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Example 56 with FTPClient

use of in project hutool by looly.

the class Ftp method init.

 * 初始化连接
 * @param config FTP配置
 * @param mode   模式
 * @return this
public Ftp init(FtpConfig config, FtpMode mode) {
    final FTPClient client = new FTPClient();
    // issue#I3O81Y@Gitee
    final Charset charset = config.getCharset();
    if (null != charset) {
    client.setConnectTimeout((int) config.getConnectionTimeout());
    final String systemKey = config.getSystemKey();
    if (StrUtil.isNotBlank(systemKey)) {
        final FTPClientConfig conf = new FTPClientConfig(systemKey);
        final String serverLanguageCode = config.getServerLanguageCode();
        if (StrUtil.isNotBlank(serverLanguageCode)) {
    // connect
    try {
        // 连接ftp服务器
        client.connect(config.getHost(), config.getPort());
        client.setSoTimeout((int) config.getSoTimeout());
        // 登录ftp服务器
        client.login(config.getUser(), config.getPassword());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IORuntimeException(e);
    // 是否成功登录服务器
    final int replyCode = client.getReplyCode();
    if (false == FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(replyCode)) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        // ignore
        throw new FtpException("Login failed for user [{}], reply code is: [{}]", config.getUser(), replyCode);
    this.client = client;
    if (mode != null) {
    return this;
Also used : IORuntimeException( FTPClientConfig( Charset(java.nio.charset.Charset) IOException( FTPClient(

Example 57 with FTPClient

use of in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.

the class FTPServerTest method testCWD.

 * Test CWD for FTP server
 * @throws Exception
public void testCWD() throws Exception {
    logger.debug("Start testCWD");
    FTPClient ftp = connectClient();
    try {
        int reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
        if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
            fail("FTP server refused connection.");
        boolean login = ftp.login(USER_ADMIN, PASSWORD_ADMIN);
        assertTrue("admin login successful", login);
        FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles();
        reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
        assertTrue(files.length == 1);
        boolean foundAlfresco = false;
        for (FTPFile file : files) {
            logger.debug("file name=" + file.getName());
            if (file.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Alfresco")) {
                foundAlfresco = true;
        // Change to Alfresco Dir that we know exists
        reply = ftp.cwd("/Alfresco");
        // relative path with space char
        reply = ftp.cwd("Data Dictionary");
        // non existant absolute
        reply = ftp.cwd("/Garbage");
        reply = ftp.cwd("/Alfresco/User Homes");
        // Wild card
        reply = ftp.cwd("/Alfresco/User*Homes");
        assertTrue("unable to change to /Alfresco User*Homes/", FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply));
        // // Single char pattern match
        // reply = ftp.cwd("/Alfre?co");
        // assertTrue("Unable to match single char /Alfre?co", FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply));
        // two level folder
        reply = ftp.cwd("/Alfresco/Data Dictionary");
        assertTrue("unable to change to /Alfresco/Data Dictionary", FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply));
        // go up one
        reply = ftp.cwd("..");
        assertTrue("unable to change to ..", FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply));
        reply = ftp.pwd();
        assertTrue("unable to get status", FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply));
        // check we are at the correct point in the tree
        reply = ftp.cwd("Data Dictionary");
    } finally {
Also used : FTPFile( FTPClient(

Example 58 with FTPClient

use of in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.

the class FTPServerTest method testTwoUserUpdate.

// test Rename Case
 * Create a user other than "admin" who has access to a set of files.
 * Create a folder containing test.docx as user one
 * Update that file as user two.
 * Check user one can see user two's changes.
 * @throws Exception
public void testTwoUserUpdate() throws Exception {
    logger.debug("Start testFTPConnect");
    final String TEST_DIR = "/Alfresco/User Homes/" + USER_ONE;
    FTPClient ftpOne = connectClient();
    FTPClient ftpTwo = connectClient();
    try {
        int reply = ftpOne.getReplyCode();
        if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
            fail("FTP server refused connection.");
        reply = ftpTwo.getReplyCode();
        if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
            fail("FTP server refused connection.");
        boolean login = ftpOne.login(USER_ONE, PASSWORD_ONE);
        assertTrue("user one login not successful", login);
        login = ftpTwo.login(USER_TWO, PASSWORD_TWO);
        assertTrue("user two login not successful", login);
        boolean success = ftpOne.changeWorkingDirectory("Alfresco");
        assertTrue("user one unable to cd to Alfreco", success);
        success = ftpOne.changeWorkingDirectory("User*Homes");
        assertTrue("user one unable to cd to User*Homes", success);
        success = ftpOne.changeWorkingDirectory(USER_ONE);
        assertTrue("user one unable to cd to " + USER_ONE, success);
        success = ftpTwo.changeWorkingDirectory("Alfresco");
        assertTrue("user two unable to cd to Alfreco", success);
        success = ftpTwo.changeWorkingDirectory("User*Homes");
        assertTrue("user two unable to cd to User*Homes", success);
        success = ftpTwo.changeWorkingDirectory(USER_ONE);
        assertTrue("user two unable to cd " + USER_ONE, success);
        // Create a file as user one
        String FILE1_CONTENT_1 = "test file 1 content";
        String FILE1_NAME = "test.docx";
        success = ftpOne.appendFile(FILE1_NAME, new ByteArrayInputStream(FILE1_CONTENT_1.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        assertTrue("user one unable to append file", success);
        // Update the file as user two
        String FILE1_CONTENT_2 = "test file content updated";
        success = ftpTwo.storeFile(FILE1_NAME, new ByteArrayInputStream(FILE1_CONTENT_2.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        assertTrue("user two unable to append file", success);
        // User one should read user2's content
        InputStream is1 = ftpOne.retrieveFileStream(FILE1_NAME);
        assertNotNull("is1 is null", is1);
        String content1 = inputStreamToString(is1);
        assertEquals("Content is not as expected", FILE1_CONTENT_2, content1);
        // User two should read user2's content
        InputStream is2 = ftpTwo.retrieveFileStream(FILE1_NAME);
        assertNotNull("is2 is null", is2);
        String content2 = inputStreamToString(is2);
        assertEquals("Content is not as expected", FILE1_CONTENT_2, content2);
        logger.debug("Test finished");
    } finally {
        if (ftpOne != null) {
        if (ftpTwo != null) {
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( FTPClient(

Example 59 with FTPClient

use of in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.

the class FTPServerTest method testCRUD.

 * Test CRUD for FTP server
 * @throws Exception
public void testCRUD() throws Exception {
    final String PATH1 = "FTPServerTest";
    final String PATH2 = "Second part";
    logger.debug("Start testFTPCRUD");
    FTPClient ftp = connectClient();
    try {
        int reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
        if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
            fail("FTP server refused connection.");
        boolean login = ftp.login(USER_ADMIN, PASSWORD_ADMIN);
        assertTrue("admin login successful", login);
        reply = ftp.cwd("/Alfresco/User Homes");
        // Delete the root directory in case it was left over from a previous test run
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        // ignore this error
        // make root directory
        // make sub-directory in new directory
        // List the files in the new directory
        FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles();
        assertTrue("files not empty", files.length == 0);
        // Create a file
        String FILE1_CONTENT_1 = "test file 1 content";
        String FILE1_NAME = "testFile1.txt";
        ftp.appendFile(FILE1_NAME, new ByteArrayInputStream(FILE1_CONTENT_1.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        // Get the new file
        FTPFile[] files2 = ftp.listFiles();
        assertTrue("files not one", files2.length == 1);
        InputStream is = ftp.retrieveFileStream(FILE1_NAME);
        String content = inputStreamToString(is);
        assertEquals("Content is not as expected", content, FILE1_CONTENT_1);
        // Update the file contents
        String FILE1_CONTENT_2 = "That's how it is says Pooh!";
        ftp.storeFile(FILE1_NAME, new ByteArrayInputStream(FILE1_CONTENT_2.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        InputStream is2 = ftp.retrieveFileStream(FILE1_NAME);
        String content2 = inputStreamToString(is2);
        assertEquals("Content is not as expected", FILE1_CONTENT_2, content2);
        // now delete the file we have been using.
        // negative test - file should have gone now.
    } finally {
        // clean up tree if left over from previous run
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( FTPFile( IOException( FTPClient(

Example 60 with FTPClient

use of in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.

the class FTPServerTest method testModificationTime.

 * Test Setting the modification time FTP server
 * @throws Exception
public void testModificationTime() throws Exception {
    final String PATH1 = "FTPServerTest";
    final String PATH2 = "ModificationTime";
    logger.debug("Start testModificationTime");
    FTPClient ftp = connectClient();
    try {
        int reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
        if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
            fail("FTP server refused connection.");
        boolean login = ftp.login(USER_ADMIN, PASSWORD_ADMIN);
        assertTrue("admin login successful", login);
        reply = ftp.cwd("/Alfresco/User Homes");
        // Delete the root directory in case it was left over from a previous test run
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        // ignore this error
        // make root directory
        // make sub-directory in new directory
        // List the files in the new directory
        FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles();
        assertTrue("files not empty", files.length == 0);
        // Create a file
        String FILE1_CONTENT_1 = "test file 1 content";
        String FILE1_NAME = "testFile1.txt";
        ftp.appendFile(FILE1_NAME, new ByteArrayInputStream(FILE1_CONTENT_1.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        String pathname = "/Alfresco/User Homes" + "/" + PATH1 + "/" + PATH2 + "/" + FILE1_NAME;
        logger.debug("set modification time");
        // YYYYMMDDhhmmss Time set to 2012 August 30 12:39:05
        String olympicTime = "20120830123905";
        ftp.setModificationTime(pathname, olympicTime);
        String extractedTime = ftp.getModificationTime(pathname);
        // Feature of the commons ftp library ExtractedTime has a "status code" first and is followed by newline chars
        assertTrue("time not set correctly by explicit set time", extractedTime.contains(olympicTime));
        // Get the new file
        FTPFile[] files2 = ftp.listFiles();
        assertTrue("files not one", files2.length == 1);
        InputStream is = ftp.retrieveFileStream(FILE1_NAME);
        String content = inputStreamToString(is);
        assertEquals("Content is not as expected", content, FILE1_CONTENT_1);
        // Update the file contents without setting time directly
        String FILE1_CONTENT_2 = "That's how it is says Pooh!";
        ftp.storeFile(FILE1_NAME, new ByteArrayInputStream(FILE1_CONTENT_2.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        InputStream is2 = ftp.retrieveFileStream(FILE1_NAME);
        String content2 = inputStreamToString(is2);
        assertEquals("Content is not as expected", FILE1_CONTENT_2, content2);
        extractedTime = ftp.getModificationTime(pathname);
        assertFalse("time not moved on if time not explicitly set", extractedTime.contains(olympicTime));
        // now delete the file we have been using.
        // negative test - file should have gone now.
    } finally {
        // clean up tree if left over from previous run
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( FTPFile( IOException( FTPClient(


FTPClient ( IOException ( FTPFile ( Test (org.junit.Test)25 InputStream ( FrameworkException (org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException)20 Tx (org.structr.core.graph.Tx)20 FtpTest (org.structr.web.files.FtpTest)20 File ( ByteArrayInputStream ( FileInputStream ( FileOutputStream ( OutputStream ( UnknownHostException ( ConnectException ( PrintCommandListener ( FTPSClient ( FTPUtils (com.cas.sim.tis.util.FTPUtils)3 FileNotFoundException ( MalformedURLException (