use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class AccessMgrSample method testSessionPermissions.
* The sessionPermissions API is useful for GUI programs that need to cache all of the User's Permissions in the
* HTTP Session or application cache. This is useful when providing access control lists for menu items and other
* controls that sometimes need to check authorizations on. This API will return all permissions that are granted
* to User's activated Roles along with Permissions that have been granted directly to the User entity itself.
public static void testSessionPermissions() {
String szLocation = ".testSessionPermissions";
try {
// Instantiate the AccessMgr implementation.
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
// utility function will create an Fortress Session. The Session contains the user's activated
// roles along with other related attributes and status information (i.e. password status)
Session session = createSession(CreateUserSample.TEST_USERID, CreateUserSample.TEST_PASSWORD, accessMgr);
List<Permission> perms = accessMgr.sessionPermissions(session);
assertTrue(szLocation + " list check, expected: 5, actual:" + perms.size(), perms.size() == 5);
// iterate over expected permissions to make sure they are returned from sessionPermissions API.
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
// A Permission consists of an object name and operation name.
Permission checkPerm = new Permission(CreatePermSample.TEST_PERM_OBJECT, CreatePermSample.TEST_PERM_OPERATION_PREFIX + i);
boolean result = accessMgr.checkAccess(session, checkPerm);
assertTrue(szLocation, result); + " user [" + session.getUserId() + "] permission object [" + checkPerm.getObjName() + "] operation name [" + checkPerm.getOpName() + "] success");
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error(szLocation + " caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class CreatePermSample method testGrantPermissionUser.
* Fortress allows Permissions to be granted directly to User entities. Note this is not an RBAC specified
* capability but can otherwise be useful for certain circumstances.
public static void testGrantPermissionUser() {
String szLocation = ".testGrantPermissionUser";
User inUser = new User(CreateUserSample.TEST_USERID);
try {
// Instantiate the AdminMgr implementation which is used to provision RBAC policies.
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
// Iterate over perms...
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
// Permissions contain Object to Operation mapping and once created can then be targeted for assignment to User entities in ldap:
Permission inPerm = new Permission(TEST_PERM_OBJECT, TEST_PERM_OPERATION_PREFIX + i);
// This API add a 'oamUsers' attribute associated with User to the 'oamOperation' ldap object class:
adminMgr.grantPermission(inPerm, inUser); + " permission user [" + inUser.getUserId() + "] object [" + inPerm.getObjName() + "] operation name [" + inPerm.getOpName() + "] success");
// Instantiate the ReviewMgr implementation which is used to interrogate policy information.
ReviewMgr reviewMgr = ReviewMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
// Iterate over roles...
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
// now read the list of Permissions that have been granted to the test User:
List<Permission> assignedUserPerms = reviewMgr.userPermissions(inUser);
assertTrue(szLocation + " list check, expected: 5, actual:" + assignedUserPerms.size(), assignedUserPerms.size() == 5);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error(szLocation + " caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class CreatePermSample method testRevokePermissionRole.
* This test will remove the RBAC Role name associated with a particular Permission Operation node in ldap.
public static void testRevokePermissionRole() {
String szLocation = ".testRevokePermissionRole";
if (AllSamplesJUnitTest.isFirstRun()) {
try {
// Instantiate the AdminMgr implementation which is used to provision RBAC policies.
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
// Instantiate the ReviewMgr implementation which is used to interrogate policy information.
ReviewMgr reviewMgr = ReviewMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
// Iterate over roles...
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
Role inRole = new Role(CreateRoleSample.TEST_ROLE_PREFIX + i);
List<Permission> perms = reviewMgr.rolePermissions(inRole);
for (Permission perm : perms) {
// This API removes the 'oamRoles' attribute associated with Role from the 'oamOperation' ldap object class:
adminMgr.revokePermission(perm, inRole);
// Iterate to ensure all Operation entities no longer contain Role assignments (for test purposes only):
for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++) {
// Permissions contain Object to Operation mapping and once created can then be targeted for assignment to Role entities in ldap:
Permission inPerm = new Permission(TEST_PERM_OBJECT, TEST_PERM_OPERATION_PREFIX + j);
// now retrieve the list of Roles that are still assigned to perm. This should be a null list because of revocation performed above:
List<String> assignedRoles = reviewMgr.permissionRoles(inPerm);
assertTrue(assignedRoles.size() == 0); + " permission roles revocation check for object [" + inPerm.getObjName() + "] operation name [" + inPerm.getOpName() + "] revocation success");
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error(szLocation + " caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class CreatePermSample method testAddPermOperations.
* The Permission entity contains operation name along with any assigned Role and User entities. The Permission
* ldap node is located as child node of Permission Object node.
public static void testAddPermOperations() {
String szLocation = ".testAddPermOperations";
try {
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
// The Permission entity is associated with PermObj (name) entity and is uniquely identified by Operation name:
Permission inPerm = new Permission(TEST_PERM_OBJECT, TEST_PERM_OPERATION_PREFIX + i);
// The Permission entity will be a child node of specified PermObject entity.
// Instantiate the ReviewMgr implementation which is used to interrogate policy information.
ReviewMgr reviewMgr = ReviewMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
// now read the newly created Permission entity back.
Permission outPerm = reviewMgr.readPermission(inPerm);
// Do some validations.
assertTrue(szLocation + " failed permission check", outPerm.equals(inPerm)); + " permission object [" + outPerm.getObjName() + "] operation name [" + outPerm.getOpName() + "] success");
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
LOG.error(szLocation + " caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of in project directory-fortress-core by apache.
the class TestAccelerator method testCombinedCalls.
public void testCombinedCalls() {"testCombinedCalls...");
try {
AccelMgr accelMgr = AccelMgrFactory.createInstance(TestUtils.getContext());
Session session;
User user = new User();
// positive test case:
session = accelMgr.createSession(user, false);
// positive test case:
Permission perm = new Permission();
boolean result = accelMgr.checkAccess(session, perm);
// drop role1:
UserRole userRole = new UserRole(user.getUserId(), "rbacrole1");
accelMgr.dropActiveRole(session, userRole);
// this should return false:
result = accelMgr.checkAccess(session, perm);
// now add role1 back again:
userRole = new UserRole(user.getUserId(), "rbacrole1");
accelMgr.addActiveRole(session, userRole);
// this should return true:
result = accelMgr.checkAccess(session, perm);
} catch (SecurityException se) {