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Example 41 with DataTypeDescriptor

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor in project derby by apache.

the class BaseActivation method setParameters.

// how do we do/do we want any sanity checking for
// the number of parameters expected?
public void setParameters(ParameterValueSet parameterValues, DataTypeDescriptor[] parameterTypes) throws StandardException {
    if (!isClosed()) {
        if (this.pvs == null || parameterTypes == null) {
            pvs = parameterValues;
        DataTypeDescriptor[] newParamTypes = preStmt.getParameterTypes();
			** If there are old parameters but not new ones,
			** they aren't compatible.
        boolean match = false;
        if (newParamTypes != null) {
            if (newParamTypes.length == parameterTypes.length) {
                /* Check each parameter */
                match = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
                    DataTypeDescriptor oldType = parameterTypes[i];
                    DataTypeDescriptor newType = newParamTypes[i];
                    if (!oldType.isExactTypeAndLengthMatch(newType)) {
                        match = false;
						** We could probably get away without checking nullability,
						** since parameters are always nullable.
                    if (oldType.isNullable() != newType.isNullable()) {
                        match = false;
        if (!match)
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OBSOLETE_PARAMETERS);
    } else if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("isClosed() is expected to return false");
Also used : DataTypeDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor)

Example 42 with DataTypeDescriptor

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor in project derby by apache.

the class BaseExpressionActivation method maxValue.

 * <p>
 * Get the maximum value of 4 input values.  If less than 4 values, input
 * {@code null} for the unused parameters and place them at the end.
 * If more than 4 input values, call this multiple times to
 * accumulate results.  Also have judge's type as parameter to have a base
 * upon which the comparison is based.  An example use is for code
 * generation in bug 3858.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If all the input values are SQL NULL, return SQL NULL. Otherwise, return
 * the maximum value of the non-NULL inputs.
 * </p>
 * @param v1		1st value
 * @param v2		2nd value
 * @param v3		3rd value
 * @param v4		4th value
 * @param judgeTypeFormatId		type format id of the judge
 * @param judgeUserJDBCTypeId	JDBC type id if judge is user type;
 *								-1 if not user type
 * @return	The maximum value of the 4.
public static DataValueDescriptor maxValue(DataValueDescriptor v1, DataValueDescriptor v2, DataValueDescriptor v3, DataValueDescriptor v4, int judgeTypeFormatId, int judgeUserJDBCTypeId, int judgePrecision, int judgeScale, boolean judgeIsNullable, int judgeMaximumWidth, int judgeCollationType, int judgeCollationDerivation) throws StandardException {
    DataValueDescriptor judge;
    if (judgeUserJDBCTypeId == -1) {
        judge = new DataTypeDescriptor(new TypeId(judgeTypeFormatId, null), judgePrecision, judgeScale, judgeIsNullable, judgeMaximumWidth, judgeCollationType, judgeCollationDerivation).getNull();
    } else
        judge = new TypeId(judgeTypeFormatId, new UserDefinedTypeIdImpl()).getNull();
    DataValueDescriptor maxVal = v1;
    if (v2 != null && (maxVal.isNull() || judge.greaterThan(v2, maxVal).equals(true)))
        maxVal = v2;
    if (v3 != null && (maxVal.isNull() || judge.greaterThan(v3, maxVal).equals(true)))
        maxVal = v3;
    if (v4 != null && (maxVal.isNull() || judge.greaterThan(v4, maxVal).equals(true)))
        maxVal = v4;
    return maxVal;
Also used : TypeId(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.TypeId) DataTypeDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor) UserDefinedTypeIdImpl(org.apache.derby.catalog.types.UserDefinedTypeIdImpl) DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)

Example 43 with DataTypeDescriptor

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor in project derby by apache.

the class ValueNode method genSQLJavaSQLTree.

 * Generate a SQL-&gt;Java-&gt;SQL conversion tree above the current node
 * and bind the new nodes individually.
 * This is useful when doing comparisons, built-in functions, etc. on
 * java types which have a direct mapping to system built-in types.
 * @return ValueNode	The new tree.
 * @exception StandardException	Thrown on error
ValueNode genSQLJavaSQLTree() throws StandardException {
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.ASSERT(getTypeId() != null, "genSQLJavaSQLTree() only expected to be called on a bound node");
        SanityManager.ASSERT(getTypeId().userType(), "genSQLJavaSQLTree() only expected to be called on user types");
    final ContextManager cm = getContextManager();
    JavaValueNode stjvn = new SQLToJavaValueNode(this, cm);
    ValueNode jtsvn = new JavaToSQLValueNode(stjvn, cm);
    DataTypeDescriptor resultType;
    if ((getTypeServices() != null) && getTypeId().userType()) {
        resultType = getTypeServices();
    } else {
        resultType = DataTypeDescriptor.getSQLDataTypeDescriptor(stjvn.getJavaTypeName());
    return jtsvn;
Also used : DataTypeDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor) ContextManager(

Example 44 with DataTypeDescriptor

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor in project derby by apache.

the class ValueNodeList method getDominantTypeServices.

 * Get the dominant DataTypeServices from the elements in the list. This
 * method will also set the correct collation information on the dominant
 * DataTypeService if we are dealing with character string datatypes.
 * Algorithm for determining collation information
 * This method will check if it is dealing with character string datatypes.
 * If yes, then it will check if all the character string datatypes have
 * the same collation derivation and collation type associated with them.
 * If not, then the resultant DTD from this method will have collation
 * derivation of NONE. If yes, then the resultant DTD from this method will
 * have the same collation derivation and collation type as all the
 * character string datatypes.
 * Note that this method calls DTD.getDominantType and that method returns
 * the dominant type of the 2 DTDs involved in this method. That method
 * sets the collation info on the dominant type following the algorithm
 * mentioned in the comments of
 * @see DataTypeDescriptor#getDominantType(DataTypeDescriptor, ClassFactory)
 * With that algorithm, if one DTD has collation derivation of NONE and the
 * other DTD has collation derivation of IMPLICIT, then the return DTD from
 * DTD.getDominantType will have collation derivation of IMPLICIT. That is
 * not the correct algorithm for aggregate operators. SQL standards says
 * that if EVERY type has implicit derivation AND is of the same type, then
 * the collation of the resultant will be of that type with derivation
 * IMPLICIT. To provide this behavior for aggregate operator, we basically
 * ignore the collation type and derivation picked by
 * DataTypeDescriptor.getDominantType. Instead we let
 * getDominantTypeServices use the simple algorithm listed at the top of
 * this method's comments to determine the collation type and derivation
 * for this ValueNodeList object.
 * @return DataTypeServices		The dominant DataTypeServices.
 * @exception StandardException		Thrown on error
DataTypeDescriptor getDominantTypeServices() throws StandardException {
    DataTypeDescriptor dominantDTS = null;
    // Following 2 will hold the collation derivation and type of the first
    // string operand. This collation information will be checked against
    // the collation derivation and type of other string operands. If a
    // mismatch is found, foundCollationMisMatch will be set to true.
    int firstCollationDerivation = -1;
    int firstCollationType = -1;
    // As soon as we find 2 strings with different collations, we set the
    // following flag to true. At the end of the method, if this flag is set
    // to true then it means that we have operands with different collation
    // types and hence the resultant dominant type will have to have the
    // collation derivation of NONE.
    boolean foundCollationMisMatch = false;
    for (int index = 0; index < size(); index++) {
        ValueNode valueNode;
        valueNode = elementAt(index);
        // haven't already been bound to a type.
        if (valueNode.requiresTypeFromContext() && valueNode.getTypeServices() == null) {
        DataTypeDescriptor valueNodeDTS = valueNode.getTypeServices();
        if (valueNodeDTS.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) {
            if (firstCollationDerivation == -1) {
                // found first string type. Initialize firstCollationDerivation
                // and firstCollationType with collation information from
                // that first string type operand.
                firstCollationDerivation = valueNodeDTS.getCollationDerivation();
                firstCollationType = valueNodeDTS.getCollationType();
            } else if (!foundCollationMisMatch) {
                if (firstCollationDerivation != valueNodeDTS.getCollationDerivation())
                    // collation derivations don't match
                    foundCollationMisMatch = true;
                else if (firstCollationType != valueNodeDTS.getCollationType())
                    // collation types don't match
                    foundCollationMisMatch = true;
        if (dominantDTS == null) {
            dominantDTS = valueNodeDTS;
        } else {
            dominantDTS = dominantDTS.getDominantType(valueNodeDTS, getClassFactory());
    // string operands.
    if (firstCollationDerivation != -1) {
        if (foundCollationMisMatch) {
            // if we come here that it means that alll the string operands
            // do not have matching collation information on them. Hence the
            // resultant dominant DTD should have collation derivation of
            // NONE.
            dominantDTS = dominantDTS.getCollatedType(dominantDTS.getCollationType(), StringDataValue.COLLATION_DERIVATION_NONE);
    // if we didn't find any collation mismatch, then resultant dominant
    // DTD already has the correct collation information on it and hence
    // we don't need to do anything.
    return dominantDTS;
Also used : DataTypeDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor)

Example 45 with DataTypeDescriptor

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor in project derby by apache.

the class TernaryOperatorNode method locateBind.

 * Bind locate operator
 * The variable receiver is the string which will searched
 * The variable leftOperand is the search character that will looked in the
 *     receiver variable.
 * @return	The new top of the expression tree.
 * @exception StandardException		Thrown on error
ValueNode locateBind() throws StandardException {
    TypeId firstOperandType, secondOperandType, offsetType;
		 * Is there a ? parameter for the first arg.  Copy the 
		 * left/firstOperand's.  If the left/firstOperand are both parameters,
		 * both will be max length.
    if (receiver.requiresTypeFromContext()) {
        if (leftOperand.requiresTypeFromContext()) {
            // Since both receiver and leftOperands are parameters, use the
            // collation of compilation schema for receiver.
        } else {
            if (leftOperand.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) {
                // Since the leftOperand is not a parameter, receiver will
                // get it's collation from leftOperand through following
                // setType method
		 * Is there a ? parameter for the second arg.  Copy the receiver's.
		 * If the receiver are both parameters, both will be max length.
    if (leftOperand.requiresTypeFromContext()) {
        if (receiver.requiresTypeFromContext()) {
        } else {
            if (receiver.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) {
        // collation of ? operand should be picked up from the context.
        // By the time we come here, receiver will have correct collation
        // set on it and hence we can rely on it to get correct collation
        // for this ?
		 * Is there a ? parameter for the third arg.  It will be an int.
    if (rightOperand.requiresTypeFromContext()) {
        rightOperand.setType(new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.INTEGER_ID, true));
		** Check the type of the operand - this function is allowed only
		** for: receiver = CHAR
		**      firstOperand = CHAR
		**      secondOperand = INT
    secondOperandType = leftOperand.getTypeId();
    offsetType = rightOperand.getTypeId();
    firstOperandType = receiver.getTypeId();
    if (!firstOperandType.isStringTypeId() || !secondOperandType.isStringTypeId() || offsetType.getJDBCTypeId() != Types.INTEGER)
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DB2_FUNCTION_INCOMPATIBLE, "LOCATE", "FUNCTION");
		** The result type of a LocateFunctionNode is an integer.
    setType(new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.INTEGER_ID, receiver.getTypeServices().isNullable()));
    return this;
Also used : TypeId(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.TypeId) DataTypeDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor)


DataTypeDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor)99 TypeId (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.TypeId)32 ColumnDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor)14 DataValueDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)14 CompilerContext (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext)9 SchemaDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor)8 ExecRow (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecRow)8 TypeDescriptor (org.apache.derby.catalog.TypeDescriptor)7 UUID (org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID)5 ClassFactory ( ResultColumnDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ResultColumnDescriptor)5 TypeCompiler (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.TypeCompiler)5 StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)5 Properties (java.util.Properties)4 UserDefinedTypeIdImpl (org.apache.derby.catalog.types.UserDefinedTypeIdImpl)4 FormatableBitSet ( AliasDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.AliasDescriptor)3 ColumnDescriptorList (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptorList)3 DataDictionary (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary)3 ExecIndexRow (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecIndexRow)3