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Example 16 with SerializedField

use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField in project drill by axbaretto.

the class RepeatedMapVector method getMetadata.

public SerializedField getMetadata() {
    SerializedField.Builder builder = getField().getAsBuilder().setBufferLength(getBufferSize()).setValueCount(accessor.getValueCount());
    for (final ValueVector child : getChildren()) {
Also used : ValueVector(org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector) SerializedField(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField)

Example 17 with SerializedField

use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField in project drill by apache.

the class AbstractRepeatedMapVector method load.

public void load(SerializedField metadata, DrillBuf buffer) {
    List<SerializedField> children = metadata.getChildList();
    SerializedField offsetField = children.get(0);
    offsets.load(offsetField, buffer);
    int bufOffset = offsetField.getBufferLength();
    for (int i = 1; i < children.size(); i++) {
        SerializedField child = children.get(i);
        MaterializedField fieldDef = MaterializedField.create(child);
        ValueVector vector = getChild(fieldDef.getName());
        if (vector == null) {
            // if we arrive here, we didn't have a matching vector.
            vector = BasicTypeHelper.getNewVector(fieldDef, allocator);
            putChild(fieldDef.getName(), vector);
        int vectorLength = child.getBufferLength();
        vector.load(child, buffer.slice(bufOffset, vectorLength));
        bufOffset += vectorLength;
    assert bufOffset == buffer.writerIndex();
Also used : ValueVector(org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector) SerializedField(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField) MaterializedField(org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField)

Example 18 with SerializedField

use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField in project drill by apache.

the class MergingRecordBatch method buildSchema.

public void buildSchema() {
    // find frag provider that has data to use to build schema, and put in tempBatchHolder for later use
    tempBatchHolder = new RawFragmentBatch[fragProviders.length];
    int i = 0;
    while (true) {
        if (i >= fragProviders.length) {
            state = BatchState.DONE;
        final RawFragmentBatch batch = getNext(i);
        if (batch == null) {
        if (batch.getHeader().getDef().getFieldCount() == 0) {
        tempBatchHolder[i] = batch;
        for (final SerializedField field : batch.getHeader().getDef().getFieldList()) {
            final ValueVector v = container.addOrGet(MaterializedField.create(field));
Also used : RawFragmentBatch(org.apache.drill.exec.record.RawFragmentBatch) ValueVector(org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector) SerializedField(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField) MinorFragmentEndpoint(org.apache.drill.exec.physical.MinorFragmentEndpoint)

Example 19 with SerializedField

use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField in project drill by apache.

the class RecordBatchLoader method load.

 * Load a record batch from a single buffer.
 * @param def
 *          The definition for the record batch.
 * @param buf
 *          The buffer that holds the data associated with the record batch.
 * @return Whether the schema changed since the previous load.
public boolean load(RecordBatchDef def, DrillBuf buf) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("Loading record batch with def {} and data {}", def, buf);
        logger.trace("Load, ThreadID: {}\n{}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), new StackTrace());
    valueCount = def.getRecordCount();
    boolean schemaChanged = schema == null;
    // Load vectors from the batch buffer, while tracking added and/or removed
    // vectors (relative to the previous call) in order to determine whether the
    // the schema has changed since the previous call.
    // Set up to recognize previous fields that no longer exist.
    Map<String, ValueVector> oldFields = CaseInsensitiveMap.newHashMap();
    for (VectorWrapper<?> wrapper : container) {
        ValueVector vector = wrapper.getValueVector();
        oldFields.put(vector.getField().getName(), vector);
    VectorContainer newVectors = new VectorContainer();
    try {
        List<SerializedField> fields = def.getFieldList();
        int bufOffset = 0;
        for (SerializedField field : fields) {
            MaterializedField fieldDef = MaterializedField.create(field);
            ValueVector vector = oldFields.remove(fieldDef.getName());
            if (vector == null) {
                // Field did not exist previously--is schema change.
                schemaChanged = true;
                vector = TypeHelper.getNewVector(fieldDef, allocator);
            } else if (!vector.getField().getType().equals(fieldDef.getType())) {
                // Field had different type before--is schema change.
                // clear previous vector
                schemaChanged = true;
                vector = TypeHelper.getNewVector(fieldDef, allocator);
            // If the field is a map or a dict, check if the schema changed.
            } else if ((vector.getField().getType().getMinorType() == MinorType.MAP || vector.getField().getType().getMinorType() == MinorType.DICT) && !isSameSchema(vector.getField().getChildren(), field.getChildList())) {
                // The schema changed. Discard the old one and create a new one.
                schemaChanged = true;
                vector = TypeHelper.getNewVector(fieldDef, allocator);
            // Load the vector.
            if (buf == null) {
                // field value alone is sufficient to load the vector
                if (vector instanceof UntypedNullVector) {
                    vector.load(field, null);
            // Schema only
            } else if (field.getValueCount() == 0) {
                AllocationHelper.allocate(vector, 0, 0, 0);
            } else {
                vector.load(field, buf.slice(bufOffset, field.getBufferLength()));
            bufOffset += field.getBufferLength();
        // rebuild the schema.
        SchemaBuilder builder = BatchSchema.newBuilder();
        for (VectorWrapper<?> v : newVectors) {
        schema =;
        container = newVectors;
    } catch (final Throwable cause) {
        // We have to clean up new vectors created here and pass over the actual cause.
        // It is upper layer who should adjudicate to call upper layer specific clean up logic.
        throw cause;
    } finally {
        if (!oldFields.isEmpty()) {
            schemaChanged = true;
            for (ValueVector vector : oldFields.values()) {
    return schemaChanged;
Also used : UntypedNullVector(org.apache.drill.exec.vector.UntypedNullVector) StackTrace(org.apache.drill.common.StackTrace) ValueVector(org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector) SerializedField(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField)

Example 20 with SerializedField

use of org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField in project drill by apache.

the class VectorAccessibleSerializable method readFromStreamWithContainer.

// Like above, only preserve the original container and list of value-vectors
public void readFromStreamWithContainer(VectorContainer myContainer, InputStream input) throws IOException {
    final VectorContainer container = new VectorContainer();
    final UserBitShared.RecordBatchDef batchDef = UserBitShared.RecordBatchDef.parseDelimitedFrom(input);
    recordCount = batchDef.getRecordCount();
    if (batchDef.hasCarriesTwoByteSelectionVector() && batchDef.getCarriesTwoByteSelectionVector()) {
        if (sv2 == null) {
            sv2 = new SelectionVector2(allocator);
        sv2.allocateNew(recordCount * SelectionVector2.RECORD_SIZE);
        sv2.getBuffer().setBytes(0, input, recordCount * SelectionVector2.RECORD_SIZE);
        svMode = BatchSchema.SelectionVectorMode.TWO_BYTE;
    final List<ValueVector> vectorList = Lists.newArrayList();
    final List<SerializedField> fieldList = batchDef.getFieldList();
    for (SerializedField metaData : fieldList) {
        final int dataLength = metaData.getBufferLength();
        final MaterializedField field = MaterializedField.create(metaData);
        final DrillBuf buf = allocator.buffer(dataLength);
        final ValueVector vector;
        try {
            buf.writeBytes(input, dataLength);
            vector = TypeHelper.getNewVector(field, allocator);
            vector.load(metaData, buf);
        } finally {
    // transfer the vectors
    // for debugging -- show values from the first row
    Object tmp0 = (myContainer).getValueAccessorById(NullableVarCharVector.class, 0).getValueVector();
    Object tmp1 = (myContainer).getValueAccessorById(NullableVarCharVector.class, 1).getValueVector();
    Object tmp2 = (myContainer).getValueAccessorById(NullableBigIntVector.class, 2).getValueVector();
    if (tmp0 != null && tmp1 != null && tmp2 != null) {
      NullableVarCharVector vv0 = ((NullableVarCharVector) tmp0);
      NullableVarCharVector vv1 = ((NullableVarCharVector) tmp1);
      NullableBigIntVector vv2 = ((NullableBigIntVector) tmp2);

      try {"HASH AGG: Got a row = {} , {} , {}", vv0.getAccessor().get(0), vv1.getAccessor().get(0), vv2.getAccessor().get(0));
      } catch (Exception e) {"HASH AGG: Got an exception = {}",e); }
    else {"HASH AGG: got nulls !!!"); }
    va = myContainer;
Also used : ValueVector(org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector) SerializedField(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField) RecordBatchDef(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.RecordBatchDef) SelectionVector2(org.apache.drill.exec.record.selection.SelectionVector2) MaterializedField(org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField) UserBitShared(org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared) VectorContainer(org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorContainer) DrillBuf(io.netty.buffer.DrillBuf)


SerializedField (org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.SerializedField)20 ValueVector (org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector)20 MaterializedField (org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField)9 DrillBuf (io.netty.buffer.DrillBuf)8 RecordBatchDef (org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.RecordBatchDef)4 VectorContainer (org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorContainer)4 StackTrace (org.apache.drill.common.StackTrace)2 MinorFragmentEndpoint (org.apache.drill.exec.physical.MinorFragmentEndpoint)2 UserBitShared (org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared)2 SelectionVectorMode (org.apache.drill.exec.record.BatchSchema.SelectionVectorMode)2 RawFragmentBatch (org.apache.drill.exec.record.RawFragmentBatch)2 SelectionVector2 (org.apache.drill.exec.record.selection.SelectionVector2)2 BaseValueVector (org.apache.drill.exec.vector.BaseValueVector)2 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 DrillRuntimeException (org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.DrillRuntimeException)1 UntypedNullVector (org.apache.drill.exec.vector.UntypedNullVector)1