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Example 41 with SketchesArgumentException

use of org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException in project sketches-core by DataSketches.

the class ReservoirItemsSketchTest method checkBadFamily.

@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkBadFamily() {
    final WritableMemory mem = getBasicSerializedLongsRIS();
    // corrupt the family ID
    mem.putByte(FAMILY_BYTE, (byte) Family.ALPHA.getID());
    try {
    } catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Inspecting preamble with Sampling family"));
    ReservoirItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
Also used : SketchesArgumentException(org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException) ArrayOfLongsSerDe(org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfLongsSerDe) WritableMemory(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 42 with SketchesArgumentException

use of org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException in project sketches-core by DataSketches.

the class VarOptItemsSketchTest method checkCorruptSerializedWeight.

public void checkCorruptSerializedWeight() {
    final VarOptItemsSketch<String> vis = VarOptItemsSketch.newInstance(24);
    for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
        vis.update(Integer.toString(i), i);
    final byte[] sketchBytes = vis.toByteArray(new ArrayOfStringsSerDe(), String.class);
    final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(sketchBytes);
    // weights will be stored in the first double after the preamble
    final int numPreLongs = PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs(mem);
    final int weightOffset = numPreLongs << 3;
    // inject a negative weight
    mem.putDouble(weightOffset, -1.25);
    try {
        VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfStringsSerDe());
    } catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: Non-positive weight in " + "heapify(): -1.25"));
Also used : ArrayOfStringsSerDe(org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfStringsSerDe) SketchesArgumentException(org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException) WritableMemory(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 43 with SketchesArgumentException

use of org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException in project sketches-core by DataSketches.

the class VarOptItemsSketchTest method checkMalformedPreamble.

public void checkMalformedPreamble() {
    final int k = 50;
    final VarOptItemsSketch<Long> sketch = getUnweightedLongsVIS(k, k);
    final byte[] sketchBytes = sketch.toByteArray(new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
    final Memory srcMem = Memory.wrap(sketchBytes);
    // we'll use the same initial sketch a few times, so grab a copy of it
    final byte[] copyBytes = new byte[sketchBytes.length];
    final WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(copyBytes);
    // copy the bytes
    srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
    assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs(mem), PreambleUtil.VO_PRELONGS_WARMUP);
    // no items in R but max preLongs
    try {
        PreambleUtil.insertPreLongs(mem, Family.VAROPT.getMaxPreLongs());
        VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
    } catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Possible Corruption: " + Family.VAROPT.getMaxPreLongs() + " preLongs but"));
    // refresh the copy
    srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
    assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractPreLongs(mem), PreambleUtil.VO_PRELONGS_WARMUP);
    // negative H region count
    try {
        PreambleUtil.insertHRegionItemCount(mem, -1);
        VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
    } catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: H region count cannot be negative: -1"));
    // refresh the copy
    srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
    assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractHRegionItemCount(mem), k);
    // negative R region count
    try {
        PreambleUtil.insertRRegionItemCount(mem, -128);
        VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
    } catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: R region count cannot be negative: -128"));
    // refresh the copy
    srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
    assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractRRegionItemCount(mem), 0);
    // invalid k < 1
    try {
        PreambleUtil.insertK(mem, 0);
        VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
    } catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: k must be at least 1: 0"));
    // refresh the copy
    srcMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, sketchBytes.length);
    assertEquals(PreambleUtil.extractK(mem), k);
    // invalid n < 0
    try {
        PreambleUtil.insertN(mem, -1024);
        VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(mem, new ArrayOfLongsSerDe());
    } catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().equals("Possible Corruption: n cannot be negative: -1024"));
Also used : SketchesArgumentException(org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException) ArrayOfLongsSerDe(org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfLongsSerDe) Memory(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory) WritableMemory(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory) WritableMemory(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 44 with SketchesArgumentException

use of org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException in project sketches-core by DataSketches.

the class DirectUpdateDoublesSketchTest method variousExceptions.

public void variousExceptions() {
    WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.writableWrap(new byte[8]);
    try {
        int flags = PreambleUtil.COMPACT_FLAG_MASK;
        DirectUpdateDoublesSketchR.checkCompact(2, 0);
    }// OK
     catch (SketchesArgumentException e) {
    try {
        int flags = PreambleUtil.COMPACT_FLAG_MASK;
        DirectUpdateDoublesSketchR.checkCompact(3, flags);
    }// OK
     catch (SketchesArgumentException e) {
    try {
    }// OK
     catch (SketchesArgumentException e) {
    try {
    }// OK
     catch (SketchesArgumentException e) {
    try {
    }// OK
     catch (SketchesArgumentException e) {
    try {
        DirectUpdateDoublesSketchR.checkEmptyAndN(true, 1);
    }// OK
     catch (SketchesArgumentException e) {
Also used : SketchesArgumentException(org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException) WritableMemory(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 45 with SketchesArgumentException

use of org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException in project sketches-core by DataSketches.

the class BackwardConversions method convertSerVer3toSerVer1.

 * Converts a SerVer3 ordered, heap CompactSketch to a SerVer1 ordered, SetSketch in Memory.
 * This is exclusively for testing purposes.
 * <p>V1 dates from roughly Aug 2014 to about May 2015.
 * The library at that time had an early Theta sketch with set operations based on ByteBuffer,
 * the Alpha sketch, and an early HLL sketch. It also had an early adaptor for Pig.
 * It also had code for the even earlier CountUniqueSketch (for backward compatibility),
 * which was the bucket sketch based on Giroire.
 * <p><b>Serialization Version 1:</b></p>
 * <pre>
 * Long || Start Byte Adr:
 * Adr:
 *      ||  7 |   6   |     5    |   4   |   3   |    2   |    1   |     0    |
 *  0   ||    | Flags | LgResize | LgArr | lgNom | SkType | SerVer | MD_LONGS |
 *      || 15 |  14   |    13    |  12   |  11   |   10   |    9   |     8    |
 *  1   ||                               | ------------CurCount-------------- |
 *      || 23 |  22   |    21    |  20   |  19   |   18   |   17   |    16    |
 *  2   || --------------------------THETA_LONG------------------------------ |
 *      ||                                                         |    24    |
 *  3   || ----------------------Start of Long Array------------------------  |
 * </pre>
 * <ul>
 * <li>The serialization for V1 was always to a compact form (no hash table spaces).</li>
 * <li><i>MD_LONGS</i> (Metadata Longs, now Preamble Longs) was always 3.</li>
 * <li><i>SerVer</i> is always 1.</li>
 * <li>The <i>SkType</i> had three values: 1,2,3 for Alpha, QuickSelect, and SetSketch,
 * respectively.</li>
 * <li>Bytes <i>lgNom</i> and <i>lgArr</i> were only used by the QS and Alpha sketches.</li>
 * <li>V1 <i>LgResize</i> (2 bits) was only relevant to the Alpha and QS sketches.</li>
 * <li>The flags byte is in byte 6 (moved to 5 in V2).</li>
 * <li>The only flag bits are BE(bit0)=0, and Read-Only(bit1)=1. Read-only was only set for the
 * SetSketch.</li>
 * <li>There is no seedHash.</li>
 * <li>There is no concept of p-sampling so bytes 12-15 of Pre1 are empty.</li>
 * <li>The determination of empty is when both curCount=0 and thetaLong = Long.MAX_VALUE.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param skV3 a SerVer3, ordered CompactSketch
 * @return a SerVer1 SetSketch as Memory object.
public static Memory convertSerVer3toSerVer1(final CompactSketch skV3) {
    // Check input sketch
    final boolean validIn = skV3.isCompact() && skV3.isOrdered() && !skV3.hasMemory();
    if (!validIn) {
        throw new SketchesArgumentException("Invalid input sketch.");
    // Build V1 SetSketch in memory
    final int curCount = skV3.getRetainedEntries(true);
    final WritableMemory wmem = WritableMemory.allocate((3 + curCount) << 3);
    // Pre0
    // preLongs
    wmem.putByte(0, (byte) 3);
    // SerVer
    wmem.putByte(1, (byte) 1);
    // Compact (SetSketch)
    wmem.putByte(2, (byte) 3);
    // Flags ReadOnly, LittleEndian
    wmem.putByte(6, (byte) 2);
    // Pre1
    wmem.putInt(8, curCount);
    // Pre2
    wmem.putLong(16, skV3.getThetaLong());
    // Data
    if (curCount > 0) {
        wmem.putLongArray(24, skV3.getCache(), 0, curCount);
    return wmem;
Also used : SketchesArgumentException(org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException) WritableMemory(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory)


SketchesArgumentException (org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException)64 WritableMemory (org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory)38 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)29 Family (org.apache.datasketches.Family)14 Memory (org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory)13 Family.idToFamily (org.apache.datasketches.Family.idToFamily)10 SketchesReadOnlyException (org.apache.datasketches.SketchesReadOnlyException)7 WritableHandle (org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableHandle)6 ResizeFactor (org.apache.datasketches.ResizeFactor)5 ArrayOfLongsSerDe (org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfLongsSerDe)4 AnotbAction (org.apache.datasketches.SetOperationCornerCases.AnotbAction)3 CornerCase (org.apache.datasketches.SetOperationCornerCases.CornerCase)3 PreambleUtil.extractResizeFactor (org.apache.datasketches.sampling.PreambleUtil.extractResizeFactor)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 SketchesStateException (org.apache.datasketches.SketchesStateException)2 PreambleUtil.insertLgResizeFactor (org.apache.datasketches.theta.PreambleUtil.insertLgResizeFactor)2 UpdateSketch (org.apache.datasketches.theta.UpdateSketch)2 UpdateSketchBuilder (org.apache.datasketches.theta.UpdateSketchBuilder)2 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 ArrayOfBooleansSerDe (org.apache.datasketches.ArrayOfBooleansSerDe)1