use of in project drill by apache.
the class HiveMetadataProvider method splitInputWithUGI.
* Gets list of input splits based on table location.
* These input splits are grouped logically by file name
* if skip header / footer logic should be applied later on.
* @param properties table or partition properties
* @param sd storage descriptor
* @param partition hive partition
* @return list of logically grouped input splits
private List<LogicalInputSplit> splitInputWithUGI(final Properties properties, final StorageDescriptor sd, final Partition partition) {
try {
return ugi.doAs((PrivilegedExceptionAction<List<LogicalInputSplit>>) () -> {
final List<LogicalInputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<>();
final JobConf job = new JobConf(hiveConf);
HiveUtilities.addConfToJob(job, properties);
HiveUtilities.verifyAndAddTransactionalProperties(job, sd);
job.setInputFormat(HiveUtilities.getInputFormatClass(job, sd, hiveReadEntry.getTable()));
final Path path = new Path(sd.getLocation());
final FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(job);
if (fs.exists(path)) {
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
final InputFormat<?, ?> format = job.getInputFormat();
InputSplit[] inputSplits = format.getSplits(job, 1);
// we need to make sure that splits of the same file are grouped together
if (TextInputFormat.class.getCanonicalName().equals(sd.getInputFormat()) && HiveUtilities.hasHeaderOrFooter(hiveReadEntry.getTable())) {
Multimap<Path, FileSplit> inputSplitMultimap = transformFileSplits(inputSplits);
for (Collection<FileSplit> logicalInputSplit : inputSplitMultimap.asMap().values()) {
splits.add(new LogicalInputSplit(logicalInputSplit, partition));
} else {
for (final InputSplit split : inputSplits) {
splits.add(new LogicalInputSplit(split, partition));
return splits;
} catch (final InterruptedException | IOException e) {
final String errMsg = String.format("Failed to create input splits: %s", e.getMessage());
logger.error(errMsg, e);
throw new DrillRuntimeException(errMsg, e);
} finally {
logger.trace("Took {} µs to get splits from {}", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) / 1000, sd.getLocation());
use of in project drill by apache.
the class FileMetadataInfoCollector method init.
private void init(FormatSelection selection, PlannerSettings settings, Supplier<TableScan> tableScanSupplier, List<SchemaPath> interestingColumns, int segmentColumnsCount) throws IOException {
List<SchemaPath> metastoreInterestingColumns = Optional.ofNullable(basicRequests.interestingColumnsAndPartitionKeys(tableInfo).interestingColumns()).map(metastoreInterestingColumnNames ->;
Map<String, Long> filesNamesLastModifiedTime = basicRequests.filesLastModifiedTime(tableInfo, null, null);
List<String> newFiles = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> updatedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> removedFiles = new ArrayList<>(filesNamesLastModifiedTime.keySet());
List<String> allFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (FileStatus fileStatus : getFileStatuses(selection)) {
String path = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(fileStatus.getPath()).toUri().getPath();
Long lastModificationTime = filesNamesLastModifiedTime.get(path);
if (lastModificationTime == null) {
} else if (lastModificationTime < fileStatus.getModificationTime()) {
String selectionRoot = selection.getSelection().getSelectionRoot().toUri().getPath();
if (!Objects.equals(metastoreInterestingColumns, interestingColumns) && metastoreInterestingColumns != null && (interestingColumns == null || !metastoreInterestingColumns.containsAll(interestingColumns)) || TableStatisticsKind.ANALYZE_METADATA_LEVEL.getValue(basicRequests.tableMetadata(tableInfo)).compareTo(metadataLevel) != 0) {
// do not update table scan and lists of segments / files / row groups,
// metadata should be recalculated
tableScan = tableScanSupplier.get();
metadataToRemove.addAll(getMetadataInfoList(selectionRoot, removedFiles, MetadataType.SEGMENT, 0));
// checks whether there are no new, updated and removed files
if (!newFiles.isEmpty() || !updatedFiles.isEmpty() || !removedFiles.isEmpty()) {
List<String> scanFiles = new ArrayList<>(newFiles);
// updates scan to read updated / new files
tableScan = getTableScan(settings, tableScanSupplier.get(), scanFiles);
// iterates from the end;
// takes deepest updated segments;
// finds their parents:
// - fetches all segments for parent level;
// - filters segments to leave parents only;
// obtains all child segments;
// filters child segments for filtered parent segments
int lastSegmentIndex = segmentColumnsCount - 1;
List<String> scanAndRemovedFiles = new ArrayList<>(scanFiles);
// 1. Obtain files info for files from the same folder without removed files
// 2. Get segments for obtained files + segments for removed files
// 3. Get parent segments
// 4. Get other segments for the same parent segment
// 5. Remove segments which have only removed files (matched for removedFileInfo and don't match to filesInfo)
// 6. Do the same for parent segments
List<MetadataInfo> allFilesInfo = getMetadataInfoList(selectionRoot, allFiles, MetadataType.FILE, 0);
// first pass: collect updated segments even without files, they will be removed later
List<MetadataInfo> leafSegments = getMetadataInfoList(selectionRoot, scanAndRemovedFiles, MetadataType.SEGMENT, lastSegmentIndex);
List<MetadataInfo> removedFilesMetadata = getMetadataInfoList(selectionRoot, removedFiles, MetadataType.FILE, 0);
List<MetadataInfo> scanFilesInfo = getMetadataInfoList(selectionRoot, scanAndRemovedFiles, MetadataType.FILE, 0);
// files from scan + files from the same folder without removed files
filesInfo = -> -> MetadataIdentifierUtils.isMetadataKeyParent(parent.identifier(), child.identifier()))).flatMap(parent -> -> MetadataIdentifierUtils.isMetadataKeyParent(parent.identifier(), child.identifier()))).collect(Collectors.toList());
Multimap<Integer, MetadataInfo> allSegments = populateSegments(removedFiles, allFiles, selectionRoot, lastSegmentIndex, leafSegments, removedFilesMetadata);
List<MetadataInfo> allRowGroupsInfo = getAllRowGroupsMetadataInfos(allFiles);
rowGroupsInfo = -> -> MetadataIdentifierUtils.isMetadataKeyParent(parent, child.identifier()))).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<MetadataInfo> segmentsToUpdate = getMetadataInfoList(selectionRoot, scanAndRemovedFiles, MetadataType.SEGMENT, 0);
allMetaToHandle = Streams.concat(allSegments.values().stream(),, -> -> MetadataIdentifierUtils.isMetadataKeyParent(parent.identifier(), child.identifier()))).filter(parent -> -> MetadataIdentifierUtils.isMetadataKeyParent(parent.identifier(), child.identifier())) || -> MetadataIdentifierUtils.isMetadataKeyParent(parent.identifier(), child.identifier()))).collect(Collectors.toList());
// removed top-level segments are handled separately since their metadata is not overridden when producing writing to the Metastore
List<MetadataInfo> removedTopSegments = getMetadataInfoList(selectionRoot, removedFiles, MetadataType.SEGMENT, 0).stream().filter(parent -> -> MetadataIdentifierUtils.isMetadataKeyParent(parent.identifier(), child.identifier())) && -> MetadataIdentifierUtils.isMetadataKeyParent(parent.identifier(), child.identifier()))).collect(Collectors.toList());
metadataToRemove.addAll(removedTopSegments); -> !removedTopSegments.contains(segment)).forEach(allMetaToHandle::add);
} else {
// table metadata may still be actual
outdated = false;