use of in project derby by apache.
the class T_AccessFactory method insertAndFetch.
// Insert a single row with a single column containing
// the argument integer, and fetch it back, making sure that
// we read the correct value.
protected boolean insertAndFetch(TransactionController tc, long conglomid, int value) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
StaticCompiledOpenConglomInfo static_info = tc.getStaticCompiledConglomInfo(conglomid);
DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo dynamic_info = tc.getDynamicCompiledConglomInfo(conglomid);
String curr_xact_name = tc.getTransactionIdString();
REPORT("(insertAndFetch) xact id = " + curr_xact_name);
// Open the conglomerate.
ConglomerateController cc = tc.openCompiledConglomerate(false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, static_info, dynamic_info);
// Create a row.
T_AccessRow r1 = new T_AccessRow(1);
SQLInteger c1 = new SQLInteger(value);
r1.setCol(0, c1);
// Get a location template
RowLocation rowloc = cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
// Insert the row and remember its location.
cc.insertAndFetchLocation(r1.getRowArray(), rowloc);
// quick test to make sure we can hash insert and find row location.
Hashtable<RowLocation, RowLocation> test_rowloc_hash = new Hashtable<RowLocation, RowLocation>();
test_rowloc_hash.put(rowloc, rowloc);
RowLocation hash_find = test_rowloc_hash.get(rowloc);
if (!hash_find.equals(rowloc))
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndFetch) bad hash lookup 1");
hash_find = test_rowloc_hash.remove(rowloc);
if (!hash_find.equals(rowloc))
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndFetch) bad hash lookup 2");
hash_find = test_rowloc_hash.remove(rowloc);
if (hash_find != null)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndFetch) bad hash lookup 3");
// Create a new row of the same type (since the interface expects
// the callers to be keeping the row types straight), but with
// a different column value.
T_AccessRow r2 = new T_AccessRow(1);
SQLInteger c2 = new SQLInteger(0);
r2.setCol(0, c2);
// Fetch the stored value.
if (!cc.fetch(rowloc, r2.getRowArray(), (FormatableBitSet) null)) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndFetch) fetch found no row.");
// Fetch using the fetch partial column interface
SQLInteger c3 = new SQLInteger(0);
FormatableBitSet singleColumn = new FormatableBitSet(1);
DataValueDescriptor[] c3row = new DataValueDescriptor[1];
c3row[0] = c3;
if (!cc.fetch(rowloc, c3row, singleColumn)) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndFetch) fetch found no row.");
// Close the conglomerate.
// Make sure we read back the value we wrote.
if (c2.getInt() != value)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndFetch) Fetched value != inserted value.");
if (c3.getInt() != value)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndFetch) Fetched value != inserted value.");
return true;
use of in project derby by apache.
the class T_AccessFactory method storeCost.
* Test the access level StoreCost interface.
* <p>
* @return true if the test succeeded.
* @param tc The transaction controller to use in the test.
* @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
* @exception T_Fail Unexpected behaviour from the API
protected boolean storeCost(TransactionController tc) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
int key_value;
REPORT("(storeCost) starting");
// Create a heap conglomerate.
T_AccessRow template_row = new T_AccessRow(2);
long conglomid = tc.createConglomerate(// create a heap conglomerate
"heap", // 1 column template.
template_row.getRowArray(), // column sort order not required for heap
null, // default collation
null, // default properties
null, // not temporary
// Open the conglomerate.
ConglomerateController cc = tc.openConglomerate(conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
// Create a 2 column row.
T_AccessRow r1 = new T_AccessRow(2);
SQLInteger c1 = new SQLInteger(1);
SQLInteger c2 = new SQLInteger(100);
r1.setCol(0, c1);
r1.setCol(1, c2);
// Get a location template
RowLocation rowloc1 = cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
// Insert the row and remember its location.
cc.insertAndFetchLocation(r1.getRowArray(), rowloc1);
// flush the cache to get the row count updated.
// Test 1 - ASSERT(initial row count after 1 insert should be 1)
StoreCostController scc = tc.openStoreCost(conglomid);
if (scc.getEstimatedRowCount() != 1) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(storeCost) estimated row count not 1:" + scc.getEstimatedRowCount());
// Test 2 - ASSERT(should be able to set arbitrary row count)
if (scc.getEstimatedRowCount() != 5) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(storeCost) estimated row count not 5");
// Test 3 - ASSERT(should implement getFetchFromRowLocationCost())
// should figure out some way to determine reasonable number is
// returned.
double fetch_cost = scc.getFetchFromRowLocationCost((FormatableBitSet) null, 0);
fetch_cost = scc.getFetchFromRowLocationCost((FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(0), 0);
REPORT("fetch cost (full row) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
fetch_cost = scc.getFetchFromRowLocationCost((FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(1), 0);
FormatableBitSet bit_set = new FormatableBitSet(2);
REPORT("fetch cost (no cols) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
fetch_cost = scc.getFetchFromRowLocationCost((FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(1), 0);
REPORT("fetch cost (1 col) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
// Test 4 - ASSERT(should implement getFetchFromFullKeyCost())
// should figure out some way to determine reasonable number is
// returned.
/* - RESOLVE HEAP does not implement this.
fetch_cost =
scc.getFetchFromFullKeyCost((FormatableBitSet) null, (int[]) null, 0);
REPORT("fetch full key cost (full row) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
fetch_cost =
(FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(0), (int[]) null, 0);
REPORT("fetch full key cost (no cols) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
fetch_cost =
(FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(1), (int[]) null, 0);
REPORT("fetch full key cost (no cols) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
bit_set = new FormatableBitSet(2);
fetch_cost =
(FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(1), (int[]) null, 0);
REPORT("fetch full key cost (1 col) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
// Test 5 - ASSERT(should implement getScanCost())
// should figure out some way to determine reasonable number is
// returned.
StoreCostResult cost_result = new T_StoreCostResult();
scc.getScanCost(StoreCostController.STORECOST_SCAN_NORMAL, // row count
-1, // number of rows fetched at a time from access.
1, // forUpdate
false, // validColumns
(FormatableBitSet) null, // template
new T_AccessRow(2).getRowArray(), // start position - first row in conglomerate
null, // unused if start position is null.
0, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
null, // unused if stop position is null.
0, // reopen_scan?
false, // access_type
0, // cost result.
REPORT("fetch scan cost (full row) of row loc = " + cost_result);
scc.getScanCost(StoreCostController.STORECOST_SCAN_NORMAL, // row count
-1, // number of rows fetched at a time from access.
1, // forUpdate
false, // validColumns
new FormatableBitSet(0), // template
new T_AccessRow(2).getRowArray(), // start position - first row in conglomerate
null, // unused if start position is null.
0, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
null, // unused if stop position is null.
0, // reopen_scan?
false, // access_type
0, // cost result.
REPORT("fetch scan cost (no cols) of row loc = " + cost_result);
scc.getScanCost(StoreCostController.STORECOST_SCAN_NORMAL, // row count
-1, // number of rows fetched at a time from access.
1, // forUpdate
false, // validColumns
new FormatableBitSet(1), // template
new T_AccessRow(2).getRowArray(), // start position - first row in conglomerate
null, // unused if start position is null.
0, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
null, // unused if stop position is null.
0, // reopen_scan?
false, // access_type
0, // cost result.
REPORT("fetch scan cost (no cols) of row loc = " + cost_result);
bit_set = new FormatableBitSet(2);
scc.getScanCost(StoreCostController.STORECOST_SCAN_NORMAL, // row count
-1, // number of rows fetched at a time from access.
1, // forUpdate
false, // validColumns
bit_set, // template
new T_AccessRow(2).getRowArray(), // start position - first row in conglomerate
null, // unused if start position is null.
0, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
null, // unused if stop position is null.
0, // reopen_scan?
false, // access_type
0, // cost result.
REPORT("fetch scan cost (1 cols) of row loc = " + cost_result);
// make sure you can get a row location.
rowloc1 = scc.newRowLocationTemplate();
REPORT("(storeCost) finishing");
return true;
use of in project derby by apache.
the class T_AccessFactory method insertAndUpdate.
// Insert a single row with a single column containing
// the first argument integer, update it to the second
// value, and make sure the update happened.
protected boolean insertAndUpdate(TransactionController tc, long conglomid, int value1, int value2) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
// Open the conglomerate.
ConglomerateController cc = tc.openConglomerate(conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
// Create a row.
T_AccessRow r1 = new T_AccessRow(1);
r1.setCol(0, new SQLInteger(value1));
// Get a location template
RowLocation rowloc = cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
// Insert the row and remember its location.
cc.insertAndFetchLocation(r1.getRowArray(), rowloc);
// Update it to the second value
DataValueDescriptor[] update_row = new DataValueDescriptor[1];
update_row[0] = new SQLInteger(value2);
FormatableBitSet update_desc = new FormatableBitSet(1);
cc.replace(rowloc, update_row, update_desc);
// Create a new row (of the same type, since the interface expects
// the callers to be keeping the row types straight.
T_AccessRow r2 = new T_AccessRow(1);
SQLInteger c2 = new SQLInteger(0);
r2.setCol(0, c2);
// Fetch the stored value.
if (!cc.fetch(rowloc, r2.getRowArray(), (FormatableBitSet) null)) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndUpdate) Fetch val not there.");
// Close the conglomerate.
// Make sure we read back the value we wrote.
if (c2.getInt() != value2)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndUpdate) Fetch value != updated value.");
return true;
use of in project derby by apache.
the class T_AccessFactory method getBtreeTemplate.
private DataValueDescriptor[] getBtreeTemplate(TransactionController tc, long baseConglomId) throws StandardException {
// Open a scan on the base conglomerate which will return all rows.
FormatableBitSet singleColumn = new FormatableBitSet(1);
ScanController sc = tc.openScan(baseConglomId, false, // not for update
0, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, // all columns, all as objects
singleColumn, null, 0, null, null, 0);
// Create the template for the index. This method "knows" that
// all rows in the base table have one IntCol
T_AccessRow template = new T_AccessRow(2);
SQLLongint col0 = new SQLLongint(0);
RowLocation col1 = sc.newRowLocationTemplate();
template.setCol(0, col0);
template.setCol(1, col1);
return (template.getRowArray());
use of in project derby by apache.
the class T_QualifierTest method t_scanFetchHashtable.
* Test scan which does FetchSet.
* <p>
* FetchSet() returns the entire result set in the hash table.
* <p>
* @return Whether the test succeeded or not.
* @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
public static boolean t_scanFetchHashtable(TransactionController tc, long conglomid, DataValueDescriptor[] fetch_template, DataValueDescriptor[] start_key, int start_op, Qualifier[][] qualifier, DataValueDescriptor[] stop_key, int stop_op, int expect_numrows, int input_expect_key, int order) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
HashSet set = null;
long key;
long numrows = 0;
boolean ordered = (order == ORDER_FORWARD || order == ORDER_DESC);
set = create_hash_set(input_expect_key, expect_numrows, order);
// select entire data set into a hash table, with first column key
int[] keyColumns = new int[1];
keyColumns[0] = 0;
BackingStoreHashtable result_set = tc.createBackingStoreHashtableFromScan(conglomid, 0, TransactionController.MODE_TABLE, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, (FormatableBitSet) null, start_key, start_op, qualifier, stop_key, stop_op, // no limit on total rows.
-1, // first column is hash key column
keyColumns, // don't remove duplicates
false, // no estimate of rows
-1, // put it all into memory
-1, // use default initial capacity
-1, // use default load factor
-1, // don't maintain runtime statistics
false, // don't skip null key columns
false, // don't keep after commit
false, // don't include row locations
// make sure the expected result set is the same as the actual result
// set.
Enumeration e = result_set.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Object obj;
DataValueDescriptor[] row = null;
if ((obj = e.nextElement()) instanceof DataValueDescriptor[]) {
row = (DataValueDescriptor[]) obj;
key = ((SQLLongint) (row[2])).getLong();
if (!set.remove(key)) {
return (fail("(t_scanFetchHashtable-obj) wrong key, expected (" + input_expect_key + ")" + "but got (" + key + ")."));
} else if (obj instanceof List) {
List row_vect = (List) obj;
for (int i = 0; i < row_vect.size(); i++) {
row = (DataValueDescriptor[]) row_vect.get(i);
key = ((SQLLongint) (row[2])).getLong();
if (!set.remove(key)) {
return (fail("(t_scanFetchHashtable-vector) wrong key, expected (" + input_expect_key + ")" + "but got (" + key + ")."));
} else {
return (fail("(t_scanFetchHashtable) got bad type for data: " + obj));
if (numrows != expect_numrows) {
return (fail("(t_scanFetchHashtable) wrong number of rows. Expected " + expect_numrows + " rows, but got " + numrows + "rows."));
// select entire data set into a hash table, with key being
// the third column, which is the unique id used to verify the
// right result set is being returned.:
// open a new scan
keyColumns[0] = 2;
result_set = tc.createBackingStoreHashtableFromScan(conglomid, 0, TransactionController.MODE_TABLE, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, (FormatableBitSet) null, start_key, start_op, qualifier, stop_key, stop_op, // no limit on total rows.
-1, // third column is hash key column
keyColumns, // don't remove duplicates
false, // no estimate of rows
-1, // put it all into memory
-1, // use default initial capacity
-1, // use default load factor
-1, // don't maintain runtime statistics
false, // don't skip null key columns
false, // don't keep after commit
false, // don't include row locations
Object removed_obj;
for (numrows = 0; numrows < expect_numrows; numrows++) {
long exp_key;
if (order == ORDER_DESC)
exp_key = input_expect_key - numrows;
exp_key = input_expect_key + numrows;
if ((removed_obj = result_set.remove(new SQLLongint(exp_key))) == null) {
fail("(t_scanFetchHashtable-2-vector) wrong key, expected (" + (exp_key) + ")" + "but did not find it.");
if (numrows != expect_numrows) {
return (fail("(t_scanFetchHashtable-2) wrong number of rows. Expected " + expect_numrows + " rows, but got " + numrows + "rows."));
return (true);