use of in project derby by apache.
the class InsertResultSet method setUpAllSorts.
* Set up to update all of the indexes on a table when doing a bulk insert
* on an empty table.
* @exception StandardException thrown on error
private void setUpAllSorts(ExecRow sourceRow, RowLocation rl) throws StandardException {
int numIndexes = constants.irgs.length;
int numColumns = td.getNumberOfColumns();
ordering = new ColumnOrdering[numIndexes][];
collation = new int[numIndexes][];
needToDropSort = new boolean[numIndexes];
sortIds = new long[numIndexes];
rowSources = new RowLocationRetRowSource[numIndexes];
// indexedCols is 1-based
indexedCols = new FormatableBitSet(numColumns + 1);
/* For each index, build a single index row, collation templage,
* and a sorter.
for (int index = 0; index < numIndexes; index++) {
// Update the bit map of indexed columns
int[] keyColumns = constants.irgs[index].baseColumnPositions();
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < keyColumns.length; i2++) {
// indexedCols is 1-based
// create a single index row template for each index
indexRows[index] = constants.irgs[index].getIndexRowTemplate();
// Get an index row based on the base row
// (This call is only necessary here because we need to
// pass a template to the sorter.)
constants.irgs[index].getIndexRow(sourceRow, rl, indexRows[index], (FormatableBitSet) null);
/* For non-unique indexes, we order by all columns + the RID.
* For unique indexes, we just order by the columns.
* We create a unique index observer for unique indexes
* so that we can catch duplicate key
// Get the ConglomerateDescriptor for the index
ConglomerateDescriptor cd = td.getConglomerateDescriptor(constants.indexCIDS[index]);
int[] baseColumnPositions = constants.irgs[index].baseColumnPositions();
boolean[] isAscending = constants.irgs[index].isAscending();
int numColumnOrderings;
SortObserver sortObserver;
/* We can only reuse the wrappers when doing an
* external sort if there is only 1 index. Otherwise,
* we could get in a situation where 1 sort reuses a
* wrapper that is still in use in another sort.
boolean reuseWrappers = (numIndexes == 1);
final IndexRowGenerator indDes = cd.getIndexDescriptor();
Properties sortProperties = null;
String indexOrConstraintName = cd.getConglomerateName();
boolean deferred = false;
boolean deferrable = false;
UUID uniqueDeferrableConstraintId = null;
if (cd.isConstraint()) {
// so, the index is backing up a constraint
ConstraintDescriptor conDesc = dd.getConstraintDescriptor(td, cd.getUUID());
indexOrConstraintName = conDesc.getConstraintName();
deferred = lcc.isEffectivelyDeferred(lcc.getCurrentSQLSessionContext(activation), conDesc.getUUID());
deferrable = conDesc.deferrable();
uniqueDeferrableConstraintId = conDesc.getUUID();
if (indDes.isUnique() || indDes.isUniqueDeferrable()) {
numColumnOrderings = indDes.isUnique() ? baseColumnPositions.length : baseColumnPositions.length + 1;
sortObserver = new UniqueIndexSortObserver(lcc, uniqueDeferrableConstraintId, // don't clone rows
false, deferrable, deferred, indexOrConstraintName, indexRows[index], reuseWrappers, td.getName());
} else if (indDes.isUniqueWithDuplicateNulls()) {
numColumnOrderings = baseColumnPositions.length + 1;
// tell transaction controller to use the unique with
// duplicate nulls sorter, when making createSort() call.
sortProperties = new Properties();
sortProperties.put(AccessFactoryGlobals.IMPL_TYPE, AccessFactoryGlobals.SORT_UNIQUEWITHDUPLICATENULLS_EXTERNAL);
// use sort operator which treats nulls unequal
sortObserver = new UniqueWithDuplicateNullsIndexSortObserver(lcc, uniqueDeferrableConstraintId, true, deferrable, deferred, indexOrConstraintName, indexRows[index], true, td.getName());
} else {
numColumnOrderings = baseColumnPositions.length + 1;
sortObserver = new BasicSortObserver(false, false, indexRows[index], reuseWrappers);
ordering[index] = new ColumnOrdering[numColumnOrderings];
for (int ii = 0; ii < isAscending.length; ii++) {
ordering[index][ii] = new IndexColumnOrder(ii, isAscending[ii]);
if (numColumnOrderings > isAscending.length) {
ordering[index][isAscending.length] = new IndexColumnOrder(isAscending.length);
// set collation templates for later index creation
// call (createAndLoadConglomerate())
collation[index] = constants.irgs[index].getColumnCollationIds(td.getColumnDescriptorList());
// create the sorters
sortIds[index] = tc.createSort(sortProperties, indexRows[index].getRowArrayClone(), ordering[index], sortObserver, // not in order
false, // est rows
(int) sourceResultSet.getEstimatedRowCount(), // est row size, -1 means no idea
needToDropSort[index] = true;
sorters = new SortController[numIndexes];
// Open the sorts
for (int index = 0; index < numIndexes; index++) {
sorters[index] = tc.openSort(sortIds[index]);
needToDropSort[index] = true;