use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup in project derby by apache.
the class ImportExportProcedureESTest method suite.
* Run tests from iepnegative.sql with es_MX locale.
* These have already been converted in tools/ImportExportProcedureTest
* So we will just run that whole test in es_MX
public static Test suite() {
Test test = TestConfiguration.embeddedSuite(ImportExportProcedureTest.class);
Properties attributes = new Properties();
attributes.put("territory", "es_MX");
test = Decorator.attributesDatabase(attributes, test);
return new SupportFilesSetup(test, new String[] { "functionTests/testData/ImportExport/db2ttypes.del", "functionTests/testData/ImportExport/mixednl.del", "functionTests/testData/ImportExport/position_info.del" });
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup in project derby by apache.
the class CollationTest2 method suite.
public static Test suite() {
// only test in embedded mode, all tests are server side actions.
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("CollationTest2");
suite.addTest(new CollationTest2("testDefaultCollation"));
suite.addTest(collatedTest("en", "testEnglishCollation"));
// Only add tests for other locales if they are in fact supported
// by the jvm.
Locale[] availableLocales = Collator.getAvailableLocales();
boolean norwegian = false;
boolean polish = false;
for (int i = 0; i < availableLocales.length; i++) {
if ("no".equals(availableLocales[i].getLanguage())) {
norwegian = true;
if ("pl".equals(availableLocales[i].getLanguage())) {
polish = true;
if (norwegian) {
suite.addTest(collatedTest("no_NO", "testNorwayCollation"));
if (polish) {
suite.addTest(collatedTest("pl", "testPolishCollation"));
suite.addTest(collatedTest(null, "testDefaultJVMTerritoryCollation"));
// add support to use external files for import/export calls.
Test test = new SupportFilesSetup(suite);
// turn on log statement text for sequence of statements in derby.log.
if (verbose_debug) {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("derby.language.logStatementText", "true");
test = new SystemPropertyTestSetup(test, props);
return test;
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup in project derby by apache.
the class SysDiagVTIMappingTest method suite.
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("Diagnostic VTI Table Mappings");
Test defaultSetup = TestConfiguration.defaultSuite(SysDiagVTIMappingTest.class);
// turn on statement logging so there will be something in the error log
// to run these vtis against
Properties sysprops = new Properties();
sysprops.put("derby.language.logStatementText", "true");
Test verboseTest = new SystemPropertyTestSetup(defaultSetup, sysprops);
/* Some of the VTIs that are tested in this class require a derby.log
* file. We have a test log file stored in the tests/lang directory,
* and since the VTIs are going to try to read it, the test log file
* must be in a directory for which Derby has read access. By
* using a SupportFilesSetup wrapper, we copy the test log file to
* the "extin" directory, which has the required permissions.
return SecurityManagerSetup.noSecurityManager(new SupportFilesSetup(suite, new String[] { "functionTests/tests/lang/" + testLogFile }));
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup in project derby by apache.
the class RawDBReaderTest method suite.
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Construct top level suite in this JUnit test
public static Test suite() {
Test baseTest = TestConfiguration.embeddedSuite(RawDBReaderTest.class);
// We don't expect that users of this tool will run with a security
// manager. The tool is run standalone behind a firewall.
Test wideOpenTest = SecurityManagerSetup.noSecurityManager(baseTest);
// don't teardown the corrupt database. instead, just delete it in our
// own tearDown() method. this is to prevent the corrupt database from
// interfering with later tests which want to use a database with sql
// authorization turned on.
Test authenticatedTest = DatabasePropertyTestSetup.builtinAuthenticationNoTeardown(wideOpenTest, LEGAL_USERS, "RRT");
Test authorizedTest = TestConfiguration.sqlAuthorizationDecorator(authenticatedTest);
Test encryptedTest = Decorator.encryptedDatabaseBpw(authorizedTest, "DES/CBC/NoPadding", BOOT_PASSWORD);
Test supportFilesTest = new SupportFilesSetup(encryptedTest);
return supportFilesTest;
use of org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup in project derby by apache.
the class StreamingColumnTest method baseSuite.
protected static Test baseSuite(String name) {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite(name);
Test test = new SupportFilesSetup(suite, new String[] { "functionTests/tests/store/", "functionTests/tests/store/shortbanner", "functionTests/tests/store/derby.banner", "functionTests/tests/store/", "functionTests/tests/store/", "functionTests/tests/store/", "functionTests/tests/store/", "functionTests/tests/store/" });
return new CleanDatabaseTestSetup(DatabasePropertyTestSetup.setLockTimeouts(test, 2, 4)) {
* Creates the tables used in the test cases.
* @exception SQLException
* if a database error occurs
protected void decorateSQL(Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
// testStream1
stmt.execute("create table testLongVarChar1 (a int, b long varchar)");
// insert a null long varchar
stmt.execute("insert into testLongVarChar1 values(1, '')");
// insert a long varchar with a short text string
stmt.execute("insert into testLongVarChar1 values(2, " + "'test data: a string column inserted as an object')");
// todo use setProperty method
stmt.execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '1024')");
stmt.execute("create table foo1 (a int not null, b long varchar, primary key (a))");
// testStream2_1500
stmt.execute("create table foo2_1500 (a int not null, " + "b long varchar, primary key (a))");
// testStream2_5000
stmt.execute("create table foo2_5000 (a int not null, " + "b long varchar, primary key (a))");
// testStream2_10000
stmt.execute("create table foo2_10000 (a int not null, " + "b long varchar, primary key (a))");
// testStream3_0
stmt.execute("create table foo3_0 (a int not null " + "constraint pk3_0 primary key, b long varchar)");
// testStream3_1500
stmt.execute("create table foo3_1500 (a int not null " + "constraint pk3_1500 primary key, b long varchar)");
// testStream3_5000
stmt.execute("create table foo3_5000 (a int not null " + "constraint pk3_5000 primary key, b long varchar)");
// testStream3_10000
stmt.execute("create table foo3_10000 (a int not null " + "constraint pk3_10000 primary key, b long varchar)");
// testStream4
stmt.execute("create table testLongVarBinary4 (a int, b BLOB(1G))");
// testStream5_0
long length = 0;
String binaryType = length > 32700 ? "BLOB(1G)" : "long varchar for bit data";
stmt.execute("create table foo5_0 (a int not null " + "constraint pk5_0 primary key, b " + binaryType + " )");
// testStream5_1500
length = 1500;
binaryType = length > 32700 ? "BLOB(1G)" : "long varchar for bit data";
stmt.execute("create table foo5_1500 (a int not null " + "constraint pk5_1500 primary key, b " + binaryType + " )");
// testStream5_5000
length = 5000;
binaryType = length > 32700 ? "BLOB(1G)" : "long varchar for bit data";
stmt.executeUpdate("create table foo5_5000 (a int not null " + "constraint pk5_5000 primary key, b " + binaryType + " )");
// testStream5_100000
length = 100000;
binaryType = length > 32700 ? "BLOB(1G)" : "long varchar for bit data";
stmt.executeUpdate("create table foo5_100000 (a int not null " + "constraint pk5_100000 primary key, b " + binaryType + " )");
// testStream6
stmt.executeUpdate("create table foo_6 (a int not null constraint" + " pk6 primary key, b long varchar)");
// testStream7
stmt.executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '1024')");
stmt.execute("create table testlvc7 (a int, b char(100), lvc long varchar, d char(100))");
stmt.executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");
// testStream8_10_2500
stmt.execute("create table t8_10_2500(a int, b long varchar, c long varchar)");
// testStream8_2500_10
stmt.execute("create table t8_2500_10(a int, b long varchar, c long varchar)");
// testStream9_10_2500
stmt.execute("create table t9_10_2500(a int, b long varchar for bit data, " + "c long varchar for bit data)");
// testStream9_2500_10
stmt.execute("create table t9_2500_10(a int, b long varchar for bit data, " + "c long varchar for bit data)");
// testStream10
stmt.execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '1024')");
stmt.execute("create table tab10 (a int, b int, c long varchar)");
// create the indexes which shares columns
stmt.execute("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '4096')");
stmt.execute("create index i_a on tab10 (a)");
stmt.execute("create index i_ab on tab10 (a, b)");
// insert a null long varchar
stmt.execute("insert into tab10 values(1, 1, '')");
// insert a long varchar with a short text string
stmt.execute("insert into tab10 values(2, 2, 'test data: a string column inserted as an object')");
// testStream11
stmt.execute("create table testLongVarCharInvalidStreamLength11 " + "(a int, b long varchar, c long varchar for bit data)");
// testStream12
stmt.executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '4096')");
stmt.execute("create table testVarChar12 (a int, b varchar(32672))");
// create a table with 4 varchars. This table will be used to
// try
// overflow through concatenation
stmt.execute("create table testConcatenation12 (a varchar(16350), b varchar(16350), c varchar(16336), d varchar(16336))");
stmt.executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");
// testStream13
stmt.execute("create table testLongVarChars13 (a int, b long varchar)");
// testStream14
stmt.executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', '4096')");
stmt.execute("create table testClob14 (a int, b clob(32672))");
// create a table with 4 varchars. This table will be used to
// try
// overflow through concatenation
stmt.execute("create table testConcatenation14 (a clob(16350), b clob(16350), c clob(16336), d clob(16336))");
stmt.executeUpdate("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('', NULL)");
// testDerby500
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE test500 (" + "id INTEGER NOT NULL," + "mname VARCHAR( 254 ) NOT NULL," + "mvalue INT NOT NULL," + "bytedata BLOB NOT NULL," + "chardata CLOB NOT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY ( id ))");
// testDerby500_verifyVarcharStreams
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE test500_verify (" + "id INTEGER NOT NULL," + "mname VARCHAR( 254 ) NOT NULL," + "mvalue INT NOT NULL," + "vc varchar(32500)," + "lvc long varchar NOT NULL," + "PRIMARY KEY ( id ))");