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Example 16 with UUID

use of org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID in project derby by apache.

the class SYSTRIGGERSRowFactory method buildDescriptor.

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * Make an  Tuple Descriptor out of a SYSTRIGGERS row
 * @param row 					a SYSTRIGGERS row
 * @param parentTupleDescriptor	unused
 * @param dd 					dataDictionary
 * @return	a  descriptor equivalent to a SYSTRIGGERS row
 * @exception   StandardException thrown on failure
public TupleDescriptor buildDescriptor(ExecRow row, TupleDescriptor parentTupleDescriptor, DataDictionary dd) throws StandardException {
    DataValueDescriptor col;
    String name;
    char theChar;
    String uuidStr;
    String triggerDefinition;
    String oldReferencingName;
    String newReferencingName;
    UUID uuid;
    // schema
    UUID suuid;
    // referenced table
    UUID tuuid;
    // action sps uuid string
    UUID actionSPSID = null;
    // when clause sps uuid string
    UUID whenSPSID = null;
    Timestamp createTime;
    int eventMask = 0;
    boolean isBefore;
    boolean isRow;
    boolean isEnabled;
    boolean referencingOld;
    boolean referencingNew;
    ReferencedColumns rcd;
    TriggerDescriptor descriptor;
    DataDescriptorGenerator ddg = dd.getDataDescriptorGenerator();
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        // The expected number of columns depends on the version of the
        // data dictionary. The WHENCLAUSETEXT column was added in version
        // 10.11 (DERBY-534).
        int expectedCols = dd.checkVersion(DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_11, null) ? SYSTRIGGERS_COLUMN_COUNT : (SYSTRIGGERS_COLUMN_COUNT - 1);
        SanityManager.ASSERT(row.nColumns() == expectedCols, "Wrong number of columns for a SYSTRIGGERS row");
    // 1st column is TRIGGERID (UUID - char(36))
    col = row.getColumn(1);
    uuidStr = col.getString();
    uuid = getUUIDFactory().recreateUUID(uuidStr);
    // 2nd column is TRIGGERNAME (varchar(128))
    col = row.getColumn(2);
    name = col.getString();
    // 3rd column is SCHEMAID (UUID - char(36))
    col = row.getColumn(3);
    uuidStr = col.getString();
    suuid = getUUIDFactory().recreateUUID(uuidStr);
    col = row.getColumn(4);
    createTime = col.getTimestamp(getCalendarForCreationTimestamp());
    // 5th column is EVENT (char(1))
    col = row.getColumn(5);
    theChar = col.getString().charAt(0);
    switch(theChar) {
        case 'U':
            eventMask = TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_UPDATE;
        case 'I':
            eventMask = TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_INSERT;
        case 'D':
            eventMask = TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_DELETE;
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("bad event mask: " + theChar);
    // 6th column is FIRINGTIME (char(1))
    isBefore = getCharBoolean(row.getColumn(6), 'B', 'A');
    // 7th column is TYPE (char(1))
    isRow = getCharBoolean(row.getColumn(7), 'R', 'S');
    // 8th column is STATE (char(1))
    isEnabled = getCharBoolean(row.getColumn(8), 'E', 'D');
    // 9th column is TABLEID (UUID - char(36))
    col = row.getColumn(9);
    uuidStr = col.getString();
    tuuid = getUUIDFactory().recreateUUID(uuidStr);
    // 10th column is WHENSTMTID (UUID - char(36))
    col = row.getColumn(10);
    uuidStr = col.getString();
    if (uuidStr != null)
        whenSPSID = getUUIDFactory().recreateUUID(uuidStr);
    // 11th column is ACTIONSTMTID (UUID - char(36))
    col = row.getColumn(11);
    uuidStr = col.getString();
    if (uuidStr != null)
        actionSPSID = getUUIDFactory().recreateUUID(uuidStr);
    // 12th column is REFERENCEDCOLUMNS user type org.apache.derby.catalog.ReferencedColumns
    col = row.getColumn(12);
    rcd = (ReferencedColumns) col.getObject();
    // 13th column is TRIGGERDEFINITION (longvarchar)
    col = row.getColumn(13);
    triggerDefinition = col.getString();
    // 14th column is REFERENCINGOLD (boolean)
    col = row.getColumn(14);
    referencingOld = col.getBoolean();
    // 15th column is REFERENCINGNEW (boolean)
    col = row.getColumn(15);
    referencingNew = col.getBoolean();
    // 16th column is REFERENCINGNAME (varchar(128))
    col = row.getColumn(16);
    oldReferencingName = col.getString();
    // 17th column is REFERENCINGNAME (varchar(128))
    col = row.getColumn(17);
    newReferencingName = col.getString();
    // 18th column is WHENCLAUSETEXT (longvarchar)
    String whenClauseText = null;
    if (row.nColumns() >= 18) {
        // This column is present only if the data dictionary version is
        // 10.11 or higher.
        col = row.getColumn(18);
        whenClauseText = col.getString();
    descriptor = ddg.newTriggerDescriptor(dd.getSchemaDescriptor(suuid, null), uuid, name, eventMask, isBefore, isRow, isEnabled, dd.getTableDescriptor(tuuid), whenSPSID, actionSPSID, createTime, (rcd == null) ? (int[]) null : rcd.getReferencedColumnPositions(), (rcd == null) ? (int[]) null : rcd.getTriggerActionReferencedColumnPositions(), triggerDefinition, referencingOld, referencingNew, oldReferencingName, newReferencingName, whenClauseText);
    return descriptor;
Also used : DataDescriptorGenerator(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator) ReferencedColumns(org.apache.derby.catalog.ReferencedColumns) SQLVarchar(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLVarchar) DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor) UUID(org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID) SQLTimestamp(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLTimestamp) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) TriggerDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TriggerDescriptor)

Example 17 with UUID

use of org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID in project derby by apache.

the class SYSTRIGGERSRowFactory method makeRow.

 * Helper method that contains common logic for {@code makeRow()} and
 * {@code makeEmptyRowForCurrentVersion()}. Creates a row for the
 * SYSTRIGGERS conglomerate.
 * @param td the {@code TriggerDescriptor} to create a row from (can be
 *   {@code null} if the returned row should be empty)
 * @param columnCount the number of columns in the returned row (used for
 *   trimming off columns in soft upgrade mode to match the format in
 *   the old dictionary version)
 * @return a row for the SYSTRIGGERS conglomerate
 * @throws StandardException if an error happens when creating the row
private ExecRow makeRow(TupleDescriptor td, int columnCount) throws StandardException {
    String name = null;
    UUID uuid = null;
    // schema
    UUID suuid = null;
    // referenced table
    UUID tuuid = null;
    // action sps uuid string
    UUID actionSPSID = null;
    // when clause sps uuid string
    UUID whenSPSID = null;
    Timestamp createTime = null;
    String event = null;
    String time = null;
    String type = null;
    String enabled = null;
    String triggerDefinition = null;
    String oldReferencingName = null;
    String newReferencingName = null;
    ReferencedColumns rcd = null;
    boolean referencingOld = false;
    boolean referencingNew = false;
    String whenClauseText = null;
    if (td != null) {
        TriggerDescriptor triggerDescriptor = (TriggerDescriptor) td;
        name = triggerDescriptor.getName();
        uuid = triggerDescriptor.getUUID();
        suuid = triggerDescriptor.getSchemaDescriptor().getUUID();
        createTime = triggerDescriptor.getCreationTimestamp();
        // for now we are assuming that a trigger can only listen to a single event
        event = triggerDescriptor.listensForEvent(TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_UPDATE) ? "U" : triggerDescriptor.listensForEvent(TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_DELETE) ? "D" : "I";
        time = triggerDescriptor.isBeforeTrigger() ? "B" : "A";
        type = triggerDescriptor.isRowTrigger() ? "R" : "S";
        enabled = triggerDescriptor.isEnabled() ? "E" : "D";
        tuuid = triggerDescriptor.getTableDescriptor().getUUID();
        int[] refCols = triggerDescriptor.getReferencedCols();
        int[] refColsInTriggerAction = triggerDescriptor.getReferencedColsInTriggerAction();
        rcd = (refCols != null || refColsInTriggerAction != null) ? new ReferencedColumnsDescriptorImpl(refCols, refColsInTriggerAction) : null;
        actionSPSID = triggerDescriptor.getActionId();
        whenSPSID = triggerDescriptor.getWhenClauseId();
        triggerDefinition = triggerDescriptor.getTriggerDefinition();
        referencingOld = triggerDescriptor.getReferencingOld();
        referencingNew = triggerDescriptor.getReferencingNew();
        oldReferencingName = triggerDescriptor.getOldReferencingName();
        newReferencingName = triggerDescriptor.getNewReferencingName();
        whenClauseText = triggerDescriptor.getWhenClauseText();
    /* Build the row to insert */
    ExecRow row = getExecutionFactory().getValueRow(columnCount);
    /* 1st column is TRIGGERID */
    row.setColumn(1, new SQLChar((uuid == null) ? null : uuid.toString()));
    /* 2nd column is TRIGGERNAME */
    row.setColumn(2, new SQLVarchar(name));
    /* 3rd column is SCHEMAID */
    row.setColumn(3, new SQLChar((suuid == null) ? null : suuid.toString()));
    /* 4th column is CREATIONTIMESTAMP */
    SQLTimestamp creationTimestamp = (createTime == null) ? new SQLTimestamp(null) : new SQLTimestamp(createTime, getCalendarForCreationTimestamp());
    row.setColumn(4, creationTimestamp);
    /* 5th column is EVENT */
    row.setColumn(5, new SQLChar(event));
    /* 6th column is FIRINGTIME */
    row.setColumn(6, new SQLChar(time));
    /* 7th column is TYPE */
    row.setColumn(7, new SQLChar(type));
    /* 8th column is STATE */
    row.setColumn(8, new SQLChar(enabled));
    /* 9th column is TABLEID */
    row.setColumn(9, new SQLChar((tuuid == null) ? null : tuuid.toString()));
    /* 10th column is WHENSTMTID */
    row.setColumn(10, new SQLChar((whenSPSID == null) ? null : whenSPSID.toString()));
    /* 11th column is ACTIONSTMTID */
    row.setColumn(11, new SQLChar((actionSPSID == null) ? null : actionSPSID.toString()));
    /* 12th column is REFERENCEDCOLUMNS 
		 *  (user type org.apache.derby.catalog.ReferencedColumns)
    row.setColumn(12, new UserType(rcd));
    /* 13th column is TRIGGERDEFINITION */
    row.setColumn(13, dvf.getLongvarcharDataValue(triggerDefinition));
    /* 14th column is REFERENCINGOLD */
    row.setColumn(14, new SQLBoolean(referencingOld));
    /* 15th column is REFERENCINGNEW */
    row.setColumn(15, new SQLBoolean(referencingNew));
    /* 16th column is OLDREFERENCINGNAME */
    row.setColumn(16, new SQLVarchar(oldReferencingName));
    /* 17th column is NEWREFERENCINGNAME */
    row.setColumn(17, new SQLVarchar(newReferencingName));
    /* 18th column is WHENCLAUSETEXT */
    if (row.nColumns() >= 18) {
        // This column is present only if the data dictionary version is
        // 10.11 or higher.
        row.setColumn(18, dvf.getLongvarcharDataValue(whenClauseText));
    return row;
Also used : ReferencedColumns(org.apache.derby.catalog.ReferencedColumns) SQLChar(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLChar) ReferencedColumnsDescriptorImpl(org.apache.derby.catalog.types.ReferencedColumnsDescriptorImpl) SQLVarchar(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLVarchar) SQLTimestamp(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLTimestamp) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) TriggerDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TriggerDescriptor) SQLTimestamp(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLTimestamp) ExecRow(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecRow) UUID(org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID) UserType(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.UserType) SQLBoolean(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLBoolean)

Example 18 with UUID

use of org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID in project derby by apache.

the class SYSVIEWSRowFactory method buildDescriptor.

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * Make a ViewDescriptor out of a SYSVIEWS row
 * @param row a SYSVIEWS row
 * @param parentTupleDescriptor	Null for this kind of descriptor.
 * @param dd dataDictionary
 * @exception   StandardException thrown on failure
public TupleDescriptor buildDescriptor(ExecRow row, TupleDescriptor parentTupleDescriptor, DataDictionary dd) throws StandardException {
    ViewDescriptor vd = null;
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.ASSERT(row.nColumns() == SYSVIEWS_COLUMN_COUNT, "Wrong number of columns for a SYSVIEWS row");
    DataValueDescriptor col;
    DataDescriptorGenerator ddg;
    int checkIType;
    String checkSType;
    String tableID;
    String compSchemaId;
    String viewDefinition;
    UUID tableUUID;
    UUID compSchemaUUID = null;
    ddg = dd.getDataDescriptorGenerator();
    /* 1st column is TABLEID (UUID - char(36)) */
    col = row.getColumn(SYSVIEWS_TABLEID);
    tableID = col.getString();
    tableUUID = getUUIDFactory().recreateUUID(tableID);
    /* 2nd column is VIEWDEFINITION */
    col = row.getColumn(SYSVIEWS_VIEWDEFINITION);
    viewDefinition = col.getString();
    /* 3rd column is CHECKOPTION (char(1)) */
    col = row.getColumn(SYSVIEWS_CHECKOPTION);
    checkSType = col.getString();
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        if (!checkSType.equals("N")) {
            SanityManager.THROWASSERT("checkSType expected to be 'N', not " + checkSType);
    /* RESOLVE - no check options for now */
    checkIType = ViewDescriptor.NO_CHECK_OPTION;
    /* 4th column is COMPILATIONSCHEMAID (UUID - char(36)) */
    compSchemaId = col.getString();
    if (compSchemaId != null) {
        compSchemaUUID = getUUIDFactory().recreateUUID(compSchemaId);
    /* now build and return the descriptor */
    vd = ddg.newViewDescriptor(tableUUID, null, viewDefinition, checkIType, compSchemaUUID);
    return vd;
Also used : DataDescriptorGenerator(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator) DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor) UUID(org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID) ViewDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ViewDescriptor)

Example 19 with UUID

use of org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID in project derby by apache.

the class SYSVIEWSRowFactory method makeRow.

// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * Make a SYSVIEWS row
 * @return	Row suitable for inserting into SYSVIEWS.
 * @exception   StandardException thrown on failure
public ExecRow makeRow(TupleDescriptor td, TupleDescriptor parent) throws StandardException {
    DataValueDescriptor col;
    ExecRow row;
    String tableID = null;
    String compSchemaId = null;
    String viewText = null;
    String checkSType = null;
    int checkIType;
    if (td != null) {
        UUID tableUUID;
        ViewDescriptor vd = (ViewDescriptor) td;
			** We only allocate a new UUID if the descriptor doesn't already have one.
			** For descriptors replicated from a Source system, we already have an UUID.
        tableUUID = vd.getUUID();
        if (tableUUID == null) {
            tableUUID = getUUIDFactory().createUUID();
        tableID = tableUUID.toString();
        viewText = vd.getViewText();
        /* RESOLVE - check constraints not supported yet */
        checkIType = vd.getCheckOptionType();
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (checkIType != ViewDescriptor.NO_CHECK_OPTION) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("checkIType expected to be " + ViewDescriptor.NO_CHECK_OPTION + ", not " + checkIType);
        checkSType = "N";
        UUID tmpId = vd.getCompSchemaId();
        compSchemaId = (tmpId == null) ? null : tmpId.toString();
    /* Insert info into sysviews */
    /* RESOLVE - It would be nice to require less knowledge about sysviews
		 * and have this be more table driven.
    /* Build the row to insert  */
    row = getExecutionFactory().getValueRow(SYSVIEWS_COLUMN_COUNT);
    /* 1st column is TABLEID (UUID - char(36)) */
    row.setColumn(SYSVIEWS_TABLEID, new SQLChar(tableID));
    /* 2nd column is VIEWDEFINITION */
    row.setColumn(SYSVIEWS_VIEWDEFINITION, dvf.getLongvarcharDataValue(viewText));
    /* 3rd column is CHECKOPTION (char(1)) */
    row.setColumn(SYSVIEWS_CHECKOPTION, new SQLChar(checkSType));
    /* 4th column is COMPILATIONSCHEMAID (UUID - char(36)) */
    row.setColumn(SYSVIEWS_COMPILATION_SCHEMAID, new SQLChar(compSchemaId));
    return row;
Also used : ExecRow(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecRow) SQLChar(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLChar) DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor) UUID(org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID) ViewDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ViewDescriptor)

Example 20 with UUID

use of org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID in project derby by apache.

the class PermissionsCacheable method setIdentity.

/* Cacheable interface */
public Cacheable setIdentity(Object key) throws StandardException {
    // to access that column subset.
    if (key instanceof TablePermsDescriptor) {
        TablePermsDescriptor tablePermsKey = (TablePermsDescriptor) key;
        permissions = dd.getUncachedTablePermsDescriptor(tablePermsKey);
        if (permissions == null) {
            // The owner has all privileges unless they have been revoked.
            TableDescriptor td = dd.getTableDescriptor(tablePermsKey.getTableUUID());
            SchemaDescriptor sd = td.getSchemaDescriptor();
            if (sd.isSystemSchema()) {
                // RESOLVE The access to system tables is hard coded to SELECT only to everyone.
                // Is this the way we want Derby to work? Should we allow revocation of read access
                // to system tables? If so we must explicitly add a row to the SYS.SYSTABLEPERMISSIONS
                // table for each system table when a database is created.
                permissions = new TablePermsDescriptor(dd, tablePermsKey.getGrantee(), (String) null, tablePermsKey.getTableUUID(), "Y", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N");
                // give the permission the same UUID as the system table
                ((TablePermsDescriptor) permissions).setUUID(tablePermsKey.getTableUUID());
            } else if (tablePermsKey.getGrantee().equals(sd.getAuthorizationId())) {
                permissions = new TablePermsDescriptor(dd, tablePermsKey.getGrantee(), Authorizer.SYSTEM_AUTHORIZATION_ID, tablePermsKey.getTableUUID(), "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y");
            } else {
                permissions = new TablePermsDescriptor(dd, tablePermsKey.getGrantee(), (String) null, tablePermsKey.getTableUUID(), "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N");
    } else if (key instanceof ColPermsDescriptor) {
        ColPermsDescriptor colPermsKey = (ColPermsDescriptor) key;
        permissions = dd.getUncachedColPermsDescriptor(colPermsKey);
        if (permissions == null)
            permissions = new ColPermsDescriptor(dd, colPermsKey.getGrantee(), (String) null, colPermsKey.getTableUUID(), colPermsKey.getType(), (FormatableBitSet) null);
    } else if (key instanceof RoutinePermsDescriptor) {
        RoutinePermsDescriptor routinePermsKey = (RoutinePermsDescriptor) key;
        permissions = dd.getUncachedRoutinePermsDescriptor(routinePermsKey);
        if (permissions == null) {
            // The owner has all privileges unless they have been revoked.
            try {
                AliasDescriptor ad = dd.getAliasDescriptor(routinePermsKey.getRoutineUUID());
                SchemaDescriptor sd = dd.getSchemaDescriptor(ad.getSchemaUUID(), ConnectionUtil.getCurrentLCC().getTransactionExecute());
                if (sd.isSystemSchema() && !sd.isSchemaWithGrantableRoutines())
                    permissions = new RoutinePermsDescriptor(dd, routinePermsKey.getGrantee(), (String) null, routinePermsKey.getRoutineUUID(), true);
                else if (routinePermsKey.getGrantee().equals(sd.getAuthorizationId()))
                    permissions = new RoutinePermsDescriptor(dd, routinePermsKey.getGrantee(), Authorizer.SYSTEM_AUTHORIZATION_ID, routinePermsKey.getRoutineUUID(), true);
            } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
                throw StandardException.plainWrapException(sqle);
    } else if (key instanceof PermDescriptor) {
        PermDescriptor permKey = (PermDescriptor) key;
        permissions = dd.getUncachedGenericPermDescriptor(permKey);
        if (permissions == null) {
            // The owner has all privileges unless they have been revoked.
            String objectType = permKey.getObjectType();
            String privilege = permKey.getPermission();
            UUID protectedObjectsID = permKey.getPermObjectId();
            PrivilegedSQLObject pso = PermDescriptor.getProtectedObject(dd, protectedObjectsID, objectType);
            SchemaDescriptor sd = pso.getSchemaDescriptor();
            if (permKey.getGrantee().equals(sd.getAuthorizationId())) {
                permissions = new PermDescriptor(dd, null, objectType, pso.getUUID(), privilege, Authorizer.SYSTEM_AUTHORIZATION_ID, permKey.getGrantee(), true);
    } else {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        return null;
    if (permissions != null) {
        return this;
    return null;
Also used : SchemaDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor) PrivilegedSQLObject(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.PrivilegedSQLObject) PermDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.PermDescriptor) TableDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor) ColPermsDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColPermsDescriptor) AliasDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.AliasDescriptor) FormatableBitSet( RoutinePermsDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.RoutinePermsDescriptor) UUID(org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID) TablePermsDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TablePermsDescriptor)


UUID (org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID)101 DataValueDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)31 DataDescriptorGenerator (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator)23 TableDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor)22 SchemaDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor)21 ExecRow (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecRow)19 ColumnDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor)15 DataDictionary (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary)15 SQLChar (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLChar)15 LanguageConnectionContext (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext)14 TransactionController ( ConglomerateDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConglomerateDescriptor)12 SQLVarchar (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLVarchar)12 DependencyManager (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager)11 FormatableBitSet ( ColumnDescriptorList (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptorList)10 ConstraintDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptor)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 DataTypeDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor)9 ExecIndexRow (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecIndexRow)8