use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetStream in project derby by apache.
the class ImportExportLobTest method loadData.
* Insert data to the into the table, whose data will be exported.
private static void loadData(Statement s) throws SQLException {
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(1, 'book 1', 'clob 1'," + "cast(X'3743640ADE12337610' as blob))");
// rows with empty strings.
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(2, 'book 2', 'clob 2', cast (X'' as blob))");
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(3, 'book 3', '', cast(X'42' as blob))");
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(4, 'book 4', 'clob 4', " + "cast (X'3233445578990122558820' as blob))");
// rows with a null
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(5, null, 'clob 5'," + "cast(X'3843640ADE12337610' as blob))");
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(6, 'book 6', null, " + "cast(X'3843640ADE12337610' as blob))");
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(7, 'book 7', 'clob 7' , null)");
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(8, '', null, cast (X'3843640ADE12' as blob))");
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(9, 'book 9', null, cast (X'' as blob))");
// insert data that contains some delimiter characters
// ( "(x22) ,(x2C) %(x25) ;(x3B) , tab(9) LF(A) )
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(10, 'book ;10', '%asdadasdasd'," + " cast (X'222C23B90A' as blob))");
// !(x21) $(24)
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values " + "(11, '212C3B24', '2422412221', " + " cast (X'212421222C23B90A2124' as blob))");
// insert some clob data with default char delimiter inside
// the data. It should get exported in double-delimiter format
// when exporting to the main export file.
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values" + "(12, 'Transaction Processing' , " + "'This books covers \"Transaction\" \"processing\" concepts'" + ",cast (X'144594322143423214ab35f2e54e' as blob))");
s.executeUpdate("insert into books values" + "(13, 'effective java' ," + "'describes how to write \" quality java \" code', " + "cast (X'124594322143423214ab35f2e34c' as blob))");
// insert some more randomly genrated data.
Connection conn = s.getConnection();
String sql = "insert into books values(? , ? , ? , ?)";
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
int blobSize = 0;
int id = 14;
for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
ps.setInt(1, id++);
ps.setString(2, "book" + i);
blobSize += 1024 * i;
int clobSize = 1024 * i;
Reader reader = new LoopingAlphabetReader(clobSize);
ps.setCharacterStream(3, reader, clobSize);
InputStream stream = new LoopingAlphabetStream(blobSize);
ps.setBinaryStream(4, stream, blobSize);
if ((i % 10) == 0)
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetStream in project derby by apache.
the class BlobClob4BlobTest method insertLoopingAlphabetStreamData.
private void insertLoopingAlphabetStreamData(PreparedStatement ps, int lobLength) throws Exception {
ps.setBinaryStream(1, new LoopingAlphabetStream(lobLength), lobLength);
ps.setInt(2, lobLength);
ps.setLong(3, getStreamCheckSum(new LoopingAlphabetStream(lobLength)));
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetStream in project derby by apache.
the class BlobClob4BlobTest method testLockingWithLongRowBlob.
* test locking with a long row + long column
public void testLockingWithLongRowBlob() throws Exception {
ResultSet rs;
Statement stmt, stmt2;
// for blob lock to remain, autocommit must be false.
stmt = createStatement();
// test depends on small page size, make sure size is 4k
checkSmallPageSize(stmt, "TESTBLOB");
stmt.execute("alter table testBlob add column al varchar(2000)");
stmt.execute("alter table testBlob add column bl varchar(3000)");
stmt.execute("alter table testBlob add column cl varchar(2000)");
stmt.execute("alter table testBlob add column dl varchar(3000)");
stmt.execute("alter table testBlob add column el BLOB(400k)");
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into testBlob (al, bl, cl, dl, el, b) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)");
ps.setString(1, Formatters.padString("blaaa", 2000));
ps.setString(2, Formatters.padString("tralaaaa", 3000));
ps.setString(3, Formatters.padString("foodar", 2000));
ps.setString(4, Formatters.padString("moped", 3000));
InputStream streamIn = new LoopingAlphabetStream(10000);
ps.setBinaryStream(5, streamIn, 10000);
ps.setInt(6, 1);
stmt = createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select el from testBlob");
// fetch row back, get the column as a clob.
Blob blob = null;
assertTrue("FAIL - row not found",;
blob = rs.getBlob(1);
assertTrue("FAIL - blob is null", blob != null);
Connection conn2 = openDefaultConnection();
// turn off autocommit, otherwise blobs/clobs cannot hang around
// until end of transaction
// the following should timeout
stmt2 = conn2.createStatement();
try {
stmt2.executeUpdate("update testBlob set el = null where b = 1");
fail("FAIL - statement should timeout");
} catch (SQLException se) {
checkException(LOCK_TIMEOUT, se);
// Test that update goes through after the transaction is committed
// DERBY-3740, add a reference to the retrieved blobs that is used
// after the expected lock timeout in conn2. Before this change
// this test would intermittently fail. I believe that a smart
// JVM/JIT recognized that the blob reference was no longer used
// after the above while loop, and allowed gc on it before the routine
// could get to the expected conflicting lock. Upon GC the blob's
// finalize code closes the internal stream and releases the lock in
// read committed mode.
assertTrue("FAIL - blob is null after expected lock timeout", blob != null);
stmt2.executeUpdate("update testBlob set el = null where b = 1");
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetStream in project derby by apache.
the class BlobUpdatableStreamTest method testUpdatableBlob.
public void testUpdatableBlob() throws Exception {
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("insert into testblob " + "values (?)");
// insert a large blob to ensure dvd gives out a stream and not
// a byte array
ps.setBinaryStream(1, new LoopingAlphabetStream(1024 * 1024), 1024 * 1024);
Statement stmt = createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from testblob");;
Blob blob = rs.getBlob(1);
InputStream is = blob.getBinaryStream();
long l = is.skip(20);
// truncate blob after accessing original stream
int ret =;
// should not be able to read after truncated value
assertEquals("stream update failed", -1, ret);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) buffer[i] = (byte) (i % 255);
blob.setBytes(blob.length() + 1, buffer);
byte[] buff = new byte[1024];
int toRead = 1024;
while (toRead != 0) {
long read =, 1024 - toRead, toRead);
if (read < 0)
fail("couldn't retrieve updated value");
toRead -= read;
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
assertEquals("value retrieved is not same as updated value", buffer[i], buff[i]);
blob = null;
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetStream in project derby by apache.
the class ClobTest method insertDataWithToken.
* Inserts data into the test Clob, referenced by {@code this.clob}.
* @param token a token to insert into the Clob, cannot be {@code null} but
* the empty string is accepted
* @param pre number of characters to insert before the token, using the
* repeating alphabet stream (latin lower-case)
* @param post number of characters to insert after the token, using the
* repeating alphabet stream (latin lower-case)
* @param mode insertion mode; SET_STRING, SET_ASCII_STREAM or
* @throws IOException if inserting data fails for some reason
* @throws SQLException if inserting data fails for some reason
private void insertDataWithToken(String token, long pre, long post, int mode) throws IOException, SQLException {
long total = 0;
switch(mode) {
Reader charIn = new LoopingAlphabetReader(pre);
total += transferData(charIn, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
this.clob.setString(pre + 1, token);
total += token.length();
charIn = new LoopingAlphabetReader(post);
total += transferData(charIn, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
OutputStream asciiOut = this.clob.setAsciiStream(1L);
InputStream asciiIn = new LoopingAlphabetStream(pre);
total += transferData(asciiIn, asciiOut, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
byte[] tokenBytes = token.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
asciiOut.write(tokenBytes, 0, tokenBytes.length);
total += tokenBytes.length;
asciiIn = new LoopingAlphabetStream(post);
total += transferData(asciiIn, asciiOut, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
Writer charOut = this.clob.setCharacterStream(1L);
Reader charIn = new LoopingAlphabetReader(pre);
total += transferData(charIn, charOut, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
total += token.length();
charIn = new LoopingAlphabetReader(post);
total += transferData(charIn, charOut, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown insertion mode: " + mode);
assertEquals("Invalid length after insertion", pre + post + token.length(), this.clob.length());