use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup in project derby by apache.
the class StandardTests method all.
/* All the above are pure Tests. To handle suites
* we will have to duplicate the .suite() structure starting at .suites.all!
public static Test all(String serverHost, int serverPort) throws Exception {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("All_" + serverHost + ":" + serverPort);
// All package tests
// This won't work as there are no 'testXXXX' methods
// in AllPackages. Must create a suite() following the pattern of suites.All suite().
// This is probably correct anyway as we presumably won't use all
// tests in the replication testing?
// Problem is we get a parallell structure which needs maintenance!
suite.addTest(// false: because adds clean/decorate below
TestConfiguration.existingServerSuite(// false: because adds clean/decorate below
AllPackages.class, // false: because adds clean/decorate below
false, serverHost, serverPort));
// Instead:
suite.addTest(// false: because adds clean/decorate below
TestConfiguration.existingServerSuite(// false: because adds clean/decorate below
allPackagesSuite(), // false: because adds clean/decorate below
false, serverHost, serverPort));
// Encrypted tests
suite.addTest(// false: because adds clean/decorate below
TestConfiguration.existingServerSuite(// false: because adds clean/decorate below
EncryptionSuite.class, // false: because adds clean/decorate below
false, serverHost, serverPort));
CleanDatabaseTestSetup cdts = new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(suite, // Use networkclient when running setUp/decorateSQL
true, serverHost, serverPort) {
public void decorateSQL(Statement s) throws SQLException {
// decorate(s);
return cdts;
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup in project derby by apache.
the class StandardTests method ansiTrimTest.
public static Test ansiTrimTest(String serverHost, int serverPort) {
Test t = // false: because adds clean/decorate below
TestConfiguration.existingServerSuite(// false: because adds clean/decorate below
AnsiTrimTest.class, // false: because adds clean/decorate below
false, serverHost, serverPort);
CleanDatabaseTestSetup cdts = new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(t, // Use networkclient when running setUp/decorateSQL
true, serverHost, serverPort) {
public void decorateSQL(Statement s) throws SQLException {
return cdts;
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup in project derby by apache.
the class NistScripts method suite.
* Return the suite that runs the NIST SQL scripts.
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("NIST");
String suiteUser = null;
BaseTestSuite userSuite = null;
for (int i = 0; i < TESTS.length; i++) {
String testScript = TESTS[i][0];
String testUser = TESTS[i][1];
Test test = new NistScripts(testScript);
if (testUser.equals(suiteUser)) {
// Add the new user suite with the change user decorator to
// the main suite but continue to add tests to the user suite.
userSuite = new BaseTestSuite("NIST user=" + testUser);
String password = testUser.concat("ni8s4T");
suite.addTest(TestConfiguration.changeUserDecorator(userSuite, testUser, password));
suiteUser = testUser;
Test test = getIJConfig(suite);
// Setup user authentication
test = DatabasePropertyTestSetup.builtinAuthentication(test, new String[] { "APP", "HU", "FLATER", "SUN", "CTS1", "SULLIVAN1", "SCHANZLE" }, "ni8s4T");
// Lock timeout settings that were set for the old harness when
// running nist.
test = DatabasePropertyTestSetup.setLockTimeouts(test, 2, 4);
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(test);
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup in project derby by apache.
the class BlobAccessTest method suite.
* Generates a suite of tests.
* <p>
* The required test data will be generated. Note that a subset of the
* tests can be disabled by using a system property.
* @return A suite of tests.
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite mainSuite = new BaseTestSuite("BlobAccessTest suite");
if (!disableSmallBlobs) {
int iters = 50;
int reps = 3;
println("Adding small Blob tests.");
BaseTestSuite smallSuite = new BaseTestSuite("Small Blob suite");
smallSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchSmallBlobs", iters, reps));
smallSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchSmallBlobsInaccurateLength", iters, reps));
smallSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testModifySmallBlobs", iters, reps));
if (!disableLargeBlobs) {
int iters = 5;
int reps = 3;
println("Adding large Blob tests.");
BaseTestSuite largeSuite = new BaseTestSuite("Large Blob suite");
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchLargeBlobs", iters, reps));
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchLargeBlobOneByOneByteBaseline", iters, reps));
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchLargeBlobOneByOneByteModified", iters, reps));
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchLargeBlobOneByOneByte", iters, reps));
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchLargeBlob", iters, reps));
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchLargeBlobModified", iters, reps));
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchLargeBlobPieceByPiece", iters, reps));
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testFetchLargeBlobPieceByPieceModified", iters, reps));
largeSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testLargeBlobGetLength", iters, reps));
if (!disableConcurrencyTest) {
mainSuite.addTest(new BlobAccessTest("testConcurrency", 1, 1));
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(mainSuite) {
protected void decorateSQL(Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
// Compiled with JDK 1.4, can't use constructor.
SQLException sqle = new SQLException();
throw sqle;
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.CleanDatabaseTestSetup in project derby by apache.
the class IndexScanTest method suite.
* Create a test suite with all the test cases in this class.
* @return a test suite
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("IndexScanTest");
suite.addTest(new IndexScanTest("varchar10", 5000, 4));
suite.addTest(new IndexScanTest("varchar100", 5000, 4));
suite.addTest(new IndexScanTest("varchar1000", 5000, 4));
suite.addTest(new IndexScanTest("varcharAll", 5000, 4));
suite.addTest(new IndexScanTest("decimal1column", 5000, 4));
suite.addTest(new IndexScanTest("decimal10columns", 5000, 4));
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(suite) {
protected void decorateSQL(Statement s) throws SQLException {
// Create a table with some character data and decimal data
// that we can use in our tests.
s.execute("CREATE TABLE T (VC10 VARCHAR(10), " + "VC100 VARCHAR(100), " + "VC1000 VARCHAR(1000), " + "DEC1 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC2 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC3 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC4 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC5 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC6 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC7 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC8 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC9 DECIMAL(10,10), " + "DEC10 DECIMAL(10,10))");
// Fill the table with 1000 rows containing random data.
PreparedStatement ps = s.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO T(VC10,VC100,VC1000,DEC1,DEC2,DEC3," + "DEC4,DEC5,DEC6,DEC7,DEC8,DEC9,DEC10) VALUES (?,?,?," + "RANDOM(),RANDOM(),RANDOM(),RANDOM(),RANDOM()," + "RANDOM(),RANDOM(),RANDOM(),RANDOM(),RANDOM())");
char[] chars = new char[1000];
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
fillWithRandomChars(r, chars);
ps.setString(1, new String(chars, 0, 10));
ps.setString(2, new String(chars, 0, 100));
ps.setString(3, new String(chars, 0, 1000));
// Create various indexes on the table.
s.execute("CREATE INDEX T_VC10 ON T(VC10)");
s.execute("CREATE INDEX T_VC100 ON T(VC100)");
s.execute("CREATE INDEX T_VC1000 ON T(VC1000)");
s.execute("CREATE INDEX T_VC_ALL ON T(VC10,VC100,VC1000)");
s.execute("CREATE INDEX T_DEC1 ON T(DEC1)");