use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite in project derby by apache.
the class SavepointJdbc30Test method getEmbeddedSuite.
* Create a testsuite containing the tests that can only run in embedded
* mode. These tests have names starting with x and are added automatically.
private static Test getEmbeddedSuite(String name) {
BaseTestSuite embedded = new BaseTestSuite(name);
Method[] methods = SavepointJdbc30Test.class.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
Method m = methods[i];
if (m.getParameterTypes().length > 0 || !m.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE)) {
String methodName = m.getName();
if (methodName.startsWith("x")) {
embedded.addTest(new SavepointJdbc30Test(methodName));
return embedded;
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite in project derby by apache.
the class SetTransactionIsolationTest method baseSuite.
public static Test baseSuite(String name) {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite(name);
// Some test cases expect lock timeouts, so reduce the timeout to
// make the test go faster.
Test test = DatabasePropertyTestSetup.setLockTimeouts(suite, 1, 3);
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(test) {
* Create and populate table
* @see org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup#decorateSQL(java.sql.Statement)
protected void decorateSQL(Statement s) throws SQLException {
Connection conn = getConnection();
* Creates the table used in the test cases.
final int stringLength = 400;
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE TAB1 (c11 int, " + "c12 varchar(" + stringLength + "))");
PreparedStatement insertStmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TAB1 VALUES(?,?)");
// We need to ensure that there is more data in the table than
// the
// client can fetch in one message (about 32K). Otherwise, the
// cursor might be closed on the server and we are not testing
// the
// same thing in embedded mode and client/server mode.
final int rows = 40000 / stringLength;
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(stringLength);
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
buff.append(" ");
for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
insertStmt.setInt(1, i);
insertStmt.setString(2, buff.toString());
s.execute("create table t1(I int, B char(15))");
s.execute("create table t1copy(I int, B char(15))");
s.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO T1 VALUES(1,'First Hello')");
s.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO T1 VALUES(2,'Second Hello')");
s.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO T1 VALUES(3,'Third Hello')");
s.executeUpdate("create table t3 (i integer)");
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite in project derby by apache.
the class StatementJdbc20Test method baseSuite.
private static Test baseSuite(String name) {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite(name);
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(suite) {
* Creates the tables used in the test
* cases.
* @exception SQLException if a database error occurs
protected void decorateSQL(Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
Connection conn = getConnection();
* Creates the table used in the test cases.
stmt.execute("create table tab1 (i int, s smallint, r real)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into tab1 values(1, 2, 3.1)");
stmt.execute("create procedure dynamic_results() " + "language java parameter style java external name '" + StatementJdbc20Test.class.getName() + ".dynamicResults' " + "dynamic result sets 2");
stmt.execute("create table t_autogen( a int generated always as identity, b int )");
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite in project derby by apache.
the class StatementJdbc30Test method suite.
* Create suite containing client and embedded tests and to run all tests in
* this class
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("StatementJdbc30Test");
return suite;
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite in project derby by apache.
the class DataSourceSerializationTest method suite.
* Returns an appropariate suite of tests to run.
* @return A test suite.
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("DataSourceSerializationTest");
String filePrefix = "functionTests/testData/serializedDataSources/";
// De-serialize embedded data sources only if we have the engine code.
if (Derby.hasEmbedded()) {
suite.addTest(new DataSourceSerializationTest("serTestEmbeddedDataSource"));
suite.addTest(new DataSourceSerializationTest("serTestEmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource"));
suite.addTest(new DataSourceSerializationTest("serTestEmbeddedXADataSource"));
// De-serialize client data sources only if we have the client code.
if (Derby.hasClient()) {
suite.addTest(new DataSourceSerializationTest("serTestClientDataSource"));
suite.addTest(new DataSourceSerializationTest("serTestClientConnectionPoolDataSource"));
suite.addTest(new DataSourceSerializationTest("serTestClientXADataSource"));
return new SupportFilesSetup(suite, new String[] { // 10.0 resources
filePrefix + "EmbeddedDataSource-10_0_2_1.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource-10_0_2_1.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedXADataSource-10_0_2_1.ser", // 10.1 resources
filePrefix + "EmbeddedDataSource-10_1_3_1.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource-10_1_3_1.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedXADataSource-10_1_3_1.ser", filePrefix + "ClientDataSource-10_1_3_1.ser", filePrefix + "ClientConnectionPoolDataSource-10_1_3_1.ser", filePrefix + "ClientXADataSource-10_1_3_1.ser", // 10.2 resources
filePrefix + "EmbeddedDataSource-10_2_2_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource-10_2_2_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedXADataSource-10_2_2_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientDataSource-10_2_2_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientConnectionPoolDataSource-10_2_2_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientXADataSource-10_2_2_0.ser", // 10.3 resources
filePrefix + "EmbeddedDataSource-10_3_2_1.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource-10_3_2_1.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedXADataSource-10_3_2_1.ser", filePrefix + "ClientDataSource-10_3_2_1.ser", filePrefix + "ClientConnectionPoolDataSource-10_3_2_1.ser", filePrefix + "ClientXADataSource-10_3_2_1.ser", // 10.10 resources
filePrefix + "EmbeddedDataSource-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedDataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedXADataSource-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedXADataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientDataSource-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientDataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientConnectionPoolDataSource-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientConnectionPoolDataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientXADataSource-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientXADataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicEmbeddedDataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicEmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicEmbeddedXADataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicClientDataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicClientConnectionPoolDataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicClientXADataSource40-10_10_1_0.ser", // 10.11 resources
filePrefix + "EmbeddedDataSource-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedDataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedXADataSource-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "EmbeddedXADataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientDataSource-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientDataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientConnectionPoolDataSource-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientConnectionPoolDataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientXADataSource-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "ClientXADataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicEmbeddedDataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicEmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicEmbeddedXADataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicClientDataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicClientConnectionPoolDataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser", filePrefix + "BasicClientXADataSource40-10_11_1_0.ser" });