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Example 36 with RawTransaction

use of in project derby by apache.

the class InsertOperation method undoMe.

	 * PageOperation methods
 *		Undo the insert by simply marking the just inserted record as deleted.
 *		All logical undo logic has already been taken care of by generateUndo.
 *		@exception IOException Can be thrown by any of the methods of ObjectInput.
 *		@exception StandardException Standard Derby policy.
 *		@see LogicalPageOperation#undoMe
public void undoMe(Transaction xact, BasePage undoPage, int undoRecordId, LogInstant CLRInstant, LimitObjectInput in) throws StandardException, IOException {
    int slot = undoPage.findRecordById(undoRecordId, Page.FIRST_SLOT_NUMBER);
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        // page number and recordId
        if (undoRecordId != this.recordId)
            if (undoPage.getPageNumber() == getPageId().getPageNumber())
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("recordId changed from " + this.recordId + " to " + undoRecordId + " but page number did not change " + undoPage.getPageNumber());
        if (slot == -1)
            SanityManager.THROWASSERT("recordId " + undoRecordId + " not found on page " + undoPage.getPageNumber());
    RawTransaction rxact = (RawTransaction) xact;
    if ((insertFlag & Page.INSERT_UNDO_WITH_PURGE) != 0) {
        undoPage.purgeRecord(CLRInstant, slot, undoRecordId);
        // stream.
        if (rxact.handlesPostTerminationWork() && undoPage.isOverflowPage() && undoPage.recordCount() == 0) {
            ReclaimSpace work = new ReclaimSpace(ReclaimSpace.PAGE, (PageKey) undoPage.getIdentity(), rxact.getDataFactory(), true);
    } else {
        undoPage.setDeleteStatus(CLRInstant, slot, true);
        if (rxact.handlesPostTerminationWork() && !undoPage.isOverflowPage()) {
            if (undoPage.shouldReclaimSpace(undoPage.getPageNumber() == 1 ? 1 : 0, slot)) {
                ((BaseDataFileFactory) rxact.getDataFactory()).insertUndoNotify(rxact, undoPage.getPageKey());
Also used : RawTransaction(

Example 37 with RawTransaction

use of in project derby by apache.

the class LogicalPageOperation method generateUndo.

 *		Undoable method
 *		Generate a Compensation (PageUndoOperation) that will rollback the
 *		changes of this page operation. If this Page operation cannot or need not
 *		be rolled back (redo only), overwrite this function to return null.
 *		@see LogicalUndo
 *		@exception StandardException Standard Derby policy.
 *		@exception IOException Method may read from ObjectInput
public Compensation generateUndo(Transaction xact, LimitObjectInput in) throws StandardException, IOException {
    // if logical undo is not necessary, use normal physical undo
    if (undo == null) {
        BasePage undoPage = findpage(xact);
        // Needs to pre-dirty this page so that if a checkpoint is taken
        // any time after the CLR is sent to the log stream, it will wait
        // for the actual undo to happen on the page.  We need this to
        // preserve the integrity of the redoLWM.
        return new LogicalUndoOperation(undoPage, recordId, this);
    } else {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            // Sanity check to make sure logical undo is not called inside
            // internal transaction
            RawTransaction rtran = (RawTransaction) xact;
        BasePage logicalUndoPage = findLogicalPage(xact, undo, in);
        // Needs to pre-dirty this page so that if a checkpoint is taken
        // any time after the CLR is sent to the log stream, it will wait
        // for the actual undo to happen on the page.  We need this to
        // preserve the integrity of the redoLWM.
        // undo.findUndo is not called.
        return new LogicalUndoOperation(logicalUndoPage, recordId, this);
Also used : RawTransaction(

Example 38 with RawTransaction

use of in project derby by apache.

the class XactFactory method rollbackAllTransactions.

 *		Rollback all active transactions that has updated the raw store.
 *		Use the recovery Transaction that is passed in to do all the work.
 *		Used in recovery only.
 *		<P>
 *		Transactions are rolled back in the following order:
 *		<OL>
 *		<LI>internal transactions in reversed beginXact chronological order,
 *		<LI>all other transactions in reversed beginXact chronological order,
 *		</NL>
 *		@param recoveryTransaction use this transaction to do all the user
 *                                   transaction work
 *		@exception StandardException any exception thrown during rollback
public void rollbackAllTransactions(RawTransaction recoveryTransaction, RawStoreFactory rsf) throws StandardException {
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        if (rawStoreFactory != null)
            SanityManager.ASSERT(rawStoreFactory == rsf, "raw store factory different");
        SanityManager.ASSERT(recoveryTransaction != null, "recovery transaction null");
    int irbcount = 0;
    // First undo internal transactions if there is any
    if (ttab.hasRollbackFirstTransaction()) {
        RawTransaction internalTransaction = startInternalTransaction(rsf, recoveryTransaction.getContextManager());
        // make this transaction be aware that it is being used by recovery
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            SanityManager.ASSERT(internalTransaction.handlesPostTerminationWork() == false, "internal recovery xact handles post termination work");
        while (ttab.getMostRecentRollbackFirstTransaction(internalTransaction)) {
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.ASSERT(ttab.hasRollbackFirstTransaction() == false, "cant rollback user xacts with existing active internal xacts");
    int rbcount = 0;
    // recoveryTransacion assumes the identity of the most recent xact
    while (ttab.getMostRecentTransactionForRollback(recoveryTransaction)) {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            SanityManager.ASSERT(recoveryTransaction.handlesPostTerminationWork() == false, "recovery transaction handles post termination work");
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        if (rbcount > 0 || irbcount > 0) {
        // RESOLVE: put this in the log trace
        // System.out.println(
        // "Recovery rolled back " + irbcount +
        // " internal transactions,"
        // + rbcount + " user transactions");
Also used : RawTransaction(

Example 39 with RawTransaction

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method logRecordDataPortion.

private void logRecordDataPortion(int slot, int flag, StoredRecordHeader recordHeader, FormatableBitSet validColumns, OutputStream out, RecordHandle headRowHandle) throws StandardException, IOException {
    int offset = getRecordOffset(slot);
    // now skip over the original header before writing the data
    int oldHeaderLength = recordHeader.size();
    offset += oldHeaderLength;
    // write out the record data (FH+data+...) from the page data
    int startField = recordHeader.getFirstField();
    int endField = startField + recordHeader.getNumberFields();
    int validColumnsSize = (validColumns == null) ? 0 : validColumns.getLength();
    for (int fieldId = startField; fieldId < endField; fieldId++) {
        // get the field header information from the page
        int fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.readStatus(rawDataIn);
        int fieldDataLength = StoredFieldHeader.readFieldDataLength(rawDataIn, fieldStatus, slotFieldSize);
        // for purges unless the field is  overflow pointer for a long column.
        if (((validColumns != null) && !(validColumnsSize > fieldId && validColumns.isSet(fieldId))) || ((flag & BasePage.LOG_RECORD_FOR_PURGE) != 0 && !StoredFieldHeader.isOverflow(fieldStatus))) {
            // nope, move page offset along
            offset += StoredFieldHeader.size(fieldStatus, fieldDataLength, slotFieldSize);
            offset += fieldDataLength;
            // write a non-existent field
            fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.setInitial();
            fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.setNonexistent(fieldStatus);
            StoredFieldHeader.write(out, fieldStatus, 0, slotFieldSize);
        // If temp container, don't do anything.
        if (((flag & BasePage.LOG_RECORD_FOR_UPDATE) != 0) && headRowHandle != null && StoredFieldHeader.isOverflow(fieldStatus) && owner.isTemporaryContainer() == false) {
            // remember the page offset
            int saveOffset = rawDataIn.getPosition();
            long overflowPage = CompressedNumber.readLong((InputStream) rawDataIn);
            int overflowId = CompressedNumber.readInt((InputStream) rawDataIn);
            // Remember the time stamp on the first page of the column
            // chain.  This is to prevent the case where the post commit
            // work gets fired twice, in that case, the second time it is
            // fired, this overflow page may not part of this row chain
            // that is being updated.
            Page firstPageOnColumnChain = getOverflowPage(overflowPage);
            PageTimeStamp ts = firstPageOnColumnChain.currentTimeStamp();
            RawTransaction rxact = (RawTransaction) owner.getTransaction();
            ReclaimSpace work = new ReclaimSpace(ReclaimSpace.COLUMN_CHAIN, headRowHandle, // long column about to be orphaned by update
            fieldId, // page where the long column starts
            overflowPage, // record Id of the beginning of the long column
            overflowId, ts, rxact.getDataFactory(), true);
            // Just to be safe, reset data stream
        // write the field header for the log
        offset += StoredFieldHeader.write(out, fieldStatus, fieldDataLength, slotFieldSize);
        if (fieldDataLength != 0) {
            // write the actual data
            out.write(pageData, offset, fieldDataLength);
            offset += fieldDataLength;
Also used : PageTimeStamp( RawTransaction( Page(

Example 40 with RawTransaction

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method doUpdateAtSlot.

 *        Perform an update.
 *        @exception StandardException Standard Derby policy
public void doUpdateAtSlot(RawTransaction t, int slot, int id, Object[] row, FormatableBitSet validColumns) throws StandardException {
    // If this is a head page, the recordHandle is the head row handle.
    // If this is not a head page, we are calling updateAtSlot inside some
    // convoluted loop that updates an overflow chain.  There is nothing we
    // can doing about it anyway.
    RecordHandle headRowHandle = isOverflowPage() ? null : getRecordHandleAtSlot(slot);
    // RESOLVE: djd/yyz what does a null row means? (sku)
    if (row == null) {
        owner.getActionSet().actionUpdate(t, this, slot, id, row, validColumns, -1, (DynamicByteArrayOutputStream) null, -1, headRowHandle);
    // startColumn is the first column to be updated.
    int startColumn = RowUtil.nextColumn(row, validColumns, 0);
    if (startColumn == -1)
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        // exactly N columns are passed in via the row array.
        if (!isOverflowPage() && validColumns != null) {
            if (RowUtil.getNumberOfColumns(-1, validColumns) > row.length)
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("updating slot " + slot + " on page " + getIdentity() + " " + RowUtil.getNumberOfColumns(-1, validColumns) + " bits are set in validColumns but only " + row.length + " columns in row[]");
    // Keep track of row shrinkage in the head row piece.  If any row piece
    // shrinks, file a post commit work to clear all reserved space for the
    // entire row chain.
    boolean rowHasReservedSpace = false;
    StoredPage curPage = this;
    for (; ; ) {
        StoredRecordHeader rh = curPage.getHeaderAtSlot(slot);
        int startField = rh.getFirstField();
        int endFieldExclusive = startField + rh.getNumberFields();
        // curPage contains column[startField] to column[endFieldExclusive-1]
        // Need to cope with an update that is increasing the number of
        // columns.  If this occurs we want to make sure that we perform a
        // single update to the last portion of a record, and not an update
        // of the current columns and then an update to append a column.
        long nextPage = -1;
        int realStartColumn = -1;
        int realSpaceOnPage = -1;
        if (!rh.hasOverflow() || ((startColumn >= startField) && (startColumn < endFieldExclusive))) {
            boolean hitLongColumn;
            int nextColumn = -1;
            Object[] savedFields = null;
            DynamicByteArrayOutputStream logBuffer = null;
            do {
                try {
                    // Update this portion of the record.
                    // Pass in headRowHandle in case we are to update any
                    // long column and they need to be cleaned up by post
                    // commit processing.  We don't want to purge the
                    // columns right now because in order to reclaim the
                    // page, we need to remove them.  But it would be bad
                    // to remove them now because the transaction may not
                    // commit for a long time.  We can do both purging of
                    // the long column and page removal together in the
                    // post commit.
                    nextColumn = owner.getActionSet().actionUpdate(t, curPage, slot, id, row, validColumns, realStartColumn, logBuffer, realSpaceOnPage, headRowHandle);
                    hitLongColumn = false;
                } catch (LongColumnException lce) {
                    if (lce.getRealSpaceOnPage() == -1) {
                        // an update that has caused the row to increase
                        // in size *and* push some fields off the page
                        // that need to be inserted in an overflow page
                        // no need to make a copy as we are going to use
                        // this buffer right away
                        logBuffer = lce.getLogBuffer();
                        savedFields = (Object[]) lce.getColumn();
                        realStartColumn = lce.getNextColumn();
                        realSpaceOnPage = -1;
                        hitLongColumn = true;
                    // we caught a real long column exception
                    // three things should happen here:
                    // 1. insert the long column into overflow pages.
                    // 2. append the overflow field header in the main chain.
                    // 3. continue the update in the main data chain.
                    logBuffer = new DynamicByteArrayOutputStream(lce.getLogBuffer());
                    // step 1: insert the long column ... if this update
                    // operation rolls back, purge the after image column
                    // chain and reclaim the overflow page because the
                    // whole chain will be orphaned anyway.
                    RecordHandle longColumnHandle = insertLongColumn(curPage, lce, Page.INSERT_UNDO_WITH_PURGE);
                    // step 2: append overflow field header to log buffer
                    int overflowFieldLen = 0;
                    try {
                        overflowFieldLen += appendOverflowFieldHeader(logBuffer, longColumnHandle);
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, ioe);
                    // step 3: continue the insert in the main data chain
                    // need to pass the log buffer, and start column to the
                    // next insert.
                    realStartColumn = lce.getNextColumn() + 1;
                    realSpaceOnPage = lce.getRealSpaceOnPage() - overflowFieldLen;
                    hitLongColumn = true;
                } catch (NoSpaceOnPage nsop) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_UNEXPECTED_NO_SPACE_ON_PAGE, nsop, ((PageKey) curPage.getIdentity()).toString(), getPageDumpString(), slot, id, validColumns.toString(), realStartColumn, 0, headRowHandle);
            } while (hitLongColumn);
            // See if we completed all the columns that are on this page.
            int validColumnsSize = (validColumns == null) ? 0 : validColumns.getLength();
            if (nextColumn != -1) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    if ((nextColumn < startField) || (rh.hasOverflow() && (nextColumn >= endFieldExclusive))) {
                        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("nextColumn out of range = " + nextColumn + " expected between " + startField + " and " + endFieldExclusive);
                // Need to insert rows from nextColumn to endFieldExclusive
                // onto a new overflow page.
                // If the column is not being updated we
                // pick it up from the current page. If it is being updated
                // we take it from the new value.
                int possibleLastFieldExclusive = endFieldExclusive;
                if (!rh.hasOverflow()) {
                    // we might be adding a field here
                    if (validColumns == null) {
                        if (row.length > possibleLastFieldExclusive)
                            possibleLastFieldExclusive = row.length;
                    } else {
                        if (validColumnsSize > possibleLastFieldExclusive)
                            possibleLastFieldExclusive = validColumnsSize;
                // use a sparse row
                Object[] newRow = new Object[possibleLastFieldExclusive];
                FormatableBitSet newColumnList = new FormatableBitSet(possibleLastFieldExclusive);
                ByteArrayOutputStream fieldStream = null;
                for (int i = nextColumn; i < possibleLastFieldExclusive; i++) {
                    if ((validColumns == null) || (validColumnsSize > i && validColumns.isSet(i))) {
                        // use the new value
                        newRow[i] = RowUtil.getColumn(row, validColumns, i);
                    } else if (i < endFieldExclusive) {
                        // use the old value
                        newRow[i] = savedFields[i - nextColumn];
                RecordHandle handle = curPage.getRecordHandleAtSlot(slot);
                // there cannot be any updates to do.
                if (rh.hasOverflow()) {
                    // We have to carry across the overflow information
                    // from the current record, if any.
                    nextPage = rh.getOverflowPage();
                    id = rh.getOverflowId();
                    // find the next starting column before unlatching page
                    startColumn = RowUtil.nextColumn(row, validColumns, endFieldExclusive);
                } else {
                    startColumn = -1;
                    nextPage = 0;
                // Don't bother with temp container.
                if (!rowHasReservedSpace && headRowHandle != null && curPage != null && !owner.isTemporaryContainer()) {
                    rowHasReservedSpace = curPage.checkRowReservedSpace(slot);
                // insert the record portion on a new overflow page at slot
                // 0 this will automatically handle any overflows in
                // this new portion
                // BasePage op = getNewOverflowPage();
                BasePage op = curPage.getOverflowPageForInsert(slot, newRow, newColumnList, nextColumn);
                // We have all the information from this page so unlatch it
                if (curPage != this) {
                    curPage = null;
                byte mode = Page.INSERT_OVERFLOW;
                if (nextPage != 0)
                    mode |= Page.INSERT_FOR_SPLIT;
                RecordHandle nextPortionHandle = nextPage == 0 ? null : owner.makeRecordHandle(nextPage, id);
                // RESOLVED (sku):  even though we would like to roll back
                // these inserts with PURGE rather than with delete,
                // we have to delete because if we purge the last row
                // from an overflow page, the purge will queue a post
                // commit to remove the page.
                // While this is OK with long columns, we cannot do this
                // for long rows because long row overflow pages can be
                // shared by more than one long rows, and thus it is unsafe
                // to remove the page without first latching the head page.
                // However, the insert log record do not have the head
                // row's page number so the rollback cannot put that
                // information into the post commit work.
                RecordHandle portionHandle;
                try {
                    portionHandle = op.insertAllowOverflow(0, newRow, newColumnList, nextColumn, mode, 100, nextPortionHandle);
                } catch (NoSpaceOnPage nsop) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_UNEXPECTED_NO_SPACE_ON_PAGE, nsop, ((PageKey) op.getIdentity()).toString(), getPageDumpString(), slot, id, newColumnList.toString(), nextColumn, mode, nextPortionHandle);
                // Update the previous record header to point to new portion
                if (curPage == this)
                    updateOverflowDetails(this, handle, portionHandle);
                    updateOverflowDetails(handle, portionHandle);
            } else {
                // See earlier comments on checking row reserved space.
                if (!rowHasReservedSpace && headRowHandle != null && curPage != null && !owner.isTemporaryContainer()) {
                    rowHasReservedSpace = curPage.checkRowReservedSpace(slot);
                // find the next starting column before we unlatch the page
                startColumn = rh.hasOverflow() ? RowUtil.nextColumn(row, validColumns, endFieldExclusive) : -1;
            // have we completed this update?
            if (startColumn == -1) {
                if ((curPage != this) && (curPage != null))
                // break out of the for loop
        if (nextPage == -1) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                SanityManager.ASSERT(curPage != null, "Current page is null be no overflow information has been obtained");
            // Get the next page info while we still have the page
            // latched.
            nextPage = rh.getOverflowPage();
            id = rh.getOverflowId();
        if ((curPage != this) && (curPage != null))
        // get the next portion page and find the correct slot
        curPage = (StoredPage) owner.getPage(nextPage);
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            SanityManager.ASSERT(curPage.isOverflowPage(), "following row chain gets a non-overflow page");
        slot = curPage.findRecordById(id, FIRST_SLOT_NUMBER);
    // row post commit.
    if (rowHasReservedSpace) {
        RawTransaction rxact = (RawTransaction) owner.getTransaction();
        ReclaimSpace work = new ReclaimSpace(ReclaimSpace.ROW_RESERVE, headRowHandle, rxact.getDataFactory(), true);
Also used : PageKey( DynamicByteArrayOutputStream( RecordHandle( IOException( ByteArrayOutputStream( DynamicByteArrayOutputStream( RawTransaction( FormatableBitSet(


RawTransaction ( RecordHandle ( LockingPolicy ( PageKey ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)6 ContextManager ( StorageFile ( IOException ( DynamicByteArrayOutputStream ( RawContainerHandle ( Serviceable ( FormatableBitSet ( CompatibilitySpace ( LogicalUndo ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( File ( OutputStream ( MalformedURLException ( URL ( Properties (java.util.Properties)1