use of org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableHandle in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DebugUnionTest method test.
public void test() {
final int n = 70_000;
final int valueLimit = 1000;
final int numSketches = 3;
final int sketchK = 8;
final int unionK = 8;
UpdateDoublesSketch[] sketchArr = new UpdateDoublesSketch[numSketches];
// builds the input sketches, all on heap
// make deterministic for test
// holds input values
final HashSet<Double> set = new HashSet<>();
for (int s = 0; s < numSketches; s++) {
sketchArr[s] = buildHeapSketch(sketchK, n, valueLimit, set);
// loads the on heap union
// make deterministic for test
DoublesUnion hUnion = DoublesUnion.builder().setMaxK(unionK).build();
for (int s = 0; s < numSketches; s++) {
DoublesSketch hSketch = hUnion.getResult();
// loads the direct union
// make deterministic for test
DoublesUnion dUnion;
DoublesSketch dSketch;
try (WritableHandle wdh = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(10_000_000)) {
WritableMemory wmem = wdh.getWritable();
dUnion = DoublesUnion.builder().setMaxK(8).build(wmem);
for (int s = 0; s < numSketches; s++) {
// result is on heap
dSketch = dUnion.getResult();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// iterates and counts errors
int hCount = hSketch.getRetainedItems();
int dCount = dSketch.getRetainedItems();
// Retained items must be the same
assertEquals(hCount, dCount);
int hErrors = 0;
int dErrors = 0;
DoublesSketchIterator hit = hSketch.iterator();
DoublesSketchIterator dit = dSketch.iterator();
while ( && {
double v = hit.getValue();
if (!set.contains(v)) {
double w = dit.getValue();
if (!set.contains(w)) {
// Items must be returned in same order and be equal
assertEquals(v, w, 0);
assertTrue(hErrors == 0);
assertTrue(dErrors == 0);
println("HeapUnion : Values: " + hCount + ", errors: " + hErrors);
// println(hSketch.toString(true, true));
println("DirectUnion: Values: " + dCount + ", errors: " + dErrors);
// println(dSketch.toString(true, true));
use of org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableHandle in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DirectQuantilesMemoryRequestTest method checkGrowBaseBuf.
public void checkGrowBaseBuf() {
final int k = 128;
// don't need the BB to fill here
final int u = 32;
// not enough to hold everything
final int initBytes = (4 + (u / 2)) << 3;
try (WritableHandle memHandler = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(initBytes, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), new DefaultMemoryRequestServer())) {
// final MemoryManager memMgr = new MemoryManager();
// final WritableMemory mem1 = memMgr.request(initBytes);
final WritableMemory mem1 = memHandler.getWritable();
println("Initial mem size: " + mem1.getCapacity());
final UpdateDoublesSketch usk1 = DoublesSketch.builder().setK(k).build(mem1);
for (int i = 1; i <= u; i++) {
final int currentSpace = usk1.getCombinedBufferItemCapacity();
println("curCombBufItemCap: " + currentSpace);
assertEquals(currentSpace, 2 * k);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableHandle in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DirectQuantilesMemoryRequestTest method checkGrowFromWrappedEmptySketch.
public void checkGrowFromWrappedEmptySketch() {
final int k = 16;
final int n = 0;
// 8 bytes
final int initBytes = DoublesSketch.getUpdatableStorageBytes(k, n);
final UpdateDoublesSketch usk1 = DoublesSketch.builder().setK(k).build();
final Memory origSketchMem = Memory.wrap(usk1.toByteArray());
try (WritableHandle memHandle = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(initBytes, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), new DefaultMemoryRequestServer())) {
WritableMemory mem = memHandle.getWritable();
origSketchMem.copyTo(0, mem, 0, initBytes);
UpdateDoublesSketch usk2 = DirectUpdateDoublesSketch.wrapInstance(mem);
assertEquals(mem.getCapacity(), initBytes);
// update the sketch forcing it to grow on-heap
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
assertEquals(usk2.getN(), 5);
WritableMemory mem2 = usk2.getMemory();
// should now be on-heap
final int expectedSize = COMBINED_BUFFER + ((2 * k) << 3);
assertEquals(mem2.getCapacity(), expectedSize);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableHandle in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DirectQuantilesMemoryRequestTest method checkGrowCombBuf.
public void checkGrowCombBuf() {
final int k = 128;
// just to fill the BB
final int u = (2 * k) - 1;
// just room for BB
final int initBytes = ((2 * k) + 4) << 3;
try (WritableHandle memHandler = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(initBytes, ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), new DefaultMemoryRequestServer())) {
// final MemoryManager memMgr = new MemoryManager();
// final WritableMemory mem1 = memMgr.request(initBytes);
final WritableMemory mem1 = memHandler.getWritable();
println("Initial mem size: " + mem1.getCapacity());
final UpdateDoublesSketch usk1 = DoublesSketch.builder().setK(k).build(mem1);
for (int i = 1; i <= u; i++) {
final int currentSpace = usk1.getCombinedBufferItemCapacity();
println("curCombBufItemCap: " + currentSpace);
final double[] newCB = usk1.growCombinedBuffer(currentSpace, 3 * k);
final int newSpace = usk1.getCombinedBufferItemCapacity();
println("newCombBurItemCap: " + newSpace);
assertEquals(newCB.length, 3 * k);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableHandle in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DoublesSketchTest method checkEmptyDirect.
public void checkEmptyDirect() {
try (WritableHandle wdh = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(1000)) {
WritableMemory mem = wdh.getWritable();
UpdateDoublesSketch sketch = DoublesSketch.builder().build(mem);
// exercises a specific path
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);