use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class PswdPolicyMgrImplTest method minLength.
* PT4
* 5.2.6 pwdMinLength
* <p>
* When quality checking is enabled, this attribute holds the minimum
* number of characters that must be used in a password. If this
* attribute is not present, no minimum password length will be
* enforced. If the server is unable to check the length (due to a
* hashed password or otherwise), the server will, depending on the
* value of the pwdCheckQuality attribute, either accept the password
* without checking it ('0' or '1') or refuse it ('2').
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void minLength(String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy) {
try {
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
User user = UserTestData.getUser(usr);
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy(user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName(plcy));
try {
int min = PolicyTestData.getMinLength(plcy);
LOG.debug("testMinLength min=" + min + " len pw=" + user.getPassword().length());
String newPassword = new String(user.getPassword()).substring(0, min - 1);
adminMgr.changePassword(user, newPassword);
fail(CLS_NM + ".minLength name [" + PolicyTestData.getName(plcy) + "] user [" + UserTestData.getUserId(usr) + "] failed length test");
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
assertTrue(CLS_NM + ".minLength invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId(usr) + "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.PSWD_CONST_VIOLATION);
// still good
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error("minLength caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class PswdPolicyMgrImplTest method inHistory.
* PT3
* 5.2.4 pwdInHistory
* <p>
* This attribute specifies the maximum number of used passwords stored
* in the pwdHistory attribute.
* <p>
* If this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0, used
* passwords are not stored in the pwdHistory attribute and thus may be
* reused.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void inHistory(String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy) {
try {
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
User user = UserTestData.getUser(usr);
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy(user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName(plcy));
int numHistory = PolicyTestData.getInHistory(plcy);
for (int i = 0; i < numHistory + 1; i++) {
String newPassword = UserTestData.getPassword(usr) + Integer.toString(i);
LOG.debug("inHistory change pw=" + user.getPassword());
adminMgr.changePassword(user, newPassword);
try {
LOG.debug("inHistory change pw2=" + user.getPassword());
adminMgr.changePassword(user, newPassword);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
assertTrue(CLS_NM + ".inHistory invalid error message userId [" + user.getUserId() + "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.PSWD_CONST_VIOLATION);
// still good
try {
// now try to change back to original password, this should pass
adminMgr.changePassword(user, UserTestData.getPassword(usr));
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
String error = "inHistory caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage();
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error("inHistory caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class PswdPolicyMgrImplTest method maxAge.
* PT2
* 5.2.3 pwdMaxAge
* <p>
* This attribute holds the number of seconds after which a modified
* password will expire.
* <p>
* If this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0 the password
* does not expire. If not 0, the value must be greater than or equal
* to the value of the pwdMinAge.*
* @param msg
* @param oldusr
* @param newusr
* @param plcy
public void maxAge(String msg, String[] oldusr, String[] newusr, String[] plcy) {
try {
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
User oldUser = UserTestData.getUser(oldusr);
User newUser = UserTestData.getUser(newusr);
String newPassword = newUser.getPassword();
adminMgr.changePassword(oldUser, newPassword);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
try {
accessMgr.createSession(oldUser, false);
fail(CLS_NM + ".maxAge name [" + PolicyTestData.getName(plcy) + "] user [" + UserTestData.getUserId(oldusr) + "] failed age test");
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
assertTrue(CLS_NM + ".maxAge invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId(oldusr) + "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_EXPIRED);
// still good
newPassword = "changedabc";
oldUser = new User(oldUser.getUserId());
// since this password is now expired we have to call update rather than changePassword:
accessMgr.createSession(oldUser, false);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error("maxAge caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class PswdPolicyMgrImplTest method expireWarning.
* PT5
* 5.2.7 pwdExpireWarning
* <p>
* This attribute specifies the maximum number of seconds before a
* password is due to expire that expiration warning messages will be
* returned to an authenticating user.
* <p>
* If this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0 no warnings
* will be returned. If not 0, the value must be smaller than the value
* of the pwdMaxAge attribute.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void expireWarning(String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy) {
try {
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
User user = UserTestData.getUser(usr);
long expireSecs = PolicyTestData.getExpireWarning(plcy);
long maxSecs = PolicyTestData.getMaxAge(plcy);
long elapsedWait = maxSecs - expireSecs;
String newPassword = UserTestData.getPassword(usr) + "a";
// because the password max age is so short, need to set new password, otherwise it will have already expired:
// now do the password change to start the clock ticking:
newPassword = UserTestData.getPassword(usr) + "b";
adminMgr.changePassword(user, newPassword);
Session s1 = accessMgr.createSession(user, false);
assertTrue(CLS_NM + ".expireWarning invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId(usr) + "]", s1.getExpirationSeconds() == 0);
// add one second for good measure:
s1 = accessMgr.createSession(user, false);
assertTrue(CLS_NM + ".expireWarning invalid error message 2 userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId(usr) + "]", (0 < s1.getExpirationSeconds()) && (s1.getExpirationSeconds() < maxSecs));
try {
accessMgr.createSession(user, false);
fail(CLS_NM + ".expireWarning name [" + PolicyTestData.getName(plcy) + "] user [" + UserTestData.getUserId(usr) + "] failed expired pw test");
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
assertTrue(CLS_NM + ".expireWarning invalid error message 3 userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId(usr) + "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_EXPIRED);
// still good
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error("expireWarning caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class PswdPolicyMgrImplTest method allowUserChange.
* PT12
* This attribute indicates whether users can change their own
* passwords, although the change operation is still subject to access
* control. If this attribute is not present, a value of "TRUE" is
* assumed. This attribute is intended to be used in the absense of an
* access control mechanism.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void allowUserChange(String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy) {
try {
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
User user = UserTestData.getUser(usr);
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy(user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName(plcy));
boolean allowChange = PolicyTestData.getAllowUserChange(plcy);
if (!allowChange) {
try {
// because allowchange flag is false, this better fail:
adminMgr.changePassword(user, "newPassword");
fail(CLS_NM + ".allowUserChange name [" + PolicyTestData.getName(plcy) + "] user [" + UserTestData.getUserId(usr) + "] failed allow change test flag=" + allowChange);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
assertTrue(CLS_NM + ".allowUserChange invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId(usr) + "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
// still good
} else {
// this better work:
adminMgr.changePassword(user, "newPassword");
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error("allowUserChange policy [" + PolicyTestData.getName(plcy) + "] caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);