions
double[] coeffs = new double[dim];
coeffs[x_index(proj, y)] = 1.0;
prn("min-cons(p=" + proj.getIndex() + ",y=" + y + ")", coeffs);
// constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeffs, Relationship.GEQ,
// proj.getMinConsumption(y)));
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeffs, Relationship.GEQ, proj.getMinOwnConsumption(y)));
// max-deferral
double[] coeffs = new double[dim];
coeffs[z_index(proj, y)] = 1.0;
if (this.verbose) {
prn("max-defer(p=" + proj.getIndex() + ",y=" + y + ")", coeffs);
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeffs, Relationship.LEQ, proj.getMaxDeferral(y)));
// cover salary
double[] coeffs = new double[dim];
for (Project proj : this.label2proj.values()) {
coeffs[x_index(proj, y)] = 1.0;
coeffs[d_index(y)] = 1.0;
prn("salary(y=" + y + ")", coeffs);
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeffs, Relationship.EQ, salaries[y]));
final double[] result = (new SimplexSolver()).optimize(objFct, new LinearConstraintSet(constraints), new NonNegativeConstraint(true), GoalType.MINIMIZE).getPoint();
prn("solution", result);
for (String label : this.label2proj.keySet()) {
System.out.print(label + "(target)\t");
System.out.print(label + "(used, other)\t");
System.out.print(label + "(used, self)\t");
System.out.print(label + "(deferred)\t");
for (int y = 0; y < this.duration; y++) {
System.out.print((firstYear + y) + "\t");
for (Project proj : this.label2proj.values()) {
roundPrintTab(result[x_index(proj, y)]);
roundPrintTab(result[z_index(proj, y)]);