use of org.apache.cxf.message.MessageImpl in project cxf by apache.
the class HttpHeadersImplTest method testGetNoLanguages.
public void testGetNoLanguages() throws Exception {
Message m = new MessageImpl();
m.put(Message.PROTOCOL_HEADERS, Collections.emptyMap());
HttpHeaders h = new HttpHeadersImpl(m);
List<Locale> locales = h.getAcceptableLanguages();
assertEquals(1, locales.size());
assertEquals("*", locales.get(0).toString());
use of org.apache.cxf.message.MessageImpl in project cxf by apache.
the class AsyncResponseImplTest method testCancelBehavesTheSameWhenInvokedMultipleTimes.
* According to the spec, subsequent calls to cancel the same AsyncResponse should
* have the same behavior as the first call.
public void testCancelBehavesTheSameWhenInvokedMultipleTimes() {
HttpServletRequest req = control.createMock(HttpServletRequest.class);
HttpServletResponse resp = control.createMock(HttpServletResponse.class);
AsyncContext asyncCtx = control.createMock(AsyncContext.class);
Message msg = new MessageImpl();
msg.setExchange(new ExchangeImpl());
msg.put(ContinuationProvider.class.getName(), new Servlet3ContinuationProvider(req, resp, msg));
AsyncResponse impl = new AsyncResponseImpl(msg);
// cancel the AsyncResponse for the first time
assertTrue("Unexpectedly returned false when canceling the first time", impl.cancel());
// check the state of the AsyncResponse
assertTrue("AsyncResponse was canceled but is reporting that it was not canceled", impl.isCancelled());
boolean isDone = impl.isDone();
boolean isSuspended = impl.isSuspended();
// cancel the AsyncResponse a second time
assertTrue("Unexpectedly returned false when canceling the second time", impl.cancel());
// verify that the state is the same as before the second cancel
assertTrue("AsyncResponse was canceled (twice) but is reporting that it was not canceled", impl.isCancelled());
assertEquals("AsynchResponse.isDone() returned a different response after canceling a second time", isDone, impl.isDone());
assertEquals("AsynchResponse.isSuspended() returned a different response after canceling a second time", isSuspended, impl.isSuspended());
use of org.apache.cxf.message.MessageImpl in project cxf by apache.
the class AsyncResponseImplTest method testCancelDateBehavesTheSameWhenInvokedMultipleTimes.
* Similar to testCancelBehavesTheSameWhenInvokedMultipleTimes, but using the cancel(Date) signature.
public void testCancelDateBehavesTheSameWhenInvokedMultipleTimes() {
HttpServletRequest req = control.createMock(HttpServletRequest.class);
HttpServletResponse resp = control.createMock(HttpServletResponse.class);
AsyncContext asyncCtx = control.createMock(AsyncContext.class);
Message msg = new MessageImpl();
msg.setExchange(new ExchangeImpl());
msg.put(ContinuationProvider.class.getName(), new Servlet3ContinuationProvider(req, resp, msg));
AsyncResponse impl = new AsyncResponseImpl(msg);
// cancel the AsyncResponse for the first time
Date d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000);
assertTrue("Unexpectedly returned false when canceling the first time", impl.cancel(d));
// check the state of the AsyncResponse
assertTrue("AsyncResponse was canceled but is reporting that it was not canceled", impl.isCancelled());
boolean isDone = impl.isDone();
boolean isSuspended = impl.isSuspended();
// cancel the AsyncResponse a second time
d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 120000);
assertTrue("Unexpectedly returned false when canceling the second time", impl.cancel(d));
// verify that the state is the same as before the second cancel
assertTrue("AsyncResponse was canceled (twice) but is reporting that it was not canceled", impl.isCancelled());
assertEquals("AsynchResponse.isDone() returned a different response after canceling a second time", isDone, impl.isDone());
assertEquals("AsynchResponse.isSuspended() returned a different response after canceling a second time", isSuspended, impl.isSuspended());
use of org.apache.cxf.message.MessageImpl in project cxf by apache.
the class CacheControlHeaderProviderTest method testFromComplexStringWithSemicolon.
public void testFromComplexStringWithSemicolon() {
CacheControlHeaderProvider cp = new CacheControlHeaderProvider() {
protected Message getCurrentMessage() {
Message m = new MessageImpl();
m.put(CacheControlHeaderProvider.CACHE_CONTROL_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY, ";");
return m;
CacheControl c = cp.fromString("private=\"foo\";no-cache=\"bar\";no-store;no-transform;" + "must-revalidate;proxy-revalidate;max-age=2;s-maxage=3");
assertTrue(c.isPrivate() && c.isNoStore() && c.isMustRevalidate() && c.isProxyRevalidate() && c.isNoCache());
assertTrue(c.isNoTransform() && c.getNoCacheFields().size() == 1 && c.getPrivateFields().size() == 1);
assertEquals("foo", c.getPrivateFields().get(0));
assertEquals("bar", c.getNoCacheFields().get(0));
use of org.apache.cxf.message.MessageImpl in project cxf by apache.
the class CacheControlHeaderProviderTest method testInvalidSeparator.
@Test(expected = InternalServerErrorException.class)
public void testInvalidSeparator() {
CacheControlHeaderProvider cp = new CacheControlHeaderProvider() {
protected Message getCurrentMessage() {
Message m = new MessageImpl();
m.put(CacheControlHeaderProvider.CACHE_CONTROL_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY, "(e+)+");
return m;