use of in project cxf by apache.
the class TokenRequestCollectionOperation method requestCollection.
public RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType requestCollection(RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType requestCollection, Principal principal, Map<String, Object> messageContext) {
RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType responseCollection = QNameConstants.WS_TRUST_FACTORY.createRequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType();
String requestType = null;
for (RequestSecurityTokenType request : requestCollection.getRequestSecurityToken()) {
List<?> objectList = request.getAny();
for (Object o : objectList) {
if (o instanceof JAXBElement) {
QName qname = ((JAXBElement<?>) o).getName();
if (qname.equals(new QName(STSConstants.WST_NS_05_12, "RequestType"))) {
String val = ((JAXBElement<?>) o).getValue().toString();
// All batch requests must have the same RequestType
if (val == null || (requestType != null && !requestType.equals(val))) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "All RequestSecurityTokenCollection elements do not share the same " + "RequestType");
throw new STSException("Error in requesting a token", STSException.REQUEST_FAILED);
requestType = val;
RequestSecurityTokenResponseType response = handleRequest(request, principal, messageContext, requestType);
return responseCollection;
use of in project cxf by apache.
the class RequestParser method parseKeyInfoElement.
* Parse the KeyInfo Element to return a ReceivedCredential object containing the found certificate or
* public key.
private static ReceivedCredential parseKeyInfoElement(Element keyInfoElement) throws STSException {
KeyInfoFactory keyInfoFactory;
try {
keyInfoFactory = KeyInfoFactory.getInstance("DOM", "ApacheXMLDSig");
} catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) {
keyInfoFactory = KeyInfoFactory.getInstance("DOM");
try {
KeyInfo keyInfo = keyInfoFactory.unmarshalKeyInfo(new DOMStructure(keyInfoElement));
List<?> list = keyInfo.getContent();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i) instanceof KeyValue) {
KeyValue keyValue = (KeyValue) list.get(i);
ReceivedCredential receivedKey = new ReceivedCredential();
return receivedKey;
} else if (list.get(i) instanceof X509Certificate) {
ReceivedCredential receivedKey = new ReceivedCredential();
receivedKey.setX509Cert((X509Certificate) list.get(i));
return receivedKey;
} else if (list.get(i) instanceof X509Data) {
X509Data x509Data = (X509Data) list.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < x509Data.getContent().size(); j++) {
if (x509Data.getContent().get(j) instanceof X509Certificate) {
ReceivedCredential receivedKey = new ReceivedCredential();
receivedKey.setX509Cert((X509Certificate) x509Data.getContent().get(j));
return receivedKey;
} catch (MarshalException | KeyException e) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
throw new STSException(e.getMessage(), e, STSException.INVALID_REQUEST);
return null;
use of in project cxf by apache.
the class RequestParser method fetchTokenElementFromReference.
* Method to fetch token from the SecurityTokenReference
private static Element fetchTokenElementFromReference(Object targetToken, Map<String, Object> messageContext) {
// Get the reference URI
String referenceURI = null;
if (targetToken instanceof Element) {
Element tokenElement = (Element) targetToken;
NodeList refList = tokenElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(STSConstants.WSSE_EXT_04_01, "Reference");
if (refList.getLength() == 0) {
throw new STSException("Cannot find Reference element in the SecurityTokenReference.", STSException.REQUEST_FAILED);
referenceURI = refList.item(0).getNodeValue();
} else if (targetToken instanceof SecurityTokenReferenceType) {
Iterator<?> iterator = ((SecurityTokenReferenceType) targetToken).getAny().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
JAXBElement<?> jaxbElement = (JAXBElement<?>);
if (jaxbElement.getValue() instanceof ReferenceType) {
referenceURI = ((ReferenceType) jaxbElement.getValue()).getURI();
if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOG.fine("Reference URI found " + referenceURI);
if (referenceURI == null) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "No Reference URI was received");
throw new STSException("An unknown element was received", STSException.BAD_REQUEST);
// Find processed token corresponding to the URI
referenceURI = XMLUtils.getIDFromReference(referenceURI);
final List<WSHandlerResult> handlerResults = CastUtils.cast((List<?>) messageContext.get(WSHandlerConstants.RECV_RESULTS));
if (handlerResults != null && !handlerResults.isEmpty()) {
WSHandlerResult handlerResult = handlerResults.get(0);
List<WSSecurityEngineResult> engineResults = handlerResult.getResults();
for (WSSecurityEngineResult engineResult : engineResults) {
Integer actInt = (Integer) engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION);
String id = (String) engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ID);
if (referenceURI.equals(id)) {
Element tokenElement = (Element) engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_TOKEN_ELEMENT);
if (tokenElement == null) {
throw new STSException("Cannot retrieve token from reference", STSException.INVALID_REQUEST);
return tokenElement;
} else if (actInt == WSConstants.SCT) {
// Need to check special case of SecurityContextToken Identifier separately
SecurityContextToken sct = (SecurityContextToken) engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_SECURITY_CONTEXT_TOKEN);
if (referenceURI.equals(sct.getIdentifier())) {
return sct.getElement();
throw new STSException("Cannot retreive token from reference", STSException.REQUEST_FAILED);
use of in project cxf by apache.
the class RequestParser method parseUseKey.
* Parse the UseKey structure to get a ReceivedKey containing a cert/public-key/secret-key.
* @param useKey The UseKey object
* @param messageContext The message context object
* @return the ReceivedKey that has been parsed
* @throws STSException
private static ReceivedCredential parseUseKey(UseKeyType useKey, Map<String, Object> messageContext) throws STSException {
byte[] x509 = null;
if (useKey.getAny() instanceof JAXBElement<?>) {
JAXBElement<?> useKeyJaxb = (JAXBElement<?>) useKey.getAny();
Object obj = useKeyJaxb.getValue();
if (KeyInfoType.class == useKeyJaxb.getDeclaredType() || obj instanceof KeyInfoType) {
KeyInfoType keyInfoType = KeyInfoType.class.cast(useKeyJaxb.getValue());
LOG.fine("Found KeyInfo UseKey type");
for (Object keyInfoContent : keyInfoType.getContent()) {
X509DataType x509DataType = extractType(keyInfoContent, X509DataType.class);
if (null != x509DataType) {
LOG.fine("Found X509Data KeyInfo type");
for (Object x509Object : x509DataType.getX509IssuerSerialOrX509SKIOrX509SubjectName()) {
x509 = extractType(x509Object, byte[].class);
if (null != x509) {
LOG.fine("Found X509Certificate UseKey type");
} else if (SecurityTokenReferenceType.class == useKeyJaxb.getDeclaredType() || obj instanceof SecurityTokenReferenceType) {
SecurityTokenReferenceType strType = SecurityTokenReferenceType.class.cast(useKeyJaxb.getValue());
Element token = fetchTokenElementFromReference(strType, messageContext);
try {
x509 = Base64Utility.decode(token.getTextContent().trim());
LOG.fine("Found X509Certificate UseKey type via reference");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
throw new STSException(e.getMessage(), e, STSException.INVALID_REQUEST);
} else if (useKey.getAny() instanceof Element) {
if (isTokenReferenced(useKey.getAny())) {
Element token = fetchTokenElementFromReference(useKey.getAny(), messageContext);
try {
x509 = Base64Utility.decode(token.getTextContent().trim());
LOG.fine("Found X509Certificate UseKey type via reference");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
throw new STSException(e.getMessage(), e, STSException.INVALID_REQUEST);
} else {
Element element = (Element) useKey.getAny();
if ("KeyInfo".equals(element.getLocalName())) {
return parseKeyInfoElement((Element) useKey.getAny());
NodeList x509CertData = element.getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.SignatureSpecNS, Constants._TAG_X509CERTIFICATE);
if (x509CertData != null && x509CertData.getLength() > 0) {
try {
x509 = Base64Utility.decode(x509CertData.item(0).getTextContent().trim());
LOG.fine("Found X509Certificate UseKey type");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
throw new STSException(e.getMessage(), e, STSException.INVALID_REQUEST);
} else {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "An unknown element was received");
throw new STSException("An unknown element was received", STSException.BAD_REQUEST);
if (x509 != null) {
try {
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(x509));
LOG.fine("Successfully parsed X509 Certificate from UseKey");
ReceivedCredential receivedCredential = new ReceivedCredential();
return receivedCredential;
} catch (CertificateException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", ex);
throw new STSException("Error in parsing certificate: ", ex, STSException.INVALID_REQUEST);
return null;
use of in project cxf by apache.
the class DefaultJWTClaimsProvider method getSubjectName.
protected String getSubjectName(JWTClaimsProviderParameters jwtClaimsProviderParameters) {
Principal principal = getPrincipal(jwtClaimsProviderParameters);
if (principal == null) {
LOG.fine("Error in getting principal");
throw new STSException("Error in getting principal", STSException.REQUEST_FAILED);
String subjectName = principal.getName();
if (principal instanceof X500Principal) {
// Just use the "cn" instead of the entire DN
try {
String principalName = principal.getName();
int index = principalName.indexOf('=');
principalName = principalName.substring(index + 1, principalName.indexOf(',', index));
subjectName = principalName;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
subjectName = principal.getName();
// Ignore, not X500 compliant thus use the whole string as the value
return subjectName;