use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation in project derby by apache.
the class T_AccessFactory method storeCost.
* Test the access level StoreCost interface.
* <p>
* @return true if the test succeeded.
* @param tc The transaction controller to use in the test.
* @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
* @exception T_Fail Unexpected behaviour from the API
protected boolean storeCost(TransactionController tc) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
int key_value;
REPORT("(storeCost) starting");
// Create a heap conglomerate.
T_AccessRow template_row = new T_AccessRow(2);
long conglomid = tc.createConglomerate(// create a heap conglomerate
"heap", // 1 column template.
template_row.getRowArray(), // column sort order not required for heap
null, // default collation
null, // default properties
null, // not temporary
// Open the conglomerate.
ConglomerateController cc = tc.openConglomerate(conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
// Create a 2 column row.
T_AccessRow r1 = new T_AccessRow(2);
SQLInteger c1 = new SQLInteger(1);
SQLInteger c2 = new SQLInteger(100);
r1.setCol(0, c1);
r1.setCol(1, c2);
// Get a location template
RowLocation rowloc1 = cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
// Insert the row and remember its location.
cc.insertAndFetchLocation(r1.getRowArray(), rowloc1);
// flush the cache to get the row count updated.
// Test 1 - ASSERT(initial row count after 1 insert should be 1)
StoreCostController scc = tc.openStoreCost(conglomid);
if (scc.getEstimatedRowCount() != 1) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(storeCost) estimated row count not 1:" + scc.getEstimatedRowCount());
// Test 2 - ASSERT(should be able to set arbitrary row count)
if (scc.getEstimatedRowCount() != 5) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(storeCost) estimated row count not 5");
// Test 3 - ASSERT(should implement getFetchFromRowLocationCost())
// should figure out some way to determine reasonable number is
// returned.
double fetch_cost = scc.getFetchFromRowLocationCost((FormatableBitSet) null, 0);
fetch_cost = scc.getFetchFromRowLocationCost((FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(0), 0);
REPORT("fetch cost (full row) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
fetch_cost = scc.getFetchFromRowLocationCost((FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(1), 0);
FormatableBitSet bit_set = new FormatableBitSet(2);
REPORT("fetch cost (no cols) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
fetch_cost = scc.getFetchFromRowLocationCost((FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(1), 0);
REPORT("fetch cost (1 col) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
// Test 4 - ASSERT(should implement getFetchFromFullKeyCost())
// should figure out some way to determine reasonable number is
// returned.
/* - RESOLVE HEAP does not implement this.
fetch_cost =
scc.getFetchFromFullKeyCost((FormatableBitSet) null, (int[]) null, 0);
REPORT("fetch full key cost (full row) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
fetch_cost =
(FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(0), (int[]) null, 0);
REPORT("fetch full key cost (no cols) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
fetch_cost =
(FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(1), (int[]) null, 0);
REPORT("fetch full key cost (no cols) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
bit_set = new FormatableBitSet(2);
fetch_cost =
(FormatableBitSet) new FormatableBitSet(1), (int[]) null, 0);
REPORT("fetch full key cost (1 col) of row loc = " + fetch_cost);
// Test 5 - ASSERT(should implement getScanCost())
// should figure out some way to determine reasonable number is
// returned.
StoreCostResult cost_result = new T_StoreCostResult();
scc.getScanCost(StoreCostController.STORECOST_SCAN_NORMAL, // row count
-1, // number of rows fetched at a time from access.
1, // forUpdate
false, // validColumns
(FormatableBitSet) null, // template
new T_AccessRow(2).getRowArray(), // start position - first row in conglomerate
null, // unused if start position is null.
0, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
null, // unused if stop position is null.
0, // reopen_scan?
false, // access_type
0, // cost result.
REPORT("fetch scan cost (full row) of row loc = " + cost_result);
scc.getScanCost(StoreCostController.STORECOST_SCAN_NORMAL, // row count
-1, // number of rows fetched at a time from access.
1, // forUpdate
false, // validColumns
new FormatableBitSet(0), // template
new T_AccessRow(2).getRowArray(), // start position - first row in conglomerate
null, // unused if start position is null.
0, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
null, // unused if stop position is null.
0, // reopen_scan?
false, // access_type
0, // cost result.
REPORT("fetch scan cost (no cols) of row loc = " + cost_result);
scc.getScanCost(StoreCostController.STORECOST_SCAN_NORMAL, // row count
-1, // number of rows fetched at a time from access.
1, // forUpdate
false, // validColumns
new FormatableBitSet(1), // template
new T_AccessRow(2).getRowArray(), // start position - first row in conglomerate
null, // unused if start position is null.
0, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
null, // unused if stop position is null.
0, // reopen_scan?
false, // access_type
0, // cost result.
REPORT("fetch scan cost (no cols) of row loc = " + cost_result);
bit_set = new FormatableBitSet(2);
scc.getScanCost(StoreCostController.STORECOST_SCAN_NORMAL, // row count
-1, // number of rows fetched at a time from access.
1, // forUpdate
false, // validColumns
bit_set, // template
new T_AccessRow(2).getRowArray(), // start position - first row in conglomerate
null, // unused if start position is null.
0, // stop position - last row in conglomerate
null, // unused if stop position is null.
0, // reopen_scan?
false, // access_type
0, // cost result.
REPORT("fetch scan cost (1 cols) of row loc = " + cost_result);
// make sure you can get a row location.
rowloc1 = scc.newRowLocationTemplate();
REPORT("(storeCost) finishing");
return true;
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation in project derby by apache.
the class T_AccessFactory method insertAndUpdate.
// Insert a single row with a single column containing
// the first argument integer, update it to the second
// value, and make sure the update happened.
protected boolean insertAndUpdate(TransactionController tc, long conglomid, int value1, int value2) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
// Open the conglomerate.
ConglomerateController cc = tc.openConglomerate(conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
// Create a row.
T_AccessRow r1 = new T_AccessRow(1);
r1.setCol(0, new SQLInteger(value1));
// Get a location template
RowLocation rowloc = cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
// Insert the row and remember its location.
cc.insertAndFetchLocation(r1.getRowArray(), rowloc);
// Update it to the second value
DataValueDescriptor[] update_row = new DataValueDescriptor[1];
update_row[0] = new SQLInteger(value2);
FormatableBitSet update_desc = new FormatableBitSet(1);
cc.replace(rowloc, update_row, update_desc);
// Create a new row (of the same type, since the interface expects
// the callers to be keeping the row types straight.
T_AccessRow r2 = new T_AccessRow(1);
SQLInteger c2 = new SQLInteger(0);
r2.setCol(0, c2);
// Fetch the stored value.
if (!cc.fetch(rowloc, r2.getRowArray(), (FormatableBitSet) null)) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndUpdate) Fetch val not there.");
// Close the conglomerate.
// Make sure we read back the value we wrote.
if (c2.getInt() != value2)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("(insertAndUpdate) Fetch value != updated value.");
return true;
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation in project derby by apache.
the class T_AccessFactory method getBtreeTemplate.
private DataValueDescriptor[] getBtreeTemplate(TransactionController tc, long baseConglomId) throws StandardException {
// Open a scan on the base conglomerate which will return all rows.
FormatableBitSet singleColumn = new FormatableBitSet(1);
ScanController sc = tc.openScan(baseConglomId, false, // not for update
0, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, // all columns, all as objects
singleColumn, null, 0, null, null, 0);
// Create the template for the index. This method "knows" that
// all rows in the base table have one IntCol
T_AccessRow template = new T_AccessRow(2);
SQLLongint col0 = new SQLLongint(0);
RowLocation col1 = sc.newRowLocationTemplate();
template.setCol(0, col0);
template.setCol(1, col1);
return (template.getRowArray());
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation in project derby by apache.
the class T_QualifierTest method t_testqual.
/* public methods of T_QualifierTest */
public boolean t_testqual(TransactionController tc) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
boolean ret_val = true;
DataValueDescriptor[] openscan_template = null;
DataValueDescriptor[] fetch_template = null;
DataValueDescriptor[] base_row = null;
T_SecondaryIndexRow index_row = null;
long value = -1;
long[] col1 = { 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 9 };
long[] col2 = { 1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 1, 1, 1 };
long[] col3 = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 };
long conglomid;
long base_conglomid;
long index_conglomid;
ConglomerateController base_cc = null;
ConglomerateController index_cc = null;
RowLocation base_rowloc = null;
base_row = TemplateRow.newU8Row(3);
if (init_conglomerate_type.compareTo("BTREE") == 0) {
base_conglomid = tc.createConglomerate("heap", base_row, null, null, null, TransactionController.IS_DEFAULT);
index_row = new T_SecondaryIndexRow();
base_cc = tc.openConglomerate(base_conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
base_rowloc = base_cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
index_row.init(base_row, base_rowloc, 4);
index_conglomid = tc.createConglomerate(init_conglomerate_type, index_row.getRow(), null, null, init_properties, init_temporary ? TransactionController.IS_TEMPORARY : TransactionController.IS_DEFAULT);
index_cc = tc.openConglomerate(index_conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
conglomid = index_conglomid;
openscan_template = index_row.getRow();
// make another template
T_SecondaryIndexRow fetch_index_row = new T_SecondaryIndexRow();
fetch_index_row.init(TemplateRow.newU8Row(3), base_cc.newRowLocationTemplate(), 4);
fetch_template = fetch_index_row.getRow();
} else {
base_conglomid = tc.createConglomerate(init_conglomerate_type, base_row, // default order
null, // default collation
null, init_properties, init_temporary ? TransactionController.IS_TEMPORARY : TransactionController.IS_DEFAULT);
base_cc = tc.openConglomerate(base_conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
base_rowloc = base_cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
conglomid = base_conglomid;
openscan_template = base_row;
fetch_template = TemplateRow.newU8Row(3);
// insert them in reverse order just to make sure btree is sorting them
for (int i = col1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
((SQLLongint) (base_row[0])).setValue(col1[i]);
((SQLLongint) (base_row[1])).setValue(col2[i]);
((SQLLongint) (base_row[2])).setValue(col3[i]);
base_cc.insertAndFetchLocation(base_row, base_rowloc);
if (init_conglomerate_type.compareTo("BTREE") == 0) {
// run through a predicates as described in the openScan() interface,
// and implement them in qualifiers rather than start and stop.
// Use the following SQLLongint's for qualifier values //
SQLLongint qual_col1 = new SQLLongint(-1);
SQLLongint qual_col2 = new SQLLongint(-1);
SQLLongint qual_col3 = new SQLLongint(-1);
SQLLongint qual_col4 = new SQLLongint(-1);
SQLLongint qual_col5 = new SQLLongint(-1);
SQLLongint qual_col6 = new SQLLongint(-1);
SQLLongint qual_col7 = new SQLLongint(-1);
// test predicate x = 5
// result set should be: {5,2,16}, {5,4,17}, {5,6,18}
progress("qual scan (x = 5)");
Qualifier[][] q1 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q1, null, ScanController.NA, 3, 16, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +---------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned |rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialization)|
// +------+-----+---+-----+---+--------------+---------------+
// |x > 5 |{5} |GT |null | |{6,1} .. {9,1}|{5,6} .. {9,1} |
// +-----------------------------------------+---------------+
progress("qual scan (x > 5)");
Qualifier[][] q2 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSOREQUALS, true, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q2, null, ScanController.NA, 3, 19, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +---------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned |rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialization)|
// +------+-----+---+-----+---+--------------+---------------+
// |x >= 5|{5} |GE |null | |{5,2} .. {9,1}|{4,6} .. {9,1} |
// +-----------------------------------------+---------------+
progress("qual scan (x >= 5)");
Qualifier[][] q3 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSTHAN, true, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q3, null, ScanController.NA, 6, 16, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +---------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned |rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialization)|
// +------+-----+---+-----+---+--------------+---------------+
// |x <= 5|null | |{5} |GT |{1,1} .. {5,6}|first .. {5,6} |
// +-----------------------------------------+---------------+
progress("qual scan (x <= 5)");
Qualifier[][] q4 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSOREQUALS, false, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q4, null, ScanController.NA, 8, 11, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +---------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned |rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialization)|
// +------+-----+---+-----+---+--------------+---------------+
// |x < 5 |null | |{5} |GE |{1,1} .. {4,6}|first .. {4,6} |
// +-----------------------------------------+---------------+
progress("qual scan (x < 5)");
Qualifier[][] q5 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSTHAN, false, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q5, null, ScanController.NA, 5, 11, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned|rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +-----------------+------+--+-----+--+--------------+--------------+
// |x >= 5 and x <= 7|{5}, |GE|{7} |GT|{5,2} .. {7,1}|{4,6} .. {7,1}|
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x >= 5 and x <= 7)");
Qualifier[][] q6 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSTHAN, true, true, true), new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col2, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSOREQUALS, false, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q6, null, ScanController.NA, 5, 16, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// passing qualifier in q6[0][0], q6[0][1] should evaluate same as
// passing in q6[0][0], q6[1][0]
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned|rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +-----------------+------+--+-----+--+--------------+--------------+
// |x >= 5 and x <= 7|{5}, |GE|{7} |GT|{5,2} .. {7,1}|{4,6} .. {7,1}|
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x >= 5 and x <= 7)");
Qualifier[][] q6_2 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSTHAN, true, true, true) }, { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col2, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSOREQUALS, false, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q6_2, null, ScanController.NA, 5, 16, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned|rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +-----------------+------+--+-----+--+--------------+--------------+
// |x = 5 and y > 2 |{5,2} |GT|{5} |GT|{5,4} .. {5,6}|{5,2} .. {9,1}|
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x = 5 and y > 2)");
Qualifier[][] q7 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true), new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col2, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSOREQUALS, true, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q7, null, ScanController.NA, 2, 17, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned|rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +-----------------+------+--+-----+--+--------------+--------------+
// |x = 5 and y >= 2 | {5,2}|GE| {5} |GT|{5,2} .. {5,6}|{4,6} .. {9,1}|
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x = 5 and y >= 2)");
Qualifier[][] q8 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true), new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col2, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSTHAN, true, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q8, null, ScanController.NA, 3, 16, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned|rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +-----------------+------+--+-----+--+--------------+--------------+
// |x = 5 and y < 5 | {5} |GE|{5,5}|GE|{5,2} .. {5,4}|{4,6} .. {5,4}|
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x = 5 and y < 5)");
Qualifier[][] q9 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true), new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_LESSTHAN, false, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q9, null, ScanController.NA, 2, 16, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned|rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +-----------------+------+--+-----+--+--------------+--------------+
// |x = 2 | {2} |GE| {2} |GT|none |{1,1} .. {1,1}|
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x = 2)");
Qualifier[][] q10 = { { new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true) } };
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q10, null, ScanController.NA, 0, 0, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned |rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +----------------+-----+---+-----+-- +--------------+--------------+
// |x >= 5 or y = 6 | null| | null| |{4,6} .. {9,1}|{1,1} .. {9,1}|
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x >= 5) or (y = 6)");
Qualifier[][] q11 = new Qualifier[2][];
q11[0] = new Qualifier[0];
q11[1] = new Qualifier[2];
q11[1][0] = new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_GREATEROREQUALS, false, true, true);
q11[1][1] = new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col2, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q11, null, ScanController.NA, 7, 15, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned |rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +----------------+-----+---+-----+-- +--------------+--------------+
// |(x = 1 or y = 1 or y = 6)|
// | and |
// |(x > 5 or y = 1)|
// | and |
// |(x = 9 or x = 7)|null | | null| |{7,1} .. {9,1}|{1,1} .. {9,1}|
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x = 1 or y = 1 or y = 6) and (x > 5 or y = 1) and (x = 9 or x = 7)");
Qualifier[][] q12 = new Qualifier[4][];
q12[0] = new Qualifier[0];
q12[1] = new Qualifier[3];
q12[2] = new Qualifier[2];
q12[3] = new Qualifier[2];
q12[1][0] = new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q12[1][1] = new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col2, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q12[1][2] = new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col3, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q12[2][0] = new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col4, Orderable.ORDER_OP_GREATERTHAN, false, true, true);
q12[2][1] = new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col5, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q12[3][0] = new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col6, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q12[3][1] = new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col7, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q12, null, ScanController.NA, 2, 20, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |pred |start|key|stop |key|rows returned |rows locked |
// | |value|op |value|op | |(serialized) |
// +----------------+-----+---+-----+-- +--------------+--------------+
// |(y = 4 or y = 1)|
// | and |
// |(x = 1 or x = 4 or x= 9)|
// | and |
// |(z = 15 or z = 14)|null | | null| |{4,4} .. {4,4}| ALL |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------+
progress("qual scan (x = 1 or x = 4 or x= 9) and (y = 4 or y = 1) and (z = 15 or z = 14)");
Qualifier[][] q13 = new Qualifier[4][];
q13[0] = new Qualifier[0];
q13[1] = new Qualifier[2];
q13[2] = new Qualifier[3];
q13[3] = new Qualifier[2];
q13[1][0] = new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col1, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q13[1][1] = new QualifierUtil(1, qual_col2, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q13[2][0] = new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col4, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q13[2][1] = new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col5, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q13[2][2] = new QualifierUtil(0, qual_col3, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q13[3][0] = new QualifierUtil(2, qual_col6, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
q13[3][1] = new QualifierUtil(2, qual_col7, Orderable.ORDER_OP_EQUALS, false, true, true);
if (!t_scan(tc, conglomid, openscan_template, fetch_template, null, ScanController.NA, q13, null, ScanController.NA, 1, 14, init_order)) {
ret_val = false;
progress("Ending t_testqual");
return (ret_val);
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation in project derby by apache.
the class T_CreateConglomRet method t_012.
* Test Special cases of split.
* <p>
* Testing: restartSplitFor() call in BranchControlRow().
* The second case is the same as the first except the calling code is
* trying to split a branch page and the parent branch page doesn't have
* room for the row.
* @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
* @exception T_Fail Throws T_Fail on any test failure.
protected boolean t_012(TransactionController tc) throws StandardException, T_Fail {
boolean ret_val = true;
REPORT("Starting t_011");
T_CreateConglomRet create_ret = new T_CreateConglomRet();
createCongloms(tc, 2, false, true, 0, create_ret);
// Open the base conglomerate.
ConglomerateController base_cc = tc.openConglomerate(create_ret.base_conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
// Open the index conglomerate.
ConglomerateController index_cc = tc.openConglomerate(create_ret.index_conglomid, false, TransactionController.OPENMODE_FORUPDATE, TransactionController.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);
// Create a row.
T_SecondaryIndexRow index_row = new T_SecondaryIndexRow();
RowLocation rowloc = base_cc.newRowLocationTemplate();
DataValueDescriptor[] base_row = TemplateRow.newU8Row(2);
base_row[0] = new SQLChar("aaaaaaaaaa");
index_row.init(base_row, rowloc, 3);
((SQLChar) base_row[0]).setValue(T_b2i.repeatString("a", 1000));
((SQLLongint) base_row[1]).setValue(1);
base_cc.insertAndFetchLocation(base_row, rowloc);
// CAUSE BRANCH splitFor to loop:
// pick numbers so that split will happen in middle of page. Do this
// by first inserting last row in table and then insert smaller rows,
// then insert rows before it until the table is just ready to split
// the root, and finally insert some shorter rows in such a way as
// they cause a split but the split point is chosen with one of the
// larger rows as the descriminator causing 1st splitfor pass to fail
// and loop back and do a splitFor the larger row.
// insert enough rows so the tree is 3 levels, just ready to go to
// 4 levels.
((SQLChar) base_row[0]).setValue(T_b2i.repeatString("ma", 500));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
((SQLLongint) base_row[1]).setValue(i);
base_cc.insertAndFetchLocation(base_row, rowloc);
if (index_cc.insert(index_row.getRow()) != 0)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("insert failed");
((SQLChar) base_row[0]).setValue(T_b2i.repeatString("m", 1000));
for (int i = 3; i < 23; i++) {
((SQLLongint) base_row[1]).setValue(i);
base_cc.insertAndFetchLocation(base_row, rowloc);
if (index_cc.insert(index_row.getRow()) != 0)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("insert failed");
((SQLChar) base_row[0]).setValue(T_b2i.repeatString("a", 600));
for (int i = 123; i > 111; i--) {
((SQLLongint) base_row[1]).setValue(i * 2);
base_cc.insertAndFetchLocation(base_row, rowloc);
if (index_cc.insert(index_row.getRow()) != 0)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("insert failed");
((SQLLongint) base_row[1]).setValue(227);
base_cc.insertAndFetchLocation(base_row, rowloc);
if (index_cc.insert(index_row.getRow()) != 0)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("insert failed");
// ((B2IController)index_cc).printTree();
// Close the conglomerate.
REPORT("Ending t_012");
return (ret_val);