use of org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfLongsSerDe in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class VarOptItemsSketchTest method checkEndOfWarmupSketchSerialization.
public void checkEndOfWarmupSketchSerialization() {
final int k = 2048;
final VarOptItemsSketch<Long> sketch = getUnweightedLongsVIS(k, k);
final byte[] bytes = sketch.toByteArray(new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
final Memory mem = Memory.wrap(bytes);
// ensure still only 2 preLongs
assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs(mem), PreambleUtil.VO_PRELONGS_WARMUP);
final VarOptItemsSketch<Long> rebuilt = VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
checkIfEqual(rebuilt, sketch);
use of org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfLongsSerDe in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class VarOptItemsSketchTest method checkFullSketchSerialization.
public void checkFullSketchSerialization() {
final VarOptItemsSketch<Long> sketch = VarOptItemsSketch.newInstance(32);
for (long i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
sketch.update(i, 1.0);
sketch.update(100L, 100.0);
sketch.update(101L, 101.0);
assertEquals(sketch.getNumSamples(), 32);
// first 2 entries should be heavy and in heap order (smallest at root)
final VarOptItemsSamples<Long> samples = sketch.getSketchSamples();
final Long[] data = samples.items();
final double[] weights = samples.weights();
assertEquals(weights[0], 100.0);
assertEquals(weights[1], 101.0);
assertEquals((long) data[0], 100L);
assertEquals((long) data[1], 101L);
final byte[] bytes = sketch.toByteArray(new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
final Memory mem = Memory.wrap(bytes);
// ensure 3 preLongs
assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs(mem), Family.VAROPT.getMaxPreLongs());
final VarOptItemsSketch<Long> rebuilt = VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
checkIfEqual(rebuilt, sketch);
use of org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfLongsSerDe in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class VarOptItemsSketchTest method checkMalformedPreamble.
public void checkMalformedPreamble() {
final int k = 50;
final VarOptItemsSketch<Long> sketch = getUnweightedLongsVIS(k, k);
final byte[] sketchBytes = sketch.toByteArray(new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
final Memory srcMem = Memory.wrap(sketchBytes);
// we'll use the same initial sketch a few times, so grab a copy of it
final byte[] copyBytes = new byte[sketchBytes.length];
final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(copyBytes);
// copy the bytes
srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs(mem), PreambleUtil.VO_PRELONGS_WARMUP);
// no items in R but max preLongs
try {
PreambleUtil.insertPreLongs(mem, Family.VAROPT.getMaxPreLongs());
VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
} catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Possible Corruption: " + Family.VAROPT.getMaxPreLongs() + " preLongs but"));
// refresh the copy
srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs(mem), PreambleUtil.VO_PRELONGS_WARMUP);
// negative H region count
try {
PreambleUtil.insertHRegionItemCount(mem, -1);
VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
} catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: H region count cannot be negative: -1"));
// refresh the copy
srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractHRegionItemCount(mem), k);
// negative R region count
try {
PreambleUtil.insertRRegionItemCount(mem, -128);
VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
} catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: R region count cannot be negative: -128"));
// refresh the copy
srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractRRegionItemCount(mem), 0);
// invalid k < 1
try {
PreambleUtil.insertK(mem, 0);
VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
} catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: k must be at least 1: 0"));
// refresh the copy
srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractK(mem), k);
// invalid n < 0
try {
PreambleUtil.insertN(mem, -1024);
VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
} catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: n cannot be negative: -1024"));
use of org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfLongsSerDe in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class VarOptItemsUnionTest method serializeSamplingUnion.
public void serializeSamplingUnion() {
final int n = 256;
final int k = 128;
final VarOptItemsSketch<Long> sketch = getUnweightedLongsVIS(k, n);
sketch.update(n + 1L, 1000.0);
sketch.update(n + 2L, 1001.0);
sketch.update(n + 3L, 1002.0);
sketch.update(n + 4L, 1003.0);
sketch.update(n + 5L, 1004.0);
sketch.update(n + 6L, 1005.0);
sketch.update(n + 7L, 1006.0);
sketch.update(n + 8L, 1007.0);
final VarOptItemsUnion<Long> union = VarOptItemsUnion.newInstance(k);
final ArrayOfLongsSerDe serDe = new ArrayOfLongsSerDe();
final byte[] unionBytes = union.toByteArray(serDe);
final Memory mem = Memory.wrap(unionBytes);
final VarOptItemsUnion<Long> rebuilt = VarOptItemsUnion.heapify(mem, serDe);
compareUnionsExact(rebuilt, union);
assertEquals(rebuilt.toString(), union.toString());
use of org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfLongsSerDe in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class VarOptItemsUnionTest method checkBadSerVer.
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkBadSerVer() {
final int k = 25;
final int n = 30;
final VarOptItemsUnion<Long> union = VarOptItemsUnion.newInstance(k);
union.update(getUnweightedLongsVIS(k, n));
final byte[] bytes = union.toByteArray(new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(bytes);
// corrupt the serialization version
mem.putByte(SER_VER_BYTE, (byte) 0);
VarOptItemsUnion.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());