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Example 31 with FormatableBitSet

use of in project derby by apache.

the class BasePage method insertLongColumn.

 * Routine to insert a long column.
 * <p>
 * This code inserts a long column as a linked list of rows on overflow
 * pages.  This list is pointed to by a small pointer in the main page
 * row column.  The operation does the following:
 *     allocate new overflow page
 *     insert single row filling overflow page
 *     while (more of column exists)
 *         allocate new overflow page
 *         insert single row with next piece of row
 *         update previous piece to point to this new piece of row
 * Same code is called both from an initial insert of a long column and
 * from a subsequent update that results in a long column.
 * @return The recordHandle of the first piece of the long column chain.
 * @param mainChainPage The parent page with row piece containing column
 *                      that will eventually point to this long column
 *                      chain.
 * @param lce           The LongColumnException thrown when we recognized
 *                      that the column being inserted was "long", this
 *                      structure is used to cache the info that we have
 *                      read so far about column.  In the case of an insert
 *                      of the stream it will have a copy of just the first
 *                      page of the stream that has already been read once.
 * @param insertFlag    flags for insert operation.
 * @exception  StandardException  Standard exception policy.
protected RecordHandle insertLongColumn(BasePage mainChainPage, LongColumnException lce, byte insertFlag) throws StandardException {
    Object[] row = new Object[1];
    row[0] = lce.getColumn();
    RecordHandle firstHandle = null;
    RecordHandle handle = null;
    RecordHandle prevHandle = null;
    BasePage curPage = mainChainPage;
    BasePage prevPage = null;
    boolean isFirstPage = true;
    // undo inserts as purges of all pieces of the overflow column
    // except for the 1st overflow page pointed at by the main row.
    // Consider a row with one column which is a long column
    // that takes 2 pages for itself plus an entry in main parent page.
    // the log records in order for this look something like:
    // insert overflow page 1
    // insert overflow page 2
    // update overflow page 1 record to have pointer to overflow page 2
    // insert main row (which has pointer to overflow page 1)
    // If this insert gets aborted then something like the following
    // happens:
    // main row is marked deleted (but ptr to overflow 1 still exists)
    // update is aborted so link on page 2 to page 1 is lost
    // overflow row on page 2 is marked deleted
    // overflow row on page 1 is marked deleted
    // There is no way to reclaim page 2 later as the abort of the update
    // has now lost the link from overflow page 1 to overflow 2, so
    // the system has to do it as part of the abort of the insert.  But,
    // it can't for page 1 as the main page will attempt to follow
    // it's link in the deleted row during it's space reclamation and it
    // can't tell the difference
    // between a row that has been marked deleted as part of an aborted
    // insert or as part of a committed delete.  When it follows the link
    // it could find no page and that could be coded against, but it could
    // be that the page is now used by some other overflow row which would
    // lead to lots of different kinds of problems.
    // So the code leaves the 1st overflow page to be cleaned up with the
    // main page row is purged, but goes ahead and immediately purges all
    // the segments that will be lost as part of the links being lost due
    // to aborted updates.
    byte after_first_page_insertFlag = (byte) (insertFlag | Page.INSERT_UNDO_WITH_PURGE);
    // when inserting a long column startColumn is just used
    // as a flag. -1 means the insert is complete, != -1 indicates
    // more inserts are required.
    int startColumn = 0;
    RawTransaction t = curPage.owner.getTransaction();
    do {
        if (!isFirstPage) {
            prevPage = curPage;
            prevHandle = handle;
        // step 1. get a new overflow page
        curPage = (BasePage) getNewOverflowPage();
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        int slot = curPage.recordCount;
        int recordId = curPage.newRecordId();
        handle = new RecordId(curPage.getPageId(), recordId, slot);
        if (isFirstPage)
            firstHandle = handle;
        // step 2: insert column portion
        startColumn = owner.getActionSet().actionInsert(t, curPage, slot, recordId, row, (FormatableBitSet) null, (LogicalUndo) null, (isFirstPage ? insertFlag : after_first_page_insertFlag), startColumn, true, -1, (DynamicByteArrayOutputStream) null, -1, 100);
        // then release latch on prevPage
        if (!isFirstPage) {
            // for the previous page, add an overflow field header,
            // and update the record header to show 2 fields
            prevPage.updateFieldOverflowDetails(prevHandle, handle);
            prevPage = null;
        } else {
            isFirstPage = false;
    } while (startColumn != (-1));
    if (curPage != null) {
        curPage = null;
    return (firstHandle);
Also used : DynamicByteArrayOutputStream( LogicalUndo( RawTransaction( RecordHandle( AuxObject( FormatableBitSet(

Example 32 with FormatableBitSet

use of in project derby by apache.

the class HeapController method load.

protected long load(TransactionManager xact_manager, Heap heap, boolean createConglom, RowLocationRetRowSource rowSource) throws StandardException {
    long num_rows_loaded = 0;
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.ASSERT(open_conglom == null, "load expects container handle to be closed on entry.");
    // The individual rows that are inserted are not logged.  To use a
    // logged interface, use insert.  RESOLVE: do we want to allow client
    // to use the load interface even for logged insert?
    int mode = (ContainerHandle.MODE_FORUPDATE | ContainerHandle.MODE_UNLOGGED);
    // page allocation.
    if (createConglom)
        mode |= ContainerHandle.MODE_CREATE_UNLOGGED;
    OpenConglomerate open_conglom = new OpenHeap();
    if (open_conglom.init((ContainerHandle) null, heap, heap.format_ids, heap.collation_ids, xact_manager, xact_manager.getRawStoreXact(), false, mode, TransactionController.MODE_TABLE, xact_manager.getRawStoreXact().newLockingPolicy(LockingPolicy.MODE_CONTAINER, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, true), (DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo) null) == null) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.HEAP_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND, heap.getId().getContainerId());
    // For bulk loading, we always use only brand new page because the row
    // insertion itself is not logged.  We cannot pollute pages with
    // pre-existing data with unlogged rows because nobody is going to wipe
    // out these rows if the transaction rolls back.  We are counting on
    // the allocation page rollback to obliterate these rows if the
    // transaction fails, or, in the CREAT_UNLOGGED case, the whole
    // container to be removed.
    Page page = open_conglom.getContainer().addPage();
    boolean callbackWithRowLocation = rowSource.needsRowLocation();
    RecordHandle rh;
    HeapRowLocation rowlocation;
    if (callbackWithRowLocation || rowSource.needsRowLocationForDeferredCheckConstraints())
        rowlocation = new HeapRowLocation();
        rowlocation = null;
    FormatableBitSet validColumns = rowSource.getValidColumns();
    try {
        // get the next row and its valid columns from the rowSource
        DataValueDescriptor[] row;
        while ((row = rowSource.getNextRowFromRowSource()) != null) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                // Make sure valid columns are in the list.  The RowUtil
                // call is too expensive to make in a released system for
                // every insert.
                int invalidColumn = RowUtil.columnOutOfRange(row, validColumns, heap.format_ids.length);
                if (invalidColumn >= 0) {
                    throw (StandardException.newException(SQLState.HEAP_TEMPLATE_MISMATCH, invalidColumn, heap.format_ids.length));
            // Insert it onto this page as long as it can fit more rows.
            if ((rh = page.insert(row, validColumns, Page.INSERT_DEFAULT, AccessFactoryGlobals.HEAP_OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD)) == null) {
                // Insert faied, row did not fit.  Get a new page.
                page = null;
                page = open_conglom.getContainer().addPage();
                // RESOLVE (mikem) - no long rows yet so the following code
                // will get an exception from the raw store for a row that
                // does not fit on a page.
                // Multi-thread considerations aside, the raw store will
                // guarantee that any size row will fit on an empty page.
                rh = page.insert(row, validColumns, Page.INSERT_OVERFLOW, AccessFactoryGlobals.HEAP_OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD);
            // and go for the next row.
            if (callbackWithRowLocation) {
            if (rowSource.needsRowLocationForDeferredCheckConstraints()) {
                rowSource.offendingRowLocation(rowlocation, heap.getContainerid());
        page = null;
        // it is unlogged.
        if (!heap.isTemporary())
    } finally {
        // If an error happened here, don't bother flushing the
        // container since the changes should be rolled back anyhow.
    return (num_rows_loaded);
Also used : RecordHandle( DynamicCompiledOpenConglomInfo( Page( OpenConglomerate( FormatableBitSet( DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor) ContainerHandle(

Example 33 with FormatableBitSet

use of in project derby by apache.

the class BTreeScan method initScanParams.

 * Shared initialization code between init() and reopenScan().
 * <p>
 * Basically save away input parameters describing qualifications for
 * the scan, and do some error checking.
 * @exception  StandardException  Standard exception policy.
private void initScanParams(DataValueDescriptor[] startKeyValue, int startSearchOperator, Qualifier[][] qualifier, DataValueDescriptor[] stopKeyValue, int stopSearchOperator) throws StandardException {
    // startKeyValue init.
    this.init_startKeyValue = startKeyValue;
    if (RowUtil.isRowEmpty(this.init_startKeyValue))
        this.init_startKeyValue = null;
    // startSearchOperator init.
    this.init_startSearchOperator = startSearchOperator;
    // qualifier init.
    if ((qualifier != null) && (qualifier.length == 0))
        qualifier = null;
    this.init_qualifier = qualifier;
    // stopKeyValue init.
    this.init_stopKeyValue = stopKeyValue;
    if (RowUtil.isRowEmpty(this.init_stopKeyValue))
        this.init_stopKeyValue = null;
    // stopSearchOperator init.
    this.init_stopSearchOperator = stopSearchOperator;
    // reset the "current" position to starting condition.
    // RESOLVE (mmm) - "compile" this.
    scan_position = new BTreeRowPosition(this);
    scan_position.current_lock_template = new DataValueDescriptor[this.init_template.length];
    scan_position.current_lock_template[this.init_template.length - 1] = scan_position.current_lock_row_loc = (RowLocation) init_template[init_template.length - 1].cloneValue(false);
    // scanColumnList.
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        if (init_scanColumnList != null) {
            // verify that all columns specified in qualifiers, start
            // and stop positions are specified in the scanColumnList.
            FormatableBitSet required_cols;
            if (qualifier != null)
                required_cols = RowUtil.getQualifierBitSet(qualifier);
                required_cols = new FormatableBitSet(0);
            // add in start columns
            if (this.init_startKeyValue != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < this.init_startKeyValue.length; i++) required_cols.set(i);
            if (this.init_stopKeyValue != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < this.init_stopKeyValue.length; i++) required_cols.set(i);
            FormatableBitSet required_cols_and_scan_list = (FormatableBitSet) required_cols.clone();
            // FormatableBitSet equals requires the two FormatableBitSets to be of same
            // length.
            if (!required_cols_and_scan_list.equals(required_cols)) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Some column specified in a Btree " + " qualifier/start/stop list is " + "not represented in the scanColumnList." + "\n:required_cols_and_scan_list = " + required_cols_and_scan_list + "\n;required_cols = " + required_cols + "\n;init_scanColumnList = " + init_scanColumnList);
Also used : FormatableBitSet( RowLocation(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation)

Example 34 with FormatableBitSet

use of in project derby by apache.

the class T_AccessFactory method holdCursor.

// test various flavors of commit
protected boolean holdCursor(TransactionController tc) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
    // Create a conglomerates and an index on that conglomerate.
    long base_id = createAConglom(tc, 0, false);
    // Open it.
    ConglomerateController cc = tc.openConglomerate(base_id, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
    // insert 5 rows
    T_AccessRow r1 = null;
    SQLLongint c1 = null;
    for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        // Create a row.
        r1 = new T_AccessRow(1);
        c1 = new SQLLongint(i);
        r1.setCol(0, c1);
        // Get a location template
        RowLocation rowloc = cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
        // Insert the row and remember its location.
        cc.insertAndFetchLocation(r1.getRowArray(), rowloc);
    // Create an index on the base table.
    long index_id = createBtree(tc, base_id, false);
    // HEAP - test that scan is closed on commit of non-held cursor.
    // Open scan on the base table.
    ScanController base_scan = tc.openScan(base_id, // don't hold
    false, // for update
    TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, // all columns, all as objects
    (FormatableBitSet) null, // start position - first row in conglomerate
    null, // unused if start position is null.
    0, // qualifier - accept all rows
    null, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
    null, // unused if stop position is null.
    // Open scan on the index table.
    ScanController index_scan = tc.openScan(index_id, // don't hold
    false, // for update
    TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, // all columns, all as objects
    (FormatableBitSet) null, // start position - first row in conglomerate
    null, // unused if start position is null.
    0, // qualifier - accept all rows
    null, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
    null, // unused if stop position is null.
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(base_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(index_scan, r1.getRowArray());;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    // should be able call get and set even after next'ing through the rows.
    long row_count = base_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    row_count = base_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    // should be able call get and set even after next'ing through the rows.
    row_count = index_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    row_count = index_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    if (row_count != 10)
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) some problem with get/set row count.");
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(base_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(index_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    // see if commit closed the base_scan.
    if (
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) next() should return false, commit should close base_scan.");
    // see if commit closed the base_scan.
    if (
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) next() should return false, commit should close base_scan.");
    // Open another scan on the conglomerate.
    base_scan = tc.openScan(base_id, // hold cursor open across commit
    true, // for update
    TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, // all columns, all as objects
    (FormatableBitSet) null, // start position - first row in conglomerate
    null, // unused if start position is null.
    0, // qualifier - accept all rows
    null, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
    null, // unused if stop position is null.
    // Open scan on the index table.
    index_scan = tc.openScan(index_id, // don't hold
    true, // for update
    TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, // all columns, all as objects
    (FormatableBitSet) null, // start position - first row in conglomerate
    null, // unused if start position is null.
    0, // qualifier - accept all rows
    null, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
    null, // unused if stop position is null.
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(base_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(index_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    // move cursor to be positioned on 0
    if (!
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) next() should not fail, commit should close hold scan.");
    // move cursor to be positioned on 0
    if (!
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) next() should not fail, commit should close hold scan.");
    // the 1st next should return the 1st row - ie. 0
    long key_value = ((SQLLongint) r1.getCol(0)).getLong();
    if (key_value != 0)
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) 1st row is not 0.");
    key_value = ((SQLLongint) r1.getCol(0)).getLong();
    if (key_value != 0)
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) 1st row is not 0.");
    // move cursor to be positioned on 1;;
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(base_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(index_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    // should be able call get and set even after next'ing through the rows.
    row_count = base_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    row_count = base_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    // should be able call get and set even after next'ing through the rows.
    row_count = index_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    row_count = index_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    if (row_count != 5)
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) some problem with get/set row count.");
    // move cursor to be positioned on 2
    if (!
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) next() should not fail, commit should close hold base_scan.");
    if (!
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) next() should not fail, commit should close hold base_scan.");
    // the 1st next should return the 1st row - ie. 0
    key_value = ((SQLLongint) r1.getCol(0)).getLong();
    if (key_value != 2)
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) 1st row is not 0.");
    key_value = ((SQLLongint) r1.getCol(0)).getLong();
    if (key_value != 2)
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) 1st row is not 0.");
    // move cursor to be positioned on 3;
    // move cursor to be positioned on 4;;
    // move cursor past the end, thus closing it.;;
    // should be able call get and set even after next'ing through the rows.
    row_count = base_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    row_count = base_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    if (row_count != 15)
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) some problem with get/set row count.");
    row_count = index_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    row_count = index_scan.getEstimatedRowCount();
    if (row_count != 15)
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) some problem with get/set row count.");
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(base_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    testOpsBeforeFirstNext(index_scan, r1.getRowArray());
    if (
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) next() should fail, the base_scan has been closed by progressing to end.");
    if (
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(holdCursor) next() should fail, the base_scan has been closed by progressing to end.");
    REPORT("(holdCursor) succeeded");
    return true;
Also used : SQLLongint(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLLongint) FormatableBitSet( RowLocation(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation) SQLLongint(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLLongint)

Example 35 with FormatableBitSet

use of in project derby by apache.

the class T_AccessFactory method deletetest.

// Insert a single row with a single column containing
// the first argument integer, delete it, make sure subsequent
// delete, replace, and replace a single column return false.
protected boolean deletetest(TransactionController tc, long conglomid, int value1, int value2) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
    boolean ret_val;
    // Open the conglomerate.
    ConglomerateController cc = tc.openConglomerate(conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
    // Create a row.
    T_AccessRow r1 = new T_AccessRow(1);
    r1.setCol(0, new SQLInteger(value1));
    // Get a location template
    RowLocation rowloc = cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
    // Insert the row and remember its location.
    cc.insertAndFetchLocation(r1.getRowArray(), rowloc);
    // delete it.
    if (!cc.delete(rowloc)) {
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(deleteTest) delete of row failed");
    // subsequent replace, update a single column, and delete
    // should return false
    // update single column
    DataValueDescriptor[] update_row = new DataValueDescriptor[1];
    FormatableBitSet update_desc = new FormatableBitSet(1);
    if (cc.replace(rowloc, update_row, update_desc)) {
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(deleteTest) partial column row replace returned true on del row");
    // update whole row.
    if (cc.replace(rowloc, r1.getRowArray(), (FormatableBitSet) null)) {
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(deleteTest) update returned true on del row");
    if (cc.delete(rowloc)) {
        throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(deleteTest) delete returned true on del row");
    // Close the conglomerate.
    return true;
Also used : FormatableBitSet( DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor) RowLocation(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation) SQLInteger(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLInteger)


FormatableBitSet ( DataValueDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)36 RowLocation (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation)32 SQLLongint (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLLongint)25 ScanController ( ExecRow (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecRow)23 ConglomerateController ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)17 RawTransaction ( RawContainerHandle ( TransactionController ( ConglomerateDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConglomerateDescriptor)11 SQLInteger (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLInteger)11 UUID (org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID)10 ExecIndexRow (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecIndexRow)10 ConstraintDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptor)9 DataDictionary (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary)7 SQLChar (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLChar)7 Properties (java.util.Properties)6 ContextManager (