use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetReader in project derby by apache.
the class LobRsGetterTest method suite.
* Returns a suite with all tests running with both embedded and client.
public static Test suite() {
Test suite = TestConfiguration.defaultSuite(LobRsGetterTest.class, false);
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(suite) {
protected void decorateSQL(Statement s) throws SQLException {
Connection con = s.getConnection();
dropTable(con, TABLE);
// NOTE: Do not insert a lot of data into this table, many
// of the tests iterate over all rows in the table.
s.executeUpdate("create table " + TABLE + "(" + "id INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, " + "dBlob BLOB, dClob CLOB)");
// Insert a few rows with different characteristics:
// multi page LOB, single page LOB, NULL
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into " + TABLE + "(dBlob, dClob) values (?,?)");
// 173 KB or KChars
int mpSize = 173 * 1024;
// 300 B or chars
int spSize = 300;
ps.setBinaryStream(1, new LoopingAlphabetStream(mpSize), mpSize);
ps.setCharacterStream(2, new LoopingAlphabetReader(mpSize), mpSize);
ps.setBinaryStream(1, new LoopingAlphabetStream(spSize), spSize);
ps.setCharacterStream(2, new LoopingAlphabetReader(spSize), spSize);
ps.setNull(1, Types.BLOB);
ps.setNull(2, Types.CLOB);
// Make sure there are three rows.
JDBC.assertDrainResults(s.executeQuery("select * from " + TABLE), 3);
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetReader in project derby by apache.
the class ResultSetStreamTest method testSetMaxFieldSizeLarge.
* Tests that the max field size limit is handled correctly when accessing
* values as streams. The limit should apply for VARCHAR, but not for CLOB.
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
* @throws SQLException if something goes wrong
public void testSetMaxFieldSizeLarge() throws IOException, SQLException {
// Insert test data.
int id = 1;
// 2 MB
int clobSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
int vcSize = 32672;
int limit = 10;
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into setMaxFieldSize values (?,?,?)");
ps.setInt(1, id);
ps.setCharacterStream(2, new LoopingAlphabetReader(vcSize), vcSize);
ps.setCharacterStream(3, new LoopingAlphabetReader(clobSize), clobSize);
// Fetch data back with a limit.
Statement stmt = createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select dVarchar, dClob from " + "setMaxFieldSize where id = " + id);
String vcStr = drainStringFromSource(rs.getCharacterStream(1));
// Limit should apply to VARCHAR.
assertEquals(limit, vcStr.length());
// Limit should *not* apply to CLOB.
String vsClob = drainStringFromSource(rs.getCharacterStream(2));
assertEquals(clobSize, vsClob.length());
// Again, but without a limit.
stmt = createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select dVarchar, dClob from " + "setMaxFieldSize where id = " + id);
vcStr = drainStringFromSource(rs.getCharacterStream(1));
assertEquals(vcSize, vcStr.length());
vsClob = drainStringFromSource(rs.getCharacterStream(2));
assertEquals(clobSize, vsClob.length());
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetReader in project derby by apache.
the class ClobAccessTest method initializeClobData.
* Generates test data.
private static void initializeClobData(Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
Connection con = stmt.getConnection();
if (!disableSmallClobs) {
println("Generating small Clobs test data.");
// Insert small Clob data.
try {
stmt.executeUpdate("drop table smallClobs");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
assertSQLState("42Y55", sqle);
stmt.executeUpdate("create table smallClobs (dClob clob, length int)");
PreparedStatement smallClobInsert = con.prepareStatement("insert into smallClobs values (?,?)");
// Insert 15 000 small clobs.
for (int clobCounter = 1; clobCounter < 15001; clobCounter++) {
String content = Integer.toString(clobCounter);
smallClobInsert.setString(1, content);
smallClobInsert.setInt(2, content.length());
if (clobCounter % 1000 == 0) {
if (!disableLargeClobs) {
println("Generating large Clobs test data.");
// Insert large Clob data.
try {
stmt.executeUpdate("drop table largeClobs");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
assertSQLState("42Y55", sqle);
stmt.executeUpdate("create table largeClobs (" + "id int unique not null, dClob clob, length int)");
PreparedStatement largeClobInsert = con.prepareStatement("insert into largeClobs values (?,?,?)");
// Insert some large Clobs.
// 15 MB default
final int size = largeClobSizeMB * 1024 * 1024;
for (int clobCounter = 1; clobCounter < 11; clobCounter++) {
largeClobInsert.setInt(1, clobCounter);
largeClobInsert.setCharacterStream(2, new LoopingAlphabetReader(size), size);
largeClobInsert.setInt(3, size);
println("Inserted large Clob #" + (clobCounter - 1));
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetReader in project derby by apache.
the class DbTasks method insertMail.
public void insertMail(Connection conn, String thread_name) throws Exception {
// Inserting rows to the inbox table.
// inbox table would have random attachments - (attach table)
// The random attachment depends on no of rows id in inbox
InputStream streamIn = null;
Reader streamReader = null;
boolean saveAutoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
int saveIsolation = conn.getTransactionIsolation();
try {
PreparedStatement insertFirst = conn.prepareStatement(Statements.insertStr, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
String name = new String("ABCD");
String l_name = new String("WXYZ");
long total_ins_inb = 0;
long total_ins_att = 0;
int row_count = 0;
int num = Rn.nextInt(10 - 1);
if (num == 0)
num = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
long s_insert = System.currentTimeMillis();
String new_name = new String(increment(name, 60));
String new_lname = new String(decrement(l_name, 60));
insertFirst.setString(1, new_name);
insertFirst.setString(2, new_lname);
insertFirst.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
name = new_name;
l_name = new_lname;
try {
// to create a stream of random length between 200 bytes and 3MB
int clobLength = Rn.nextInt(3078000 - 200 + 1) + 200;
streamReader = new LoopingAlphabetReader(clobLength, CharAlphabet.modernLatinLowercase());
insertFirst.setCharacterStream(4, streamReader, clobLength);
} catch (Exception e) {
MailJdbc.logAct.logMsg(LogFile.ERROR + thread_name + " : " + "File not found Exception : " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
int result = insertFirst.executeUpdate();
if (result != 0) {
insert_count = insert_count + 1;
long e_insert = System.currentTimeMillis();
total_ins_inb = total_ins_inb + (e_insert - s_insert);
PreparedStatement insertAttach = conn.prepareStatement(Statements.insertStrAttach);
Statement stmt1 = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = insertFirst.getGeneratedKeys();
// 10/1 chance to have attactment
int numa = Rn.nextInt(10 - 1);
if (numa == 0)
numa = 1;
if (i == numa) {
int attachid = 0;
while ( {
attachid = rs.getInt(1);
// insert from 1 to 5 attachments
int num_attach = Rn.nextInt(5 - 1);
if (num_attach == 0)
num_attach = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < num_attach; j++) {
long a_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
insertAttach.setInt(1, attachid);
// attach_id should be automatically generated
try {
// to create a stream of random length between 0 and 5M
int blobLength = Rn.nextInt(5130000 - 0 + 1) + 0;
streamIn = new LoopingAlphabetStream(blobLength);
insertAttach.setBinaryStream(2, streamIn, blobLength);
} catch (Exception e) {
MailJdbc.logAct.logMsg(LogFile.ERROR + thread_name + " : " + "Exception : " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
int result_attach = insertAttach.executeUpdate();
if (result_attach != 0) {
blob_count = blob_count + 1;
long a_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
total_ins_att = total_ins_att + (a_end - a_start);
log.logMsg(LogFile.INFO + thread_name + " : " + "Time taken to insert " + num + " rows to REFRESH.INBOX :" + PerfTime.readableTime(total_ins_inb));
log.logMsg(LogFile.INFO + thread_name + " : " + "Time taken to insert " + row_count + " rows to REFRESH.ATTACH :" + PerfTime.readableTime(total_ins_att));
} catch (SQLException sqe) {
MailJdbc.logAct.logMsg(LogFile.ERROR + thread_name + " : " + "Error while inserting REFRESH.ATTACH:" + sqe.getMessage());
throw sqe;
} finally {
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetReader in project derby by apache.
the class UTF8UtilTest method testSkipFullyOnValidLongStreamCJK.
* Tests that <code>skipFully</code> successfully skips the requested
* characters and returns the correct number of bytes skipped.
* @throws IOException if the test fails for some unexpected reason
public void testSkipFullyOnValidLongStreamCJK() throws IOException {
final int charLength = 161019;
InputStream in = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(new LoopingAlphabetReader(charLength, CharAlphabet.cjkSubset()), charLength, 0, TYPENAME, new CharStreamHeaderGenerator());
// Skip encoded length added by ReaderToUTF8Stream.
// Returns count in bytes, we are using CJK chars so multiply length
// with 3 to get expected number of bytes.
assertEquals(charLength * 3, UTF8Util.skipFully(in, charLength));