use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.cost.DrillCostBase.DrillCostFactory in project drill by apache.
the class RowKeyJoinPrel method computeSelfCost.
public RelOptCost computeSelfCost(RelOptPlanner planner, RelMetadataQuery mq) {
if (PrelUtil.getSettings(getCluster()).useDefaultCosting()) {
return super.computeSelfCost(planner).multiplyBy(.1);
double rowCount = mq.getRowCount(this.getRight());
DrillCostFactory costFactory = (DrillCostFactory) planner.getCostFactory();
// it is not making any extra copy of either the left or right batches, so the memory cost is 0
return costFactory.makeCost(rowCount, 0, 0, 0, 0);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.cost.DrillCostBase.DrillCostFactory in project drill by apache.
the class NestedLoopJoinPrel method computeSelfCost.
public RelOptCost computeSelfCost(RelOptPlanner planner, RelMetadataQuery mq) {
if (PrelUtil.getSettings(getCluster()).useDefaultCosting()) {
return super.computeSelfCost(planner, mq).multiplyBy(.1);
double leftRowCount = mq.getRowCount(this.getLeft());
double rightRowCount = mq.getRowCount(this.getRight());
double nljFactor = PrelUtil.getSettings(getCluster()).getNestedLoopJoinFactor();
// cpu cost of evaluating each expression in join condition
int exprNum = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(getCondition()).size() + RelOptUtil.disjunctions(getCondition()).size();
double joinConditionCost = DrillCostBase.COMPARE_CPU_COST * exprNum;
double cpuCost = joinConditionCost * (leftRowCount * rightRowCount) * nljFactor;
DrillCostFactory costFactory = (DrillCostFactory) planner.getCostFactory();
return costFactory.makeCost(leftRowCount * rightRowCount, cpuCost, 0, 0, 0);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.cost.DrillCostBase.DrillCostFactory in project drill by apache.
the class MapRDBIndexDescriptor method getCost.
public RelOptCost getCost(IndexProperties indexProps, RelOptPlanner planner, int numProjectedFields, GroupScan primaryTableGroupScan) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(primaryTableGroupScan instanceof DbGroupScan);
DbGroupScan dbGroupScan = (DbGroupScan) primaryTableGroupScan;
DrillCostFactory costFactory = (DrillCostFactory) planner.getCostFactory();
double totalRows = indexProps.getTotalRows();
double leadRowCount = indexProps.getLeadingSelectivity() * totalRows;
double avgRowSize = indexProps.getAvgRowSize();
if (indexProps.isCovering()) {
// covering index
// int numIndexCols = allFields.size();
// for disk i/o, all index columns are going to be read into memory
double numBlocks = Math.ceil((leadRowCount * avgRowSize) / pluginCost.getBlockSize(primaryTableGroupScan));
double diskCost = numBlocks * pluginCost.getSequentialBlockReadCost(primaryTableGroupScan);
// cpu cost is cost of filter evaluation for the remainder condition
double cpuCost = 0.0;
if (indexProps.getTotalRemainderFilter() != null) {
cpuCost = leadRowCount * DrillCostBase.COMPARE_CPU_COST;
// TODO: add network cost once full table scan also considers network cost
double networkCost = 0.0;
return costFactory.makeCost(leadRowCount, cpuCost, diskCost, networkCost);
} else {
// non-covering index
// int numIndexCols = allFields.size();
double numBlocksIndex = Math.ceil((leadRowCount * avgRowSize) / pluginCost.getBlockSize(primaryTableGroupScan));
double diskCostIndex = numBlocksIndex * pluginCost.getSequentialBlockReadCost(primaryTableGroupScan);
// for the primary table join-back each row may belong to a different block, so in general num_blocks = num_rows;
// however, num_blocks cannot exceed the total number of blocks of the table
double totalBlocksPrimary = Math.ceil((dbGroupScan.getColumns().size() * pluginCost.getAverageColumnSize(primaryTableGroupScan) * totalRows) / pluginCost.getBlockSize(primaryTableGroupScan));
double diskBlocksPrimary = Math.min(totalBlocksPrimary, leadRowCount);
double diskCostPrimary = diskBlocksPrimary * pluginCost.getRandomBlockReadCost(primaryTableGroupScan);
double diskCostTotal = diskCostIndex + diskCostPrimary;
// cpu cost of remainder condition evaluation over the selected rows
double cpuCost = 0.0;
if (indexProps.getTotalRemainderFilter() != null) {
cpuCost = leadRowCount * DrillCostBase.COMPARE_CPU_COST;
// TODO: add network cost once full table scan also considers network cost
double networkCost = 0.0;
return costFactory.makeCost(leadRowCount, cpuCost, diskCostTotal, networkCost);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.cost.DrillCostBase.DrillCostFactory in project drill by apache.
the class DrillScreenRelBase method computeSelfCost.
public RelOptCost computeSelfCost(RelOptPlanner planner, RelMetadataQuery mq) {
if (PrelUtil.getSettings(getCluster()).useDefaultCosting()) {
return super.computeSelfCost(planner, mq).multiplyBy(.1);
// by default, assume cost is proportional to number of rows
double rowCount = mq.getRowCount(this);
DrillCostFactory costFactory = (DrillCostFactory) planner.getCostFactory();
return costFactory.makeCost(rowCount, rowCount, 0, 0).multiplyBy(0.1);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.planner.cost.DrillCostBase.DrillCostFactory in project drill by apache.
the class DrillFilterRelBase method computeSelfCost.
public RelOptCost computeSelfCost(RelOptPlanner planner, RelMetadataQuery mq) {
if (PrelUtil.getSettings(getCluster()).useDefaultCosting()) {
return super.computeSelfCost(planner, mq).multiplyBy(.1);
RelNode child = this.getInput();
double inputRows = mq.getRowCount(child);
double cpuCost = estimateCpuCost(mq);
DrillCostFactory costFactory = (DrillCostFactory) planner.getCostFactory();
return costFactory.makeCost(inputRows, cpuCost, 0, 0);