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Example 71 with Normalizer

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class TestEntryUtils method getBytesAttributeType.

/* No protection */
static AttributeType getBytesAttributeType() {
    MutableAttributeType attributeType = new MutableAttributeType("1.2");
    LdapSyntax syntax = new LdapSyntax("1.2.1", "", true);
    syntax.setSyntaxChecker(new SyntaxChecker("1.2.1") {

         * The mandatory serialVersionUID field
        public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public boolean isValidSyntax(Object value) {
            return (value == null) || (((byte[]) value).length < 5);
    MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule("1.2.2");
    matchingRule.setLdapComparator(new ByteArrayComparator("1.2.2"));
    matchingRule.setNormalizer(new Normalizer("1.1.1") {

         * The mandatory serialVersionUID field
        public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public String normalize(String value) throws LdapException {
            return normalize(value, AssertionType.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);

        public String normalize(String value, PrepareString.AssertionType assertionType) throws LdapException {
            byte[] val = Strings.getBytesUtf8(value);
            // each byte will be changed to be > 0, and spaces will be trimmed
            byte[] newVal = new byte[val.length];
            int i = 0;
            for (byte b : val) {
                newVal[i++] = (byte) (b & 0x007F);
            return Strings.utf8ToString(Strings.trim(newVal));
    return attributeType;
Also used : MutableMatchingRule( SyntaxChecker( PrepareString( DeepTrimToLowerNormalizer( Normalizer( AssertionType( LdapSyntax( PrepareString( MutableAttributeType( ByteArrayComparator( LdapException(

Example 72 with Normalizer

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class Value method computeNormValue.

 * Compute the normalized value
 * @throws LdapException If we were'nt able to normalize the value
private void computeNormValue() throws LdapException {
    if (upValue == null) {
    Normalizer normalizer;
    // We should have a Equality MatchingRule
    MatchingRule equality = attributeType.getEquality();
    if (equality == null) {
        // Let's try with the Substring MatchingRule
        MatchingRule subString = attributeType.getSubstring();
        if (subString == null) {
            // last chance : ordering matching rule
            MatchingRule ordering = attributeType.getOrdering();
            if (ordering == null) {
                // Ok, no luck. Use a NoOp normalizer
                normalizer = new NoOpNormalizer();
            } else {
                normalizer = ordering.getNormalizer();
        } else {
            normalizer = subString.getNormalizer();
    } else {
        normalizer = equality.getNormalizer();
    if (normalizer == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13220_NO_NORMALIZER));
    // Now, normalize the upValue
    normValue = normalizer.normalize(upValue);
Also used : NoOpNormalizer( NoOpNormalizer( Normalizer( MatchingRule(

Example 73 with Normalizer

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class Value method equals.

 * We compare two values using their Comparator, if any.
 * @see Object#equals(Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj) {
        return true;
    if (obj instanceof String) {
        String other = (String) obj;
        if (!isHR) {
            return false;
        if (attributeType == null) {
            if (upValue != null) {
                return upValue.equals(other);
            } else {
                return obj == null;
        } else {
            // We have an AttributeType, we use the associated comparator
            try {
                LdapComparator<String> comparator = (LdapComparator<String>) getLdapComparator();
                Normalizer normalizer = null;
                if (attributeType.getEquality() != null) {
                    normalizer = attributeType.getEquality().getNormalizer();
                if (normalizer == null) {
                    if (comparator == null) {
                        return normValue.equals(other);
                    } else {
                        return, other) == 0;
                String thisNormValue = normValue;
                String otherNormValue = normalizer.normalize(other);
                // Compare normalized values
                if (comparator == null) {
                    return thisNormValue.equals(otherNormValue);
                } else {
                    return, otherNormValue) == 0;
            } catch (LdapException ne) {
                return false;
    if (!(obj instanceof Value)) {
        return false;
    Value other = (Value) obj;
    // Check if the values aren't of the same type
    if (isHR != other.isHR) {
        // Both values must be HR or not HR
        return false;
    if (!isHR) {
        // Shortcut for binary values
        return Arrays.equals(bytes, other.bytes);
    // HR values
    if (bytes == null) {
        return other.bytes == null;
    // Special case
    if (other.bytes == null) {
        return false;
    // Not null, but empty. We try to avoid a spurious String Preparation
    if (bytes.length == 0) {
        return other.bytes.length == 0;
    } else if (other.bytes.length == 0) {
        return false;
    // Ok, now, let's see if we have an AttributeType at all. If both have one,
    // and if they aren't equal, then we get out. If one of them has an AttributeType and
    // not the other, we will assume that this is the AttributeType to use.
    MatchingRule equalityMR;
    if (attributeType == null) {
        if (other.attributeType != null) {
            // Use the Other value AT
            equalityMR = other.attributeType.getEquality();
            // We may not have an Equality MR, and in tjis case, we compare the bytes
            if (equalityMR == null) {
                return Arrays.equals(bytes, other.bytes);
            LdapComparator<Object> ldapComparator = equalityMR.getLdapComparator();
            if (ldapComparator == null) {
                // This is an error !
                LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_13249_NO_COMPARATOR_FOR_AT, other.attributeType));
                return false;
            return, other.normValue) == 0;
        } else {
            // or the bytes otherwise.
            if (upValue != null) {
                return upValue.equals(other.upValue);
            } else {
                return Arrays.equals(bytes, other.bytes);
    } else {
        if (other.attributeType != null) {
            // Both attributeType must be equal
            if (!attributeType.equals(other.attributeType)) {
                return false;
            // We have an AttributeType, we use the associated comparator
            try {
                LdapComparator<String> comparator = (LdapComparator<String>) getLdapComparator();
                if (other.attributeType.getEquality() == null) {
                    // No equality ? Default to comparing using a String comparator
                    return, other.normValue) == 0;
                Normalizer normalizer = other.attributeType.getEquality().getNormalizer();
                if (normalizer == null) {
                    if (comparator == null) {
                        return normValue.equals(other.normValue);
                    } else {
                        return, other.normValue) == 0;
                String thisNormValue = normalizer.normalize(normValue);
                // Compare normalized values
                if (comparator == null) {
                    return thisNormValue.equals(other.normValue);
                } else {
                    return, other.normValue) == 0;
            } catch (LdapException ne) {
                return false;
        // No attributeType
        if (normValue == null) {
            return other.normValue == null;
        } else {
            return normValue.equals(other.normValue);
Also used : LdapComparator( NoOpNormalizer( Normalizer( LdapException( MatchingRule(

Example 74 with Normalizer

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class DefaultSchemaManager method addNormalizers.

 * Add all the Schema's MatchingRuleUses
// Not yet implemented, but may be used
// @SuppressWarnings("PMD.UnusedFormalParameter")
// private void addMatchingRuleUses( Schema schema, Registries registries ) throws LdapException, IOException
// {
// if ( !schema.getSchemaLoader().loadMatchingRuleUses( schema ).isEmpty() )
// {
// throw new NotImplementedException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_11005 ) );
// }
// // for ( Entry entry : schema.getSchemaLoader().loadMatchingRuleUses( schema ) )
// // {
// //     throw new NotImplementedException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_11005 ) );
// // }
// }
 * Add all the Schema's NameForms
// Not yet implemented, but may be used
// @SuppressWarnings("PMD.UnusedFormalParameter")
// private void addNameForms( Schema schema, Registries registries ) throws LdapException, IOException
// {
// if ( !schema.getSchemaLoader().loadNameForms( schema ).isEmpty() )
// {
// throw new NotImplementedException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_11006 ) );
// }
// }
 * Add all the Schema's Normalizers
private void addNormalizers(Schema schema, Registries registries) throws LdapException, IOException {
    if (schema.getSchemaLoader() == null) {
    for (Entry entry : schema.getSchemaLoader().loadNormalizers(schema)) {
        Normalizer normalizer = factory.getNormalizer(this, entry, registries, schema.getSchemaName());
        addSchemaObject(registries, normalizer, schema);
Also used : Entry( OidNormalizer( Normalizer(

Example 75 with Normalizer

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class SchemaEntityFactory method classLoadNormalizer.

 * Class load a normalizer instances
private Normalizer classLoadNormalizer(SchemaManager schemaManager, String oid, String className, Attribute byteCode) throws LdapException {
    // Try to class load the normalizer
    Class<?> clazz;
    Normalizer normalizer;
    String byteCodeStr = StringConstants.EMPTY;
    if (byteCode == null) {
        try {
            clazz = Class.forName(className);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_16068_CANNOT_FIND_NORM_CTOR, className));
            throw new LdapSchemaException(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_16069_CANNOT_FIND_NORM_CLASS, cnfe.getMessage()));
    } else {
        try {
            clazz = classLoader.loadClass(className);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_16070_CANNOT_LOAD_NORM_CTOR, className));
            throw new LdapSchemaException(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_16071_CANNOT_LOAD_NORM_CLASS, cnfe.getMessage()));
        byteCodeStr = new String(Base64.encode(byteCode.getBytes()));
    // Create the normalizer instance
    try {
        normalizer = (Normalizer) clazz.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException ie) {
        LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_16072_CANNOT_INST_NORM_CTOR_CLASS, className));
        throw new LdapSchemaException(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_16073_CANNOT_INST_NORM_CLASS, ie.getMessage()));
    } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
        LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_16074_CANNOT_ACCESS_NORM_CTOR_CLASS, className));
        throw new LdapSchemaException(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_16075_CANNOT_ACCESS_NORM_CTOR, iae.getMessage()));
    // Update the common fields
    // Inject the new OID, as the loaded normalizer might have its own
    // Inject the SchemaManager for the normalizer who needs it
    return normalizer;
Also used : Normalizer( LdapSchemaException(


Normalizer ( Test (org.junit.Test)59 DeepTrimToLowerNormalizer ( DeepTrimNormalizer ( TelephoneNumberNormalizer ( LdapException ( NumericNormalizer ( SchemaManager ( NoOpNormalizer ( DefaultSchemaManager ( MutableAttributeType ( PrepareString ( LdapSchemaException ( LdapSyntax ( MatchingRule ( MutableMatchingRule ( SyntaxChecker ( ByteArrayComparator ( BooleanNormalizer ( LdapProtocolErrorException (