use of org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MajorType in project drill by apache.
the class PreparedStatementProvider method serializeColumn.
* Serialize the given {@link SerializedField} into a {@link ResultColumnMetadata}.
* @param field
* @return
private static ResultColumnMetadata serializeColumn(SerializedField field) {
final ResultColumnMetadata.Builder builder = ResultColumnMetadata.newBuilder();
final MajorType majorType = field.getMajorType();
final MinorType minorType = majorType.getMinorType();
* Defaults to "DRILL" as drill has as only one catalog.
* Designated column's schema name. Empty string if not applicable. Initial implementation defaults to empty string
* as we use LIMIT 0 queries to get the schema and schema info is lost. If we derive the schema from plan, we may
* get the right value.
* Designated column's table name. Not set if not applicable. Initial implementation defaults to empty string as
* we use LIMIT 0 queries to get the schema and table info is lost. If we derive the table from plan, we may get
* the right value.
* Column label name for display or print purposes.
* Ex. a column named "empName" might be labeled as "Employee Name".
* Initial implementation defaults to same value as column name.
* Data type in string format. Value is SQL standard type.
builder.setIsNullable(majorType.getMode() == DataMode.OPTIONAL);
* For numeric data, this is the maximum precision.
* For character data, this is the length in characters.
* For datetime data types, this is the length in characters of the String representation
* (assuming the maximum allowed precision of the fractional seconds component).
* For binary data, this is the length in bytes.
* For all other types 0 is returned where the column size is not applicable.
* Column's number of digits to right of the decimal point. 0 is returned for types where the scale is not applicable
* Indicates whether values in the designated column are signed numbers.
* Maximum number of characters required to display data from the column.
* Is the column an aliased column. Initial implementation defaults to true as we derive schema from LIMIT 0 query and
* not plan
* Returns the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances are manufactured if the method
* ResultSet.getObject is called to retrieve a value from the column. Applicable only to JDBC clients.
use of org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MajorType in project drill by apache.
the class KuduRecordReader method initCols.
private void initCols(Schema schema) throws SchemaChangeException {
ImmutableList.Builder<ProjectedColumnInfo> pciBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < schema.getColumnCount(); i++) {
ColumnSchema col = schema.getColumnByIndex(i);
final String name = col.getName();
final Type kuduType = col.getType();
MinorType minorType = TYPES.get(kuduType);
if (minorType == null) {
logger.warn("Ignoring column that is unsupported.", UserException.unsupportedError().message("A column you queried has a data type that is not currently supported by the Kudu storage plugin. " + "The column's name was %s and its Kudu data type was %s. ", name, kuduType.toString()).addContext("column Name", name).addContext("plugin", "kudu").build(logger));
MajorType majorType;
if (col.isNullable()) {
majorType = Types.optional(minorType);
} else {
majorType = Types.required(minorType);
MaterializedField field = MaterializedField.create(name, majorType);
final Class<? extends ValueVector> clazz = (Class<? extends ValueVector>) TypeHelper.getValueVectorClass(minorType, majorType.getMode());
ValueVector vector = output.addField(field, clazz);
ProjectedColumnInfo pci = new ProjectedColumnInfo();
pci.vv = vector;
pci.kuduColumn = col;
pci.index = i;
projectedCols =;
use of org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MajorType in project drill by apache.
the class JdbcRecordReader method setup.
public void setup(OperatorContext operatorContext, OutputMutator output) throws ExecutionSetupException {
try {
this.operatorContext = operatorContext;
connection = source.getConnection();
statement = connection.createStatement();
resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql);
final ResultSetMetaData meta = resultSet.getMetaData();
final int columns = meta.getColumnCount();
ImmutableList.Builder<ValueVector> vectorBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
ImmutableList.Builder<Copier<?>> copierBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
final String name = meta.getColumnLabel(i);
final int jdbcType = meta.getColumnType(i);
final int width = meta.getPrecision(i);
final int scale = meta.getScale(i);
MinorType minorType = JDBC_TYPE_MAPPINGS.get(jdbcType);
if (minorType == null) {
logger.warn("Ignoring column that is unsupported.", UserException.unsupportedError().message("A column you queried has a data type that is not currently supported by the JDBC storage plugin. " + "The column's name was %s and its JDBC data type was %s. ", name, nameFromType(jdbcType)).addContext("sql", sql).addContext("column Name", name).addContext("plugin", storagePluginName).build(logger));
final MajorType type = Types.optional(minorType);
final MaterializedField field = MaterializedField.create(name, type);
final Class<? extends ValueVector> clazz = (Class<? extends ValueVector>) TypeHelper.getValueVectorClass(minorType, type.getMode());
ValueVector vector = output.addField(field, clazz);
copierBuilder.add(getCopier(jdbcType, i, resultSet, vector));
vectors =;
copiers =;
} catch (SQLException | SchemaChangeException e) {
throw UserException.dataReadError(e).message("The JDBC storage plugin failed while trying setup the SQL query. ").addContext("sql", sql).addContext("plugin", storagePluginName).build(logger);
use of org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MajorType in project drill by apache.
the class PruneScanRule method doOnMatch.
protected void doOnMatch(RelOptRuleCall call, Filter filterRel, Project projectRel, TableScan scanRel) {
final String pruningClassName = getClass().getName();"Beginning partition pruning, pruning class: {}", pruningClassName);
Stopwatch totalPruningTime = Stopwatch.createStarted();
final PlannerSettings settings = PrelUtil.getPlannerSettings(call.getPlanner());
PartitionDescriptor descriptor = getPartitionDescriptor(settings, scanRel);
final BufferAllocator allocator = optimizerContext.getAllocator();
final Object selection = getDrillTable(scanRel).getSelection();
MetadataContext metaContext = null;
if (selection instanceof FormatSelection) {
metaContext = ((FormatSelection) selection).getSelection().getMetaContext();
RexNode condition = null;
if (projectRel == null) {
condition = filterRel.getCondition();
} else {
// get the filter as if it were below the projection.
condition = RelOptUtil.pushFilterPastProject(filterRel.getCondition(), projectRel);
RewriteAsBinaryOperators visitor = new RewriteAsBinaryOperators(true, filterRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder());
condition = condition.accept(visitor);
Map<Integer, String> fieldNameMap = Maps.newHashMap();
List<String> fieldNames = scanRel.getRowType().getFieldNames();
BitSet columnBitset = new BitSet();
BitSet partitionColumnBitSet = new BitSet();
Map<Integer, Integer> partitionMap = Maps.newHashMap();
int relColIndex = 0;
for (String field : fieldNames) {
final Integer partitionIndex = descriptor.getIdIfValid(field);
if (partitionIndex != null) {
fieldNameMap.put(partitionIndex, field);
// mapping between the relColIndex and partitionIndex
partitionMap.put(relColIndex, partitionIndex);
if (partitionColumnBitSet.isEmpty()) {"No partition columns are projected from the scan..continue. " + "Total pruning elapsed time: {} ms", totalPruningTime.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
setPruneStatus(metaContext, PruneStatus.NOT_PRUNED);
// stop watch to track how long we spend in different phases of pruning
Stopwatch miscTimer = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
// track how long we spend building the filter tree
FindPartitionConditions c = new FindPartitionConditions(columnBitset, filterRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder());
RexNode pruneCondition = c.getFinalCondition();
BitSet referencedDirsBitSet = c.getReferencedDirs();"Total elapsed time to build and analyze filter tree: {} ms", miscTimer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
if (pruneCondition == null) {"No conditions were found eligible for partition pruning." + "Total pruning elapsed time: {} ms", totalPruningTime.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
setPruneStatus(metaContext, PruneStatus.NOT_PRUNED);
// set up the partitions
List<PartitionLocation> newPartitions = Lists.newArrayList();
// total number of partitions
long numTotal = 0;
int batchIndex = 0;
PartitionLocation firstLocation = null;
LogicalExpression materializedExpr = null;
String[] spInfo = null;
int maxIndex = -1;
BitSet matchBitSet = new BitSet();
// Outer loop: iterate over a list of batches of PartitionLocations
for (List<PartitionLocation> partitions : descriptor) {
numTotal += partitions.size();
logger.debug("Evaluating partition pruning for batch {}", batchIndex);
if (batchIndex == 0) {
// save the first location in case everything is pruned
firstLocation = partitions.get(0);
final NullableBitVector output = new NullableBitVector(MaterializedField.create("", Types.optional(MinorType.BIT)), allocator);
final VectorContainer container = new VectorContainer();
try {
final ValueVector[] vectors = new ValueVector[descriptor.getMaxHierarchyLevel()];
for (int partitionColumnIndex : BitSets.toIter(partitionColumnBitSet)) {
SchemaPath column = SchemaPath.getSimplePath(fieldNameMap.get(partitionColumnIndex));
MajorType type = descriptor.getVectorType(column, settings);
MaterializedField field = MaterializedField.create(column.getAsUnescapedPath(), type);
ValueVector v = TypeHelper.getNewVector(field, allocator);
vectors[partitionColumnIndex] = v;
// track how long we spend populating partition column vectors
// populate partition vectors.
descriptor.populatePartitionVectors(vectors, partitions, partitionColumnBitSet, fieldNameMap);"Elapsed time to populate partitioning column vectors: {} ms within batchIndex: {}", miscTimer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), batchIndex);
// materialize the expression; only need to do this once
if (batchIndex == 0) {
materializedExpr = materializePruneExpr(pruneCondition, settings, scanRel, container);
if (materializedExpr == null) {
// continue without partition pruning; no need to log anything here since
// materializePruneExpr logs it already"Total pruning elapsed time: {} ms", totalPruningTime.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
setPruneStatus(metaContext, PruneStatus.NOT_PRUNED);
// start the timer to evaluate how long we spend in the interpreter evaluation
InterpreterEvaluator.evaluate(partitions.size(), optimizerContext, container, output, materializedExpr);"Elapsed time in interpreter evaluation: {} ms within batchIndex: {} with # of partitions : {}", miscTimer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), batchIndex, partitions.size());
int recordCount = 0;
int qualifiedCount = 0;
if (descriptor.supportsMetadataCachePruning() && partitions.get(0).isCompositePartition()) /* apply single partition check only for composite partitions */
// Inner loop: within each batch iterate over the PartitionLocations
for (PartitionLocation part : partitions) {
assert part.isCompositePartition();
if (!output.getAccessor().isNull(recordCount) && output.getAccessor().get(recordCount) == 1) {
// Rather than using the PartitionLocation, get the array of partition values for the directories that are
// referenced by the filter since we are not interested in directory references in other parts of the query.
Pair<String[], Integer> p = composePartition(referencedDirsBitSet, partitionMap, vectors, recordCount);
String[] parts = p.getLeft();
int tmpIndex = p.getRight();
maxIndex = Math.max(maxIndex, tmpIndex);
if (spInfo == null) {
// initialization
spInfo = parts;
for (int j = 0; j <= tmpIndex; j++) {
if (parts[j] != null) {
} else {
// compare the new partition with existing partition
for (int j = 0; j <= tmpIndex; j++) {
if (parts[j] == null || spInfo[j] == null) {
// nulls don't match
} else {
if (!parts[j].equals(spInfo[j])) {
} else {
// Inner loop: within each batch iterate over the PartitionLocations
for (PartitionLocation part : partitions) {
if (!output.getAccessor().isNull(recordCount) && output.getAccessor().get(recordCount) == 1) {
logger.debug("Within batch {}: total records: {}, qualified records: {}", batchIndex, recordCount, qualifiedCount);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Exception while trying to prune partition.", e);"Total pruning elapsed time: {} ms", totalPruningTime.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
setPruneStatus(metaContext, PruneStatus.NOT_PRUNED);
// continue without partition pruning
} finally {
if (output != null) {
try {
if (newPartitions.size() == numTotal) {"No partitions were eligible for pruning");
// handle the case all partitions are filtered out.
boolean canDropFilter = true;
boolean wasAllPartitionsPruned = false;
String cacheFileRoot = null;
if (newPartitions.isEmpty()) {
assert firstLocation != null;
// Add the first non-composite partition location, since execution requires schema.
// In such case, we should not drop filter.
canDropFilter = false;
// NOTE: with DRILL-4530, the PruneScanRule may be called with only a list of
// directories first and the non-composite partition location will still return
// directories, not files. So, additional processing is done depending on this flag
wasAllPartitionsPruned = true;"All {} partitions were pruned; added back a single partition to allow creating a schema", numTotal);
// set the cacheFileRoot appropriately
if (firstLocation.isCompositePartition()) {
cacheFileRoot = descriptor.getBaseTableLocation() + firstLocation.getCompositePartitionPath();
}"Pruned {} partitions down to {}", numTotal, newPartitions.size());
List<RexNode> conjuncts = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(condition);
List<RexNode> pruneConjuncts = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(pruneCondition);
RexNode newCondition = RexUtil.composeConjunction(filterRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder(), conjuncts, false);
RewriteCombineBinaryOperators reverseVisitor = new RewriteCombineBinaryOperators(true, filterRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder());
condition = condition.accept(reverseVisitor);
pruneCondition = pruneCondition.accept(reverseVisitor);
if (descriptor.supportsMetadataCachePruning() && !wasAllPartitionsPruned) {
// if metadata cache file could potentially be used, then assign a proper cacheFileRoot
int index = -1;
if (!matchBitSet.isEmpty()) {
String path = "";
index = matchBitSet.length() - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < matchBitSet.length(); j++) {
if (!matchBitSet.get(j)) {
// stop at the first index with no match and use the immediate
// previous index
index = j - 1;
for (int j = 0; j <= index; j++) {
path += "/" + spInfo[j];
cacheFileRoot = descriptor.getBaseTableLocation() + path;
if (index != maxIndex) {
// if multiple partitions are being selected, we should not drop the filter
// since we are reading the cache file at a parent/ancestor level
canDropFilter = false;
RelNode inputRel = descriptor.supportsMetadataCachePruning() ? descriptor.createTableScan(newPartitions, cacheFileRoot, wasAllPartitionsPruned, metaContext) : descriptor.createTableScan(newPartitions, wasAllPartitionsPruned);
if (projectRel != null) {
inputRel = projectRel.copy(projectRel.getTraitSet(), Collections.singletonList(inputRel));
if (newCondition.isAlwaysTrue() && canDropFilter) {
} else {
final RelNode newFilter = filterRel.copy(filterRel.getTraitSet(), Collections.singletonList(inputRel));
setPruneStatus(metaContext, PruneStatus.PRUNED);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Exception while using the pruned partitions.", e);
} finally {"Total pruning elapsed time: {} ms", totalPruningTime.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
use of org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MajorType in project drill by apache.
the class FunctionImplementationRegistry method functionReplacement.
* Checks if this function replacement is needed.
* @param functionCall function call
* @return new function name is replacement took place, otherwise original function name
private String functionReplacement(FunctionCall functionCall) {
String funcName = functionCall.getName();
if (functionCall.args.size() == 0) {
return funcName;
boolean castToNullableNumeric = optionManager != null && optionManager.getOption(ExecConstants.CAST_TO_NULLABLE_NUMERIC_OPTION);
if (!castToNullableNumeric) {
return funcName;
MajorType majorType = functionCall.args.get(0).getMajorType();
DataMode dataMode = majorType.getMode();
MinorType minorType = majorType.getMinorType();
if (CastFunctions.isReplacementNeeded(funcName, minorType)) {
funcName = CastFunctions.getReplacingCastFunction(funcName, dataMode, minorType);
return funcName;