use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.StatementContext in project derby by apache.
the class GenericLanguageConnectionContext method doRollback.
* When a rollback happens, the language connection context
* will close all open activations and invalidate
* their prepared statements. Then the language will abort the
* Store transaction.
* <p>
* The invalidated statements can revalidate themselves without
* a full recompile if they verify their dependencies' providers still
* exist unchanged. REVISIT when invalidation types are created.
* <p>
* REVISIT: this may need additional alterations when
* <p>
* Also, tell the data dictionary that the transaction is finished,
* if necessary (that is, if the data dictionary was put into
* DDL mode in this transaction.
* @param xa true if this is an xa rollback
* @param requestedByUser true if requested by user
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure
private void doRollback(boolean xa, boolean requestedByUser) throws StandardException {
StatementContext statementContext = getStatementContext();
if (requestedByUser && (statementContext != null) && statementContext.inUse() && statementContext.isAtomic()) {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_NO_ROLLBACK_IN_NESTED_CONNECTION);
// Log rollback to error log, if appropriate
if (logStatementText) {
if (istream == null) {
istream = Monitor.getStream();
String xactId = tran.getTransactionIdString();
istream.printlnWithHeader(LanguageConnectionContext.xidStr + xactId + "), " + LanguageConnectionContext.lccStr + instanceNumber + "), " + LanguageConnectionContext.dbnameStr + dbname + "), " + LanguageConnectionContext.drdaStr + drdaID + "), Rolling back");
// reset the current savepoint level for the connection to 0 at the beginning of rollback work for temp tables
currentSavepointLevel = 0;
if (allDeclaredGlobalTempTables != null)
// with the user transaction.
if (readOnlyNestedTransaction != null) {
readOnlyNestedTransaction = null;
queryNestingDepth = 0;
// now rollback the Store transaction
TransactionController tc = getTransactionExecute();
if (tc != null) {
if (xa)
((XATransactionController) tc).xa_rollback();
// reset the savepoints to the new
// location, since any outer nesting
// levels expet there to be a savepoint
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.StatementContext in project derby by apache.
the class GenericLanguageConnectionContext method getCurrentSQLSessionContext.
* Return the current SQL session context based on statement context
private SQLSessionContext getCurrentSQLSessionContext() {
StatementContext ctx = getStatementContext();
SQLSessionContext curr;
if (ctx == null || !ctx.inUse()) {
curr = getTopLevelSQLSessionContext();
} else {
// We are inside a nested connection in a procedure of
// function.
curr = ctx.getSQLSessionContext();
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(curr != null, "SQL session context should never be empty here");
return curr;
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.StatementContext in project derby by apache.
the class GenericLanguageConnectionContext method setupSessionContextMinion.
private void setupSessionContextMinion(Activation a, boolean push, boolean definersRights, String definer) throws StandardException {
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
if (definersRights) {
SQLSessionContext sc = a.setupSQLSessionContextForChildren(push);
if (definersRights) {
} else {
// A priori: invoker's rights: Current user
if (definersRights) {
// No role a priori. Cf. SQL 2008, section 10.4 <routine
// invocation>, GR 5 j) i) 1) B) "If the external security
// characteristic of R is DEFINER, then the top cell of the
// authorization stack of RSC is set to contain only the routine
// authorization identifier of R.
} else {
// Semantics for roles dictate (SQL and 4.27.3.) that the
// role is initially inherited from the current session context
// when we run with INVOKER security characteristic.
if (definersRights) {
SchemaDescriptor sd = getDataDictionary().getSchemaDescriptor(definer, getTransactionExecute(), false);
if (sd == null) {
sd = new SchemaDescriptor(getDataDictionary(), definer, definer, (UUID) null, false);
} else {
// Inherit current default schema. The initial value of the
// default schema is implementation defined. In Derby we
// inherit it when we invoke stored procedures and functions.
final SQLSessionContext ssc = getCurrentSQLSessionContext(a);
StatementContext stmctx = getStatementContext();
// Since the statement is an invocation (iff push=true), it will now be
// associated with the pushed SQLSessionContext (and no longer just
// share that of its caller (or top). The statement contexts of nested
// connection statements will inherit statement context so the SQL
// session context is available through it when nested statements are
// compiled (and executed, for the most part). However, for dynamic
// result sets, the relevant statement context (originating result set)
// is no longer available for execution time references to the SQL
// session context, so we rely on the activation of the caller for
// accessing it, cf. e.g. overload variants of
// getDefaultSchema/setDefaultSchema. If such nested connections
// themselves turn out to be invocations, they in turn get a new
// SQLSessionContext associated with them etc.
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.StatementContext in project derby by apache.
the class GenericTriggerExecutor method executeSPS.
* Execute the given stored prepared statement. We
* just grab the prepared statement from the spsd,
* get a new activation holder and let er rip.
* @param sps the SPS to execute
* @param isWhen {@code true} if the SPS is for the WHEN clause,
* {@code false} otherwise
* @return {@code true} if the SPS is for a WHEN clause and it evaluated
* to {@code TRUE}, {@code false} otherwise
* @exception StandardException on error
private boolean executeSPS(SPSDescriptor sps, boolean isWhen) throws StandardException {
boolean recompile = false;
boolean whenClauseWasTrue = false;
// The prepared statement and the activation may already be available
// if the trigger has been fired before in the same statement. (Only
// happens with row triggers that are triggered by a statement that
// touched multiple rows.) The WHEN clause and the trigger action have
// their own prepared statement and activation. Fetch the correct set.
ExecPreparedStatement ps = isWhen ? whenPS : actionPS;
Activation spsActivation = isWhen ? spsWhenActivation : spsActionActivation;
while (true) {
** Only grab the ps the 1st time through. This
** way a row trigger doesn't do any unnecessary
** setup work.
if (ps == null || recompile) {
// The SPS activation will set its parent activation from
// the statement context. Reset it to the original parent
// activation first so that it doesn't use the activation of
// the previously executed SPS as parent. DERBY-6348.
** We need to clone the prepared statement so we don't
** wind up marking that ps that is tied to sps as finished
** during the course of execution.
ps = sps.getPreparedStatement();
ps = ps.getClone();
// it should be valid since we've just prepared for it
spsActivation = ps.getActivation(lcc, false);
** Normally, we want getSource() for an sps invocation
** to be EXEC STATEMENT xxx, but in this case, since
** we are executing the SPS in our own fashion, we want
** the text to be the trigger action. So set it accordingly.
// trigger fires multiple times.
if (isWhen) {
whenPS = ps;
spsWhenActivation = spsActivation;
} else {
actionPS = ps;
spsActionActivation = spsActivation;
// save the active statement context for exception handling purpose
StatementContext active_sc = lcc.getStatementContext();
** Execute the activation. If we have an error, we
** are going to go to some extra work to pop off
** our statement context. This is because we are
** a nested statement (we have 2 activations), but
** we aren't a nested connection, so we have to
** pop off our statementcontext to get error handling
** to work correctly. This is normally a no-no, but
** we are an unusual case.
try {
// This is a substatement; for now, we do not set any timeout
// for it. We might change this behaviour later, by linking
// timeout to its parent statement's timeout settings.
ResultSet rs = ps.executeSubStatement(activation, spsActivation, false, 0L);
if (isWhen) {
// This is a WHEN clause. Expect a single BOOLEAN value
// to be returned.
ExecRow row = rs.getNextRow();
if (SanityManager.DEBUG && row.nColumns() != 1) {
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Expected WHEN clause to have exactly " + "one column, found: " + row.nColumns());
DataValueDescriptor value = row.getColumn(1);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(value instanceof SQLBoolean);
whenClauseWasTrue = !value.isNull() && value.getBoolean();
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(rs.getNextRow() == null, "WHEN clause returned more than one row");
} else if (rs.returnsRows()) {
// The result set was opened in ps.execute()
while (rs.getNextRow() != null) {
} catch (StandardException e) {
** When a trigger SPS action is executed and results in
** an exception, the system needs to clean up the active
** statement context(SC) and the trigger execution context
** (TEC) in language connection context(LCC) properly (e.g.:
** "Maximum depth triggers exceeded" exception); otherwise,
** this will leave old TECs lingering and may result in
** subsequent statements within the same connection to throw
** the same exception again prematurely.
** A new statement context will be created for the SPS before
** it is executed. However, it is possible for some
** StandardException to be thrown before a new statement
** context is pushed down to the context stack; hence, the
** trigger executor needs to ensure that the current active SC
** is associated with the SPS, so that it is cleaning up the
** right statement context in LCC.
** It is also possible that the error has already been handled
** on a lower level, especially if the trigger re-enters the
** JDBC layer. In that case, the current SC will be null.
** When the active SC is cleaned up, the TEC will be removed
** from LCC and the SC object will be popped off from the LCC
** as part of cleanupOnError logic.
/* retrieve the current active SC */
StatementContext sc = lcc.getStatementContext();
/* make sure that the cleanup is on the new SC */
if (sc != null && active_sc != sc) {
/* Handle dynamic recompiles */
if (e.getMessageId().equals(SQLState.LANG_STATEMENT_NEEDS_RECOMPILE)) {
recompile = true;
throw e;
/* Done with execution without any recompiles */
return whenClauseWasTrue;
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.StatementContext in project derby by apache.
the class DropSchemaNode method bindStatement.
public void bindStatement() throws StandardException {
** Users are not permitted to drop
** the SYS or APP schemas.
if (getDataDictionary().isSystemSchemaName(schemaName)) {
throw (StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_CANNOT_DROP_SYSTEM_SCHEMAS, this.schemaName));
** In SQL authorization mode, the current authorization identifier
** must be either the owner of the schema or the database owner
** in order for the schema object to be dropped.
if (isPrivilegeCollectionRequired()) {
LanguageConnectionContext lcc = getLanguageConnectionContext();
StatementContext stx = lcc.getStatementContext();
String currentUser = stx.getSQLSessionContext().getCurrentUser();
getCompilerContext().addRequiredSchemaPriv(schemaName, currentUser, Authorizer.DROP_SCHEMA_PRIV);