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Example 11 with AccessDeniedException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class ClaimsAuthorizingInterceptorTest method testUserInRoleAndClaims.

public void testUserInRoleAndClaims() throws Exception {
    SecureAnnotationsInterceptor in = new SecureAnnotationsInterceptor();
    in.setSecuredObject(new TestService2());
    Message m = prepareMessage(TestService2.class, "test", createDefaultClaim("admin"), createClaim("a", "b", "c"));
    ClaimsAuthorizingInterceptor in2 = new ClaimsAuthorizingInterceptor();
    SAMLClaim claim = new SAMLClaim();
    in2.setClaims(Collections.singletonMap("test", Collections.singletonList(new ClaimBean(claim, "a", null, false))));
    try {
        in.handleMessage(prepareMessage(TestService2.class, "test", createDefaultClaim("user")));
        fail("AccessDeniedException expected");
    } catch (AccessDeniedException ex) {
    // expected
Also used : SAMLClaim( AccessDeniedException( Message(org.apache.cxf.message.Message) ClaimBean( SecureAnnotationsInterceptor( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with AccessDeniedException

use of in project ddf by codice.

the class PEPAuthorizingInterceptor method handleMessage.

 * Intercepts a message. Interceptors should NOT invoke handleMessage or handleFault on the next
 * interceptor - the interceptor chain will take care of this.
 * @param message
public void handleMessage(Message message) throws Fault {
    if (message != null) {
        // grab the SAML assertion associated with this Message from the
        // token store
        SecurityAssertion assertion = assertionRetriever.apply(message);
        boolean isPermitted = false;
        if ((assertion != null) && (assertion.getToken() != null)) {
            Subject user = null;
            CollectionPermission action = null;
            String actionURI = getActionUri(message);
            try {
                user = securityManager.getSubject(assertion.getToken());
                if (user == null) {
                    throw new AccessDeniedException(UNAUTH);
                LOGGER.debug("Is user authenticated: {}", user.isAuthenticated());
                LOGGER.debug("Checking for permission");
                securityLogger.audit("Is Subject authenticated? " + user.isAuthenticated(), user);
                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(actionURI)) {
                    securityLogger.audit("Denying access to Subject for unknown action.", user);
                    throw new AccessDeniedException(UNAUTH);
                action = new KeyValueCollectionPermissionImpl(actionURI);
                LOGGER.debug("Permission: {}", action);
                isPermitted = user.isPermitted(action);
                LOGGER.debug("Result of permission: {}", isPermitted);
                securityLogger.audit("Is Subject  permitted? " + isPermitted, user);
                // store the subject so the DDF framework can use it later
                message.put(SecurityConstants.SECURITY_TOKEN_KEY, user);
                LOGGER.debug("Added assertion information to message at key {}", SecurityConstants.SECURITY_TOKEN_KEY);
            } catch (SecurityServiceException e) {
                securityLogger.audit("Denying access : Caught exception when trying to authenticate user for service [" + actionURI + "]", e);
                throw new AccessDeniedException(UNAUTH);
            if (!isPermitted) {
                securityLogger.audit("Denying access to Subject for service: " + action.getAction(), user);
                throw new AccessDeniedException(UNAUTH);
        } else {
            securityLogger.audit("Unable to retrieve the security assertion associated with the web service call.");
            throw new AccessDeniedException(UNAUTH);
    } else {
        securityLogger.audit("Unable to retrieve the current message associated with the web service call.");
        throw new AccessDeniedException(UNAUTH);
Also used : AccessDeniedException( SecurityServiceException( KeyValueCollectionPermissionImpl( CollectionPermission( SecurityAssertion( Subject(


AccessDeniedException ( SecurityContext ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)3 Message (org.apache.cxf.message.Message)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 IOException ( Principal ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Fault (org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault)2 SecureAnnotationsInterceptor ( SAMLClaim ( LoginSecurityContext ( HttpRequest ( Subject ( SecurityAssertion ( CollectionPermission ( KeyValueCollectionPermissionImpl ( SecurityServiceException ( InputStream ( X509Certificate (