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Example 86 with LanguageConnectionContext

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext in project derby by apache.

the class CreateRoleConstantAction method executeConstantAction.

 *  This is the guts of the Execution-time logic for CREATE ROLE.
 *  @see ConstantAction#executeConstantAction
 * @exception StandardException     Thrown on failure
public void executeConstantAction(Activation activation) throws StandardException {
    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();
    DataDescriptorGenerator ddg = dd.getDataDescriptorGenerator();
    if (roleName.equals(Authorizer.PUBLIC_AUTHORIZATION_ID)) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.AUTH_PUBLIC_ILLEGAL_AUTHORIZATION_ID);
    // currentAuthId is currently always the database owner since
    // role definition is a database owner power. This may change
    // in the future since this SQL is more liberal.
    final String currentAuthId = lcc.getCurrentUserId(activation);
    // Check if this role already exists. If it does, throw.
    RoleGrantDescriptor rdDef = dd.getRoleDefinitionDescriptor(roleName);
    if (rdDef != null) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS, rdDef.getDescriptorType(), roleName);
    // defined or added later).
    if (knownUser(roleName, currentAuthId, lcc, dd, tc)) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS, "User", roleName);
    rdDef = ddg.newRoleGrantDescriptor(dd.getUUIDFactory().createUUID(), roleName, // grantee
    currentAuthId, // grantor
    Authorizer.SYSTEM_AUTHORIZATION_ID, // with admin option
    true, // is definition
    dd.addDescriptor(rdDef, // parent
    null, DataDictionary.SYSROLES_CATALOG_NUM, // duplicatesAllowed
    false, tc);
Also used : DataDescriptorGenerator(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator) LanguageConnectionContext(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext) DataDictionary(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary) TransactionController( RoleGrantDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.RoleGrantDescriptor)

Example 87 with LanguageConnectionContext

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext in project derby by apache.

the class CreateSchemaConstantAction method executeConstantActionMinion.

private void executeConstantActionMinion(Activation activation, TransactionController tc) throws StandardException {
    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    DataDescriptorGenerator ddg = dd.getDataDescriptorGenerator();
    SchemaDescriptor sd = dd.getSchemaDescriptor(schemaName, lcc.getTransactionExecute(), false);
    // This is to handle in-memory SESSION schema for temp tables
    if ((sd != null) && (sd.getUUID() != null)) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Schema", schemaName);
    UUID tmpSchemaId = dd.getUUIDFactory().createUUID();
		** AID defaults to connection authorization if not 
		** specified in CREATE SCHEMA (if we had module
	 	** authorizations, that would be the first check
		** for default, then session aid).
    String thisAid = aid;
    if (thisAid == null) {
        thisAid = lcc.getCurrentUserId(activation);
		** Inform the data dictionary that we are about to write to it.
		** There are several calls to data dictionary "get" methods here
		** that might be done in "read" mode in the data dictionary, but
		** it seemed safer to do this whole operation in "write" mode.
		** We tell the data dictionary we're done writing at the end of
		** the transaction.
    sd = ddg.newSchemaDescriptor(schemaName, thisAid, tmpSchemaId);
    dd.addDescriptor(sd, null, DataDictionary.SYSSCHEMAS_CATALOG_NUM, false, tc);
Also used : DataDescriptorGenerator(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator) SchemaDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor) LanguageConnectionContext(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext) DataDictionary(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary) UUID(org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID)

Example 88 with LanguageConnectionContext

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext in project derby by apache.

the class DropAliasConstantAction method executeConstantAction.

 *	This is the guts of the Execution-time logic for DROP ALIAS.
 *	@see ConstantAction#executeConstantAction
 * @exception StandardException		Thrown on failure
public void executeConstantAction(Activation activation) throws StandardException {
    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
		** Inform the data dictionary that we are about to write to it.
		** There are several calls to data dictionary "get" methods here
		** that might be done in "read" mode in the data dictionary, but
		** it seemed safer to do this whole operation in "write" mode.
		** We tell the data dictionary we're done writing at the end of
		** the transaction.
    /* Get the alias descriptor.  We're responsible for raising
		 * the error if it isn't found 
    AliasDescriptor ad = dd.getAliasDescriptor(sd.getUUID().toString(), aliasName, nameSpace);
    // RESOLVE - fix error message
    if (ad == null) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, AliasDescriptor.getAliasType(nameSpace), aliasName);
    adjustUDTDependencies(lcc, dd, ad, false);
Also used : LanguageConnectionContext(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext) AliasDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.AliasDescriptor) DataDictionary(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary)

Example 89 with LanguageConnectionContext

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext in project derby by apache.

the class IndexChanger method insertAndCheckDups.

 * Insert the given row into the given conglomerate and check for duplicate
 * key error.
 * @param row	The row to insert
 * @exception StandardException     Thrown on duplicate key error unless
 *                                  we have a deferred constraint. In that
 *                                  index rows are saved for checking
 *                                  on commit.
private void insertAndCheckDups(ExecIndexRow row) throws StandardException {
    int insertStatus;
    final DataValueDescriptor[] rowArray = row.getRowArray();
    if (deferrable) {
        insertStatus = indexCC.insert(row.getRowArray());
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            // deferrable: we use a non-unique index
            SanityManager.ASSERT(insertStatus != ConglomerateController.ROWISDUPLICATE);
        final DataValueDescriptor[] key = new DataValueDescriptor[rowArray.length - 1];
        System.arraycopy(rowArray, 0, key, 0, key.length);
        // If the constraint mode is deferred, perform the check without
        // waiting for any locks; we will just presume any lock conflicts
        // constitute duplicates (not always the case), and check those keys
        // again at commit time.
        final boolean deferred = lcc.isEffectivelyDeferred(lcc.getCurrentSQLSessionContext(activation), getUniqueConstraintId());
        // TODO add assert getUniqueConstraintId() != null
        ScanController idxScan = tc.openScan(indexCID, false, (deferred ? TransactionController.OPENMODE_LOCK_ROW_NOWAIT : 0), TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED_NOHOLDLOCK, // retrieve all fields
        (FormatableBitSet) null, key, // startSearchOp
        ScanController.GE, null, key, ScanController.GT);
        boolean duplicate = false;
        try {
            final boolean foundOne =;
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                SanityManager.ASSERT(foundOne, "IndexChanger: inserted row gone?");
            duplicate = foundOne &&;
        } catch (StandardException e) {
            if ((e.getSQLState().equals(SQLState.LOCK_TIMEOUT) || e.getSQLState().equals(SQLState.DEADLOCK)) && deferred) {
                // Assume there is a duplicate, so we'll check again at
                // commit time.
                duplicate = true;
            } else {
                throw e;
        if (duplicate && irg.isUniqueWithDuplicateNulls()) {
            int keyParts = rowArray.length - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < keyParts; i++) {
                // Keys with null in it are always unique
                if (rowArray[i].isNull()) {
                    duplicate = false;
        if (duplicate) {
            if (deferred) {
                // Save duplicate row so we can check at commit time there is
                // no longer any duplicate.
                deferredDuplicates = DeferredConstraintsMemory.rememberDuplicate(lcc, deferredDuplicates, getUniqueConstraintId(), row.getRowArray());
            } else {
                // the constraint is not deferred, so throw
                insertStatus = ConglomerateController.ROWISDUPLICATE;
    } else {
        // not a deferred constraint
        insertStatus = indexCC.insert(row.getRowArray());
    if (insertStatus == ConglomerateController.ROWISDUPLICATE) {
			** We have a duplicate key error. 
        String indexOrConstraintName = indexName;
        // now get table name, and constraint name if needed
        LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
        DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
        // get the descriptors
        ConglomerateDescriptor cd = dd.getConglomerateDescriptor(indexCID);
        UUID tableID = cd.getTableID();
        TableDescriptor td = dd.getTableDescriptor(tableID);
        String tableName = td.getName();
        if (// no index name passed in
        indexOrConstraintName == null) {
            ConstraintDescriptor conDesc = dd.getConstraintDescriptor(td, cd.getUUID());
            indexOrConstraintName = conDesc.getConstraintName();
        StandardException se = StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DUPLICATE_KEY_CONSTRAINT, indexOrConstraintName, tableName);
        throw se;
    } else {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (insertStatus != 0) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Unknown insert status " + insertStatus);
Also used : ScanController( DataDictionary(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary) ConglomerateDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConglomerateDescriptor) TableDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor) StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) LanguageConnectionContext(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext) ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor) ConstraintDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptor) DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor) UUID(org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID)

Example 90 with LanguageConnectionContext

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext in project derby by apache.

the class DDLConstantAction method storeViewTriggerDependenciesOnPrivileges.

 *	This method saves dependencies of views and triggers on privileges in
 *  the dependency system. It gets called by CreateViewConstantAction
 *  and CreateTriggerConstantAction. Views and triggers and constraints
 *  run with definer's privileges. If one of the required privileges is
 *  revoked from the definer, the dependent view/trigger/constraint on
 *  that privilege will be dropped automatically. In order to implement
 *  this behavior, we need to save view/trigger/constraint dependencies
 *  on required privileges in the dependency system. Following method
 *  accomplishes that part of the equation for views and triggers. The
 *  dependency collection for constraints is not same as for views and
 *  triggers and hence constraints are not covered by this method.
 *  Views and triggers can depend on many different kind of privileges
 *  where as constraints only depend on REFERENCES privilege on a table.
 *  Another difference is only one view or trigger can be defined by a
 *  sql statement and hence all the dependencies collected for the sql
 *  statement apply to the view or trigger in question. As for constraints,
 *  one sql statement can defined multiple constraints and hence the
 *  all the privileges required by the statement are not necessarily
 *  required by all the constraints defined by that sql statement. We need
 *  to identify right privileges for right constraints for a given sql
 *  statement. Because of these differences between constraints and views
 *  (and triggers), there are 2 different methods in this class to save
 *  their privileges in the dependency system.
 *  For each required privilege, we now register of a dependency on a role
 *  if that role was required to find an applicable privilege.
 *  @param activation The execution environment for this constant action.
 *  @param dependent Make this object depend on required privileges
 * @exception StandardException		Thrown on failure
protected void storeViewTriggerDependenciesOnPrivileges(Activation activation, Dependent dependent) throws StandardException {
    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = activation.getLanguageConnectionContext();
    DataDictionary dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
    DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
    String dbo = dd.getAuthorizationDatabaseOwner();
    String currentUser = lcc.getCurrentUserId(activation);
    SettableBoolean roleDepAdded = new SettableBoolean();
    // access any objects without any restrictions.
    if (!currentUser.equals(dbo)) {
        PermissionsDescriptor permDesc;
        List<StatementPermission> requiredPermissionsList = activation.getPreparedStatement().getRequiredPermissionsList();
        if (requiredPermissionsList != null && !requiredPermissionsList.isEmpty()) {
            for (StatementPermission statPerm : requiredPermissionsList) {
                // Also, StatementRolePermission should not occur here.
                if (statPerm instanceof StatementSchemaPermission || statPerm instanceof StatementRolePermission) {
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                        if (statPerm instanceof StatementRolePermission) {
                            SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Unexpected StatementRolePermission");
                // See if we can find the required privilege for given authorizer?
                permDesc = statPerm.getPermissionDescriptor(currentUser, dd);
                if (// privilege not found for given authorizer
                permDesc == null) {
                    // The if condition above means that required privilege does
                    // not exist at the user level. The privilege has to exist at
                    // PUBLIC level... ,
                    permDesc = statPerm.getPermissionDescriptor(Authorizer.PUBLIC_AUTHORIZATION_ID, dd);
                    boolean roleUsed = false;
                    // .. or at role level
                    if (permDesc == null || ((permDesc instanceof ColPermsDescriptor) && !((StatementColumnPermission) statPerm).allColumnsCoveredByUserOrPUBLIC(currentUser, dd))) {
                        roleUsed = true;
                        permDesc = findRoleUsage(activation, statPerm);
                    // owner.
                    if (!permDesc.checkOwner(currentUser)) {
                        dm.addDependency(dependent, permDesc, lcc.getContextManager());
                        // dependency, too.
                        if (roleUsed) {
                            trackRoleDependency(activation, dependent, roleDepAdded);
                // object's privilege dependency in the dependency system
                if (!permDesc.checkOwner(currentUser)) {
                    dm.addDependency(dependent, permDesc, lcc.getContextManager());
                    if (permDesc instanceof ColPermsDescriptor) {
                        // For a given table, the table owner can give privileges
                        // on some columns at individual user level and privileges
                        // on some columns at PUBLIC level. Hence, when looking for
                        // column level privileges, we need to look both at user
                        // level as well as PUBLIC level(only if user level column
                        // privileges do not cover all the columns accessed by this
                        // object). We have finished adding dependency for user level
                        // columns, now we are checking if some required column
                        // level privileges are at PUBLIC level.
                        // A specific eg of a view
                        // user1
                        // create table t11(c11 int, c12 int);
                        // grant select(c11) on t1 to user2;
                        // grant select(c12) on t1 to PUBLIC;
                        // user2
                        // create view v1 as select c11 from user1.t11 where c12=2;
                        // For the view above, there are 2 column level privilege
                        // depencies, one for column c11 which exists directly
                        // for user2 and one for column c12 which exists at PUBLIC level.
                        StatementColumnPermission statementColumnPermission = (StatementColumnPermission) statPerm;
                        permDesc = statementColumnPermission.getPUBLIClevelColPermsDescriptor(currentUser, dd);
                        if (permDesc != null && permDesc.getObjectID() != null) {
                            // User did not have all required column
                            // permissions and at least one column is
                            // covered by PUBLIC.
                            dm.addDependency(dependent, permDesc, lcc.getContextManager());
                        // upon?
                        if (!statementColumnPermission.allColumnsCoveredByUserOrPUBLIC(currentUser, dd)) {
                            trackRoleDependency(activation, dependent, roleDepAdded);
Also used : PermissionsDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.PermissionsDescriptor) DependencyManager(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager) StatementSchemaPermission(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.StatementSchemaPermission) DataDictionary(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary) StatementColumnPermission(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.StatementColumnPermission) StatementPermission(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.StatementPermission) ColPermsDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColPermsDescriptor) LanguageConnectionContext(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext) StatementRolePermission(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.StatementRolePermission)


LanguageConnectionContext (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext)126 DataDictionary (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary)57 TransactionController ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)36 DependencyManager (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager)20 SchemaDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor)20 TableDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor)20 UUID (org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID)14 DataDescriptorGenerator (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator)13 ConglomerateDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConglomerateDescriptor)11 ConstraintDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptor)10 StatementContext (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.StatementContext)7 ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor)7 RoleGrantDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.RoleGrantDescriptor)7 ColumnDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor)6 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)5 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)5 ColumnDescriptorList (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptorList)5 ConglomerateController ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4