use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint in project drill by apache.
the class SystemTableScan method getOperatorAffinity.
* If distributed, the scan needs to happen on every node. Since width is enforced, the number of fragments equals
* number of Drillbits. And here we set, each endpoint as mandatory assignment required to ensure every
* Drillbit executes a fragment.
* @return the Drillbit endpoint affinities
public List<EndpointAffinity> getOperatorAffinity() {
if (table.isDistributed()) {
final List<EndpointAffinity> affinities = Lists.newArrayList();
final Collection<DrillbitEndpoint> bits = plugin.getContext().getBits();
final double affinityPerNode = 1d / bits.size();
for (final DrillbitEndpoint endpoint : bits) {
affinities.add(new EndpointAffinity(endpoint, affinityPerNode, true, /* maxWidth = */
return affinities;
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint in project drill by apache.
the class AssignmentCreator method getEndpointIterators.
* Groups minor fragments together by corresponding endpoint, and creates an iterator that can be used to evenly
* distribute work assigned to a given endpoint to all corresponding minor fragments evenly
* @return
private Map<DrillbitEndpoint, FragIteratorWrapper> getEndpointIterators() {
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
Map<DrillbitEndpoint, FragIteratorWrapper> map = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
Map<DrillbitEndpoint, List<Integer>> mmap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < incomingEndpoints.size(); i++) {
DrillbitEndpoint endpoint = incomingEndpoints.get(i);
List<Integer> intList = mmap.get(incomingEndpoints.get(i));
if (intList == null) {
intList = Lists.newArrayList();
mmap.put(endpoint, intList);
int totalMaxCount = 0;
for (DrillbitEndpoint endpoint : mmap.keySet()) {
FragIteratorWrapper wrapper = new FragIteratorWrapper();
wrapper.iter = Iterators.cycle(mmap.get(endpoint));
// To distribute the load among nodes equally, limit the maxCount per node.
int maxCount = (int) ((double) mmap.get(endpoint).size() / incomingEndpoints.size() * units.size());
wrapper.maxCount = Math.min(maxWork * mmap.get(endpoint).size(), maxCount);
totalMaxCount += wrapper.maxCount;
wrapper.minCount = Math.max(maxWork - 1, 1) * mmap.get(endpoint).size();
map.put(endpoint, wrapper);
// Take care of leftovers.
while (totalMaxCount < units.size()) {
for (Entry<DrillbitEndpoint, FragIteratorWrapper> entry : map.entrySet()) {
FragIteratorWrapper iteratorWrapper = entry.getValue();
if (totalMaxCount == units.size()) {
return map;
use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint in project drill by apache.
the class AssignmentCreator method getWorkList.
* Builds the list of WorkEndpointListPairs, which pair a work unit with a list of endpoints sorted by affinity
* @return the list of WorkEndpointListPairs
private LinkedList<WorkEndpointListPair<T>> getWorkList() {
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
LinkedList<WorkEndpointListPair<T>> workList = Lists.newLinkedList();
for (T work : units) {
List<Map.Entry<DrillbitEndpoint, Long>> entries = Lists.newArrayList();
for (ObjectLongCursor<DrillbitEndpoint> cursor : work.getByteMap()) {
final DrillbitEndpoint ep = cursor.key;
final Long val = cursor.value;
Map.Entry<DrillbitEndpoint, Long> entry = new Entry<DrillbitEndpoint, Long>() {
public DrillbitEndpoint getKey() {
return ep;
public Long getValue() {
return val;
public Long setValue(Long value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Collections.sort(entries, comparator);
List<DrillbitEndpoint> sortedEndpoints = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Entry<DrillbitEndpoint, Long> entry : entries) {
workList.add(new WorkEndpointListPair<T>(work, sortedEndpoints));
return workList;
use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint in project drill by apache.
the class BlockMapBuilder method buildEndpointMap.
* Builds a mapping of Drillbit endpoints to hostnames
private static ImmutableMap<String, DrillbitEndpoint> buildEndpointMap(Collection<DrillbitEndpoint> endpoints) {
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
HashMap<String, DrillbitEndpoint> endpointMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (DrillbitEndpoint d : endpoints) {
String hostName = d.getAddress();
endpointMap.put(hostName, d);
logger.debug("Took {} ms to build endpoint map", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(endpointMap);
use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint in project drill by apache.
the class DrillbitIterator method next.
public Object next() {
DrillbitEndpoint ep =;
DrillbitInstance i = new DrillbitInstance();
i.current = ep.equals(current);
i.hostname = ep.getAddress();
i.user_port = ep.getUserPort();
i.control_port = ep.getControlPort();
i.data_port = ep.getDataPort();
i.version = ep.getVersion();
return i;