use of org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework in project flink by apache.
the class Kafka08ITCase method testInvalidOffset.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testInvalidOffset() throws Exception {
final int parallelism = 1;
// write 20 messages into topic:
final String topic = writeSequence("invalidOffsetTopic", 20, parallelism, 1);
// set invalid offset:
CuratorFramework curatorClient = ((KafkaTestEnvironmentImpl) kafkaServer).createCuratorClient();
ZookeeperOffsetHandler.setOffsetInZooKeeper(curatorClient, standardProps.getProperty(""), topic, 0, 1234);
// read from topic
final int valuesCount = 20;
final int startFrom = 0;
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createRemoteEnvironment("localhost", flinkPort);
readSequence(env, StartupMode.GROUP_OFFSETS, null, standardProps, parallelism, topic, valuesCount, startFrom);
use of org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework in project flink by apache.
the class Kafka08ITCase method runOffsetManipulationInZooKeeperTest.
public void runOffsetManipulationInZooKeeperTest() {
try {
final String topicName = "ZookeeperOffsetHandlerTest-Topic";
final String groupId = "ZookeeperOffsetHandlerTest-Group";
final Long offset = (long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE);
CuratorFramework curatorFramework = ((KafkaTestEnvironmentImpl) kafkaServer).createCuratorClient();
kafkaServer.createTestTopic(topicName, 3, 2);
ZookeeperOffsetHandler.setOffsetInZooKeeper(curatorFramework, groupId, topicName, 0, offset);
Long fetchedOffset = ZookeeperOffsetHandler.getOffsetFromZooKeeper(curatorFramework, groupId, topicName, 0);
assertEquals(offset, fetchedOffset);
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework in project flink by apache.
the class Kafka08ITCase method testOffsetAutocommitTest.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testOffsetAutocommitTest() throws Exception {
final int parallelism = 3;
// write a sequence from 0 to 99 to each of the 3 partitions.
final String topicName = writeSequence("testOffsetAutocommit", 100, parallelism, 1);
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createRemoteEnvironment("localhost", flinkPort);
// NOTE: We are not enabling the checkpointing!
// the readSequence operation sleeps for 20 ms between each record.
// setting a delay of 25*20 = 500 for the commit interval makes
// sure that we commit roughly 3-4 times while reading, however
// at least once.
Properties readProps = new Properties();
// make sure that auto commit is enabled in the properties
readProps.setProperty("auto.commit.enable", "true");
readProps.setProperty("", "500");
// read so that the offset can be committed to ZK
readSequence(env, StartupMode.GROUP_OFFSETS, null, readProps, parallelism, topicName, 100, 0);
// get the offset
CuratorFramework curatorFramework = ((KafkaTestEnvironmentImpl) kafkaServer).createCuratorClient();
Long o1 = ZookeeperOffsetHandler.getOffsetFromZooKeeper(curatorFramework, standardProps.getProperty(""), topicName, 0);
Long o2 = ZookeeperOffsetHandler.getOffsetFromZooKeeper(curatorFramework, standardProps.getProperty(""), topicName, 1);
Long o3 = ZookeeperOffsetHandler.getOffsetFromZooKeeper(curatorFramework, standardProps.getProperty(""), topicName, 2);
curatorFramework.close();"Got final offsets from zookeeper o1={}, o2={}, o3={}", o1, o2, o3);
// ensure that the offset has been committed
boolean atLeastOneOffsetSet = (o1 != null && o1 > 0 && o1 <= 100) || (o2 != null && o2 > 0 && o2 <= 100) || (o3 != null && o3 > 0 && o3 <= 100);
assertTrue("Expecting at least one offset to be set o1=" + o1 + " o2=" + o2 + " o3=" + o3, atLeastOneOffsetSet);
use of org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework in project flink by apache.
the class ZooKeeperUtilityFactory method createZooKeeperStateHandleStore.
* Creates a {@link ZooKeeperStateHandleStore} instance with the provided arguments.
* @param zkStateHandleStorePath specifying the path in ZooKeeper to store the state handles to
* @param stateStorageHelper storing the actual state data
* @param executor to run asynchronous callbacks of the state handle store
* @param <T> Type of the state to be stored
* @return a ZooKeeperStateHandleStore instance
* @throws Exception if ZooKeeper could not create the provided state handle store path in
* ZooKeeper
public <T extends Serializable> ZooKeeperStateHandleStore<T> createZooKeeperStateHandleStore(String zkStateHandleStorePath, RetrievableStateStorageHelper<T> stateStorageHelper, Executor executor) throws Exception {
CuratorFramework stateHandleStoreFacade = facade.usingNamespace(ZooKeeperUtils.generateZookeeperPath(facade.getNamespace(), zkStateHandleStorePath));
return new ZooKeeperStateHandleStore<>(stateHandleStoreFacade, stateStorageHelper, executor);
use of org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework in project flink by apache.
the class ZooKeeperStateHandleStoreITCase method testAddDiscardStateHandleAfterFailure.
* Tests that the created state handle is discarded if ZooKeeper create fails.
public void testAddDiscardStateHandleAfterFailure() throws Exception {
// Setup
LongStateStorage stateHandleProvider = new LongStateStorage();
CuratorFramework client = spy(ZooKeeper.getClient());
when(client.create()).thenThrow(new RuntimeException("Expected test Exception."));
ZooKeeperStateHandleStore<Long> store = new ZooKeeperStateHandleStore<>(client, stateHandleProvider, Executors.directExecutor());
// Config
final String pathInZooKeeper = "/testAddDiscardStateHandleAfterFailure";
final Long state = 81282227L;
try {
// Test
store.add(pathInZooKeeper, state);
fail("Did not throw expected exception");
} catch (Exception ignored) {
// Verify
// State handle created and discarded
assertEquals(1, stateHandleProvider.getStateHandles().size());
assertEquals(state, stateHandleProvider.getStateHandles().get(0).retrieveState());
assertEquals(1, stateHandleProvider.getStateHandles().get(0).getNumberOfDiscardCalls());