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Example 11 with OAuthServiceException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class AbstractTokenService method getClient.

protected Client getClient(String clientId, String clientSecret, MultivaluedMap<String, String> params) {
    if (clientId == null) {
        reportInvalidRequestError("Client ID is null");
        return null;
    Client client = null;
    try {
        client = getValidClient(clientId, clientSecret, params);
    } catch (OAuthServiceException ex) {
        LOG.warning("No valid client found for clientId: " + clientId);
        if (ex.getError() != null) {
            return null;
    if (client == null) {
        LOG.warning("No valid client found for clientId: " + clientId);
    return client;
Also used : OAuthServiceException( Client(

Example 12 with OAuthServiceException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class AccessTokenService method handleTokenRequest.

 * Processes an access token request
 * @param params the form parameters representing the access token grant
 * @return Access Token or the error
public Response handleTokenRequest(MultivaluedMap<String, String> params) {
    // Make sure the client is authenticated
    Client client = authenticateClientIfNeeded(params);
    if (!OAuthUtils.isGrantSupportedForClient(client, isCanSupportPublicClients(), params.getFirst(OAuthConstants.GRANT_TYPE))) {
        LOG.log(Level.FINE, "The grant type {} is not supported for the client", params.getFirst(OAuthConstants.GRANT_TYPE));
        return createErrorResponse(params, OAuthConstants.UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT);
    try {
        checkAudience(client, params);
    } catch (OAuthServiceException ex) {
        return super.createErrorResponseFromBean(ex.getError());
    // Find the grant handler
    AccessTokenGrantHandler handler = findGrantHandler(params);
    if (handler == null) {
        LOG.fine("No Grant Handler found");
        return createErrorResponse(params, OAuthConstants.UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPE);
    // Create the access token
    ServerAccessToken serverToken = null;
    try {
        serverToken = handler.createAccessToken(client, params);
    } catch (WebApplicationException ex) {
        throw ex;
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        // This is done to bypass a Check-Style
        // restriction on a number of return statements
        OAuthServiceException oauthEx = ex instanceof OAuthServiceException ? (OAuthServiceException) ex : new OAuthServiceException(ex);
        return handleException(oauthEx, OAuthConstants.INVALID_GRANT);
    if (serverToken == null) {
        LOG.fine("No access token was created");
        return createErrorResponse(params, OAuthConstants.INVALID_GRANT);
    // Extract the information to be of use for the client
    ClientAccessToken clientToken = OAuthUtils.toClientAccessToken(serverToken, isWriteOptionalParameters());
    processClientAccessToken(clientToken, serverToken);
    // Return it to the client
    return Response.ok(clientToken).header(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store").header("Pragma", "no-cache").build();
Also used : ServerAccessToken( WebApplicationException( OAuthServiceException( AccessTokenGrantHandler( ClientAccessToken( Client( POST( Consumes( Produces(

Example 13 with OAuthServiceException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class RedirectionBasedGrantService method startAuthorization.

protected Response startAuthorization(MultivaluedMap<String, String> params, UserSubject userSubject, Client client, String redirectUri) {
    // Enforce the client confidentiality requirements
    if (!OAuthUtils.isGrantSupportedForClient(client, canSupportPublicClient(client), supportedGrantType)) {
        LOG.fine("The grant type is not supported");
        return createErrorResponse(params, redirectUri, OAuthConstants.UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT);
    // Check response_type
    String responseType = params.getFirst(OAuthConstants.RESPONSE_TYPE);
    if (responseType == null || !getSupportedResponseTypes().contains(responseType)) {
        LOG.fine("The response type is null or not supported");
        return createErrorResponse(params, redirectUri, OAuthConstants.UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPE);
    // Get the requested scopes
    String providedScope = params.getFirst(OAuthConstants.SCOPE);
    List<String> requestedScope = null;
    List<OAuthPermission> requestedPermissions = null;
    try {
        requestedScope = OAuthUtils.getRequestedScopes(client, providedScope, useAllClientScopes, partialMatchScopeValidation);
        requestedPermissions = getDataProvider().convertScopeToPermissions(client, requestedScope);
    } catch (OAuthServiceException ex) {
        LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Error processing scopes", ex);
        return createErrorResponse(params, redirectUri, OAuthConstants.INVALID_SCOPE);
    // Validate the audience
    String clientAudience = params.getFirst(OAuthConstants.CLIENT_AUDIENCE);
    // in the list of Client audiences set at the Client registration time.
    if (!OAuthUtils.validateAudience(clientAudience, client.getRegisteredAudiences())) {
        LOG.fine("Error validating audience parameter");
        return createErrorResponse(params, redirectUri, OAuthConstants.INVALID_REQUEST);
    // Request a new grant only if no pre-authorized token is available
    ServerAccessToken preAuthorizedToken = null;
    if (canAccessTokenBeReturned(responseType)) {
        preAuthorizedToken = getDataProvider().getPreauthorizedToken(client, requestedScope, userSubject, supportedGrantType);
    List<OAuthPermission> alreadyAuthorizedPerms = null;
    boolean preAuthorizationComplete = false;
    if (preAuthorizedToken != null) {
        alreadyAuthorizedPerms = preAuthorizedToken.getScopes();
        preAuthorizationComplete = OAuthUtils.convertPermissionsToScopeList(alreadyAuthorizedPerms).containsAll(requestedScope);
    Response finalResponse = null;
    try {
        final boolean authorizationCanBeSkipped = preAuthorizationComplete || canAuthorizationBeSkipped(params, client, userSubject, requestedScope, requestedPermissions);
        // Populate the authorization challenge data
        OAuthAuthorizationData data = createAuthorizationData(client, params, redirectUri, userSubject, requestedPermissions, alreadyAuthorizedPerms, authorizationCanBeSkipped);
        if (authorizationCanBeSkipped) {
            getMessageContext().put(AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_PARAMETERS, params);
            List<OAuthPermission> approvedScopes = preAuthorizationComplete ? preAuthorizedToken.getScopes() : requestedPermissions;
            finalResponse = createGrant(data, client, requestedScope, OAuthUtils.convertPermissionsToScopeList(approvedScopes), userSubject, preAuthorizedToken);
        } else {
            if (preAuthorizedToken != null) {
            finalResponse = Response.ok(data).build();
    } catch (OAuthServiceException ex) {
        finalResponse = createErrorResponse(params, redirectUri, ex.getError().getError());
    return finalResponse;
Also used : Response( OAuthPermission( ServerAccessToken( OAuthServiceException( OAuthAuthorizationData(

Example 14 with OAuthServiceException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class CodeGrantEncryptingDataProvider method createCodeGrant.

public ServerAuthorizationCodeGrant createCodeGrant(AuthorizationCodeRegistration reg) throws OAuthServiceException {
    ServerAuthorizationCodeGrant grant = new ServerAuthorizationCodeGrant(reg.getClient(), 123);
    String encrypted = ModelEncryptionSupport.encryptCodeGrant(grant, key);
    return grant;
Also used : ServerAuthorizationCodeGrant(

Example 15 with OAuthServiceException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class EncryptingDataProvider method refreshAccessToken.

public ServerAccessToken refreshAccessToken(Client client, String refreshToken, List<String> requestedScopes) throws OAuthServiceException {
    String encrypted = refreshTokens.remove(refreshToken);
    ServerAccessToken token = ModelEncryptionSupport.decryptAccessToken(this, encrypted, key);
    // create a new refresh token
    // possibly update other token properties
    return token;
Also used : ServerAccessToken(


OAuthServiceException ( ServerAccessToken ( WebClient (org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient)11 Test (org.junit.Test)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 IOException ( OAuthPermission ( UserSubject ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Base64Exception (org.apache.cxf.common.util.Base64Exception)3 Consumer ( AccessTokenValidation ( OAuthError ( InputStream ( List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Consumes ( POST ( ProcessingException ( Produces (